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Week 7: Are you a pack rat or a trash-it-all?

The subject I would like to broach is not really about introducing something new to you. It is a trigger to create a little discussion, to let you take a break and consider your habits from a fresh point of view, maybe even make your own self-confession :)

The subject is quite simple; it is about what kind of person you are.
Are you a pack rat or a trash-it-all? Do you suffer from ‘save-stuff-itis’ or ‘get-rid-of-it-ness’? 

To make the subject more understandable I would like to give some explanation.
Pack rat - someone who collects things that they do not need, someone who suffers from save-stuff-itis. Probably his/her room might look like this (in extreme cases). This person is also called a hoarder.

Here is a very interesting 5min documentary episode about clutter. It also shows another big problem that is hyper-consumption. In hyper-consumption society people tend to buy things they don’t need and as a result of it they throw out old stuff. But what if they prefer to clutter it? :)
 In this article you can read how to overcome it.

Trash-it-all - someone, who trashes everything.
The happy ones, who can describe themselves as trash-it-all type, probably have a pleasure to have their flat in this condition:

Unfortunately I personally suffer more from 'save-stuff-itis'. I think that being trash-it-all type would simplify my life so much! Sometimes it is so hard to set my own room in order, because even if I find unused things I cannot force myself to discard them. “Maybe I will need it one day” that’s what I am thinking.
I really hate this feature of mine, because it keeps me stuck in a place loaded with unnecessary things I cannot throw out by myself. If someone else does it - I'm getting really frustrated.
I guess this is not only about our flats, but also with another aspect of our lives. For example, it has influenced my computer. I have loads of files, full desktop, a million of opened tabs in the web browser.
Of course, it has its disadvantages but also a few advantages. The good point about it is that I almost never say "I wish I hadn't thrown it away". But sometimes I do, and then I badly regret throwing away my stuff, what keeps me even more in my 'save-stuff-itis'.
What about you? :)


Unknown said…
I recently realized that I am very minimalistic - I love removing things that I don't need and even on my phone threre is nothing that upsets me more (and affects my shopping devisions severely) as the amount of bloatware (not useful) apps and functions preinstalled that I don't use. To me the "everything but a sink" mentality to electronics is very bothersome. Same with home appliances - somethiing that I have that I don't use simply bothers me, seems like a burden.I like to customize my electronics to do exactly what I want or might want in the nearest future, and nothing else. So using Samsung phones (which I like for their hardware prowess) is a pain with having 3 e-mail apps preinstalled (from which only one is usable). 2-internet browsers, etc. In a perfect world I'd have only core services preinstalled, and I'd pick my own apps.

Same mentality with homes - I love starting from scratch, having nothing and buying only exactly what I need. I am renting an apartment that I really like and sometimes I am bothered that it came with things I don't need, or some things that do many things, but I wished they did only what I wanted well.

The only exception to this is souvenirs and memorabilia. I have bags of things that bring back great memories and feelings stocked in drawers and I will never get rid of them. They serve more purpose than basic household items, so things such as foreign bus tickets from "that day", or "those notes" have a special treatment from me.
Unknown said…
Ohh I also have this kind of memorabilia feelings! But the problem is that even "trashes" like you said - tickets, or things that should be already in the trash (before I got attached to them XD ) sometimes have reeaally big meaning to me. In fact everything reminds me of something and I don't want to say goodbye to it haha :D I think that you helped me find a reason for gathering things :D
Unknown said…
I am absolutely a 'save-stuff-itis'. I just collect too many things or buy too much cool stuff ;). This year I moved out from my parents. I had to pack my whole room in which I had lived for 11 years. I discovered so many things in my room I never used. Although I knew most of it was trash, it was so hard to simply throw it away. I think that in every little thing we keep there is a little bit of our memory. I love how old rubbish can take us to places, people and events we almost forget. In my opinion it is the best part of being a 'save-stuff-itis'. And the worst part is the mess in my computer and my phone!
Unknown said…
Haha :D Have you taken all of this stuff to the new flat? Or have you thrown it away/left in your old room? :D
Unknown said…
I took only the most important things :( I left some in my old room but my mother throw it away when she made repairs.
Unknown said…
Problem solved :D haha, I need exactly something like that!
Unknown said…
When I was moving out I almost left everything in my old room. About a week ago I was searching for something in my parents house, and during running through my old desk I found eg. lot of hidden empty packs after cigaretes (you know, high school times). I have no idea why I didn't throw them out, probably it was easier to hide them in desk ...
Unknown said…
In my case it's like sinusoide. During whole week I'm full time pack rat. Sometimes You have to jump over some stuff in order to get to desk. But when weekend comes, usually I'm doing some cleaning, and for few days everything is in place. And than history repeates, over and over again.
Unknown said…
Hmm I understand :D So I think you might be the "lazy" trash-it-all type :D You can throw stuff away but with delay :DD
Unknown said…
Hahahahahaha :DDD Tomek, I like this story :D
Anonymous said…
I usually rather hold stuff than get rid of it. I hate(get really angry) if somebody trashes my stuff without asking, but when it comes to big cleaning-up(for instance by the end of every term) I usually put in a bin few large bags of expendable things, therefore when I clean-up I do it thoroughly and when I create mess I also apply myself to it.
Julia Osiak said…
I am definitely suffering from a case of 'save-stuff-itis' but I would really rather be a trash-it-all. Every once in a while I start cleaning my house and I try to get it organized but I usually end up just going through my stuff and while I do throw out some of the old unused things, I tend to keep most of them anyway, "just in case". I often keep movie or bus tickets, some pamphlets or festival bracelets and put them away as memorabilia. It's nice to come back to those souvenirs from time to time :)
I'm definitely "Trash-it-all". I hate clutter and unnecessary thing. It's very easy, despite appearances. You should think about your last used of some things. Is it hard to remember ? - trash it :)
Unknown said…
Yeah that's true :) But the funny thing is that we would remember our experience from the past as good as without those clutter :D Or maybe not? :)
Unknown said…
Very practical approach :) I wish I had the same :D "But maybe some day I will need it?" Did it happen to you? Have you regretted throwing away something that turned out to be needed?
I'm definately pack rat , but I try to be somewhere in the middle. Harmony is always the best solution. I like collecting stuff and I always think "maybe I will use it someday" but usually I never do. I think that my approach has changed since I started to live alone and I must take care of all cleaning. Having a lot of stuff is great but when you're suppose to clean it up then the problem starts. I cannot imagine life withou things, they make the whole athospehre at home. And since I love interior desing it's really important for me, one the other hand how much stuff can one person have...When I decide that I don't need something I never thraw it to trash. I always try it give it to charity or something like that:)
I have similar situations but with clothes:P
Cleaning computer is whole other story for me. I'm usually good at keeping my house clean, why I canonot do the same with my computer. I have to idea...:P

