Each of us sleeps after a day. Why? Because
to have strength and motivation the next day, our body must rest and regain
strength, so we sleep. But how do we optimally sleep in terms of time? 6? 8? 9?
Or maybe 11 hours? Watch the video:
and answer the questions below.
- What is your answer to the title
question of the video on YouTube?
- What do you think about sleeping
in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
- Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
It’s hard to have a general opinion on sleep, as it is very obvious thing. Everyone needs sleep in one way or the other, some animals fall into the deep sleep for weeks, and some just need it for few minutes. Even our electronics need to sometimes charge their batteries. Personally, I love sleeping, because as I said it helps me rejuvenate and rest. But the thing I love the most about sleeping is dreaming. Nowadays I have dreams worth remembering at least once a week. I’ve recently read an article that suggested it might have something to do with lockdown. Because we are lacking stimulants from the outside world, we create our own reality to keep ourselves entertained. I once had such a surreal dream that I had to write it down and it took 5 full pages. I still remember images from some of my dreams that I had many years ago, and they seem more like a memory now, even though I know that they couldn’t have happened.
I wouldn’t want for people to never get tired. What satisfaction would it be to do sports if you didn’t feel aching after training? How would you know that you have worked hard if you didn’t get tired afterwards? It seems like a really abstract concept, and I can’t really imagine the benefits that it would bring in the long run. If we didn’t have to rest, I guess that our working hours would be insanely longer and the free time that might’ve received would be nonexistent.
SOmething from 6 to 10 it depends on my physical activity during the day which in case of doing everything in home is non-existent.
2. What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
There are times when I love it and sometimes I would love to not be tired at all to use as much time I can. I sleep once sometimes twice a day. A good nap in the middle of the day can do good. Sometimes it takes longer than magical 30 minutes but I don't feel bad after it. In the past I tend to awake more tired than before.
3. Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
Nice idea, but what about that comfy bad that always whisper in your ear? Besides during sleep we dream and sometimes we can remember are dream which can be fun or slighlty educating about ourselves.
I think that it depends mostly on the weekday, but I tend to need about 8 hours of sleep, anything above that is just lazyness that I can indluge on weekends.
As I'm becoming older I'm starting to notice that I tend to do naps more often. When I was a kid I always was full of energy, but now a nap after a dinner is often a good idea. I think that sleeping is important, it helps to divide the days, and sometimes give you a small chance to start things anew, because it's a new day.
I enjoy sleeping, and the pehnomena we exzperience that is connected to it, that is dreams. I think that having those additional 8 hours a day wouldn't be that great. We can manage already to do incredible stuff as humans with having only 16 hours a day.
I honestly love sleeping. I can sleep 14 hours a day, but what is interesting, I can only do it at once. I can not sleep during the day, or take short naps. I just can’t nap, I don’t know how to do it. I sleep 12 hours at once or don’t sleep at all, there is nothing in between. I also think I love sleeping because I always remember my dreams, which I have almost everyday, and they are really interesting sometimes! I even used to have a notebook where I saved them.
Sometimes I feel like I waste a lot of time and life sleeping, but when I try to sleep less, I am just so angry and tired. This is why I think that never getting tired would be amazing. We would use our lifes much more, would see so many things. I mean, you wouldn’t be tired while traveling so only imagine how many places we would be able to visit! I am quite excited about the thought of not getting tired at all.
2.Sleeping is a basic need and one should not neglect it. I always notice how a lack of sleep influences my skin, hair, muscles. I enjoy sleeping because it’s a way for me to escape from anxious thoughts.
3.Normal functioning of a human is based on a balance of all needs. Process of sleeping is a very natural boundary, which nicely divides yesterday from today. Human psyche requires such a boundary to work properly.
I try not to sleep too long. Usually, I need 6-7 hours of sleep, but lately I noticed that it's much more difficult for me to create a proper sleep schedule, while we are in half-lockdown. I still sleep the same amount of time, but going to sleep earlier than 2AM is almost impossible, and because of that I get up later than usually. I really want to work on that.
2. What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
I think it's a waste of time. I mean, we all need it, because our body woudn't work properly without a proper rest, but if we could abandon sleeping, I would do it. There is too many intersting things that you can do, and I always feel like I don't have enough time for any of them. I sleep only at night, when I need to.
3. Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
Yes, it's a great idea, as I stated in the previous question. I would love to see it come true.
2. I love sleeping and the coziness that it provides. It’s like a solution to all my problems. When I’m tired or sad I tend to cuddle up in warm blanket, with a cup of tea and my mood slightly gets better. It’s also a good moment to cuddle with your loved one :)
3. Nah, I wouldn’t like that. I find sleep a really relaxing and positive aspect of my life. It’s a great place to warm up after a cold day, it’s a lovely way to spend winter times with good book in the sheets. I know that letting go of sleep would free up so much time, but I perceive it as a pleasure rather than a duty.
Usually, I need from 7 to 9 hours of sleep how was mentioned in the video. It depends on how hard a day it was. If I am tired I sleep more.
Also, I agree with the men on the video that the organism wants to sleep more if the quality of sleep is low. I noticed it on myself: the later I go to bed, the worse I get enough sleep.
2.What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like to sleep and how often do you sleep?
I think that sleeping is a natural process to have a rest, restart your productivity and be healthy. I sleep like almost all of us each night. But I sleep very lightly. I am not one of those people who like to sleep during the day or 10 hours long. And when I was a child having a nap during a day was like a punishment for me, I can say that I hated naps.
3.Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
No, I wouldn`t like to never get tired and never sleep. I have dreams often. Sometimes they are strange and funny. And I don`t want to throw this thing out of my life.
Also, what would I do if everyone around me will sleep? It may become boring soon.
I guess that I need about 7-8 hours to be rested.
What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
In general, I really like sleeping but unfortunately I don't have got enough time to do it. Studying and working are exhausting time-consuming.
Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
If I could choose I would probably agree for that schema. I would spend this saved time for travelling, spending more time with people who I love or developing my hobbies.
I don't know. I often wake up more rested when I sleep 4-6 hours rather than 8-10. But I guess that 7 hours is enough.
2. What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
Well, I like sleeping. When I don't have to wake up at certain time then I get as much sleep as is possible.
3. Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
It would be great I think. You would have so much more time to spend if you haven't have to rest every day. Awesome thought
2. I love it. Also, I've read a lot of researches on sleep deprivation and how it affects us and our bodies. So let me tell you, we all absolutely NEED sleep. It's like the base of happy healthy living. So I do my best to have the 8 magic hours of sleep but unfortunately, it's not always possible.
3. Well, even so, it sounds phenomenal and too tempting, I would probably refuse. For me, sleeping works like a switch between days. It's also like I signal of starting fresh the next day. So unless there will be any way to turn the brain of for a few hours I would never say no to sleep.
7-8 hours of sleep is a must-have.
What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep? Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
If I would be able to not sleep, I wouldn't do it. Unfortunately, it is crucial for our good health and clarity of thoughts. I've learned about it a year ago when I tried to sleep for 5 hours having studies, work and daily trainings. I don't have to say that it didn't go good.
2. I believe that sleep is one of the most important human needs. It is irreplaceable and allows for the regeneration of the mind and body. A well-balanced and restful sleep allows us to get energy for the whole day.
3. No, I personally like feeling tired and literally "falling" on the bed after a hard day is very pleasant. I would not like to disturb the nature and physiology in our life in any way, so I think that it should not be combined with artificial reduction of sleep time.
2. I think that sleep is a very important element in our lives, in the end we devote 1/3 of our entire life to it. Sleep allows us to regenerate our body so that we can implement our plans. I believe that sleep also allows our mind to rest after a day of intense thinking.
3. I think the idea of not getting tired is interesting, but our mind might not be able to bear the load. Our body could age faster and achieve worse results if we used it all the time without rest. Lack of the necessary rest would also result in high slave exploitation in poorer countries and in pathological situations.
At times, I may also take a little nap during the day.
I believe my sleeping times are greatly influenced by the weather. I seem to sleep well when I hear mighty winds blowing...
Sleeping is deeply rooted into every human being(or every living organism in general?).
As to why it's needed, I stumbled upon an opinion that it is not because we are tired and during sleep we regenerate.
