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[Week 10] Part 2: A few facts about UAE

  1. UAE is ranked as one of the safest places in the world:

    Is number one for the lowest level of violent crime*
    Has the lowest homicide rate*
  2. Almost 90% of people living in UEA are immigrants

    To me, two above facts are strongly connected. Being in UEA you feel safe. Women are treated with great respect. Pickpocketing, stealing, assaults, rapes etc are not common as sharia is strict. All foreigners, without exception, are severely punished, so people do not want to risk. On the other hand, UEA men citizens are usually treated with privilege. Even if they commit a serious crime they get inadequate low punishment.
  3. UEA taboo is “modern slavery”
  4. Has the lowest undernourishment rate*

    In UEA we can observe what people often call modern slavery. And it’s not about Arabic women, but about immigrants. There is a huge number of people from Asia working on lowest paid jobs over a doze hours a day. They live in poor conditions, are often intimidated and humiliated, with no prospects for better future in UEA. They can always go back to their country (if they can afford it), but it would mean a failure for them, which is hard to admit. That is the price of fast development. However at the same time you cannot see poverty: there are no beggars on streets, people have a place to sleep and what to eat.
  5. Despite religious strict rules, alcohol is easy to get in UEA

    There are 3 major ways to get alcohol in UEA (which I heard about). First, buy it in a restaurant, a hotel or a club. However you need to be over 21 (not 18 like in Poland). Second way is getting a license, which allows you to buy alcohol in a shop. To get it you have to be over 21, you need a signed agreement from your employer and you can’t be a Muslim. If you get such a license, all your alcohol shopping is registered. As far as I know these shopping is also limited to max 10% of you monthly salary. Third way is to buy alcohol on a desert where there are no limitations at all. However it is a little bit risky as in some emirates even possessing alcohol without a license is strictly punished.

  6. Is number one in the world for treating women with respect*
  7. Women in UAE are better educated than men
  8. Has the highest rate of enrolment in the secondary education*

    In fact women life in UEA is different than stereotypes. Arabic women work normally. They can do almost every job they like and you often see working women in a traditional outfit. However they aren’t forced to wear abaye and sheile. Usually they are proud to do it – especially young, rich or middle class. What is important, women are also allowed to vote.

    The one thing, which I really like is that there are special privileges for women such us: separate lines in public places, a special compartment in buses and trains, taxies only for women etc. It doesn’t mean that women must use it, it only means that men cannot. Women can use also male parts, but the special ones are less crowded (there are a few times more men than women living in UEA – in Dubai proportion is 5 to 1). In addition, in cities there are organized for women lady’s nights in clubs and restaurants – however they are organized mostly for non-Arabic women. Every day there are various places often completely free for women.
  9. In UEA outfit rules are not so strict as it is said so

    People usually think that going to UEA women need to cover legs and shoulders. In fact nowadays people do not respect it so much. You can see a lot of foreigners in public places wearing shorts etc. Usually it has no consequences, but from time to time it may finish with an argument with local people, a police threat (and then a huge fine) or just simply the security will throw you out of a place. Personally I tried to respect these rules, as I wouldn’t like to be offensive for anyone.
There are many other things, which are typical for UEA and unusual or unknown for Europeans, for example, as in all Arabic countries weekend means Friday and Saturday (Sunday is the first day of a working week) or 30 minutes after time you are not even late. I have just chosen a few facts, which were completely different than my expectations.

*According to the report created by a team of international economists led by Professor Michael Porter of Harvard Business School, as part of an initiative launched by the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council.


What is your general opinion about Arabic culture?
Would you like to live in an Arabic country? Why yes/no? Would it be difficult for you to live there?
What stereotypes you know about living in Arabic countries? Do you think all of them are true?


Dalvia said…
This sounds amazing. And part about education in woman, is great, although last year there was an amazing article: woman in UAE are learning much better than men. And so, they gave a limit for woman to pass to university etc, so the statistics wouldn't be that bad. So, I'm sorry, maybe you writ here as like this country is a paradise, but it's not as much, unfortunately.
Although, it's not like it seems like. It's true, that I thought it would be like most of arabic countries, but it looks like it's not... hmmm.... Maybe I'll go there for holidays, to see it for my own eyes....
Kasia Kmieć said…
I would rather live under a bridge than in Islamic country and I mean it. However, I find Arabic culture itself very rich, very fascinating. I was reading lots of books about it, including the place of woman in the culture. I think the situation of women was, for example, far better even a century ago, not to mention the roots of the religion, where women were leading whole armies and because of that they were covering their hair from dust – which stayed till modern days. Right now the situation of women is worse than dog’s or in less conservative countries it’s better but they aren’t fully free, still. Other aspects of the culture, like architecture and art, even the alphabet is quite absorbing. I really like the floral patterns, the simple and elegant buildings. I even dance “their” belly dance. So Islam is really fascinating or rather was fascinating. But I guess any religion took way more serious leads to deterioration of its basic values.
Unknown said…
"I would rather live under a bridge than in Islamic country and I mean it. However, I find Arabic culture itself very rich, very fascinating." I think living in islamic country can be rather difficult for woman. But in UAE woman have a lot of privilages, and they are treated with respect.

