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Week 9: Living alone

Living alone- what dio you think?
            I left my parents’ home about 1,5 year ago and I rented a flat by myself. I was sure I needed  space just for me and I haven’t changed my mind at all. Of course, sometimes there are bad days, but after all I think everyone should try it at least for a short period of time. The fact is that there are 2 types of people: lonely-lovers and those, who need another person by their side.

                Some people feel like they can’t live alone, they are getting tired staying all alone and they feel uncomfortable when there is no one in the house. That is understood, as it is said we are gregarious animals. In group of other people we feel safer, we can laugh, cry, work, cook, relax and so one and it makes us happy. Contact with different people is very important for our development and not to get crazy, but as it said- silence is golden. To the advantages of living with flatmates we can add allocation of work. One day/ week you have to clean up home, do the shopping, take out the trash etc, and next time you delegate it to another person which of course is easier if you have a support and when you know that there is always someone.
            On the other hand, there is a bad side as well. You are not guaranteed that you will get on together. Sometimes it happens you can live with someone you don’t like anymore even if you were in love or best friends living separately. Here becomes a problem when people living together are in a habit of doing totally different things- one person needs her place to be clean, full of natural plants, fresh smell and the other doesn’t care where her dirty socks or dishes are. This is a short, funny movie about things which might happen with your flatmate.

                On the other hand there are people who love living alone, this is just another kind of lifestyle. If you want to live happily alone you need to follow some rules. The most important thing is to remember that everything you need to do or buy cannot be delegated. You can’t count on someone to help you permanently . The other thing is to keep your house clean, not to leave those things to do later but wash the dishes just after having finished eating- it takes less time when it is fresh. You can’t forget about trash, especially when you leave for holidays. Unfortunately, it happened to me, I forgot to take it out when I left for 5 days- I don’t want to remember that smell after I got back… Advantages of living alone? Of course, independence. No one can tell you what and how to do things - you are setting your time table. You don’t need to care while learning for an exam all night to walk in silence, to make coffee in a way that won’t wake others up. You can learn a lot about yourself and if you need to  complain, you can go out or invite someone to your place, that gives you freedom and kind of your own world. Check this out:

                As you can see there is no perfect solution for everybody, first of all you need to get to know yourself (which In my opinion is the best way while living alone ) and then decide, what is the most comfortable for you.  I hope you enjoyed my article, here is the discussion:

  1.            Are you living alone or with flat mates, fiancé? How do you like it?
  2.           What do you think of changing that?
  3.            How would you describe the best flatmates?


Unknown said…
I don't live alone right now, but I plan to in the nearest future. I'm the type of person who needs space for himself. I don't like being alone for long though, but that's the good point of living alone - you can invite whoever you want to spend time with. At the same time, you can be alone whenever you feel like it.

When I was traveling I was renting apartments and sometimes stayed there by myself, and sometimes friends I met there were staying over or just visiting. I find that set up to be perfect and very convenient.

The main negative of living alone, however, is the price you have to pay to rent a decent flat. It basically makes half of your salary disappear ;-) and is the only reason why I didn't move out yet.
Dalvia said…
1. Are you living alone or with flat mates, fiancé? How do you like it?

I used to live alone, while I was in Brussels. And loved it. I've leraned a lot about myself, my strenghts, ambitions, but also my "bad side", at what am I weak. That was a very good thing.
But then I had to find a roommate. I found and ideal one, we worked together, laughed. We never had any kind of a fight, wich was amazing. I was cleaning dishes in a morning, she was doing them in the afternoon, after lunch. Once a week we would clean whole apartement. And then I came back to Poland. I started living with my boyfriend, who soon enough became fiance, and now is my husband. And again, we divide house works: he does the dishes, but I do all laundry, etc. Anyway, I like it very much. I do tasks that I don't mind about, and same does he :)

2. What do you think of changing that?

In my situation it would be rather difficult, ha ha ha,

3. How would you describe the best flatmates?
Oh, I had only two of them in my life, and they both were perfect in their own way... I think that you just need to communicate with them well, not be affraid about telling things that you don't like, and just divide house work....
Anonymous said…
I love being an independent, so when I was 18 I moved out of the family home. For the first two years I rented a flat with my girlfriend and later I got a loan and bought my own apartment. Though my parents are awesome I prefer to see them on weekends :P

I will describe the best flatmates, briefly: the people in the apartment are cool on the weekends in the party. Then there is a loud and fun and it is good. When I come back from work or in the evenings I'm doing extra projects I need silence. I have my office, which is only mine.
alt_pl said…
1. Are you living alone or with flat mates, fiancé? How do you like it?
I live with my sister. She's absent every week days so it's like living alone. I want to rent flat on my own because I don't like like living with anyone.

