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Week 11 [11.01-17.01.2015] Mastery


How many times have you caught yourself saying Nah, it’s not for me” or I can’t do this” or crap, this sport is not my cup of tea” or How the hell am I supposed to quit smoking?”? Well, probably a number of times through your entire life. Giving up is so common nowadays that it became easily accepted and people do it on an everyday basis. So when you ask your friend if he or she will go out for a pint, or go with you to see a gig in a downtown, suddenly they have a handful of explanations out of the blue.

- You know bro, I got this bloody important exam tomorrow”,
- Sorry mate, my sister is having birthday I really can’t, you know?”
-    I’m buying this super-duper ultra hd turbo time machine dude”

We often fall into a trap of making excuses for ourselves, to explain our laziness, lack of energy, or… an ambition to be perfect. The 21st century is the era of quick fixation. What does it mean? It means that your toothpaste whitens your teeth in 7 days; after 2 weeks of using our cream your skin will be as soft as infant’s, after 3 years of studying English philology at university you will become a master of English with a diploma, rings a bell? :) Well, the truth behind the curtains is that we unconsciously assimilate this perfectionist’s mindset which tells us to do everything. Human psyche is highly sensitive to social conditioning. Such a stance drives us to a rat race who has a better X Y Z” rule that keeps us blind and makes us materialists that drift from one momentary excitement to another one.

There are 4 types of people:

1.    The dabbler - tries many things and gets bored then tries something new
2.    Obsessive - is purely result oriented. They are inconsistent and when they hit a plateau they quit because their results aren’t increasing linearly.
3.    Hacker - is content when he’s working on sth
4.    Master

If you think of a sportsman or a sportswoman what is the most significant for them? Winning and standing on a podium of course, that’s what we see on television, a competition lasting for a relatively short time and then somebody gets a golden trophy and there we are, fireworks in a background and pink unicorns flying beyond, sprinkling sugar powder and magic stars all over that. What we don’t see is a tough time a person that wins spends exercising, training his/her body and initializing a master mindset. What I mean by that is accepting that nothing is for free in this world and in order to get a result we need to put a lot of effort into it.  

Let’s take as an example an ultimate Frisbee player. He performs a backhand throw and it’s quite good. Excitement comes and he throws it another time and another time that keeps his high level of excitement from decreasing. Then he does a forehand throw and it’s crap. After 2 hours of throwing and picking up a Frisbee he becomes exhausted and there is a little whisper in his ear give it up, it’s not for you”. Sounds familiar? If a Frisbee player is determined enough to give it another take, he will achieve it.
Accepting the fact that hard work and some kind of repetitiveness are main points of mastering anything in your life is a halfway to success. It’s comparable to a blacksmith that is crafting a sword. Such a person needs to hit a sword many, many times with a hammer to make it a perfect weapon. Here comes meditation which helps you develop a habit of focusing your energy on one thing at a time. That might come in handy during your warrior’s journey to success.