The opinion states that during sleep, organism operates just as if it was in the middle of regular activities,
but brain is allowed to reflect and meditate upon experiences of previous day.
In fact, as far as I am aware, scientists still do not entirely know why sleeping is necessary.
Mine take on this matter is that I would definitely like us to never get tired.
However, I believe that it is not the same as never sleeping again.
In my opinion, activities such as sleep, meditation and prayer, are something else and would still be key in our lives.
2.I think this is a rather strange question. It is impossible to say whether someone likes to sleep or not. If it's evening, I hate to sleep because it means that my day is over and tomorrow morning will be work. However, in the morning I love to sleep because I don't want to get up to work :)
3.It is my dream that this is how the world looked like. I would never have to sleep so I wouldn't waste any time. The only condition is that the working time should be still 8 hours.
I sleep every day for about 7 hours, sometimes it feels like too much. Generally, when I wake up, I feel rested and have a lot of energy to work. I sometimes sleep longer on weekends. It seems to me that I am not in danger of an early death.
What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
I believe that sleeping is one of the most important parts of the day. It is during deep sleep that the human body regenerates the most. Without sleep, we would be tired all the time, we would lack creativity and many other things. Life without sleep was impossible. Honestly, I know sleep is important, but I like to act. I treats sleep as simply a tool. I don't like wasting my time, so I try to sleep enough to have enough energy for the day. From what I checked, I sleep about 7 hours a day.
Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
Wow, I honestly couldn't imagine it. On the one hand, I think it would be great, on the other hand, none of us would have prophetic dreams. However, I cannot imagine it, from the practical side - how the human body would regenerate? After all, the human body needs sleep! As a full-time student, I think this would be great as I would have time to finish all my projects ahead of schedule. However, I believe that I would get mentally tired.
2. I do really like sleeping and I think that it is a very important thing in our life that we should not disregard it is very important for our health, self-mood and productivity. When I am lak of sleep I can not really focus on anything that has to be done, can not concentrate and I just struggle to keep my eyes open. The problem is that I go to bed really late recently and we are living in the society of morning birds so waking up late is not a very profitable thing for us and not really attractive for others either.
3. Imagining that people would not need to sleep at all and they will remain healthy without any side-effects. That actually would be really interesing. We do really often complain that a day is too short, that we have no time to do anything after work. Our life is more like working, sleeping and paying bills. I actually thing that it would not be so bad. Night life in cities would be even more developed.
I need about 7 hours. On weekdays I usually try to sleep 6-7 hours and on the weekend I usually try to sleep around 9 hours.
Sometimes I sleep less than 7 hours and then I'm sleepy all day. In my opinion it is important to sleep well and enough time.
What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
This is how I like to sleep. I used to take a nap during the day, it helped me function better for the rest of the day and I had more energy and a desire to do other things. Now I only sleep at night. At weekends I usually sleep longer than a week.
Yes I like
Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
In my opinion, it is a weak idea. I believe that just lying down and resting allows a man to calm down, which has a positive effect on his body and improves functioning during the day. Personally, I do not like this idea
I always have a problem with sleeping I think I sleep very few hours. It is usually 4-6 hours. Also I wake up at middle of night and can't sleep. Especially now when we spend so much time at home, it is kinda depressing and having insomnia sometimes.
What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
I don't like sleeping a lot, it seems like wasting time. Even if I slept only few hours I feel that I have to wake up on time usually before 6 am.
Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
Yes it would be really great. So we don't need to spend time for sleeping and won't spend half of our life for that
In my opinion having quite the same amount of sleep every day is vital for my productivity during the day. I always sleep something around 7 hours. Sometimes a little bit less, but also never more than 8 hours. Furthermore, I really believe that this amount of sleep enables myself not to be tired during the day and fall asleep very quickly, because I am just tired in the evening.
2. What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
Like I said in my previous comment, I strongly believe that sleeping and the continuity of sleeping has a great impact on our lives. I had many issues with finding a good amount of sleep required for myself, to feel well during the day. I tried naps during the day, waking up at 4am and many different techniques, but everybody is different. To be quite honest I am not sure what do I think about the sleeping. I treat sleeping as a necessity that cannot be avoided, because of the positive impact on our lives.
3. Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
That would be a dream come true. Let’s think about it just mathematically, for example: somebody that lives 60 years and constantly sleeps 8 hours a day would be able to find an extra 20 years during their lives. I used to think about it a lot when I had a night without any amount of sleep. Moreover, the day is so weirdly long in a positive way that it is shocking when you even think about it. We really waste so much time which we could spend however we would like to, but unfortunately like I said before it is more a necessity that enables us to live.
According to the recommended norm, I need at least 7 hours of sleep. However, many factors determine how long we should sleep. For example, if I sleep 12 hours and wake up several times at night, this sleep time may not be enough. According to the video, sleep quality has a big influence. It is better to sleep shorter but good than longer but bad. So not quantity but quality.
2. What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
I think everyone likes to sleep. I love to sleep. However, after many years of experience, I know that sometimes the longer I sleep, the more tired I am. After such a sleep, I haven’t energy to act. I try to sleep once a day in the evening. I don’t take naps during the day. I also try not to eat before bedtime, in my opinion it also causes bad sleep.
3. Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
Fantastic vision. Of course I would like resign to sleep, even though it is enjoyable. But I think it's only enjoyable because we feel tired and it regenerates us. If I didn't need to sleep and I didn't feel tired, I could devote this time to personal development or entertainment.
The answer 7-9 hours is something that is considered as enought sleep for a long time so even wthout the video i would answer 7-9 hours.
What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
Ow. Im totalyy a sleep person. At the week im sleeping around 7 hours but et the weekends sometimes 10+ hours and during the week i sometimes make naps sropm 15 minutes to more than an hour. So i sleep a lot in my opinion.
Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
I dont know. If we never get tired of anything that would be nice, but i do like evenings in bed with a good film or time when i can lie in a bed. Sometimes it would be nice but sometimes i would miss of that times.
I think sleeping is crucial in our lifes, like it was said in the video. Sleeping not enough time or sleeping too much time can be problematic in long term. Answering your question: Yes I like sleeping, and if I want to say something more about my sleeping habits I would say that I only tend to sleep in the night time, but I also like to have a nap sometimes.
I think that possibility could be dangerous. No need to take a rest, and impossibility to get tired seems strange to me. If this was the reality I'm sure people lifespan would be much lower.
You mean how much sleep do people really need? Well that's a tricky question. By the american scientists, children should sleep from eight to ten hours a day, adults - from six to eight hours a day. And these numbers can change. And they are changing and they are different for everybody. Sleeping in general should last as long as the body feels rested. But it can't last more as the body feels over rested and tired. That is weird and funny. So answering that question again... I have no idea. Each individual should sleep for as long as he can!
2. What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
I kinda like sleeping. Not loving it tho. I usually don't have time to sleep. I have to be early bird as the work calls and i must be present. Would love to go to bed early but the studies exist. And cycle continues. And how often do i sleep? Well, everyday! I'd pass out if i didn't to be honest. Regular sleep even if it's not that long is important for me. Getting these 6 hours might not be enough as i'm feeling tired. But it has to be enough.
3. Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
That's interesting scenario of events. I'd love that. Imagine all that time we could use. We would be literally alive for additional 1/3 more time. I wish that was possible
I like to sleep, not only because it refills my energy, but also it is a reset of my thoughts and emotions. I wake up in the morning and usually don’t remember most of ‘bad moments’ from yesterday. Waking up is like a new beginning, I can start all over again.
Sometimes I dream about some superpower that makes me capable of working more. But I’m afraid that if everyone got it, then everyone would work at least twice as much they do right now. Even then, we would still suffer lack of time.
2.I really like to sleep, but at night. During the day, I can't sleep at all. I consider it a waste of time. You can do lots of other fun things. Although sometimes I would like to be able to fall asleep during the day, when I need to move my activity phase to the evening.
3.I think that would be great. How much time do we waste sleeping. We could have done much more for humanity if man were not so weak. Then we would have been on Mars a long time ago and our technology would certainly be a level higher. Such a world would have to be beautiful.
