Owls are nocturnal creatures. They’re wide awake at night and they sleep during the day. If this sounds like bliss to you, then, like about 20 percent of the population who find themselves most active at around 9 pm, you may fall into the same category as our feathered friend. Night owls often have difficulty waking up in the morning, and like to be up late at night. Studies of animal behaviour indicate that being a night owl may actually be built into some people’s genes. This would explain why those late-to-bed, late-to-rise people find it so difficult to change their behaviour. The trouble for night owls is that they just have to be at places such as work and school far too early. This is when the alarm clock becomes the night owl’s most important survival tool. Experts say that one way for a night owl to beat their dependence on their alarm clocks is to sleep with the curtains open. The Theory is that if they do so, the morning sunlight will awaken them gently and natura...
2. Drinking alcohol isn’t good neither bad, alcohol has various health benefits but alcohol abuse causes serious damage to our health so, I will say “Drink responsibly”.
3. Replacing the so-called hard alcohol isn’t an option for good in any way because I don’t see any way to replace them effectively. This might just lead to declaring some drinks illegal, people will end-up jail but those hard alcohols will still be made and consumed.
2. I think everything is for people. Prohibition is nothing good. Since there has been such a culture and bad habits for years, it cannot be banned or forbidden.
3. I think so. You can already see that Poles are opening up to new alcohols. Drinks, wine, beer - the culture of drinking alcohol in Poland is changing. However, it will be several dozen years before we give up drinking "hard alcohol".
1. Vodka is the most popular alcohol in Poland. Most of us can't imagine its lack at a wedding or an ordinary party, because "you won't have a drink with me"? Despite the fact that this alcohol is the most popular, it isn't drunk on a daily basis but for special occasions. We usually choose beer for a regular meeting with friends.
2. Paracelsus said “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; but the dose makes it clear that a thing is not a poison” and I and I totally agree with that. Drinking alcohol is neither good nor bad, it’s important to drink responsibly. Drinking small amounts of alcohol has a positive effect on your cardiovascular system. Unfortunately, drinking too much of it can lead to alcoholism or cirrhosis.
3. I believe that each of us likes different alcohols and as a society we are open to new things in general. I don't see the point of replacing hard alcohols with soft ones. In the future, we will definitely try to reach for them more willingly, but it seems impossible for me to eliminate them.
1. In my beautiful country, which is Poland, the most popular drink is beer and of course vodka :)
2. There are no bad or good things. Everything within reason. Alcohol in the right amounts is healthy for the body, and doctors point to the positive effects of drinking the right amount of alcohol and recommend the right doses for our health.
Excessive drinking causes alcoholism and damage to internal organs, e.g. liver and kidneys. We have to drink, but in moderation!
3. Theoretically, we can change high-percentage drinks to lighter ones, but in practice it would not be accepted in Poland. We Poles like good drinks and have a good drink. And a lot, haha :D
2. I think we can't simply state 'yes' or 'no' for this question. Alcohol has both positive and negative outcomes but still, according to science, is treated as a poison in our organism. We have to consider it when we drink much. On the other hand, beers contain for example minerals which are necessary for our body. I think that alcohol is good if we know the limits.
3. That depends on a person. Some people prefer to drink light alcohol, some people prefer harder. Even in Poland it depends on a region or people with whom you drink. For example, imagine a situation when you drink something on a meeting with your customers. Would you drink a beer? In such situations, people usually choose wine or vodka. Another example: consider summer evening and lying on a beach. That is a moment, when cold beer is an ultimate rescue!
2. I am not a huge fan of alcohol myself, but I don’t think it’s a bad nor a good thing in general as long as it is symbolic, not something that has to appear during every meet up, party and go out with friends and family. It was actually proven, that small amounts of alcohol can be beneficial for your health. So, if you are able to do it with cautiousness, then I don’t think there is anything bad in it.
3. Theoretically we could, but what’s the point in that? If you want to drink something that is not as strong as vodka or beer, you can always buy 0% ones or drink juice. But I think that by replacing hard alcohol with the lighter option some people would simply tackle this “problem” by making it on their own.
I think it's really bad... I know a lot of people that have ruined their lives because of the alcohol. I advice you not to do it at all, you will feel better and will save a lot of money ;).
In Poland I don't think it's possible. Stronger beavereges are rooted really deep into our minds ( at least in our parents minds) in my opinion.
