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Week 3: People’s dreams versus people’s possibilities

People’s dreams versus people’s possibilities
Everyone dreams about something- beautiful places to live in, satisfying, not a  lowpaid job, love, a family, but usually it requires bravery to make it fulfilled and here comes a problem. Sometimes we are too afraid of changes even though we spend sleepless nights thinking about it. People  spend all their  lives dreaming, not making anything to make their dreams come true. Why don't we just try  and then say ‘i did it, i am a happy person’. As it is said "be careful what you wish, because you just might get it", sometimes what we imagined is not the same in reality. We are dreaming about something and when it comes true we find out that we are not fulfilled, because we have been idealizing that.
My grandmother always said to herself looking into the mirror: I am beautiful, young and rich- what influenced her behavior and made her reach her goals. 
I think that self confidence is the most important thing about making dreams come true. Especially young people should work on it, because sometimes parents who are in a rush, simply forget about it. Please watch some tips how to improve it.
What I would like to add is that we should not look back and do our job.  Face to your dreams and let them come true.
Here is a short movie about the most beautiful place on Earth for me. Enjoy it
What are your dreams? Did you make any steps to make it happen? What stops you before doing it? What are the most beautiful places to live in your opinion?


Kasia Kmieć said…
I think dreams are what makes people's life meaningful. We all need a goal, something we pursuit. As long as life is improving itself in many ways we'd always want more and something different. It can be short-term dream like going to a new restaurant, buying a dress - or a big one, finding new love, travel somewhere far away.. Dreams of course can be unrealistic, but if you can find one that you can make happen why wait? In my life I usually get what I want just because of hard work and simply doing what needs to be done. Right now my goal is to finish the school and move to another country to live with my best friend. I'm already learning the language and saving money. I don't have a "dreamed place to live", I see advantages along with the disadvantages of every place. But if I find that place, I'll surely move there.
Unknown said…
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Dalvia said…
I have lots of dreams. But not much time to pursue them. Why? Well between school, work and being a wife, there's not much time left... still, even when I'm dreaming, I'm trying to find a way to make them true. Because by sitting and doing nothing, nothing will ever happen.
So, my and my husband dream for now is to travel trough USA. And this dream is coming closer and closer to become true. It takes time, and uses all off or patience, but I hope it will be worth it :) and I believe it will.
But to pursue your dream, you have to take a risk. And without the risk, there would be no development (emotional, economical etc). So, if you truly want to face your possibilities, just take the risk, leap of faith our whatever. Do it, without thinking.we're young, we'll be able to face the eventual problems :)
Unknown said…
I always had lots of dreams - smaller as well as bigger ones. I've also been putting in constant effort in order to make them come true. I did many things I wouldn't have believed I'll ever do just a few years ago. It turns out most of those things are much easier to accomplish than they seem.
I was able to see most places I wanted to see and even live in them, meet many people I wanted to meet, find a job similar to what I wanted to do and have friends who are like friends I always wanted to have. The point is, that now those things sound entirely regular and nothing special to me, so I have new goals and new dreams - frankly not as important as those I had and made them come true, but I believe that achieving goals and dreams is like an addiction - you get stuck in a cycle of achieving things you wanted and before you can truly enjoy them, they become something very usual and you're looking for new things to achieve. I believe that's the flip side of living like that.
Also, if anyone finds out a way to truly appreciate your dreams not only during dreaming and on the way to achieve them, but also after achieving them, let me know because that's my problem.
Unknown said…
think that a human who does not dream is in fact unhappy. Our life becomes gray and dreary, and the lack of purpose to what we are going leads nowhere. We are confused, eternally dissatisfied and living from day to day. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that people are not able to fulfill their dreams due to financial constraints. Sometimes also, so that the desire to be happy motivates us to find a well-paid job in which they meet and therefore we are able to fulfill the dream.
I have a lot of dreams and I try to approach every day to meet their working. I think that I have hobbies or kite surfing, strategy games are my escape from everyday life, but also require a financial resources for me, but these are some of the many dreams that I managed to fulfill.

The most beautiful place where, according to me when you can be happy is a small island where the live slowly and places around us, nice and friendly people.
The most of people are dreaming about to be famous and rich, but it’s not the most important thing. Some people are dreaming about wealthy life because they suffer of some illness. Dreams should be our pointer of life achievements but this purpose should be able with our opportunities and mainly talent. If we have some goal in life, it’s forcing us to action and we simply want to live, and when we more and more with small steps reaching the goal, especially we want to pursue this objective. However we couldn’t be blindly by the looking at the other people, cause we ourselves are the only architects of our own fate.
I feel that as older I get, as less dreams I have. Of course, I have some goals in my life, but I don’t know If I could name them a dreams, because these are quite mundane matters. I am a realist person and I don’t think about the things which are immpossible to achive. Only dreams don't complete the target. You need the effort and work. Dr. Ivan Joseph from youtube’s video about „The skill of self confidece”, talks about self-afirmation of Muhammad Ali. Believing in yourself and self confidence was definitly important, but for me it wasn’t the key to success. This great boxer sacrified his life to this sport. The hours spent in the gym, on training, good diet and staff working with him gave him victory. Only standing in front of a mirror and repeat I’m the best, I’m the best, I’m the best, could be sometimes helpful, but certainly can't be responsible for a great career. I consider myself lucky that I can live in such civilized country like Poland and I wouldn’t change this. If I want a little break from the Polish enviroment, I can always go on holiday abroad - even without a passport in EU, just with a ticket and money.
Dreams are most certainly a wonderful thing, one of the things thanks to which mankind made some many achievement in terms of development, culture, technology and others. It was a man's dream to fly, to make him create the first airplane and a man's dream to cure diseases to make him discover aspirin. Dreams are what make the world go round, whether it's bad things or good and therefore are one of the things that make us human. That's my opinion, however pathetic one could think it is. That said, I believe a dream can be anything and it is a person's right to pursue whatever goals he or she wants. My dream is simply to live a serene life and to achieve that goal I must establish a place in the world for myself, such that I will feel fulfilled and satisfied, in terms of ambitions and security. And I believe that such a simple think is very easy to achieve.
The most beautiful places to live in? I think it's Tuscany. The views are great, the climate is soothing and the people are very kind. Best place in the world if you ask me. To bad it's not an autonomous country instead of being part of Italy.
Unknown said…
I believe that everyone should have a dream and I think that there is no person in the world who is not dreaming at all. Dreams are motivating people to act somehow and stimulate to make effort. I have dreams too and I am trying to make dreams come true but this not a place and time to talk about it.

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