In my opinion sleeping is one of most important and needed part of life. We spend a lot of time sleeping so this need to be using well. I love sleeping because when I sleep I forgot about all problems or bad things (in these days when corona crisis is rise, it is important to clear mind). I don't know anyone who don't like sleep.
I love sleeping but if I could have skill to never get tired or don't have to sleep at all I want to have it. When I sleep by 8 hours a day it is 56 hours per week. It is more than 2 days! We can do a lot of things when we don't have to sleep. Of course I still want to have possibility to sleep but it will be sleeping for relax, for example one hour per day.
I believe sleeping is one of the most important parts of our day when you can rest, your body can regenerate. As I mentioned before I usually sleep around 7 hours or more during weekends. Also sometimes I find myself in need to take a short nap.
Would I like to never get tired? It's a hard question because first of all, then you would have much more time for yourself, for your hobby, for your friends. But on the other hand this rest during the day is a time when you can forget about all stressful situations, clear your mind, get rid of unpleasant thoughts. In my opinion it can be a bit awkward when you won’t need sleep at all. I think it’s better to need sleep and take this rest for a few hours a day. And also it’s really nice, isn’t it?
I sleep 6 hours on averege during working week but when it is holiday I can sleep for more than 14 hours
What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
Sleeping is very important part of our lives and it is one of the things you do the most - not only because it is cool but just beacuse you can't live without it. I can't sleep regularly despite the fact that I want to and it makes me live better and feel better.
Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
Noo, sleeping has something special. It's not only the thing that you refill your body energy but your brain can rest from emotions and other stimulants
2. Yes and no. I have a problem falling asleep in the evening, I feel sorry for the end of the day, but when I fall asleep, I do not want to get up. I don't like taking naps during the day because I usually feel distracted from it.
3. Yes, I would. Sleeping is pleasant, however, it is a waste of time. Giving up sleep and not feeling tired would increase productivity and save a lot of space in the house, the bedroom would become redundant.
It depends, if my day is full of various activity, i need more time to sleep and rest. I guess, it is 8-9 hours on average. After long journey or rave, i can sleep even 10-12 hours. I think it is very important to find happy medium, too long sleep can causes health issues.
What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
Yep, i like sleep, especially when weather is depressing. In my opinion sleep is very important, if i dont have a good sleep, it is almost sure that my day will be tough. We should remember that sleep is important especially for ours bodies, it is time when our body recovers.
Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
It would change humanity, people would have more time to travel, study, work. I would spend this time on travelling, relationship and hobbies. People say that day is too short, maybe it is a solution.
I sleep regularly for about 6 hours. This amount of sleep allows me to be fully productive the next day.
2. What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
Sleeping is an inseparable part of life. If there was such an opportunity, I would completely give up on it in order to have more time for myself.
3. Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
If there was such a possibility, I would have made up my mind immediately. I would have more time to develop my hobbies and to learn new things. Life is too short to sleep it.
I think I need about 7 hours of sleep each day. If I sleep this amount of time I feel good and I have a lot of energy during the day. Also waking up early helps me so f.e. if I go to sleep at 00:00 and wake up at 7 I have time to eat breakfest, drink coffee, take a shower therefore I an have a decent start of a day.
2. What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
I like sleeping but I don't understand how people can sleep like 10 hours or more a day (especially duriung weekends). I don't ever feel need to sleep that much. Furthermore, if I sleep too long I feel exhausted and bored. There is not much energy inside me.
3. Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
I think it mith be efficient but on the other hand sleep can regulate our lifes and makes us develop some rhythm in our daily routine. I think it is very important especially considering how many things grab our attention during the day.
In my case this value is dependent on the amount of work or activities during the "day time". For example, at the end of the semester when I have a lot of scheduled things to do, I would skip sleep, favouring the work. Of course I know that is not a healthy behaviour or even habit, but sometimes it is really hard for me to manage my time wisely :) In general, when I have more regular week schedule, I would say that sufficient amount of sleep for me is something around 6/7 hours.
