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Week 11 [06.06 - 12.06] Wearable Technology

Wearable Technology are accessories incorporating computer and advanced electronic technologies.

The idea of Smart Watch and other miniature computers collectively called "wearables" have to go through a very long road. The story must start from Steve Mann. The American inventor, called by some the "father of wearables" began experimenting with portable computers at the beginning of the 80s. Mann wanted to create a portable, multi-purpose combine device, using the benefits of augmented reality technology. Of course, in those days it was not possible. The man, however, developed his ideas for decades, trying to build ever smaller and more functional equipment.


Mann is also behind the project called “Telepointer”, a special projector mounted on the wearer's chest. This idea was developed in the late twentieth century, at the prestigious MIT university. Then gained more features and a new name – “Sixthsense”, or "sixth sense". Sixthsense was a combination of the aforementioned projector with a camera. The camera followed the movements and interpreted gestures, while the projector was capable of displaying virtually on any surface.

From smart watches to headphones to eye-wear and more, wearable technology continues to be a growing product trend that companies like Samsung and Apple have tightly embraced. The growth in the wearables market is expected to increase 35% by 2019.

In Polish opinion poll results are much different than in United States. Interested in buying them are only 1.5 percent of respondents.
Keeping this in mind, what can consumers expect from wearable technology in the near future? Very simply, customers should look forward to some unexpected wearables that include everything from helping men who have fertility challenges to tracking sleep to helping fitness stay top of mind. 

Woman decided that old wearable tech 'look' is dead and they invented more woman friendly devices. Fashionable accessories in a range of sizes, styles and finishes. Screens, no screens, leather, semi-precious stones, 18k gold, nothing is too much for this new batch of stylish wearable technology.

  1. What is your opinion about Wearable Technology?
  2. Do you have any personal ideas of potential devices?
  3. What are your expectations for future devices?


  1. Wikipedia


I love wearable technology, because it is not only huge step in technology but also it makes our life easier. I know that for majority of people it is just another irrelevant gadget but for me it is something much more. I know so many applications, especially covering health monitoring, like stress level, heart rate, number of steps we made everyday of simply location. I hope that in nearest future people will understand the importance of wearable technology development and it requires a lot of work. We see how many years took to have so many apps on our mobile phones, and we need the same amount of time to create apps for wearables gadgets.
Marcin Konarski said…
I like your point of view. People don’t see yet the potential of those devises. But as we see in startups and in technological environment people work on development and popularise the devices. Soon they will be cheap and easy to get everywhere.
Unknown said…
I am still not sure whether I really need wearable or not. At this point I am rather interested in augmented reality googles than with smartwatches. Problem is that I would like to buy device that would later offer enough software to be useful, and now, all of available devices are rather showcasing. I think in few years we can expect a device that would provide all necessary functions while being affordable and stylish. Because if you are to buy piece of 'clothing' for something between 1000 and 2000 PLN, it has to be stylish.
I think that the wearable technologies will be the future. They will make our live simplier and more comfortable. But for now their functionality leave a lot to be desired. There is so much work to do.
Marcin Konarski said…
You are right, we are still at the moment where we don't have enough software and applications to really enjoy and use smartwatches. Maybe in some time we will be offered more and it will be easier to be convinced about buying it. Prices are still pretty high and it is hard to estimate is the price adequate to device functions.
Marcin Konarski said…
Of course when we will introduce more technology in out everyday life it will be more useful. I see huge potential in intelligent houses and then using smartwatch to open your window or door.
I don't really like wearing accessories, so wearable technology is not for me. I wouldn't also say it is the future when it comes to daily lives, because it's not as practical as some people think it is. Wearable technology shines in professional enviroments like the military or hospitals and I would say the future of it lies there. Future devices targeted towards everyone will have more fancy designs and offer more services, but I don't think they will become as popular as smartphones for example.
Marcin Konarski said…
I think that people will like more technology in their's life. As we might be surprised everyone have smartphone nowadays and in some time there will be more technology in our homes, so I guess also wearable technology will become popular.
Unknown said…
I'm not type of gadget person but I love portable technology for example light laptop which I could put easily into my bag and it will weigh as much as when I insert a book :) I like to look normal watch but smartwatch is great invention, we could have on hand a small computer. On the one hand, portable technology allows us to easily move but on the other hand the excess of technology can lead to that we will be more lazy. I hope in the future we won't be too addicted of all those gadgets. All things are to facilitate our lives but not to deprive the function of thinking and unfortunately we can observe these symptoms in many people. I think that sometimes we too depend on technology.
Unknown said…
I've never had any of those, probably because I've never felt such a need. I'm just used to using smartphone for most of common purposes like tracking your running time and distance. The one tempting for me is smart watch, I like it's esthetics and fact that besides being small computer it's still watch, always hanging on your hand.

Sad thing is that smart gadgets are slowly taking over humans personal lifes. Ways of communication between people become maximally simplified, limited to short messages. At the same time it's much easier to share information on each and every aspect of your life and people abuse it.
Unknown said…
I really like to use some technology gadgets but I've never tried any of this gadgets.