2. I think that as everything in life it should be very well balanced. Drinking too much alcohol ruins communication between neurons and therefore stops the brain from functioning properly. It strongly affects both physical and mental health. But if we consume it consciously and in appropriate quantities we can enjoy its pleasant effects from time to time.
3. In my opinion this doesn't solve the problem in a longer term. People that are drinking too much will just replace "hard" alcohol for a bigger amount of "lighter" one. In some countries, sale of alcohol at late hours is prohibited. Perhaps such an initiative would bring better results?
In Poland it is propably vodka and beer, though in my close community we prefer mead over others drinks.
2.Do you think it is bad or good to dring alcohol in general?
As other drugs they are good as long as you do not abuse it and mix dangerously.
3.Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
No, i believe no. Hard alcohols like brandy, vodka or rum have their taste, use and fans. Maybe they overall use will decline but it would be unwise to eradicate them for good.
2. Drinking alcohol has for more disvantages than advantages and nobody is denying that. It is addictive, destroys the body and causes social problems, but by drinking in a moderate way (1-2 times a month) the risks associated with doing that activity are hugely mitigated and we can enjoy the the advantages like easier socializing.
3. It depends much on the culture, in colder countries hard alcohol was always more popular than soft drinks, but times are changing and a shift in consumption could occur in the more healthy oriented people.
2. I think drinking alcohol is generally bad. Not only it can be detrimental to our health but also it can easily lead to addiction.
3. I'd rather we simply reduced consumption of alcohol. But if it comes to it's type - everybody should have a choice. Not only people have different taste but also it can differently affect their mood.
2. I think that drinking some alcohol during the holidays, for example, is normal. It is also known that in a small amount, alcohol has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. It is harmful to abuse alcohol.
3. I honestly believe that it is almost impossible to replace "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good. There are a lot of people in the world who prefer, for example, vodka to wine. In the absence of alcohol, they will begin to produce it themselves.
In addition, there are also milk drinks, which are the part of our`s daily ration such as ryazhenka(fermented milk product). It is generally popular in Eastern European region.
Moreover, in Ukraine we say that no feast is fully complete without horilka. It is Ukrainian authentic alcohol drink with about 40 percent of alcohol by volume.
On my opinion, heavy drinking has no health benefits and can lead to serious problems with liver, stomach etc. In contrast, moderate alcohol drinking of such beverage as red wine can be beneficial as it is rich in many antioxidants.
In conclusion, alcohol consumption of either light or heavy drinks needs to be kept in check in order to avoid adverse health affects.
(Yuliia Sauliak s20085)
2. In my opinion, drinking alcohol in small quantities does not affect health. Regardless of what we do, if we abuse it, it can be unfavorable. Everything is for people.
3. In my opinion, we cannot clearly answer this question. And what if we add to 30 milliliters of vodka half a liter of cola? Then this drink becomes lighter than average beer. Barely you drink “clear” alcohol, you usually mix it with other beverages and then they are no longer considered "hard alcohol". But back to the question, yes, one can see a tendency to drink more beer or wine than vodka.
I think it's OK to drink a little bit of it to maybe lighten the mood or turn on the party. But it's really bad when someone exaggerate with an alcohol. It could lead to serious problems. Everything's for people and everything's good in a right dose.
I'm sure it's not possible, at least here in Poland. The tradition of drinking alcohol is so much deep in our minds and genes that it's impossible to eliminate it from our culture
I guess beer is the most common beverage in my homeland, and then it should be wine, anyway I prefer to drink wine rather than drink beer, I don't feel too well with beer.
2.Do you think it is bad or good to dring alcohol in general?
I am not that much into alcohol, but I don't think it is something bad, it is ok for me to drink it a little bit when I am meeting with friends. As for alcoholics, of course I think it is bad to drink so much alcohol since it will result in their bad health.
3.Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
In my opinion, it depends on the place, for example, in my homeland, people usually replace such hard alcohol with lighter drinks in bars or clubs, and customers prefer such drinks more, but in other places in the world, I guess most people prefer vodka without any lighter options.
The most common beverage in my homeland is vodka, beer and hooch, the latter is a traditional amateur product, produced in the villages by local connoisseurs, mostly very strong.
2. Do you think it is bad or good to drink alcohol in general?
Bad or good it’s hard to say it’s all depend on what you drink, when you drink and how much you drink alcohol in general. If you control this then this is not bad think it can let you relax or improve your blood flow but if alcohol takes control of you then it’s very bad it can destroy your whole life and everything that you worked for.
3. Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
I don’t think that we can replace "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good why well sometimes we need something with a kick, something for courage or something that will help you forget. There is also no reason to change for something lighter because if you want to get drunk you will get drunk you just need to drink more of this lighter beverage and spent more money… These are products for adults so everyone can decide on they own what they want to drink.
2. I believe that drink in moderation is a good think, and it can be beneficial to your health.
3. Not really, the market for "hard alcohol" is too big to be replaced.
I think it would be beer or vodka. I do not drink vodka because I don't like it and I find myself in many situations in which I am forced to drink it because it is so common thing hear in Poland.
2.Do you think it is bad or good to dring alcohol in general?
It's bad, really bad. I do not understand why it became such common drug as it brings a lot of bad things to our lifes. I personally do not drink so much as it it not my favourite way of getting party ;)
3.Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
I do not know. I do not drink hard alcohols often as I said before it has terrible consequences for me. I prefer lighter one like vine or beer.
2. Is it bad for our health? Well, because of dozes that people drink, mostly - yes. But is it bad overall? Not so much. I'm not talking about drinking till death drunk, but for joy of drinking. Most of the beverages simply have a good taste. Moreover, in small dozes it can even be beneficial for our health.
3. Why would we even want to replace 'hard alcohol' with lighter versions? It's not something we have to or are forced to drink. It's a matter of choice. We also don't have to drink it till we can't move anymore, especially with liquors like whisky or mead. Hence I think there's no reason to actually replace them, just let people drink what they want to.
As a Pole I would say that the most common beverage in my homeland are both beer and potato-based vodka. However, I have noticed that there is a significant raise of other soft alcohols consumption (like wine) in recent years.
2. Do you think it is bad or good to dring alcohol in general?
I think that it is a good thing in general, as far as one does not overuse it.
3. Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
I do not believe so. There is a high culture of those hard alcohols in some regions, like vodka in eastern Europe, whiskey in Scotland or Rakija in southern Europe.
I’m from Poland so I think vodka and beer are the most common alcohols. Beer is more common than vodka, but it’s because it’s not a hard alcohol.
2. Do you think it is bad or good to dring alcohol in general?
I don’t like to think about something as 100% bad or 100% good, I think that everything, also alcohol in moderation can be a good thing, but if you are using it excessively it’s bad for you.
3. Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
To be honest I don’t think it’s possible. Even if we banned “hard alcohol” people would find a way to obtain it.
Polish people really like alcohol but beer and vodka seem to be our favourite ones. Vodka has a lot of traditions in Polad and it might be considered our national beverage.
Do you think it is bad or good to dring alcohol in general?
It is a controversial topic because there are many views on this subject. People should be able to drink alcohol but they should know where is the healthy limit.
Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
It might be very hard to do because this hardness is what people like about alcohol. However, alcohol free beer is getting more and more popular.
Alcochol has two faces, it has advantages and disadvantages. Alcohol definitely relaxes, it is often used as a way to relax by itself. And everything would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that alcohol relaxes only in small doses, and in each larger one it has different effects. The worst effect of alcohol abuse is falling into alcoholism, i.e. uncontrolled consumption, often involving neglect of work, interests and relationships. Advanced alcoholics have very unpleasant symptoms, accompanying the withdrawal of alcohol even for a short time. These symptoms are: muscle tremor, insomnia, anxiety. Alcoholism, like everything else, is for people and can be a factor that makes them celebrate together, but you have to keep moderation in drinking it, because its abuse can ruin our health and even life, as well as the lives of our loved ones.
2 / Alcohol is bad for health, but many people drink because of living conditions or difficulties. I think people can drink less alcohol.
3 / I believe that alcoholic beverages are not only replaced from strong to lighter, but also to stop drinking.
2. I truly think that it's impossible to categorize drinking alcohol as "bad" or "good". When somebody is overusing it and can't see the problem, which can destroy his/hers life - yes, drinking is bad. But, for someone who knows the boundaries, the risk, the consequences... Depending on situation and person - drinking alkohol from time to time doesn't have to be so bad in the end.
3. It might be very hard, especially in some cultures or situations. We, of course, can and should try to limit drinking or switch to lighter beverages, but I don't think that eliminate them seems possible at all.
2. In general I think alcohol is rather bad, given the impact it has on people's health and relations. However, drinking alcohol, if done in moderation, can be considered a part of human nature.
