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Week 7: Books and magazines going electronic

I really love to read books. Since I was a kid I have read plenty of them and by now this is my best way to chill out and to relax. 
The world is changing and brand new technologies are more and more popular. That’s why I want to talk a little about e-readers and electronic books called e-books.

I know many people who are confused when they hear about reading e-books instead of real, paper books. A funny fact is that at first I had exactly the same opinion about e-books - I love the smell of paper, I like to hold a book in my hand etc. But once I saw my friend’s kindle I totally fell in love with this device :) And not only me - also my mom has one and totally loves it!
First of all it is EXTREMELY handy and comfortable to use. I have always read books that are rather thick - I mean more than 500 pages and because of it they are simply heavy (especially when your favourite position to read is lying and keeping a book up above your head :D ). And here comes the kindle that helps you with changing the heavy book into a small-sized piece of plastic, or even with the luggage exceed - I love reading in summer on the beach, but books always took a third of my suitcase.
As for the layout, I would say there is almost no difference between a printed-paper page, and the kindle screen, because of e-ink technology. As long as it resembles a printed page perfectly, it is a way easier for your eyes as it doesn’t emit any light unlike back-lit tablets that shine in your eyes.

The other advantage is lower power consumption - it is enough to charge e-reader’s battery once a month.

The other advantage that e-books give us is a very simple access to foreign books. On Amazon you can buy a book in a second, and it is delivered to your e-reader on-the-go. And it is cheaper – than in Empik or shipping it to Poland from another country.
It is also super-easy to read a foreign language book on kindle. It has built in dictionary, and you can check the word immediately (in english-polish dictionary, or english-english - it is up to you). In “kindle paperwhite” there is even an option called “vocabulary builder” that automatically saves the words you have checked and creates a list of words with a sentence from the book (you have a context, what is really helpful learning tool).
It is also a cool solution for emigrants. When you live in another country, and the Polish Internet is not enough, it is so good to have a possibility of getting a Polish book just in a few minutes.

In my opinion there might be also a few disadvantages of reading e-books.
First of all, I am attached to the beautiful, well printed and designed books. On a kindle everything looks quite the same (by now, maybe it would change in the future). But it might be an advantage in some cases – it has solved my problem with ugly books :) I have always had a problem that books I like to read are extremely awfully published - the paper, the design, the readability is just horror. That’s why kindle helped me with this nightmare. But I have to admit, when I find a beautiful - and well designed printed book, I would buy it to have more pleasure from it.
The other disadvantage could be us surrounding ourselves by millions of electronic devices. I don’t know if it’s good, bad or neutral, but it’s always a subject of discussions.

The situation is quite similar when it comes to magazines. Electronic versions of magazines are getting more and more popular. They are often even more engaging than paper ones, as long a you can watch an extra video, click on the link written down. These magazines are also super interactive, it is not only a pdf, an exact reflection of paper version, but something prepared and designed especially for a platform it’s been put on.

Here you can find some inspirations about ipad magazine design.

It is really hard to find any video that would show how useful it could be, but here is a small introduction to how it might look.

In my opinion the best way of trying if you like it is downloading the app and checking by yourself what it looks like. There are some free trials that are worth seeing. If you want to buy any of your favourite magazines, be careful. It is better to check before buying what kind of e-magazine is your fav publisher, because not all magazines are “interactive” and sometimes you can hit the paper-pdf-reflection one, that is not as good as it could be.

What do you think about e-books and e-magazines?


Unknown said…
I read exclusively on my PC/Tablet/Phone. I don't even remember that a different, paper-wasting technology still exists and don't fully understand why people still use it ;-)