Nowadays we all use technology like mobile phones and laptops everywhere. It's important to stay 'connect' not only at work/school, but it's also an easy way to communicate with our friends and family.

I think it's amazing that people have so many ideas and technology develops so fast.

We also need to stop sometimes and concentrate on real personal contact with other people, i think we sometimes talk more with friends online than in real life...
Unknown said…
I'm not a big fan of today's wearables, but I believe this type of gadgets will evolve into something bigger and I imagine that at some point they won't be seen as gadgets anymore. They will become a standard. But right now their functionality is pretty restricted and this doesn't appeal to me.
Unknown said…
I dont really need a wearable, as well I dont need a new fancy iPhone. I guess its personal prefrence. I dont carry a watch on me as well, so theres not much I can say about that topic.
Unknown said…
In my opinion wearable technology is another interesting idea to increase human needs and demand. For me phone and computer are sufficient technical accessories. Of course I would like to have iWatch or Oculus if I have it for free. I don't want to spend my money for this kind of gadget beacause for me they are unnecessary.

Unknown said…
Wearables got pretty usefull funcionalities, that's what makes them desirable things for everybody. In the near future I'm going to buy some smartwatch. I really like that some of them includes pulsometer. If you download the appropriate application, it can really help You to take care of yourself. I'm not really sure what to expect in the future. The technology is improving so fast nowadays, that We can even expect small wearable computers. But still I'm not really sure if We need that kind of equipment.
Unknown said…
I might be a bit old-fashioned but I’m not really taken by the current wearables, especially the smartwatches. It might be simply they’ve a long way to go before they become as functional as I’d like but at the moment they seem too restricted as electronic devices. However, I realise there are people who absolutely adore all sorts of gadgets and have to possess all the technological novelties as soon as they appear on the market. At the moment, I’m sticking with my mobile (even though work makes me treat it as a computer most of the time :()

I personaly do not use ay wearables but I think that they may be a great addition to the technology we already have in our pockets such as a smartphone.
I have a couple of ideas but they will stay in my head for now ;)
I expect everything to be integrated with a smartphone or conected to the internet in some form or another. And personally I think it is awesome.
Unknown said…
The thing with wearables is that I don't NEED those gadgets. They're pretty fancy, kinda cool, but for now they don't offer anything "must have". I only decided to get a wrist band with a pedometer - it's cheap and does its job and apart from that smart watcher don't offer any functionalities that I'm interested in. Eye wear on the other hand I can't even try as a person kind of sentenced to wearing glasses.
Having said that I still do believe that there's a bright future ahead. With some work bet something awesome and irreplaceable can be achieved.
What is your opinion about Wearable Technology?
Do you have any personal ideas of potential devices?
What are your expectations for future devices?
Pat said…
I don't own any piece of wearable technology. I think that it does have some potential - especially the medical uses mentioned by Cezary. However, I think that nowadays the price of the gadgets is too high - especially that most of them have really unimportant functions (apps fot smartwatches, etc.). I think it's great for people with some health problems, though.

I really like the last photo from your presentation - looks really elegant!
Marcin Konarski said…
I understand that people are not so interested in them, because they did not have a chance to even try it. That's true that sometimes we depend too much on technology and then when something does not work we are in troubles.
Moode said…
In my opinion the idea behind wearable technology is great, it’s not necessary but it’s useful to have it, simply when doing sports thanks to my smart watch I can keep track of my results and compare after each day, month and year. I can see if my results are better when I train in the morning or in the evening. If I had an idea of such potential device, I wouldn’t share it here because these so called “ideas” are worth millions. It’s hard to expect anything because our knowledge for technology grows so quickly it’s hard to follow.
Marcin Konarski said…
If we never try smartphones we would also think that we don't need them. For me using them is just handy, of course we can live without that. Of course what you said is not only because the gadgets but mainly because the internet.
Marcin Konarski said…
Of course this take us far from reality, and sadly I don;t think this will change. There is huge problem with communication between people, we use robots and machines at work and we will not use people to interact with them.
Marcin Konarski said…
That's true, as all other technology hardware it will became standard and people will know about them.
Marcin Konarski said…
Of course everyone have different taste and different needs thats understandable.