3. I don't think it's a good idea. We all know how people used to deal with prohibition and I think banning hard drinks would definately not make people switch to softer ones. There would be an outbreak of illegal distilleries and home-made alcohol, which due to not that great production conditions and quality of used ingredients could cause even more damage than legal, high-proof beverages.
I think the most common alcohol in Poland is vodka and beer, but I think the vodka is more Polish rather than beer.
2. Do you think it is bad or good to drink alcohol in general?
I think it is bad to drink alcohol in general, because it kills grey cells. Moreover when we are drunk we can control our bodies in normal way. Often dangerous situation are more popular when we are under impact of alcohol.
3. Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
We can probably replace it in some way, but the best way is to stop drinking alcohol at all and have fun sober.
2. In general, as everything, it depends on amount and kind of alcohol. So in rational portion there is nothing bad at all. Like in french culture – glass of wine.
3. I reckon that there is a reason why we drink ‘harder’ alcohol – cause sometimes we need it. So no, I don’t think so.
I would say vodka in Poland, but we also have recently growing culture of craft beers
Do you think it is bad or good to dring alcohol in general?
I think it is as with all pleasures in this world - whenever you know how to do it and you have your barriers on not going into let's say alcohol binge, then you are good to go. It relieves stress and activates introverts 😉
Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
I do not think so as we have culture of home made alcohols in Europe (called bimber in Poland and rakija in southern parts of our continent). In general I think this art slowly dies in bigger cities, but outside of them it is still one of the greatest achievements a men can - create tasty, high voltage liquid on his own (of course I am joking with the last one).
If we talk about drinks in general, then as for my homeland, of course it is tea. But since the topic is devoted to alcoholic beverages, I will try to answer in a different way.
I read the comments and noticed that in most cases it is vodka, and this is not surprising, because I am inclined to believe that it occupies a leading position among the popular alcoholic beverages in my country. A lot of its species, both modern varieties, and the one in the classic version.
2.Do you think it is bad or good to dring alcohol in general?
Of course, recently, a lot of studies prove the harm of alcohol production to the human body, to cognitive functions, the cardiovascular system and so on. But of the options that are transmitted orally, you can often hear that a small amount of alcohol positively affects indicators such as sleep, appetite, digestion and so on. Therefore, before each of us draws conclusions, he should listen to both of them. But personally, I am on the neutral side.
3. Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
It seems to me individually, and everyone drinks alcohol for a specific purpose. If you drink it with the aim of relaxation and the person doesn’t care what to drink, then he can replace strong alcohol with lighter versions. And someone is an outsider of pure alcohol like vodka and he can never change his principles, there are a lot of people like that.
My homeland is famous manufacter and drinker of vodka. It has it roots in our region and is really deep element of our culture. We're producing a lot of it and we are famous for luxury brands like f.e Chopin or Belvedere which was bought by LVHM (Conglomerate of Louis Vuitton - Henessy - Moet). In terms of amount of drinked alcohol also beer is popular beverage in Poland.
2.Do you think it is bad or good to dring alcohol in general?
I believe that if it isn't bad for particular person in terms of health or social habits it's great thing that can make us relaxed and little bit more chilled.
3.Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
I don't believe so. I think that alcohol is not only the thing to get blackout but great tool to have fun a little bit easier and quicker and also some kind of hard alcohol like f.e vodka is deeply connected with our cultural events like weding party.
I believe that everything is ok in moderation. As Sherlock said in popular TV series "Controlled usage is not usually fatal, and abstinence is not immortality." In this particular sentence, he was referring to drugs, not alcohol, however, this sentence perfectly fits this topic.
I don't usually drink "hard alcohol" as I don't like the taste. Also, I don't usually drink alcohol to get drunk, so I wouldn't consider the replacement to be needed. I am a gourmet and always match my beverage with my food. When I get a snack of blue cheese I would get a red wine to go with it. When I eat a burger, beer is a must to complete the experience. The alcohol itself is rarely an issue for me.
2. I think in best case it doesn't affect your health and/or behaviour, but usually situation is opposite. So it's often somewhere on the line between bad and neutral. But in fact, we're addicted to a lot of things we not think a lot about.
3. It could be good if it was realistic.
1.Contrary to popular belief I think it is beer, not vodka. It can be found on every party, grill and football match viewing.
2.Like with everything, if you know the boundaries it is a good thing. Alcohol makes you relaxed and eager to have fun, it is especially fun experience for introverts. If you are a person that is prone to addictions, then alcohol is not for you.