E-ink receives lots of recognition for its efficiency and being good for reading.. For me, however, the biggest negative is that it's basically only for reading, and it's a separate device to carry. That is why I prefer to read on a tablet/PC. I am not bothered by backlight, and the messy fonts are solved by high DPI displays that are kicking in now.. with 2K on a phone/tablet, there is no way to find fonts seem to look wrong.
Unknown said…
Yeah I know what you mean :) I love the option in Kindle to synchronise book between devices. That's why I can chill out in home and read a book in a screen that I prefer, and I can use a kindle app on my smartphone. Whether I want to read in the bus, in doctor's waiting room, or anywhere else i have my book always with me :) It synchronises the current page so I don't need to remember where I have finished :) Highly recommended!
Unknown said…
I must admit I have never liked e-readers. I used to think that this is some stupid invention and I did not feel the necessity to buy one. However after reading your presentation I want to have one! It seems to be a really comfortable way to read books. The built-in dictionary convinced me completely. I try to read books in English and it is a bit annoying to check every unknown world in the dictionary… But I think e-readers have one big disadvantage. It is uncomfortable to read scientific books on them and to study with them because usually when you learn you mark important things. Is it possible to underline something at this device?
Which Kindle do you recommend? I think I want one for Christmas :) I have checked that there are few of them and I do not know which one I should choose.
Unknown said…
The dictionary is awesome, all you have to do is touch a word and the definition or explanation shows up :)
I agree with you, I cannot imagine studying or learning anything from e-book. And I mean kindle/tablet/pc, I need to have it on paper, to do some notes and highlight important things. But there is an option to highlight phrases on kindle, and it saves them on the special "highlight list". So you won't miss a sentence you have highlighted :) I guess it might work with non educational books, when you find something interesting you can somehow "save" it :)

If you are not convinced I can bring my kindle to the uni one day so you can check it out :) I personally have kindle 4 (I have bought it 3 years ago) that is no longer in amazon store, I have just checked and it's gone :)
I have chosen it because it was the cheapest one and I was not really convinced if I am going to use it. And I really liked that it doesn't have "touch system" :P But it is harder to check words on it, because you have to use controllers and there are no "extra features" like vocabulary builder :( [but on the iphone app that the device synchronises with, it works perfectly ;D ]

I don't know much about kindle voyage because it just has been released, but a main difference between kindle [classic] and paperwhite is the light :) The paperwhite has a light system that lights on the screen (not in your eyes) - what's really cool, and it's faster than the older one (classic) and in my opinion the price is good in comparison to it's quality ;) So if I were you I will definitely buy kindle paperwhite, because my brother has it and I really like it :) According to feature of having wi-fi or wi-fi+3g -> in my opinion wi-fi is enough :)
And Amazon UK has free delivery to Poland :)
Unknown said…
Thank you for your long and helpful answer! I also thought about Kindle Paperwhite. It looks very nice.
Yes, that would be awesome if you could bring it to the Uni but let’s talk about it in private :).
Unknown said…
I'm owner of Kindle Classic, and I can't imagine what would world look like without it. I used to do some long travels, and making journey with e.g. 10 books might be a horror. Kindle is a sollution for heavy backpack. I can take all kind of travel guidebooks, and every title I want to read. Moreover I can read in public transport without worrying about heavy books in my bag.
Unknown said…
And do you read magazines? Have you ever seen e-magazine? What's your impression?
Anonymous said…
What do you think about e-books and e-magazines?

When I read I like to hold real paper i my hands. I like its texture, smell of ink, shiny cover, that I can flip pages and it's not an electronic device. If I have a choice I always choose an old style magazine.