A few years ago, I was surprised the people bearing the smart watch - I thought that it is completely useless. Now I changed my mind. I think Wearable Technology will be increasingly appreciated by society. It makes life easier in many areas - why not use this. I think that in the future most people will have a gadget of this type.
Marcin Konarski said…
That's true there was demand for such solution so it was produced. Soon they will be cheaper and easier to get.
Marcin Konarski said…
Pulsometer is also the most important function for me, especially during workouts and in everyday measures of my health like blood pressure and stress level. There are application that will follow the numbers and will explain me what happened with my organism.
Marcin Konarski said…
I understand your point of view, and appreciate your honesty. Of course I also like those old-fashion watches and sometimes leaving my phone and all the technology behind. But during my work I really like them because they help me with so many things.
Marcin Konarski said…
That's true and this is the idea how the devices are working, everything is synchronised and easy to access. That's the beauty of it.
Marcin Konarski said…
I see you don't like gadgets :) Of course this is your opinion and everyone have a different one. I think that the technology will be developed and you might change your mind soon :)
My list of wearables is quite long:) As a kid, I used to have an electronic watch, a walkman and later a discman. And of course a TAMAGOTCHI! I have had a cell phone since primary school. Now I have a smartphone, a Kindle and a vivofit wristband. I used to carry a tablet with me, but I don't anymore. I think such technology is very useful and people are more and more dependant from it. Sometimes when I don't have my Kindle with me and my phone battery is dead I don't know what to do with the time that I spend in a train home. I don't think that iWatch is something very necessary as it is a copy of the information you have in your phone that is in your pocket. It is kind of lazy for me. In my opinion wearables are going to get more and more popular and eventually we will be able to control almost every aspect of our life using a device that we have on us at all times.
Speaking of technology that has an impact our lives, I highly recommend watching a British TV series Black Mirror. I am almost sure that everyone here knows about it, but for those who don't - it depicts a grim vision of our future influenced by modern technology.
I also wanted to share a new Polish wearable invention - Firefly t-shirt (sorry, I couldn't find an English article). This is a t-shirt that has some diodes sewn in the back and it shows turn signals and has some other functions.
Marcin Konarski said…
I don't own it either. Prices are really terrible even second-hand gadgets are terribly expensive. Thank you I appreciate that you like it.
Marcin Konarski said…
Especially for elderly people this is very handy when it can alarm contact person and inform about health situation. That is crucial during emergencies. We don't know about so many projects that are already at development stage.
Marcin Konarski said…
That's good that you changed your mind and that technology convinced you. They will notice change in their's life and they will like it.
Marcin Konarski said…
Your collection is quite impressive. When the phone battery is dead our world ends... I know how it is and this is the worst thing ever, especially when I need to communicate, check timetable or I just want to listen a music. That's interesting that's for sharing something new with us.
Svitlana Bilan said…
Well, I like all these wearable devices and personally have one smart watch. I'd say that since this gadget appeared in my life
I've never regretted. One of the most important feature for me is an ability to turn off all sounds on my phone. I don't know why, but I don't like turned on ringtones and even vibration mode(cause it is also very loud) in my phone, so wearing smart watch allows me to turn off all sounds and instead of this receive all notifications on my watch by feeling low vibrations on my arm. It is also a good feature when you don't love loud alarms.
Besides that there are a lot of interesting functions and possibilities that make our life more convenient.
Unknown said…
Wearable Technology is the sign of the times for me. These times people keep their smartphones, tablets, computers their self all the time. I can say that technology is the piece of our life. We don't imagine. I really like smart watch. It helps us when we want to live fit -measures the pulse, calories burned.
Unknown said…
Well I don't own any of those gadgets and I'm not a fan of them. I'm sure these small devices make life easier for a lot of people but right now I'm not interested in them. I like that my phone is becoming more and more useful (fast internet, watching video, music, notes, alarms and tons of other applications) but stuff like let's say applewatch really don't do it for me. Maybe it's the design but I prefer more classic watches. I don't want to wear something I don't really like looking at on my wrist.
Unknown said…
Well I don't own any of those gadgets and I'm not a fan of them. I'm sure these small devices make life easier for a lot of people but right now I'm not interested in them. I like that my phone is becoming more and more useful (fast internet, watching video, music, notes, alarms and tons of other applications) but stuff like let's say applewatch really don't do it for me. Maybe it's the design but I prefer more classic watches. I don't want to wear something I don't really like looking at on my wrist.
Marcin Konarski said…
That is what I also like. I prefer silence mode, and having just visible notifications about upcoming phone call or text message, it helps me with focusing on my work and not being disturbed with thousands of notifications on my phone. It has another good feature which is reading text messages, I don't have to unlock anything and it takes only few seconds.
Marcin Konarski said…
Of course this is important examples of features offered by smartwatches, but it is just a small part of it.
Marcin Konarski said…
Of course it is something new and when it changes our standard imagination about things like watches it become little uncomfortable for us. But there will be more and more such things, technology will be included in all devices and after some time we will be happy about that.
Marcin Konarski said…
Of course it is something new and when it changes our standard imagination about things like watches it become little uncomfortable for us. But there will be more and more such things, technology will be included in all devices and after some time we will be happy about that.
Unknown said…
- What is your opinion about Wearable Technology?

Yeah it is just simply what you have said - computerized accessories which we can wear and i think that smart watches and google glass are right now the easiest and best examples of that new wave of high-tech development.

2. Do you have any personal ideas of potential devices?

Nah, i am a little bit old school in terms of device usage 😀 i only use smartphone and laptop, but my watch is Ye Olde Good Digital CASIO

- What are your expectations for future devices?

I guess we will be computerized and smartphonized in every aspect of our lives. Cooking, laundry or even going to toiled will be accompanied by computer devices - simply because it is easier and faster that way.

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