What is your general opinion about Arabic culture?
Arabic culture is very fascynating. Perhaps I should use word "mystical", because this is how I feel about Arabic culture. I could also say that their culture is very religious and strict. I use to have a Indian friend who moved to UAE. He took all his family and travel to place called Quatar. We still keep in touch, he write to me from time to time.

Would you like to live in an Arabic country? Why yes/no? Would it be difficult for you to live there?
No, its to big cultural gap for me. I like my own place in Poland. You do not move the old tree. This is how I feel about it. I respect them and their culture, but this is simple not my piece of pie.

What stereotypes you know about living in Arabic countries? Do you think all of them are true?
You have to say no to stereotypes as they never show you reality. Best is to treat stereotypes like a hint. You have to be aware that in a larg community of people you can find someone who will match those stereotypes.
Sylwia said…
I don’t say that UEA is paradise, but all stereotypes I had known before I went there were worst.
Sylwia said…
I agree with you. For me it is also the interesting and quite exotic place for holidays. I wouldn’t like to live there.
Anonymous said…
What is your general opinion about Arabic culture?
Generally, I don't know any Arab. All the information I have from television and books, so I know the phrases as the mistreatment of women, oil and villas on a few hectares

Would you like to live in an Arabic country? Why yes/no? Would it be difficult for you to live there?
No, I love Poland and Europe. :) Good climate and peaceful life.

What stereotypes you know about living in Arabic countries? Do you think all of them are true?
The biggest stereotype is probably that every Arab has oil :) It is known that it is probably a small percentage but such information is easily scaled. Another stereotype about women. And here, unfortunately, I think that's true in most cases
Darkia said…
i never met more personally any arab, that i can talk and call friend. I can only base on things on internet or culture I din't like them because of they using their woman..
i don't want to live for longer time, mayby i could go for summer vacaction, but nothing more. I'm love wear that what i like, and in arabic country it's not so very good idea. And to taht are also stereotype, but mayby it's just the true, that woman have very hard live there, and must live in shadow of men, and do everything they want, even marry them in age of 8...
alt_pl said…
What is your general opinion about Arabic culture?
It is too personal question so I will not answer that.

Would you like to live in an Arabic country? Why yes/no? Would it be difficult for you to live there?
Nope. I don't like hot places even though I should live near air conditioning to have low temperatures. I wonder what would kill me first : my personal opinions or their local food. :)

What stereotypes you know about living in Arabic countries? Do you think all of them are true?
I think that Arabic culture is not interesting enough for me to research. It is mostly based on pillages and Jewish impacts on it. I think most of stereotypes are true when You observe what is happening in Europe considering Muslims in general.
Unknown said…
This was interesting to read. I wouldn't want to live there at all, but the fact that "Almost 90% of people living in UEA are immigrants" somehow struck me as unbelievable. Other facts as well. Thanks, Sylwia ;-)
Unknown said…
What is your general opinion about Arabic culture?
It's to dificult question for me i don't like to talk about it.
Would you like to live in an Arabic country? Why yes/no? Would it be difficult for you to live there?
I live in Egypt few months, it was horrible for me. The cultural difference was too big for me. People was strange, and their behavior was unpredictable. Ohhh horrible experience
What stereotypes you know about living in Arabic countries? Do you think all of them are true?
Some is true, but in the other hand is difficult to clearly say "YES".
I am not a "fan" of Arabic cultures. I respect them as much as I would any other culture, but I don't feel very much attracted to visiting Arabic countries and such. I suppose it would be very difficult for me to stay in such a place because of the constantly hot climate and of course the vast cultural differences and customs, which I simply don't understand. I am much more fond of Nordic cultures and traditions, also I am not keen on very hot climates. I prefer some moderately warm temperatures. At any rate stereotypes are always a bad thing and should not be encouraged. Every nation has some general traits which could be applied to the majority of people but one must never forget that each person is an individual.

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