Some resources say that it is easier to remember facts when you learn from a real book.
Julia Osiak said…
I get that kindle can be very useful and practical but I'm still not convinced. I tried reading books and magazines on tablets but it simply didn't work for me. Even when I'm not studying I like to make notes on the margins or when I encounter an unknown word I write its meaning or definition right next to it. Maybe it's just a matter of my habits but I still prefer to carry a heavy a book around and hide behind it :)
Unknown said…
Yeah that's true, because our brain remember where the information was on the page, it is positioned by the corners of the pages :) But do you read only to study, toremember things? Or maybe also for pleasure where you don't really need to study?
And have you tried to read a book / a magazine from the cover to cover? Or you didn't give it a try?
Unknown said…
:) It has its magic for sure
Unfortunately I'm not such a big fun of kindle:P But I can agree on its advantages. It's comfortable, you can take it with you wherever you want because it's small. It can contain many books, so you can switch between book really easily. And it's light so you don't have to worry if you read pretty heavy book, as you mentioned;P I had such problem when I read "Europa" by Norman Davis. It has over 1000 pages so you can imagine:P
But I'm still not into it. I prefer to read normal printed books. I love quality paper. nice covers. The experience of reading has such much more value for me. All day long I'm surrounded by devices. Computer, smartphone, tablet, telly. When I want to chillout I want to be somehow devicefree. I don't want to be bothered to remember to charge yet another device even though it's only once a month or something like that. At some point I get fed up with electronics devices and I don't want to use them...I usually read books at home so it doesn't matter for me if I have the content synchronised. But I can appreciate the idea, I use it when I revise foreign words:) I am better with electronics magazines. I think that they can be simply better than printed ones regards both content and layouts. And I get new articles much more frequently. I loved the link you gave us "51 Beautiful and Interactive Examples of Digital Magazine Design". I looked up all of them. What was your favourite one? When you are at home you still use your kindle or printed book?
BUT I have to admit that I am considering taking kindle on our upcomming trip;)
I agree, carrying kindle is much more comfortable than heavy book...
Julia I have similar approach. When I study I cannot imagine not using handwritten notes and printed books;)
Traditionally, as probably most of all, I love paper books. But everything has its pros and cons. Normal books don't need batteries. It's probably the greatest advantage. E-books are light and more portable. You can have a lot of books in one device, but how many books do you read at one time ?
Unknown said…
When I read book on kindle often don't have printed books so I can't switch :) But it happened few times, that I had printed book in my home (I have bought it, or my sister or mum have it), but I didn't like it (too small font size or leading) and I decided to get a kindle edition ;) So sometimes I even prefer kindle over printed book :) Because it's easier to use for me :)
You asked which one do I like the most - it is hard to say :) Because design is one think and readability and coherent layout sometimes can't go together :) And I haven't seen those examples "live" so I am not really sure, most of them are really nice looking :) And what about you? Which one did you like the most?
Unknown said…
That's a really good point. I am a person who hates to read more than 1-2 thing at one time :) But when I go abroad I sometimes take hmm.. more than 5 books, so in this case it's great :) Quite often I even take more than I could read, just to have choice ^^ Once I've been on vacation and I finished all I had and I got new book by email from my brother :)) So I like this feature :D
But I understand that you prefer printed books :) I am also not against them, I really appreciate good ones on paper :)
Let me clarify: I read more than one book at a time so I assumed that everyone do that. My mistake. When I used to use kindle I read one book on it but when I had a time to read at home I went for different titles in printed version;)
I agree it's hard to decide on one...I like GQ layout.
I like to read that magazine:
MartaSB said…
For me e-books and e-magizines are convenient to travel with and I'm willing to buy a kindle soon. But still, at home I prefer to use paper ones :)
MartaSB said…
Thanks for sharing your experience with Kindle Classic, I'm thinking about buying it in the nearest future :)
Unknown said…
This summer i borrowed kindle paperwhite from my friend. I just wanted to read normally one book that wasn't available i print.
And in 1 week i've red like 2 books and half. That thing was great, i could just lay down and do not care about light changing. The battery of that things was alright, all features like built in dictionary is just swell, only things that was annoying is response time. Because i am a bit used to faster processing speed on phones and tablets, ebooks are slow so i click to much and sometimes skip a chapter or change a book.
PrzemekM said…
Since I bought the ipad, I have never bought more physical book. IT's just unpractical.
I have thousand of pages in small and light tablet. Books, they look good on the shelf, I cant imagine this day to walk with a heavy bag.
Easy access to many publications, exceeds any advantage of books.
I read some e-magazine, and interaction is one of coolest feature that i love it.
As a owner of Kindle Paperwhite 2 I would totally recommend this model. It costs a bit more than Kindle Classic but it has touch feature and back-light which I think are very useful. There is also Kindle Voyage but I think it is significantly more expensive and the only difference is better screen ( higher pixels density) and PagePress feature.
There is one thing you forgot to mention Simon. LCD screen in tablets or smartphones always has glares. They are extremely visible in sunny day or in a bright office. Personally, I think it is kind of a big issue.
I think that reading magazines on tablet/smartphone is a bit better experience than reading it on Kindle. I am talking about those special version of magazines for tablet with interactive content like music, videos etc. On Kindle, magazines are just typical PDF files which might look a bit boring.

