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[WEEK 12] Millennials

Millennials – pampered youth people, tech savvy, kidults (kid + adult) who don't want to work for 8 hour at a desk and often have flexible approach to goal-setting. Will  they emerge stronger from the economic downturn?

Definition of millennials from :

“A term used to refer to the generation, born from 1980 onward, brought up using digital technology and mass media; the children of Baby Boomers; also called Generation Y”

There is a heated dispute about adjusting to an economic downturn. Some people think that millennials use some abilities to endure the crisis while others are against this point of view. Both opinions should be taken into account when considering this problem.
      Firstly, flexible goal-setting is an excellent solution not only during the economic downturn but also in  times of prosperity. This method acknowledges the presence of chaos and unpredictability of modern times, where change is rapid and conditions shift in an instant. I guess this skill helped to survive a lot of people, especially during unstable times.
Secondly, tech savvy is always a useful ability. More and more often things are getting computerized. Knowing a lot about technology is not only an advantage but a prerequisite to function in nowadays world.
Moreover, there is an issue of parental cushions. Getting help from parents isn’t anything wrong but where should we determine boundaries? Having someone on whom we can rely during hard times is priceless.
On the other hand, changing our approach during complicated situations may be considered insincere and crafty. Choosing main ambition and a persistent pursuit of it is a noble feature.
Opponents may also claim that tech savvy is not of very much importance because being good at your job releases you from having any extra skills. It’s considered useful but not essential.
            Furthermore, getting help from parents leads to addiction and constant feeling of owing something and being “in debt”. Leaving overprotective parents for the second time may be problematic, too.
All things considered, what does not kill you, makes you stronger. It seems important to state that all  kind of support is useful and appreciated in life. In my point of view, surviving an economic downturn with the skills mentioned will prepare millennials for forthcoming difficulties in the future.

I found an interesting quiz, called How Millenial Are You ?


1. Have you ever heard about millennials or generation Y ?
2. What do you think about today's youth ?
3. Will these supports help them/us emerge stronger from the economic downturn?



Sylwia said…
I have heard about it. Recently it is very popular topic in media. Everyone talk and judge this generation. I heard good and bad opinion. That is way I’m getting tried of this discussion.
I can’t say that I identify completely with millennials, but I have quite a lot in common as we all grew up in same social condition and somehow it defined us. To me young people are ambitious, with big dreams and great potential. However often expect too much and are not ready to work hard to accomplish it.
Yes, recently it's very popular subject. The industrial time has passed. Young people don't want to work hard and politely 8 hours a day. They looking for something that gives them pleasure and they can work 20 hours a day with happy frame of mind. Hard work is often inevitable.
Kasia Kmieć said…
I've heard about the subject back in junior high. My comment about the youth these days would be longer than this article... I just think that comfortable life is killing the ambition in people.. They're used to taking everything for granted. My generation,however, was partially raised in time when computers weren't popular and physical work was still very respected. So looking at my friends I see hope but also... a big doze of laziness. And it's getting worse when looking at younger generation. If the future depends on generation Y, it's inevitable that they'll soon have to find the solution for themselves so the world could function at the same level - or even higher.
Unknown said…
1. Have you ever heard about millennials or generation Y ?
I have to say that I never heard about the millennials before. Perhaps because they might be called a little bit different in Poland. Generation Y on the other hand sound some how familiar. I know that generation X is a group that where born between 1966 and 1976. Generation Y are people born between 1977 and 1994. I am also from generation Y as I was born in 1987. That's only mean that this article is about all of us. I do not think that this article apply much to our polish Y generation. We have different mentality. I think that generation Y in Poland is much different from generation Y in United Kingdom or United States.
2. What do you think about today's youth ?
I think that they are different from previous generation.
3. Will these supports help them/us emerge stronger from the economic downturn?
Economic downturn have place because people are not as crucial for business as they use to be. Now almost everything can be accomplished by machines and software. Business often replace human resources with hardware in consequence unemployment grow. I do not think that provided help will make any changes in the economic downturn.
Tomek said…
I have heard of the term. I don't regard such people to be worse than previous generations. They had to adjust to the current situation in the world. It's often easier and faster to find information on the Internet so they learned to use it well. They embraced change. Instead of learning, they look stuff up and solve current problems. The issue here is that the quality of their work suffers. The fastest solution might not always be the best. It should help them get over economic problems though.
alt_pl said…
1. Have you ever heard about millennials or generation Y ?
I have done my research considering that topic many years ago and sadly I found myself nearly 100% accurate to definition of it.

2. What do you think about today's youth ?
I think that they won't be capable of interpersonal communication due to usage of electronics and improvements like Google Glass which will flatten our reality.

3. Will these supports help them/us emerge stronger from the economic downturn?
I never thought of it. I will try to focus on that some time from today.
Unknown said…
I think today's youth is better compared to my generation. They seem more ambitious and spend time doing smarter things, which is a good sign and should make us look with hopes for the future. One thing that is worse compared to previous generations is that the internet culture kills diversity.
Simon S. it is true that culture disappears faster, This is sadly also disadventages of globalization.

I think that most of us have in this quiz more than 70% of being millennials :)
Unknown said…
1. Have you ever heard about millennials or generation Y ?
I had to Ive studied social sciences.
2. What do you think about today's youth ?
I think they adapt to the situaction. I dont like to judge.
Elder generation always criticize younger one.
3. Will these supports help them/us emerge stronger from the economic downturn?
Dont think so.
Unknown said…
Generation Y otherwise known as the Millennium, the next generation, the generation of digital or Ipod generation. Unlike the previous generation, known as Generation X, acquainted with the latest technology and actively use digital media and digital technologies and are considered generation of brash, open to new challenges.
My opinion about a young people is very different today. Without gadgets they are not able to cope in life.
Almost everything can be now accomplished by machines and software.

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