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Week 11 (11.01-17.01.2016) Partying safely for all ages!

Today I’d like to talk to you about drugs. I want to do it in a different manner than you are probably used to though - I’m not going to tell you that drugs are bad and you shouldn’t be doing them, instead I will try to tell you the most important things to keep in mind while tripping – things I believe everyone should know in modern society, because even if you are not interested in using them yourself, you can be fairly certain that there are lots of people around you in every single club doing them each night, and this knowledge might just save someone – including your close friends – from having a so-called “bad trip”. Or worse.

Let me make one thing straight before we begin - by no means I want to encourage anyone to do drugs. I am not going to discourage you either though, because I do believe that we are all old and mature enough to make such decisions ourselves and we should focus on facts instead – it is more important today than it ever was that we broaden our knowledge regarding this subject and I would like you to do just that.

I’m going to talk only about the most common substances that are used widely everywhere in the world, but I will also post some links to reliable resources and trustworthy sites that I recommend reading on your own.



One of the most popular drugs today. MDMA is everywhere and I’m willing to bet there are at least a couple people rolling each night in every club in the city you go to. Well, first and the most important thing - STAY HYDRATED. Drink a lot of water, please be don’t be afraid to spend a lot of cash on water in the club and actually prepare to do exactly that.

Don’t redose even if you feel like it’s not working. It’s common for MDMA to hit after more than an hour so just wait patiently and have fun in the meantime. If you can’t feel anything, it won’t change no matter how much you take so just don’t do it.

Clean MDMA is relatively safe, the problem is that it usually gets cut with other stuff like amphetamine and meth for instance. Make sure to test it! I can’t stress this enough and please do some reading about test kits. Another thing to remember is that MDMA depletes your brain serotonin level and you are going to feel down after it fades. If it falls down to zero you are going to understand the feeling of depression. This may take up to 2 days but no matter how bad you feel it will come back to normal sooner than you think and there’s really no reason to worry about it – just eat a bar of chocolate or two and everything will be fine. If you take too much, there’s a chance you will not be able to sleep for the next day or two. That’s also nothing to worry about so stay cool and just get busy with something.

Those are all extreme examples but being aware of them may help. And no matter how you feel about it please restrain from using MDMA more than once every 3 months – just let your brain rest a little and focus on other things. This way you won’t build tolerance and you should be completely safe from any neurotoxicity. 


LSD (good practices here are shared with other psychedelics, such as shrooms for example)

Make sure you are in a good mood and in an environment you feel comfortable in. Any feeling you have will be accentuated and because of that, negative emotions may quickly become overwhelming if you focus your mind on them. Same with anxiety (although it depends on a person). So the best thing you can do is make sure there’s nothing bothering you and if you start feeling anxious about anything, just try to stop thinking about it and focus on something else – it shouldn’t be too hard.

It is said that Xanax (the prescription drug) kills any bad trip in case it happens, so it might be a good idea to keep it around if possible. I would be careful about that though, because benzodiazepines in general are said to be much more dangerous and addictive than acid itself, and unless you took an insane amount, shouldn’t be really necessary. It’s definitely worth knowing and keeping in mind though.

In case of all psychedelics a good practice could be to have a so-called “trip sitter” – a trustworthy and sober (!) person who knows what is going on, but won’t get in the way and might help you feel comfortable in case of bad thoughts.


Heroin, well… Heroin is kind of different. And instead of telling you how to keep safe while taking heroin, I would like you to watch a short clip (about 3 minutes, don't worry) – a video about what it feels like to do heroin.

So there’s that. As usual, the decision is yours.

That’s it for today because the post has already gotten much longer than I originally intended. If you would like to learn more, there are a couple sites I can definitely recommend:


First choice and the biggest, oldest and most trusted drug-related knowledge base. And for a good reason – there’s literally everything you could think of, from scientific papers and test results, FAQs, do’s and don’ts, dosage information, all the way to literally thousands of user trip reports about pretty much every single drug imaginable, sorted by categories such as first time experiences, combinations, bad trips and addiction and habituation. A great read really, and I wish this website was much more widely known. -

Reddit is great because it allows anonymous discussion, and on the /r/Drugs subreddit there are series of FAQs with a lot of different opinions and experiences. I also recommend reading through those, but have enough common sense not to blindly trust everything you read on the internet though.

TripSit -

A great website about harm reduction with “Immediate Assistance” live chat available – another great resource everyone should be aware about. There are also lots of useful guides about dealing with addiction, overdoes and other important things you might encounter.