1. George Leonard’s book “Mastery”
2. My personal knowledge


Finally some interesting topic :) Each of us is looking for a hobby and appropriate career path, and therefore can undertake many different tasks. Sometimes it seemed that something was our biggest dream, but in fact it was very disappointing. Often we reject our interests and plans when it comes to the moment of crisis. It's hard to get over some of defeat and easier way is to surrender to. People actually can be divided into these categories, I know many people matching each of the descriptions.
Unknown said…
There's theory saying that you need to spend at least 10 000 hours on something to master it.
Sounds reasonable but at the same time for impatient people may be demotivating. I believe that to do something well we need to like doing it. There's no way I could devote long hours on hobby that I'm not into, just to satisfy somebody or follow the trend.
Obviously job is an exception, lots of people suffer each day in their offices..
Tomasz Wojda said…
People in major often are scared to do something new, to take a risk and get out of their comfort zone. This feeling when you doing or experiencing something new is a huge power that is most value thing for me! When you guy have done something for the first time? Event if something is not brand new to us we are easly dicoured to push forward for doing more only becasue be are not confident with it which is an exact reason of lack of that skill. What i mean is its very important to practise this abilities in which we are not confident enough! Cheers
Unknown said…
Your presentation reminded me an article that I recently read.
Link to this article:,115167,19430282,czego-chcesz-od-zycia-to-niewlasciwe-pytanie-o-wiele-wazniejsze.html
The author tells us that all of us want to win and experience pleasure, but he also asks us how much pain we can bear to achieve our dreams. If we aren't able to decide on the suffering associated with something, it means that we really don't want this. Often we are afraid of change and that is why we are still in the same place. The gray everyday life is frustrating so we need new experiences and changes.
Kit said…
Last time I've done something for the first time was like... 2 days ago. Not all new things are mind-blowing or exciting, in my case it was a new programming language I need for work. In this case, when you already know a few languages just fine, learning another one feels like waste of time, not mentioning this helplessness when you have no idea how to write a basic statement again.
So I'm definitely one of these 'looser' types, but I'm not really sure which one. There is no permanently-exhausted lazy-bum category.
Kit said…
Well, In my opinion there is no such thing as new trendy fault in thinking that you need to win fast. There is one ancient fault in thinking that somewhat in some magical way, if you try hard enough, you will win. And guess what? You're probably wont.
There is one winner of this generic competition on TV, and there is 7 billion people on earth. And what are the statistical chances of you being this winner? Absolutely negligible.
In my humble opinion giving up is part of life. Sometimes to do something, you need to give up something another.
And if you wont give up, you may waste your whole life on thing you'll never be good at. This, and sometimes you'll be passing by people who are way better than you in this thing with no effort.
And this happens because people have limitations. You have limitations. And despite your ability to adapt, there may be not enough time or resources to accomplish your goal. Or it may be just impossible for you, cause biological limitations.
And If you're an ultimate Frisbee player, contain your training in some sane time frames. Otherwise the only thing you'll accomplish will be hurting your own hand.
Kit said…
Or, you know, go and practice self-flagellation, since to achieve a success you need to learn to love the torment.
Unknown said…
Personally I like to be consistent in many provisions. Sometimes I will deny myself the pleasure - going to the cinema, going to a party to achieve the goal. It gives me a lot of satisfaction. Sometimes this is an answer the question- what you want to achieve in life.
Hard work, determination and perseverance always give satisfactory results. It is more important than party, film etc.
Unknown said…
Those 4 categories you mentioned are interesting and I can think of many people who fit those short descriptptions very well. I have noticed that when people find out they're good at something (someone points it out for example) they think "that's it" and do nothing more about it. That's probably because to improve you need to do some work. I agree with Wojciech - you need to like doing something to master it. Otherwise it's thousands of hours of suffering.
Unknown said…
On one hand I can agree that sometimes we give up too soon on the other though the excuses you mentioned aren't always just to explain our laziness (on a side note that reminded me of a friend who once said he'll be late to the party because he needs to dry the laundry ;) ).
I think that sometimes it's ok to just try something for a short while. We don't need to stick to it if it doesn't suit us - I tried, I didn't like it, I gave up. And it's alright, we don't need to master every thing we do.
Also according to those people types I'm definitely an Obsessive - no immediate results!? Screw it... And I'm not proud about it :)
Generally speaking and putting it into simple words: Follow your bliss :)
Of course, but we live in the era of quick fixation and fast solutions, so that we should always challenge ourselves to step out of our comfort zone and develop ourselves. In the same time, whenever you will be doing something that you won't like, you will quit it and you will find a better, more exciting thing to do that will correlate with you better than a previous one and you will be able to devote 10000 hours for this activity to master it :)
That's all right, thank you for that link! :)
That's everything true. Follow your instinct, trust your psyche and be happy. That's all about life! :)
Partially true and partially not. If it works for you and you feel very comfortable with that then you are on the very right way in your life and you shouldn't change anything, however, if these same traits would be forced in somebody just for the sake of "hard working" without feeling some excitement from that, then you might be in danger of falling into a life's trap. Simply follow your excitement and "everything gonna be alright" ;)
EXACTLY! Thank you for that very much!
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If you or not proud of something then simply change it! :) Btw laundry must be dry, no matter what! :D
Unknown said…
Each of us at least once heard the phrase "practice makes perfect". I think there is no doubt as to the veracity of this saying, because the more times we repeat something, the more we acquire proficiency in a particular activity. Striving for the championship, to perfection is mostly the essence of sport, but off course in every field we can strive to be the best. I'm better than myself from yesterday, tomorrow I will be stronger than myself in today - this is what everyone striving for perfection have encoded in their heads. But in all that we need to exercise restraint, because if we focus only on a quest to the championship, this may have a negative impact on other aspects of our life.
Sadly, I'm the "obsessive" type. I know really well that mastery does not come overnight, but when I do something that doesn't bring immediate results, I get really frustrated. It does not only apply to honing my skills, but also to minor, every-day activities - when I'm redecorating the house, I like to paint, but hate to put the undercoat; when I'm making art, I like to take photos, but I hate to draw a complicated piece that will take ages to finish...

Of course, sometimes I make myself do something repetitevely even though I don't see the results right away (like going to gym, for example), but I'm really not happy about it. It's one thing to accept the repetiveness, but another to enjoy it! :)
Unknown said…
I think i am kind of master/sensei in making excuses. But in the coming week i will try to fight with it. I planed to : visit gym 5 times a week in early hours. I got a bit fat i the past year so i will do my best to loose it. I hope i will manage to survive. I also have to change my diet so it will be more difficult to cook something healthier. Any way wish me luck. On the other hand i want to support all people who don't afraid to fight for their dreams, who have enough passion in their harts and strong will to push forward. Don't stop! You are the future of this world and only you can change it for better.

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