(source: http://img.youtube.com/vi/-vnB16E36EQ/0.jpg)
This year Finland will become the first country in the world, which will guarantee the unconditional basic income. What’s that ? Unconditional basic income(sometimes called basic income guarantee) is some amount of money financed by a country and transferred to every citizen as an addition to any income received from elsewhere. Finland is going to set basic income at 800€. That sum won’t be taxed, so it’s just net income. Just to compare – in Poland an average salary was about 900€ before taxes and 600€ net.
Let’s think about advantages of unconditional basic income. Politicians from the left-side believe that basic income will completely eliminate the problem of poverty. The other advantage of such a solution is lowering bureaucracy and number of officials, who take care of the system. Basic income is intended to replace all other benefits, so it should make the whole social system clearer and simple.
On the other hand, basic income has many opponents. Their main argument is the opinion that such a benefit will discourage people from working. That will cause many new problems, like lack of money in the country’s budget, same in the pension system. For me, the biggest disadvantage of such a solution is different.
Justice is one of the most important values in our life. Why people who are working really hard and efficiently should pay huge taxes for the system, which distributes money to the people who simply don’t want to work, because they get enough money from the country for free.
What’s your opinion about unconditional basic income ? Do you think that it could support the Polish economy, or rather completely destroy it ? Based on the results of polls about program 500+ - can you imagine a situation, when Polish voters are against basic income ? I’m waiting for your opinions about that subjects.
- Wikipedia
- http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/finland-to-consider-introducing-universal-basic-income-in-2017-a6963321.html
Still, I'm curious how it will turn out for Finland. The Scandinavian culture seems so different from the European and the American; maybe they really can pull this off without bankrupting the country.
I'm inclined to think a balance is possible to achieve, but it requires a specific mentality, which not many nations have.
About my calculations. I took data from:
Then I multiplied basic income by amount of citizens and 12. This made 53bn Euro. Then I took monthly fiscal expenditure and multiplied it by 12, which made 52bn Euro. Correct me if I am wrong.
When it comes to Poland, both basic income and 500+ are terrible ideas that really bring down our economy. In the EU we are perceived as hardworking and that's because there is no point in being unemployed or employed in a low-income field your whole life here. That's extremely beneficial and relative success of our economy is in a big part a product of our lack of social economic policies (compared to other countries). In our case the wilder our capitalism, the better ;) (to a certain extent obviously)
I'm not sure, but I think that your position in this in this case is righ.
Everyone should get so much as far as he earned.
As Aleksandra said, it's very similar to Polish 500+ program - people who receive the money are happy, but most of them don't realise that the money they get comes from taxes. From the government's point of view, it's a very clever idea - you take money away from the citizens, then you give some of it back, and suddenly everyone adores you for being 'generous'.