I understand that the whole article is very informative but I don’t know how to comment it. In general I don’t agree that drugs are taken in every club. I visited multiple times places and I never experienced even doubt about safety. Perhaps this is an article about the clubs where it is a common phenomenon. I heard about such places when I was in high school and actually I heard rumors that you should avoid even the neighborhoods of certain places. I took it as ridiculous information because I do not think that in the centre of capital city there is so many people dealing with illegal substances. Of course going to places with bed reputation we must reckon with the possibility of finding in our drinks such substances, but we are grown people and we know that such places must be avoided.
Tomasz Wojda said…
great tutorial for saturday :) thanks! there are few quite famous missing but still i find this usefull. Great video showing heroin addiction.
Unknown said…
You're right I'm not interesting in use of it. I hope, that I wouldn't use this knowledge in the future. Exam's time will come. Do people use MDMA when they don't sleep many night? When they have exams, etc?
I've remembered: Do you know?
Thanks for the interesting links.
I think that my the fastest drug is and will be coffe :D Two cups of coffe per day and I feel good, but when I ignore one cup of coffe I have a trouble- I have headache. I'm addicted to coffe.. Uhhh :P
Unknown said…
In my opinion every addiction is bad because it limits us. I never wanted to try drugs and still don't want it, even the cigarettes I think it is a terrible addiction. Ok, I love coffee too and I can't imagine a day without a cup of coffee (or several). I'm not addicted to stimulation by caffeine (coffee doesn't work for me for a long time), but I love the taste of coffee :) Even if the drugs would help me learn I woludn't decided to take them. I prefer to be tired and sleepy but achieve anything without booster. To have fun also I don't need it.
Unknown said…
In my opinion, every addiction is the result of human weakness. This very interesting article. Personally I wouldn't want to check my behavior after drugs and I wouldn't want to check others behavior after it. I'm afraid of kind of adrenaline.
Anyway thanks for the interesting links!
Unknown said…
I think every addiction is a really big problem, when you need to take something to feel good, or when it's so much more important than anything else, even your family or friends, but there is a lot of people that use for example weed, nicotine or even coffee without beeing an addict, i think it depends of what you wanna try, if you want to take heroine its for sure that you gonna be an addict and you destroy your life...
Aleksander M said…
I think you either missed a point or you simply lack enough experience to be able to tell the difference - and to spot recreational users by the way. The drug usage we are talking about here has got nothing to do with your own feeling of safety (because you are simply a bystander who's not going to get involved at all) and those rumors (as you said yourself) you mention are used only to scare kids in primary/secondary schools away because that's easier and cheaper to do than teaching them how drugs really work and how to deal with them in reality.

Both your comments under my posts this week (especially the other one about hip hop) really tell a lot about you mate, and I'm sorry but sadly I don't mean that in a good way. Have you ever thought about broadening your horizons?
Aleksander M said…
Yeah, that's for sure. I originally intended to write about the others as well, but after writing only about these 2 I realized there's simply no way to include everything in just a single post and it might be a better idea to add a couple links at the end. Have fun and enjoy!
Aleksander M said…
No, not really - I suppose it would be pretty boring to study on MDMA :) this is more of a fun/party drug. And the lack of sleep afterwards is just a side effect after comedown that may or may not happen depending on lots of factors.

For studying people tend to use other amphetamine-based drugs and stimulants, Adderall is especially popular for that cause.
I won't be able to tell you much about it myself, here's a great post about this matter though:

And yes, I love this song! I remember it going viral and becoming a huge hit, hahaha.
Aleksander M said…
I'm just like you regarding popular stimulants and this whole idea of taking drugs just to boost your learning capabilities. It happens often even in our close surroundings, but I have no intention of ever doing that myself - I probably would find it even harder to study without them in the future and in the end I'd end up getting dependent, in my eyes it's not worth the risk. But to each his own and I also do not judge people who tend to do exactly that.
Unknown said…
You say how drugs are widely spread but to be honest I've never even seen drugs in real life. Perhaps that just says I've chosen myself a good company.
Anyway, speaking of precautions, I know that some drugs, heacy drugs I believe, may lead to vomiting (I'm not sure which ones, I don't want to lie or mislead) so it's really important that if you do lie down (and probably fall asleep) - lie on your side. Drowning in your own vomit is not a memorable way to die.
Aleksander M said…
That's probably because you chose not to. And that's a good thing, because if it was so easy to spot it would kind of defeat the purpose as for some reason those drugs are still highly illegal.