As for learning from real book, I think that it is partially true. Basically, I have noticed that reading any paper book about programming made me remember more information or it lasted for longer.
Moreover, I would like to add that iPad looks good on the shelf as well :D .
Unknown said…
In my opinions, e-books nad e-magazines are really comfortable way of reading. Not only because you can always carry thousand of books in one small pocket device, but buying new books is also so much easier! In past, when I wanted to read some specific book, that I couldn't find in bookstore, I had to order it and wait for half a week or sometimes even longer. I am not a very patient person, so it always was a big problem for me.
Nowadays, I can make transaction whenever I want and download book to my device a few minutes after payment. This is really amazing. I totally rely on e-books and buy traditional publications only when I see some beautifully designed publication of my favourite writers.
Unknown said…
Yeah that's what I was talking about, magazines for tablets :) I know that there is some newspapers that publish their articles via kindle but i think it not that interesting as magazines on tablets :D
Unknown said…
And which app do you use to read on ipad?
Unknown said…
O really? I know that it is a little bit slower, but it didn't bother me when I was reading on kindle. Maybe it comes with the touch system, I have buttons and I just know when I click it, with touch system I guess you are never sure if it has "clicked" or not :)
Unknown said…
I completely agree with you :)
rf. said…
I've read around 6k pages of a fantasy novel (SoT) on my S3galaxy mini. I've been thinking about buying an e-reader or maybe a tablet, but still didn't get to it as the collection of my unread paper books is still growing. The thing is lately reading is more of a luxury time for me, as I'm either at work or on the university between 7 am and 9 pm.
I think e-books are a great invention, as you mentioned they are much more handy than a real book. Also there is the fact that an e-book doesn’t need paper to be printed, etc etc. However I personally never felt the need to “convert” to digital paper. I simply prefer normal books. It's not the smell or things others may say. I don't know what it is. I just... like regular books. However I must admit that for stuff like news I exclusively use my smart phone. I stopped listening to the news on the radio or on the TV, I only read news from RSS feeds.
Unknown said…
In recent years e-books and e-magazines become more and more popular. I use them myself almost every day on a tablet. It is very nice and convenient. It is certainly more profitable for authors who do not need to overpay to a number of intermediaries during the sale. On top of that, this form is much cheaper than a printed one.
Unknown said…
Yeah but the price is still the same for printed and digital books/magazines - that's a thing that really bothers me... I expect it to be cheaper, because it is not "physical" but on the other hand all of these stuff need to be redesigned, almost make from the beginning...
And what do you mean by saying that it's more profitable for authors? Never have though of it actually... I'm not sure if I understood it correctly but is it connected to publisher? Can an author publish a book without anybody's help? What about quality then? Damn, I am not really into this stuff, magic to me :D Can you explain it more precisely? :)
Seisyll said…
What I think about them? Well there isn't actually anything that I would like to add to thing that were already said. They are handy, you can bring whole collection with you, you don't have to wait much for the new book, etc etc. I already own a 3rd generation kindle and I am thinking about buying a tablet. Like I mentioned they are handy and I prefer to have them with me when I'm travelling. It's like with iPod and cd-player. When you took cd player with you, you could only listen to what you had with you, but when you have iPod you can listen to everything you have in your collection. Well, that doesn't mean that I think books are bad, they are unique in their own way, but when it comes to efficiency I prefer eBooks
Unknown said…
I still preffer paper book. I love the smell of paper as you. Without it I have read article which showed statistics on effectiveness of stored text in our head. When we read on the paper we remember more than when we read on the e-readers, computers, etc.
Of course, I read many articles in the internet, but I really love to take paper version of magazine or books, to take a cup of coffe or cocoa and read, read, read. It’s the best time for me. Unfortunatelly I haven’t enough time to read as often as I want.
Unknown said…
If someone reads a lot of books for entartainment, it is a must have. For learning I prefer traditional books. Also I don't read a lot of books for pleasure, and when I do, It's alwas when friends pass me some book they like, and just finished reading. So I think I don't need to buy kindle.
Unknown said…
There is also cool thing about e-books:) Your friend can borrow you a ebook even if he is still reading it :D But I respect your approach :)
Unknown said…
When I heard about e-books for the first time, I was very sceptical about this idea. I thought that there is no point of buying e-reader, because most popular publications will have their ebook-release, and less popular books will remain available as paper-books. I was so wrong. Nowdays, most of 20th century classics are available on amazon, along with gazzilions of other books. For example, some years ago, when I was looking for William Faulkner's "The sound and the fury" I searched for the book for months. Finally I found it in antique shop - last polish publication came out in 1971. Of course the book wan't cheap. Another, more extreme example is Pynchon's "Gravity's Rainbow", which in our country may be considered as rara avis. Currently it's not even available on allegro, but when it is, it costs about 300 PLN. Both books are available on amazon kindle store and costs about 10$ each. They can be delivered wirelessly just after "buy" click. Also, thanks to "movements" like Project Gutenberg ( or polish equivalent "Wolne Lektury" ( we can get some classic books legally for free.

