Electronic Diversity Lottery also known as Green Card Lottery is a program of United States Department of State which allows people from other countries get a Permanent Residential Card.
The Program was created for people who are unable to qualify for employment in the United States, don’t have family there but would like work and live in USA. The Lottery is based mostly on good luck but factors like age, level of education and skills are very important during the whole procedure.
The application process is very easy and free so if you have never done it and you would like to try someday it is all you need to know:
- You can enter the Diversity Visa Lottery once a year at: https://www.dvlottery.state.gov/
- You will be asked to fill up a form with basic information about your age, education, your children under 21 ;) and a few other things
- You must submit a digital photo of yourself (it is very important to send a photo which meets the requirements – we all know this kind of photos that are made in American prisons right? That is the type of photo you need to send.)
If you enter the Diversity Visa Lottery more than once a year, your entries will not count so don’t try it because this kind of practices can ban you from the lottery and here a little advice – be honest during filling up the form.
And now good news: If you are from Europe you have about 1,5% chance that you will be selected so it is not impossible.
Have you ever tried to get the Green Card in the lottery?
Would you like to try? Yes/No - Why?
The Program was created for people who are unable to qualify for employment in the United States, don’t have family there but would like work and live in USA. The Lottery is based mostly on good luck but factors like age, level of education and skills are very important during the whole procedure.
The application process is very easy and free so if you have never done it and you would like to try someday it is all you need to know:
- You can enter the Diversity Visa Lottery once a year at: https://www.dvlottery.state.gov/
- You will be asked to fill up a form with basic information about your age, education, your children under 21 ;) and a few other things
- You must submit a digital photo of yourself (it is very important to send a photo which meets the requirements – we all know this kind of photos that are made in American prisons right? That is the type of photo you need to send.)
If you enter the Diversity Visa Lottery more than once a year, your entries will not count so don’t try it because this kind of practices can ban you from the lottery and here a little advice – be honest during filling up the form.
And now good news: If you are from Europe you have about 1,5% chance that you will be selected so it is not impossible.
Have you ever tried to get the Green Card in the lottery?
Would you like to try? Yes/No - Why?
Have you ever tried to get the Green Card in the lottery?
I have never tried to get one of those cards because I never heard of it before. This is first time ever I read anything about this kind of lottery. I knew what a green card is, but the fact that you can win it in loter is something new form me.
Would you like to try? Yes/No - Why?
I think it would be great to have one of those card. I always wanted to go to USA. Perhaps I could work there for few years and come back. I dont have any family out there, but I do have few firnds who live in USA and Canada. It would be a great posibility for me to vosit them, and see how they doing out there. Now that you provided a link, I might just give it a try. Who knows right ?
But I wouldn't wan't to live that far from my family. If I were to move from Poland, it would be back to Belgium most likely. I miss it. And my husband is completely for this kind of a change in our lives, so I think we'll try it. Right now I'm little bit anxious, he's working whole weekend and not get extra payed for it. It either "work or get fired", which is unfair.... but, what can you do? :/
I haven’t tried to get Green Card in US at all. Wining such lottery would be a lot of fun. However I’m not interested in moving to US, but maybe I would change my mind…
Would you like to try? Yes/No - Why?
After reading your post maybe in the future I'll try. Perhaps it motivates me to leave. Because life in Poland becomes more difficult
I had never heard about it so I haven't tried. Anywise I don't even want to try :). I feel good here. I have a good job, the whole family and friends in Poland. Maybe I'm the exception but America is not my dream. So the answer to the second question is no :)
Personally, I would travel to USA as a tourist, so this card would be unnecessary.
no, i havent.
Would you like to try? Yes/No - Why?
I think i would like try my luck- usually it doesnt disappoint me.
Would you like to try? Yes/No - Why?
I tried last year, but as you can see I did not get a green card. However, I know a family who managed to win the lottery and now they live in the USA.
I think I did. Just for fun when I was younger. I saw the ad on some site on the internet.
Would you like to try? Yes/No - Why?
It would be great to have green card. You know having visa in not a problem nowdays but I dont like restrictions. For example now if you are under 30 you can work in Australia anywhere you want. Just on tourist visa.