But I'm still willing to bet that if you really tried and wanted to, you could easily get hold of some by asking around (of course while being smart about it though) in less than a week from now. But of course don't go around doing that :)
Aleksander M said…
I wouldn't say that for certain, it's definitely possible to try heroin (and any other drug) once and never do that again and there are lots of living examples. We should get rid of this "try it once and you are an addict for life" misconception as it doesn't help anything and actually does a lot of harm.

It's still not worth the risk for me though and I agree the danger is way too high, so yes, it's very likely to destroy your life. It's not 100% certain though and there's always a way out!
Kit said…
This video about heroine is just so straightforward sad. Made me think ... and not about heroine, but about matter of life (?)
It's first time that I wonder - why people must be so sad by default?
And as I remember in the topic about 'Master mindset', that to succeed person must learn to love the pain, the repetitiveness, the boringness, the torment, the miserable lack of any actual progress, the feeling of pointlessness... it looks like the only sure way to feel happy for more than fractions of second is to buy yourself a steady supply of heroine.
And people who are not doing heroine are just choosing the way, where they don't know what they're missing, therefore they just continue their miserable existence and eventually die not knowing the peaceful serenity of taking drugs. (just look at this sentence, how ridiculous it looks)
Why we must be so depressed by default, nature why?
(Disclaimer: it's not all that bad, bud damn, I'll never be happy at 6:30 in the traffic jam during rainy day, well, maybe unless I'm transporting a box full of kittens or sth like that)
Unknown said…
It's a very interesting article. I'm not planning on using drugs but I have friends that did occasionally and it's really important to have someone who is sober next to you.
Unknown said…
Interesting article. Written in a very interesting way. Personally, I do not want to test the effect of different substances on myself, but I believe that if a substance can be used for health purposes it should be used for these purposes. I'm talking here about medical marijuana. In our country there is very little awareness about drugs resulting in a very conservative approach to this issue. I think there should be talking about it and educate the society.
Unknown said…
Very interesting and informative article. I learned from this article many new things.
Drugs are undoubtedly harmful to humans, which is why I am opposed to drug use. So, I'm not going to check my behavior after drugs.
I really liked the video you posted. I have a friend with major depression who used to take drugs - first, just to try, but later, because he couldn't stand the world without them. Just like in that video you've posted - he started taking bigger and bigger doses, spending more and more money - to the extent that each week he spent more than he could earn. Fortunately, he got out of it, but it doesn't mean anyone can get out.

And I agree with Helena - this video does not only show the pointlessness of heroin usage, but also something sad about life in general.
Teenagers and people of all ages at some point have experimented with drugs. As the article indicated one has to be safe with others and himself to help or be able to help if something bad happens. Its not apparent why people take drugs but at least knowing pro-cons can save a life.
Thanks for your article, it was very interesting! I have a 'helper' personality - I try to help anytime I see someone in need. I often served as a party sitter - I put people to beds, helped them vomit with as much dignity as humanly possible, pulled chewing gum out of girls' hair etc. This is definitely going to be useful one day:)
I hate to change my perception in any way so I probably won't be doing any of this. But your article is a good insight in what it might feel like and I think I will stop just here.
Oh, probably all of you have seen this movie, but I highly recommend it when it comes to drug subject - Requiem for a Dream!
Unknown said…
I didn't expect such an article here to be honest, but it was very interesting and informative. I watched that video about heroin and I must say it's very powerful, I really really liked it.
Aleksander M said…
That's deep and a bit dark, and I hate to admit it but you are right... especially this sentence - "people who are not doing heroine are just choosing the way, where they don't know what they're missing, therefore they just continue their miserable existence and eventually die not knowing the peaceful serenity of taking drugs." - really puts everything into perspective and it's hard not to agree with that! Gives something to think about.
Aleksander M said…
You are completely right. Also it would work wonders for the country's budget and also it would probably reduce crime statistics by a big amount. One can only dream though!
Aleksander M said…
Sorry you had to go through it. Glad he's okay now though and I really hope he'll stay clean. Cheers, thanks for posting!
Aleksander M said…
I'm glad you found it interesting and thanks for doing everything you do, you are truly a lifesaver and I tip my (hypotetical) hat to you!

You make the world (or at least parties but that's related) a better place! :D

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