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[Week:9] PUPPETS for adults?

What is your association with the word „puppets”? Are you in that huge group of people who connect the word with children rather than with adults? Well, thanks to “the Muppet Show” that group is smaller. I hope that if you are in that group you'll change your mind after reading the article, and if you're not you'll have fun reading it.
Muppets introduction :)

Maybe you don't consider muppets to be a good example of a show „for adults” because the puppets are so colorful and funny, but most of topics which are brought up in the show are connected with politics or culture. There are shows strictly about politics. A great example of such a show is „Splitting image” - a show created in UK :

Such satirical shows arouse from the tradition of comedy dell'arte. A different kind of performances with the use of puppets are closer to theater rather than to TV shows. Puppets can be also dramatic or poetic, not only satiric and funny.
An amazing puppet created for theatre performance:

In Warsaw there are three puppets theaters, but only sometimes you can see a play for adults there. A play which is really fantastic and worth seeing is“ the death , the goose and a rose” in Baj Theatre. That play is for adults and for children. There's also a big event for puppet-lovers in Warsaw. Once a year you can go to a festival called “Puppet is a human being too”. Here's a link to the last year's performances schedule - as you can see a lot of them are in English because the artists come from all over the world. Some of the performances shown during that festival are for adults only:

Nina Conti ending:


Do you think that puppets have future, or that the technique will disappear?
Have you ever seen a puppeteer live, would you like to?
Do you find puppets creepy, funny or poetic- why?



Unknown said…
I'm not sure what to think about the future of puppets since it all depends on what artists do with it. After all, it's easier to make puppets than a computer animation at this point. I also believe that even if it changes, there might be some creative people doing nice things with puppets.

I remember seeing a puppeteer live, but that was when I was a kid, and those were the typical kid shows. Haven't ever been to any for adults.

I think it can be funny and creative, as long as the artist is good at making it this way - after all no matter what's the form of expression - it's what you want to express - if it's good enough, you can do that in many different ways, including puppets.
I believe the puppet performances and sketches are still have well and rather this kind of art will doesn’t perish during nearly few years. Unfortunately, the most of people in Poland reminding this kind of art as show for children and the artists confined to alternative theaters. Otherwise, this thing is present in the another countries, this kind of entertainment are still popular there. Personally, I’ve never been on highly theatrical show for adults, when I was young I’ve been at performance for kids.
I think, the every single puppet have they own “character” and “soul”, while the abilities of artist/actor are helping in to show it. Sometimes puppets are happy and cheers us up and at the other times they can really scare us. They are expression of emotions and poetry too, as is in the case of Japanese Nō theater.
I hope this kind of art will never disappear and will be always cultivated.
Kasia Kmieć said…
I love puppet shows! I used to spend lot of time watching Sesame Street and nowadays puppets remind me of it. I especially admire the musical "Avenue Q", which is rather for adults. You can watch the whole show here However, I don't think that puppets have a future, maybe as a small part of the culture or in a different, modern form. And I cannot answer your last question - every puppet can be different, depend on how it looks like or what character it plays.
Personally, I think that the puppets should be on the shelf. Maybe it’s sad, but I never liked watch puppets on TV. I hate “The Muppet Show”. It’s very irritated for me. I don’t know why. I admit that never been in puppets theatres. Maybe I should go to convert :D
alt_pl said…
Do you think that puppets have future, or that the technique will disappear?
Puppets are relics of the past and they represent a nostalgia for people above some age. I loved Muppet Show because they produced a lot of value of viewers.

Have you ever seen a puppeteer live, would you like to?
I haven't seen them in my entire life. Would I like to? Rather not. I like to have my nostalgic things only in my memory or on big screen.

Do you find puppets creepy, funny or poetic- why?
I find them funny. Even though Jim Henson created lots of them and some of them are creepy in modern terms :)
Unknown said…
This is funny but come one people. Do you really watch this kind of stuf ? I use to watch them when I was a boy. Now when i gorw up i dont feel like watching this things anymore. But this is only my opinion and i know that some of you might think something different. This way or another ... I am out :). Happy watching to everyone alse who think differently.
Sylwia said…
I totally agree with Simon, it all depends what artist will do with this profession. Still I don’t really think that puppets will ever be a mainstream entertainment.
I have been in puppets theater many times, but never in Warsaw. Most shows I have seen were for children, but there were a few dramas as well. For me it’s great pleasure to watch it. However puppets TV shows are usually not attractive for me.
I for one think that any means of presenting a show are ok - it's the message in the show, the show itself that counts. Usually I don't really care about the technical part of a show as long as I like the characters and the storyline. So if someone wants to use puppets, why not? Puppets, cartoons, computer animations, all these methods are as viable for serious and meaningful messages as normal, live actors.
Unknown said…
I think that using muppets in comedy shows / stand ups is just hilarious.
Just think about how much fun you could get from adding muppet to your show.
If you cannot see how much fum can it be, here are some examples ;)

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