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Week 9: Junk food

                Buying food is our everyday activity needed to let us live. Usually we don’t analyze it in detail, but I think we should read  the ingredients. It would be better for our health and life to get to know some facts about food.
               There is no need to write about fast food’s bad influence on our body, I guess. Wherever we go, whatever city it is, there are always McDonald’s and KFCs all around us and this is just because we want it! There would be no money for such business if we didn’t buy that kind of ‘food’. I know personally a girl addicted to junk food and I know that this is a serious problem.
               We can hear about what food contains. There was an issue with inedible salt which was added to many products and sold as salt not dangerous to our health.  The other thing was about expired meat  and illegal antibiotics fed to chickens. The biggest problem is a huge amount of salt and sugar in everything, even in products called ‘dietetic’ or ‘light’ . In  my opinion we should consider what and where we buy.

                There are some short documentary movies about how some things are made and what happens to food that we ate in our stomach.

                Here is something for brave ones only! That is how our stomach deals with an instant soup and a homemade chicken soup.
                If there is not enough for you, here is a short movie about how hydrochloric acid decomposes a cheeseburger:
1.    What do you think about fast food? Do you eat that kind of ‘meals’ ?
2.     Did those films shock you? 


Unknown said…
I looove junk food. I eat it all the time and I like it. Those films didn't shock me at all. I am familiar with the apparent consequences but it is still worth it to me. Whenever I change my diet habits, I'm just not as satisfied and don't feel as good. I just need some McDonalds or KFC from time to time ;-)
At the same time, I care about the quality of my fast foods. I order only foods that seem to be decent quality. I don't buy at stalls of questionable quality, or home made soups which contain all kinds of really bad things. I like pizzas, burgers and such - they are not as bad as people make them to be, although some burgers are heavily processed and pizzas aren't the most diverse meals - but they're by no means on the same level as home made soups or microwave-able frozen meals.
Dalvia said…
Like everyone, I like junk food. But I don't eat it anymore. Why? Oh, I know, I just wrote that I liked it. Thing is, that the effects after are terible. I just have the hardest time to digest it. So, if I have a craving for a burger, or french fries, I do them myslef, at home. I'm also allergic to a lot of food, so I always do my meals, and those for my husband. I don't say, that we are on a very healthy diet, but it sure is healthier than what you eat in city, or McDonalds, or whatever ;)
And films didn't schock me as much, I saw them some time ago already....
Kasia Kmieć said…
I don’t understand how anyone can like junk food. While eating for example a burger the only thing I can think about is how chemical it is and that makes it disgusting. The last time I used to eat junk food was probably around 10 years ago when I wanted to get a toy along with a meal. Right now I also eat it but just as an emergency meal, when I’m outside (and that’s also not often, I’m usually prepared with home cooked meal) or when it’s a special occasion and I don’t want to offend anyone. There’s only one exception to the junk food: pizza. But, again, I’d rather eat home made one than a greasy bought one.

The movies didn’t shock me at all, I am fully aware of what I eat, I need to know every nutrition value as I exercise everyday and I need to know what’s best for my body to regenerate. I cannot understand how can anyone just go for the taste instead of what’s most important for the body.
alt_pl said…
1. What do you think about fast food? Do you eat that kind of ‘meals’ ?
Due to my overweight I try not to eat any junk food but when I have no other choice I go to cheap chinese restaurants and eat good quality food which is cheaper than Mc Donald's or KFC or If I have possibility then I eat Burger King. Whis is my junk food.