3.Of course not, many people would be unhappy about it. A lot of people do not like to drink alcohol, but they like the effect it gives, so high-volume drinks are just perfect for them.
2. I'm not sure. I don't like alcohol in general and I think most of people don't want to control how many they drink, so it's really easy to overdose. But if it was used only in medical way or cooking it would be really good option.
3. I don't think it is possible but we can try. Nowadays, there is a lot of other drinks which are made on hard alcohol base (e.g. polish "nalewka") but they're not as strong as their backbone.
2. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it isn’t. it’s never good when you drink it everyday and have liver problems. It said a moderate portion from time to time is good and have health benefits.
3. I think it will turn out that way that people will drink more of this lighter options to get a result of hard alcohol
Do you think it is bad or good to dring alcohol in general?
Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
1. Usually when people think about slavic countries it is vodka, that strikes first in mind. But in my opinion beer is more popular.
2. Well, there are 2 aspects when u drink alcohol, first one is that it weakens the body, and the second one is the pleasure. The preasure is connected to spending time with friends of course.
3. Unfortunatelly, I do not think so. People tend to get drunk as fast as possible as well as economically. Using high-volume drinks it is just easier to get drunk. Thats the mentality of people in our country, mostly.
I think that, as with everything, balance and moderation is the key to success. Drinking alcohol in small quantities will not hurt, and will allow us to have more fun.
Personally, I think that drinking vodka with water and lemon is much healthier than drinking drinks or cheap wine / beer.
I think the most famous alcohol in Poland is Vodka. To be honest it's famous around the world. You can even see some Vodka bottles in movies. For example i saw few days ago Belvedere in Jessica Jones - it is a movie on netflix.
2. Do you think it is bad or good to dring alcohol in general?
Everything is bad when you abuse something. Alcohol is good from time to time. To "reset" your mind and spend good time with friends. I heard one bear is healthy for kidneys but i am not sure is it true or not.
3. Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
I think replacing hard alcohol it is not possible. Everyone drink what he want and you can't change that.
As everywhere in Poland it is vodka. A lot of people are also drinking wine and beers.
2. Do you think it is bad or good to drink alcohol in general?
In well-balanced amounts of course yes. For example glass of red wine to dinner is totally okay and even have advantages when it comes to our health.
3. Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
For sure. As I told before, for example wine is totally okay. I can't find any reasons why we all drink wines instead of vodka for example.
The most common beverage in my homeland is gorilka. Also, people try to do it themself and it is called moonshine. Of course, a lot of people like to drink beer/wine/whiskey also.
Do you think it is bad or good to dring alcohol in general?
As far as I know, alcohol is not a good thing for your organism, so I think it is a bad habit to drink alcohol. Moreover, some people could have problems with it, like they don't know how to drink "enough" and cause a lot of troubles.
Can we replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
I think yes. We could try replacing some "hard alcohol" with lighter options. I think the main problem is a habit. People used to drink "hard alcohol" and they don't want to change it.
I am from Ukraine. Ukrainian national beverage is vodka. A lot of ours grandfathers cook it at home :)
But also most of people drink wine and beer.
Do you think it is bad or good to drink alcohol in general?
In terms of health drinking alcohol is bad for liver, kidney and stomach. But in terms of social rituals responsible drinking is OK.
Can we actually replace beverages that we name as "hard alcohol" with lighter options for good?
Of course we can, but do we want? I drink "hard alcohol" very rarely, mostly I mix it with some tonics, it is more tasty and not so damaging for health and clear thinking.
2. It seems to me that everything is for people. The most important thing is to be moderate. What worries me is that so many people can't do it. Some alcohols are very cheap, which is why they are so easily available, which unfortunately causes addiction in many cases.
3. I think it could be a good solution. We are an open nation when it comes to the types of alcohol that we consumed. As I mentioned, vodka is in the first place, but more and more often we reach for other more sophisticated and lighter alcohols.
In my opinion, the most common drink in my country is clean water. Most people in Poland and the world drink water. I think alcohol is bad. Existence only because it causes "better" mood and excludes sadness and excessive thinking. It is certainly also used in various creative processes. In addition, wine apparently has a health effect on the functioning of the body. In my opinion 2 beers are much better than half a liter of vodka. In my opinion, noble alcohols are slowly filtered and better than drinking vodka.
2. Apparently, every gram of alcool kills cells in the brain, so it's rather bad for us.
3. I think it depends on the occasion, if they are quiet meetings it certainly is possible. Whereas a wedding without vodka?