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Week 12: Kettlebells – wonderful workout


Have you ever heard about kettlebells? Kettlebells is a type of weights that look like a cannonball with a handle. It’s a device, which comes from Russia. It was invented and used in the early twentieth century. At the beginning it was used mainly by the military.
They are gaining more and more popularity, now we can find them in every gym. Probably you are wondering what is better in them than in exercises with barbells or dumbbells, so when you perform exercises with kettlebells the whole body works.  Therefore, among others, they are used in CrossFit training. This is a strength-endurance workout. These exercises aren’t only for athletes, anyone can perform these exercises. It’s important to choose the kettle with the right weight for yourself. They improve endurance, strength and flexibility.


Your basic movement is a swing. The most popular swing is a Russian swing. Look at the picture.
At the beginning you hold it between your legs, then you toss it up higher and higher until it reaches the chest. When you make an American swing, your kettlebell is over your forehead. You can also swing a kettlebell with one hand.

Examples of exercises with kettlebells:



Training with kettlebells is recommend to anyone, but before you started I suggest going to an instructor. You can learn bad habits from movies. Some gyms offer classes with kettlebells.
An additional advantage of kettlebells is that you can train everywhere, which is a great solution for people who have little space and time. You should train regularly, even 15 minutes three times a week brings visible effects.
The major advantages of training with kettlebells are:
·         strength and endurance of all muscles, allowing for the harmonious development of the entire body;
·         rapid emergence of results in the case of exercise with dumbbells and barbells;
·         improvement of fitness and cardiovascular endurance;
·         improvement of body movements during daily activities;
·         fast weight loss
Videos and the description of several exercises for those interested :)



I've seen kettlebells when I was on the gym, but as I probably mentioned dozen of times on this blog, I'm not a sportsperson, so I didn't ever touch them ^^

I basically have the muscles in my arms weak like a 5-year-old baby, so I don't know if I would be able to lift any of these :D Also, I can picture myself accidentally dropping the kettlebell while doing a swing and killing someone standing in front of me :D