2. What do you think of changing that?
I want to change my living place for small flat where I would live on my own.

3. How would you describe the best flatmates?
No flatmates. I shared room when I had to move for summer holidays for nearly three months and It was terrible.
Kasia Kmieć said…
I'm currently living alone and the situation fits me quite well. I don't have to go through the hours of discussions about trivial problems, deal with the division of household duties or clean someone else's mess. Being on my own allows me to decide about everything and be truly independent. On the other hand I'd not mind living with the flatmate at some point but it could not be some random stranger. I could only share a flat with a person I truly know, the one that wouldn't surprise me at the door with a dozen of drunk friends at 4AM, someone I could get on well with. Don't get me wrong - I'm really a social person, who loves contact with people, going out and having fun. But still I do follow some strict rules when it comes to my home. So I could only live with someone who will not only respect but share my views on this matter.
First of all, I would like to say that you have approached this topic only in spiritual aspect - how it is to live alone and how it's not. In my opinion this subject is much more wider and complicated - especially nowadays (real estate market, number of students in Warsaw, etc.)
But sticking to the point:
I live with my family. I do agree that it is convenient because we can split responsibilities and we know that we can rely on each other, which may be an issue in case of living with friends. Of course this solution has pros and cons - lack of privacy, we have to share and agree on our plans. But living together is great because it's your family and it keeps us closer.
Of course I'm thinking about changing it, I think everybody does in some point of their life. But I cannot imagine living alone, it just not my cup of tea - I like to have companionship, preferably human one.
The best flatmates - in my opinion family is the best one you can get. Spouse, partner, brother or sister. This is the perfect training before the "adult" life and gives you an opportunity to work out a scheme which fits you all. Friends as flatmates are risky because it can change suddenly, you can have your differences which affect negatively on your relationship.
A little tittle-tattle for the end:
Unknown said…
Few years ago i'm living alone in rented flat , ohhh amazing student life but don't want to come back to it. Now me & my fiancé live in own apartment. We decide to buy house on outskirts of the city, because loud neighbors(students) and other annoying things irritate me so much that I can not stand it.
kacperzeen said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kacper K said…
Are you living alone or with flat mates, fiancé? How do you like it?
At the present moment I still live with my family, but in the near future I'm going to reside with my girlfriend in small flat.
What do you think of changing that?
I think that this change will not be easy, because each of us accustomed to the behavior of the family home. I am a person who often mess but my girlfriend likes tidiness. I think that while living together mess would be a common cause of quarrel.
How would you describe the best flatmates?
In my opinion the best flatmates must take care of cleanliness and able to cook. It would be nice if he/she liked a good kitchen and good music. I think, it is important to establish a good relationship with the person with you live and to respect her/his and her/his work.
Unknown said…
Bigger rent depends just on you- you can have lower standard, bad location etc and live alone or have quite comfortable, good located place shared with someone else. Even though, most of us will choose second way. :)
Unknown said…
So good for you to have only good flatmates! I've heard about very defferent kinds of people to share flat from mess-masters, party lovers to some obssesed with religion, that's why I thought it would be diffucult to meet such easy to live with people.
Unknown said…
Are you living alone or with flatmates, fiancé? How do you like it?
I live in with my girlfriend since 3 years now. I did not know what to expect at the beginning but now I know that it was a good decision to make. Everythinng is great so far. I have some experience living with other students few years back when i was doing my bachelor degrees. Yeh old good times... I remember James, Simon, Dan from my first house. I can describe living with them as "one big mess". I liked them alot but living with them where hard. Just like the picture above...

What do you think of changing that?
Back to my girlfriend now... No. She is the best flat mate I ever had... and I had many.

How would you describe the best flatmates?
Its depends what exacly do you want to know about them. Crazy, funny, party animals, outgoing, irresponsible... I could say much about them, each one was different in its own way. Maybe they where not as adult and calm as I am now but hey.... don`t forget why students go away from home to live with other students.
Unknown said…
I totally agree with you- having my own space, with silence, comfort and only my staff is the only thing i need to focus.
Unknown said…
Those are typpical problems in blocks of flats- you can hear all noices made by your neighbours and sometimes it can make you really angry especially if you have to wake up next day early and they are giving a party for the half of their university.
Unknown said…
Living with boyfriend or girlfriend usually is really hard at the beggining, you need to get used to your habits. It is good to hear that getting on well while living togheter is possible.
Unknown said…
Of course, You can be that kind of person who needs compain, as my sister for example. Living with friends is as risky as living with girlfriend or boyfriend in my oppinion and the best way to make it good adventure is to respect and understand each other.
Interesting map, thank you .
Sylwia said…
Just after I moved to Warsaw I rent a flat with my friend, but it doesn’t end well. We didn’t agree at all, but defiantly didn’t get on well together. Our lifestyles were completely different and that was an issue. After around one year my flatmate moved out. Since that experience I’ve been living alone. However sometimes I would like to change it, but only if it would be my close friend or family member.
Independence is a great thing and I believe most people will want to find their own home sooner or later. In my case however I do not feel the need for it since I live in a very big house with my parents. I'm sure the people who have been there would agree that it wouldn't make much sense to move from such a nice place. Sometimes I forget that there is someone else in the house :P And I can invite friends basically whenever I want. Of course I had many occasions to live with people in smaller areas during holiday trips and I think the most important aspect of a good flat mate would be contributing: a good flat mate should keep in mind he is not alone and therefore be prepared to clean after himself and take on some responsibilities for the things he has to share with others.
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