About speedball
Speedball is one of the three distinct game variants in the sport of paintball, woodsball and scenario paintball. The game is characterized by a small rectangular playing field, with obstacles (inflatable bunkers). Unlike in woodsball, being stealth and quiet is of little use. Success is dependent upon teamwork, aggressive movement, and constant communication.
Source: http://takedown.clant2k.com/nrg/fields/boston/Boston-Field-1.jpg
In a typical 5v5 game there are roles assigned to each player: 2 players are located at the 10 yard line and their role is to provide suppressive fire and call enemy positions (since they have a better overview of the field), there is 1 player whose role is to rush "snake" (top middle row of obstacles) and 2 more players who keep close angles around the 30-40th yard line.
Because of the small size, generally less than 20,000 square feet(1 858 m2) of the field, proper positioning combined with restricting enemy movement is a key element of every speedball tactic. Generally speaking, a team which is able to communicate better and suppress their opponents is the team with a greater advantage. Typically the number of shots fired by each player is significantly higher than in woodsball games (around 1000 balls per one round).
Source: http://nelsonndhs.org/2015_fall_per3/paintball/images/speedball.jpg
Speedball is played in a 5v5 or 7v7 (also rarely 3v3) format typically on a turf or grass field. There are two major leagues in USA (NPPL and PSP) , each having their own format and rules. In Europe there are 2 major leagues Millenium(focused on western Europe) and Centurio(mid-eastern Europe), they both got similar rules to their American counterparts.
Speedball leagues vary in a manner which team scores a point. In some leagues players have to survive the whole round, capture their enemy’s flag and bring it back to their own base. However , in other leagues (for instance in PSP) players race to the middle of the field and capture the flag and score a point every time they hang it on the opposing team's start box. Teams can play up to a certain number of points, or to a set time limit.
Source: http://elginpk.com/worsley1314_1/militzer/play%208.jpg
Each team member is equipped with a paintball gun(marker) designed solely for speedball use. They are more durable and capable of shooting faster than normal (guns dedicated to be played in woodsball and scenario paintball). They shoot max. 30-35 balls per second, however most leagues force players to cap their guns at 10-11 balls per second. If a player is found cheating the referee can ban him from the current game. Most common cheating technique is not getting off the field after you have been hit, or wiping the hit.
Source: http://www.reddotpaintball.com/files/934302/uploaded/Teal%20Dust%20Brown%20Dust.jpeg
Players also carry gas tanks with compressed air, which are attached to the bottom of the gun, loaders which are mounted on top of the marker, spare ammo on their backs in special containers called "FatBoys", and of course protective gear such as mask and knee pads. Professional players don't use any other form of protection as it restricts their movement, which is crucial in this game.
Here you can see aftermovie from PSP Dallas in 2015 (mind the foul language at the beginning :) )
I hope you enjoyed my little presentation about my favorite sport which I have played since 2009. If you have any questions, ask them in comments, meanwhile I have some questions for you.
Have you ever played paintball? If yes, how did you like it.
Would you like to attend a tournament as a spectator or maybe as a player?
What is your favorite extreme sport?
Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedball_(paintball)
I have never played paintball but I wish I try one day. I know that there is a standard one with balls and the laser version. I think that is a cool sport for people who like to shoot and like to move. It is not like shooting at a shooting range where I stand still and do not have enemies. It certainly develops a sense of being at war. It is fun to be with a close-knit team and have some sort of game tactics. I know it is easy to have bruises after the game and clothes are not easy to wash.
I really really like many kinds of paintball.
Wow, can you play it?! Great.
Unfortunatelly I have never played in paintball and I'm angry that I haven't played. I think that it is still before me.
Of course that I would like to attend a tournament as a player.
My favourite extremal sport is when I play with my sister's son :) It is more extremal than every paintball ;)
Maybe I will try it someday but I not a fan.
I don't have favourite extremal sport but I always wanted to try to jump with parachute.
To be honest, I think I'd be more eager to try lasertag. Even though I like the idea of paintball / speedball, I get bruised so easily that I'd be all purple from the balls. :) I remember my dad coming home from paintball matches with GIANT bruises even though he wore several layers of clothes - I think bruising is genetic in my family. :)
Seriously speaking, I have nothing against paintball in general, but reading through all that tactical talk makes my head spin.
YES! I loved it! I love the suspense, the childs play in it and the action when you shoot yourselves! I played it 3 or 4 times in my life, but i would love to do it more often! Actually i think it is a really good idea for a active and entertaining hobby :)
- Would you like to attend a tournament as a spectator or maybe as a player?
Well, if I felt i was good enough to do it - sure! But i think i would still see it as a fun time - no real competition.
- What is your favorite extreme sport?
Windsurfing - i do it for years, i have an instructor license and it is one of most beautiful things i have done in my life - you feel like a free spirit when planning on the water and you can really calm your mind and think only about the moment you are in.