What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
I love sleeping! I mean, who doesn't? Even though sometimes I am choosing not to sleep, I believe that every single one of us would appreciate some good dreams, or just a simple few minutes for a power nap during the day. I personally don't sleep a lot, unfortunately there was a time when I wasn't sleeping at all. Having experience like that can really open your eyes for the importance of resting. Lack of sleep can cause a serious health issues, mainly stress-based ones. We need to charge our batteries sometimes, and it's totally understandable that some of us need that a little more than the others. I don't do power naps, even though I'm tired, because I usually can't fall asleep during the day. Despite that, I know a lot of people, who often are resting their mind by them and it looks like a easy solution for being simply tired. :)
Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
That is a very interesting question. On the one hand I think that we could be so much more productive, having that much time in our lives. We maybe could accomplish a little more with that, but in the realistic scenario, who knows what will we do?? I personally believe that sometimes overthinking could be more deadly than simple thinking less. Having around 7/8 additive hours per day is a huge thing to take! On the other hand I do believe that we really are appreciating that "reset" effect provided by sleep. We can separate past and the future with sleeping, leaving all the bad memories behind when we woke up the next day. Also I couldn't live without pillow talk.
My guess before watching the video would be 8 hours since you hear this number so often. But for me eight hours usually is not enough, I always try to get ten hours of sleep if I have the time to do so.
2. What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
I love the process of sleeping but after sleeping for like twelve hours (I do this way too often) I always feel the guilt of wasting my time.
3. Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
Perfect solution for me would be a time capsule in which I could sleep as much as I want and not waste a single minute. It's better than not sleeping at all because I love to sleep and all that comes with it for example the warmth of the bedding or the feeling of falling asleep in freshly bought/washed quilt.
I like sleeping but sometimes I think it is a huge waste of time. I could have done other stuff that I don't have time for during the day instead, I just lie motionless for approximately 2 or 3 films. Not fair!
Oh, I'm reading your questions as I answer to them, and I already answered this double question… sorry. But to sum up, I don't sleep much and I like to sleep but can't help but wonder how else I could spend that time.
YES! I'd love that. However, if everybody would not need sleep then the workday would be probably longer which would be a disaster!
Of course I love to sleep, but only at night. I don’t sleep during day, because in my opinion it’s a waste of time, and I prefer going to bed earlier than taking afternoon naps.
Never getting tired seems like something perfect for humanity. If you quit sleeping, you will “receive” about 8 hours during a day. In a lifetime it’s about 26 years - basically it’s one third of a whole life. I think people will use this time to work more, and they’ll become more like robots than humans. In my opinion these moments when you can rest after hard, busy day – do something you really like, for example read a book, watch Netflix or just lay in your bed doing nothing – are very important, and they bring a lot of peace in our lives.
In my opinion I need at least 6 hours to function normally. I understand that it is unhealthy and we should sleep at least 7 hours a day, but I don't agree with it. Each of us is different and we should scheduled our sleep behavior on our own dependencies. There are some days that I am sleeping for 10 hours and still I am waking up tired, but I think it is important to go to bed with clear mind. The quality of our sleep is the most important. I prefer to not sleep and work rather than go to sleep and feel stressed.
2. What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
In general I really like sleeping. I am trying to rest every possible moment, because I think my life is very dynamic. There are days when I am thinking of this moment when I go to bed and just fall asleep. As I said I think about 6 hours a day. It is sufficient number of hours to feel good and fresh all day.
3. Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
I have to think about it a little because this question is really hard. After thinking, I will miss dreaming during sleep. I think it is a great part of sleep. Almost every night I am dreaming about exciting things and I would regret my decision if I stop doing it. On the other hand perspective of being always on 100% battery full sounds really great.
I usually sleep about 5-6 hours a day. I know it does not sound healthy but I really don't need more. I am so used to sleep this amount of hours that I'm rested for the whole day. I don't sleep much because I find it time wasting and I still don't have much time because I'm overloaded with work.
2. What do you think about sleeping in general? Do you like sleep and how often do you sleep?
I think that sleeping is very important. You let Your body and Your brain regenerate after whole day. Even though I like the process, I don't sleep much. It's just at night. As I said before sleeping is time wasting for me.
3. Would you like us to never get tired, and thus never need rest and sleep time? What do you think about it?
That would be perfect for me. If I had that 6 more hours per day I would get more stuff done. I would not really miss dreaming. In addition, life is already really short, not sleeping would make it about 1/4 longer.