Jokes aside, I mainly train to get my legs and belly in shape, so I don't know if the kettlebells are the best choice for me.
I love gym and workouts and I have seem many times how people worked with kettle bells. It seems to be very good training. Best of all, kettlebells are versatile. They're ideal for explosive exercises that work major muscles, burn body fat, and build power, but they also add a new dimension to classic moves like chest presses. The problem is that they are often used improperly. As with any technical movement, lift, or skill, proper coaching is required to maximise the benefits. The movements used in kettlebell exercise can be dangerous to those who have back or shoulder problems, or a weak core. However, if done properly they can also be very beneficial to health. They offer improved mobility, range of motion and increased strength.
Unknown said…
You can use a very light kettle at the beginning. I have a very weak hands and shoulders and yet I swing Kettle weighing 16 kg. It is important to master the technique of using a smaller weight and when you practice you can strengthen the upper body. I really recommend you try :)
Julia Osiak said…
Kettlebells workouts are fun! I don't do them regularly, but they are sometimes included during the fitness classes that I attend. You can really feel that they work your whole body. Of course you have to do it with the right technique and posture to not hurt yourself, but if you put enough effort the results can be great.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Cool is that more and more women are using a kettlebell and weights :) thank you for your comment!
Unknown said…
I've heard about kettlebells before, but didn't get to actually use them. But since I'm a fan of excercises that can be done at home and excercising with dumbbells I guess it's something I could check out, finally sport realted thing that seems somewhat suitable for me :)
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
So you must try it! If you like exercise with weights I also recommend you exercises with barbells such as Les Mills Bodypump
These classes are conducted at several gyms in Warsaw. It's great fun!
Unknown said…
If you want to try training with kettlebells in this weekend takes place cool event
There are also many other things :)
Unknown said…
You have written that kettlebels' are better than dumbbells and barbells because the whole body is working :> So what is a difference? Because, as far as I know, when you workout with all of these, the whole body is working, as long as they are free weights (= wolne ciężary?). So you have to stabilise whole body – you use way more than one muscle for a particular exercise. So how does the exercide differ from dumbbells and barbells when it's done with kettlebell? I am very curious :) When I am doing my workout I take the one that is more handy, or when I want to change something (like squats - during some trainings I go with kettlebell, next time I use barbells and so on), so it is more for diversify my workout routine :) I'd love to hear why you think it's "better" :D Maybe I will start to use it more often then :D
Unknown said…
The idea is that by doing one exercise using a kettlebell works your entire body and using a barbell or dumbbells you only use specific parts of the body. It's not that I don't use barbells and dumbbells, but kettle are really nice diversion and they need much less space to store them so you can practice at home too :) I think you should try to understand that it's most of all good fun ;D
Unknown said…
I prefer to workout in natural way - using my body. Push up, squats and crunches - that's what you have to do to always be in good shape. You don't need to buy any of sport equipment to become superhero. Being super hero is easy you just need to train and save woman with their problems. So for me barbells dumbells and other belbals are useless. If you want to be a super strong super hero like batman and super men you have to do push up crunches and squats !!
Unknown said…
I don't agree with you completely. Weight of your own body is good when you want to keep fit but when you want but if you want to have more strength you should use additional weight to get used to it your muscles. People always carry some weights and I don't mean the equipment from the gym :)
Unknown said…
Currently I'm in lazy bones mode because of excess of other responsibilities, but when I want to get into good shape I never go to gym. I always prefer to use my body weight instead of all this equipment. To exercises listed by Patryk I would only add classic bar used to do any kind of pull-ups. Thats how you build true, stable, long-standing strength.
Kit said…
As I'm not a fan of exercises, ideas like '10 minute workout that bring results' sounds really tempting, but then there is a lot of health and security warnings, and I'm not feeling like going to find myself a personal trainer to do a 10 minute workout. Is it really this dangerous that I need a babysitter to watch for me, or watching some youtube tutorials is enough informations?
And before anyone critique the 'learning from the internet' as a whole, the Internet is a damn big source of any information including scientific papers and full books on any subject, so how well you're spending your time learning there depends on you.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately my elbow doesn't allow for such workout with weights. I personally prefer various cardio techniques, swimming and workout on a rower. The last one is especially nice as rowing involves workout for all muscle groups at one time. It takes some training to do it properly but when you learn it you can do your cardio and muscle at once.
Unknown said…
Of course, I' ve heard about Kettlebells but I haven't known that it comes from Russia. I'm shocked.
Why I'm surprised. Hmm, I don't know- maybe this: " something good from Russia". Sorry.
It seems to be really good tool for many good and effective exercises, which move whole body. I believe that "The killer kettlebells workout" can kill. Many repeats.. :P
Unknown said…
In my opinion the best advantage of kattlebells is that you can use tham for your training simply everywhere. You do not need to go to the gym, it is possible to make a training at home or at park. I also heard that kattlebells training is very good for the spine.
Ketllebells I recommend this form of exercise. I use kettlebells during my gym exercises. It’s improving my endurance, strength and stamina. In Poland many people use this exercises today instead of lifting weights. I recommend to ask your personal trainer in a gym how to practice with kettlebells to avoid any injuries.
Unknown said…
Of course I've heard of kettlebelsa and saw them, I believe that everyone can find their own way to exercise. One likes to run another likes to ride a bike - how many people, so many ways.
Ketllebells I recommend this form of exercise. I use kettlebells during my gym exercises. It’s improving my endurance, strength and stamina. In Poland many people use this exercises today instead of lifting weights. I recommend to ask your personal trainer in a gym how to practice with kettlebells to avoid any injuries.
Unknown said…
Sometimes kattlebells could be useful, but I would not build my entire program based on the kattlebells, modern gyms have a lot of machines and free-weights to let you do the same amount of exercises with higher effectiveness.
It is a great part of training program when you need to reach specific result or have it at home (in those terms one of those things is able to become much more effective and not space consuming as it could be with barbells), however, it is definitely not the 100% solution in the gym where you have sometimes unlimited possibilities to train.
If you want to know more about kattlebells probably you would like to see some jokes about it (WARNING STRONG LANGUAGE, COULD BE OFFENSIVE)
Unknown said…
Learning from the internet isn't dangerous as long as you don't use kettle heavier than 6 kg. When I swing over my head something that weighs 16 kg I'd prefer to do it under the supervision of an instructor :)
Unknown said…
I like rowing and I think it's really good workout too.
Aleksander M said…
I tend to prefer TRX exercises but this is something I should probably really look into as well. Thanks for posting this article, I will definitely pay more attention to those from now on.
Unknown said…
i heard a lot about Kettlebells, they have very interesting history. They were develop in Russian's army as a best form of general training to improve and combain flexibility and strength. But what also i've heard of them is that they are very unhelthy, they damage ponds, and you have to be very skillfull to avoid injuries.
Unknown said…
I saw a lot of training based on kettlebells, but personally I never exercise with it, rather standard, basic weights. But now I would like to try, you convinced me :) Very useful article :)
Unknown said…
I prefer oldschool weight training in split mode. Of course it takes much more time but gains are bigger. In split you can focus on a particular
muscles part. On the other hand I think that kettlebells training could be an answer for those who can't make at least one hour three times a week.
Unknown said…
I'm not a fan of such heavy exercise. Loosing weight has never been my problem, I pick exercise that can help me relax, stretch and improve my overall condition. I guess the main merit of these balls is that you don't need a lot of equipment to exercise different parts of your body.

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