An egg? Really? Omg:P In my old desk there are notebooks everywhere. Usually not finished ones. Who needs so many notebooks? Apparently me:P And you know..there are so nice and pretty:P
I often look up pinterest in order to find some cool solutions how to organise stuff:
MartaSB said…
I definitely suffer from ‘save-stuff-itis' and I can experience that clearly when I'm moving to another flat and have to rent a bigger track for that (it happened this July) :) The good idea is to buy a big house and keep it all there.
PrzemekM said…
In my case, it depends on the type of the subject. If it is something related to computers I am pack rat. But if this is another dust collector I trash it.

I think I am a minimalist, cause when i hear "Maybe I will need it one day" I am looking for a trash! :D
Unknown said…
I don't like to keep anything that i don't use for long time, unless it's anything important that has to be there and you need to keep it.
However, as a kid i used to play with lego in my room and never put it back, and now when i am have busy weeks i just throw my stuff anyway, and it can be anything. Cause most of the time i try to keep everything clear and have only items, things i need. Although in times when i collect some amount of trash i have a great pleasure when it comes to cleaning and throwing it away. I do have one awful habit where i leave bottles of water after i drink on and don't throw it away. Just stash somewhere until i reach some number that make it unconfortable to have.
Unknown said…
That's really great solution! I think that the biggest problem of throwing stuff away is feeling that you are wasting something that is still useful...
Can you write down some charity organisation's names that you are giving your stuff away? What kind of things do they need?
Unknown said…
Cool inspiration, thank's for sharing!

I like this one pretty much ;D clever!
Unknown said…
And are you trying to overcome it? Or you're fine with this? :D
Unknown said…
Be careful, this can be disastrous :D
I must say that I have something similar. However, I have a rule of two weeks in case of non computer related things. Simply, if I haven't touched this for 2 weeks then it is probably a trash.
rf. said…
Things are getting fun, when two pack rats get together :)
rf. said…
Hey, I really REALLY need all that things. They can still be useful!
I believe I'm both a pack rat and a trash-it-all. Some things I collect, some things I don't need so I wont get em, and some things I get rid of as soon as they are no longer needed.
I think I am somewhere in the middle... I definitely am not a person who regularly throws away useless stuff. However I never had problems with space. I handle my things the same way I handle data on my PC – I let it clutter and once in a while, say every few months, I use one free day just for cleaning and throwing away all the stuff I don't need (or send them to my backup disc were I keep data I don't need on an everyday routine – which in case of physical objects means taking it to the basement). But I definitely am not a person who likes empty spaces – on the contrary I love gadgets and trinkets that are basically useless but are interesting to see on the shelf. To be frank I wouldn't like a room as neat as the one you presented being a room of a thrash-it-all.
Unknown said…
I am definitely a trash-it-all type, because I can manage to pack in a half an hour and move to another place :) I don’t like to have too many things because in that case I can’t find anything.
Unknown said…
And how does it work with a basement? It also has its capacity :D I think that putting something in the basement/attic can be problematic in the future, because once you decide that something is worth keeping, you will never throw it away... Have you even needed to clean up your basement? :D
Unknown said…
Wow 2 weeks? What kind of things are you talking about then? For me 1 year is sometimes definitely too soon to throw stuff away :D
Seisyll said…
Well... I keep most of electronic stuff that I don't need anymore, be it broken or just not used. I don't think that there is any problem with that. You just have to know where is the limit. And as I say that I'm going to throw away my broken and unused headset, because reading about that makes me willing to make a statement!