2. Did those films shock you?
Too much Internet was seen by me. Nothing can shock me :)
Junk food is usually fast food. The sense of KFC or McDonald’s is in simplicity, good taste (not delicious) and very fast service. It’s a food which you can eat on the way to work or school. Videos aren’t scary for me. I know that “junk food” has been approved for human consumption. We live in a civilized country where we have a standards, certifications, tests etc. Each batch of meat is examined by a vet and laboratory tested. There is nothing to be afraid of.
Unknown said…
Yeah i agree with Kamil if you like McD.. eat it, horrible is when the whole family in Sundays diner go to McDonald or else ff. Instead of McDonald's I prefer for example buy a pumpernickel and eat it with tomato or cucumber it takes me as much time as buying cheeseburger.
Kacper K said…
I personally like junk food but I don’t like to eat it often. When I have to choose fast food I often pick Subway. In my opinion, this is the perfect combination between a reasonably healthy food (vegetables) and junk food. I try to take care of what I eat, so rather than restaurants of large companies I prefer to eat fast food in smaller or often private pubs, where burgers are made with real meat and fresh vegetables.
Unknown said…
Homemade burgers with fresh vegetables and good quality meat or golden french fries are so much better than McDonald's, you can add whatever you want and make it delicious for everyone. :)
Unknown said…
The same to me- while eating junk food I can't think about it because when I look at it exactly I am not able to finish my 'meal'.
Do you have any specific diet?
Unknown said…
Even if meat is examined it doesn't make it healthy. A lot of fat, sugar and salt in those food is still dangerouse for our health and weight of course.
Unknown said…
Try porridge with fresh or dried fruits and yogurt then. This is my usuall breakfast and it is not only delicious, but it fulls your stomach for a long time and is very healthy if you put some nuts or pumpkin seeds in it.
Unknown said…
Subway is the only junk food that i accept and I don't treat it as unhealthy as McDonalds. Those private pubs with real burgers are great and I think they have not much in common with 'fast food'.
Somehow not especially shocked me these clips. I’ve used to watch a movie called “Super Size Me” about this kind of subject and there we can easily find out informations about an unhealthy diet. Puzzling is that, though the people already new it what is this kind of food and they eating it but somehow they don’t abandon it, and even they are started to eating more and more from day to day. Some people after a certain time don’t want to eat nothing else. This kind of dining is fast and quite tasty so it suits perfectly in nowadays lifestyle, and thus it’s doesn’t healthy. In my opinion, the humans will doesn’t change they habitats to healthy food and it must take much time when they understand this.
What about me, I rarely visit this kind of restaurants, it is the last alternative when I must go with someone or alone to some restaurant to have a meal.
Unknown said…
1. What do you think about fast food? Do you eat that kind of ‘meals’ ?
I am aware of the quallity that is sold in fast food restaurant. Often this food is also available in supermarkets. Processed or mechanically recovered meat is something that i try to avoid in my menu. I think that everyone knew about this. And even we know we still go to MC Donald or KFC. Is that not true? I think we just simple prefer to ignore the fact of food recovery process and pretend this is hapening somewhere else. I do eat MC myself from time to time (like 3-5 times in a year).

2. Did those films shock you?
I would like to say that they did... but I am aware of this, so it don`t make a big inpact on me. Perhaps someone who did not know will get shocked from those videos.
Sylwia said…
I eat fast food from time to time. I believe that everything is fine if it’s not too much. What I don’t like about fast food is that such food chains try to create impression that these meals are healthy and good quality. Of course, as Kamil wrote, the quality is controlled, but still it doesn’t mean that it is good for our body. Unfortunately a lot of people don’t care about it and have no limits with eating fast foods.
What is scaring for me, many parents do not control their children diet or even worst (as Adrian wrote) Sunday family dinner is at McDonald. Such behaviour creates wrong habits and makes our society unhealthy.
Obviously I like fast food but not all of it - there are some which I could eat but wouldn't enjoy. Unfortunately there are some that are simply very good, but also as unhealthy as the rest. However I usually try to avoid fast foods as often as I can, not only because I know they are not healthy. Generally I'm the kind of person who likes good food and as a rule I would prefer to go to a good restaurant (or a nice home meal) than to a fast food place. I don't eat fast foods often, I try as rarely as I can, but time not always allows. Also eating is something I think should be done in company (I think it's kind of sad when you go to a restaurant all by yourself) and unfortunately that is also a factor which often prevents me from eating quality food.
Unknown said…
What do you think about fast food? Do you eat that kind of ‘meals’ ?
I dont like it, this kind of food is made cheap and fast. Not very clean always.
But sometimes I have to eat it usually when Im in hurry. Its fast food..
2. Did those films shock you?
I wouldnt be wise not to know this sir.

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