Comfort of reading is another advantage of ebooks - e-readers are handy and you can use them anywhere.

As for disadvanteges, some people just prefer too read paperbooks, because they find this form more attractive. I'm not one of them, but I understand the point. Also, there was some interesting research which seems to prove, that when you read traditional-paper-book you remember more information (
Unknown said…
Interactive magazines are more interesting for people than paper one. There are a lot of things that catch us eyes. Thanks to that we are able to remember more informations. I think that disadvantage of e-magazine is the fact that we can't mark important for us things and we aren't able to make notes next to the information.
Mateusz Frycie said…
I like eBooks and the opportunities (largely over the horizon) afforded by them. To be honest I tried getting into them on my laptop and couldn't do it. Now im using iPad fro reading books. It is a good (not great) experience. Maybe in the nearest future I will buy myself Kindle.
Unknown said…
Most of my recently books I read on my iPad it is maybe not as good solution as Kiddle but for me still better than those on normal paper which sometimes weight a lot and I need to carry them for whole day on the city.
Unknown said…
I could be oldfashioned, however I prefer paper. If we are talking about book than for me it must be a 100% paper version, while if we are talking about magazines then it is more 50-50, cause from one side those new e-magazines could have additional things like videos, animations and music, what is ammazing as for me, but from the other side again, I prefer to feel the paper and physical perseption of the pages, it is important. It is more on sub-conscious level.
Marcin Lyzwa said…
I recently bought a kindle of my own to one purpose - read IT books. Generally this kind of book is quite expensive and buying one after another is too much for me. So I bought kindle and it was best decision I recently made. Reading on it is so comfortable. I hate reading on LCD monitors, but on e-ink is different story. But I can't imagine not reading traditional books. I dream of huge book shelf in my flat.
Unknown said…
I have a Kindle Touch and I absolutely love it. I don't remember when I was last reading a "normal" book. I only buy cookbooks now, I care a lot about the photographs in them. It saves a lot of money, it is extremely handy (I can use it while on bus) and light, I don't have to worry about overweight luggage anymore (tons and tons of books in it), my back doesn't hurt because I don't carry heavy books with me anymore... That sounds like an advertisement for Amazon, but seriously, it it worth all the money in the world. My grandma once said that she would never shed a tear over a Kindle (she cries a lot while reading books) and now she owns one and is very happy about it. My grandpa also has one and it comes really useful as he is losing his eyesight and enlarging the case makes it easy for him to read.

I also own a tablet and I download some magazines on it.
It is cheaper than buying regular magazines, very handy to carry around, it makes the magazines very accessible, you can check everything on the Internet and you don't collect paper stuff that is hard to throw away (who on earth would easily get rid of some beautiful magazines like Kukbuk?!).

As you see, I cannot find any disadvantages of Kindle nor tablet magazines. I use this technology all the time and I am VERY happy it exists.
Unknown said…
I prefer to read books on paper but e-books and e-magazines are very convenient to use. What is more books occupy a lot of space in flat and e-books only memory of your device so for me it is great invention and I hope it will still evolve.

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