Sergio brought up an interesting thing. Same thing applies to computer data and in that particular case I can say that I am enraged by computer data pack rats. Well it doesn't concern me as long as I don't have to touch their computers, but when I do I immediately want to do a format c:
Unknown said…
I think that I am a kind of person who like having pedantic order in my room. I always throw to the bin unneeded things but of course I leave the things I need. Sometimes I regret that I discarded thing that I need in the future. I feel comfortable and ready to work in orderliness. I can’t chill out in mess. I go for minimalistic design, so I prefer to have as little as possible things around me.
Unknown said…
I suffer from 'save-stuff-itis'. I always think that something may turn out to be usefull... someday. But I try to fight with that! :D Recently I've been cleaning out my house from unnecessary stuff that's clogging up my cupboards and drawers. It helped a lot, and I intend to continue throwing stuff out.
Unknown said…
That's also my case. Sometimes my clothes are starting to create a big pile in place where they don't belong. But happily, once in a while, there is a time when I tide my room, and usually when I start doing it, im not stopping there and do some other chores. So I think I'm not a messy person, but because of procrastionation, I often am.
Unknown said…
I think I'am a trash-it-all person, but for example I when i build my PC's I save spare parts, cables etc., and many times it was very helpful.
Books and magazines to women's prison - "Areszt Śledczy Warszawa Grochów" , "Areszt Śledczy Warszawa Tarchomin", you have to call their prison libraries.

Clothes and other stuff : "Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej Praga Północ - Dom Samotnej Matki i Dziecka" tel. 22 6193265 - There are women, who run away from their homes, because they were abused...

And that's new thing I am interested in:
Marcin Lyzwa said…
It is hard to say which kind of person I am. Generally trash-it-all behaviour is closer to me. I like to have a clean room, clean desk. but on the other hand I have two big boxes where I put all my memories, things important to me as concert tickets, boarding passes, postcards etc. In my flat I have a special shelf for souvenirs, photos, but that's the only place in the whole flat. Other thing is with my hobbies related stuff, there is one rule: DON'T throw it away.
Mateusz Frycie said…
I am a typical trash-it-all type of a person. I feel uncomfortable when my desk is messy. All things need to be on it's place. If something is useless and I feel that won't need it anymore i try to get rid of it.
Unknown said…
I am definitely a pack-rat. I often get emotionally-connected with things and want to store them for no rational reason. Also, I often trick myself into thinking that some things are not usefull at the moment, but might become usefull again "in indefinite future", so it might be a good idea to keep them case they will one day :)
Unknown said…
I'm a terrible stickler and I appreciate minimalism in my flat. I feel as Mateusz really uncomfortable when my desk or even my room is messy. When I see no point in stashing things I throw them away.
Unknown said…
I think my type is more trash-it-all. I love to see when everything has its place in the flat and could be used at once, I hate when there is a lot of unnecessary things around, they are irritating me. At the same time I know some people who has another type and I cannot tell that theirs flats are overhelmed with unnecessary stuff or are complete mess, I think it more depends on personal approach towards the things and their place in your living space.
Unknown said…
Hahaha Natalia great topic. Better than others ;)
It rather difficult to talk me whitch type I am. It seems to me that I have moments when I’m pack-rat and at other Times I am „trash-it-all’. First time It seems to me that I need everything and a moment later I wonder why do I need it. I don’t understand it. It depands on my humor, on weather, on season of the year and many other things.
Hmm, I’m pack-rat of course :P If I will be trash-it all I’ve never found something and I still find something. I don’t remember, I loose something then I find it then I again loose then I find it and so on, and so on :P
Unknown said…
I guess I am a healthy mix. I live by a certain rule: I keep stuff that I need and/or I enjoy. The other rule is that if I haven't used something for more than a year, I start to think about getting rid of it. Of course I am not perfect and I have a lot of unnecessary objects, but I don't have much time to deal with it and mostly I just pack and leave stuff to decide about its fate later (and I clean up when I have some time - last time when there was no electricity in my house for ten hours I got rid of tons of things).
My grandparents are pack rats and wih my grantpa's gadget collecting obsession thay are runing out of living space:) But recently they agreed on cutting this and their new policy is to "throw one thing away everyday". Of course they have a deep aversion to throwing things away so they always come up with this plan that maybe we will somehow need it and they just bring us their unwanted stuff and leave it on our attic.
Some time ago I watched a documentary about some people that were suffering from SEVERE 'save-stuff-itis', more precisely about cleaning up after they have died. It was both weird and sad, all this mess they were living in. From this time my grandma is joking about having to tidy everyting up in her flat before she passes away so we won't have to go through the same think as on this documentary.
Unknown said…
Haha thank you for you compliment :D
Unknown said…
Funny enough, in 2004 i was attending on programming courses in Palace of science and culture and the administration had such wall build from cans of mountain dew.

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