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Week 2 [09.03.20-15.03.20] Folk music

Music plays a vital role in the lives of many. And many more do not even realize that. This is one of the earliest forms of expression humanity has developed -- the very first humans were singing and chanting in their tribes, and first musical instruments found (primitive flutes and drums) in the caves date million years ago.

For me personally this s an unlimited source of regeneration and serenity. But also, a great way of knowing certain culture deeper. Below you can find one of my recent discoveries -- a folk band FAUN that performs songs based on different mythologies (primarily -- Germanic Pagan).

Tell me:
1) Did you like the song? :)
2) Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?
3) What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?


I have enjoyed the song very much :). It will certainly join my constantly expanding folk music collection. You may be interested in one of my new findings, here is the link to Viking style folk music: . Addressing your third question, personally I find sung poetry to touch my soul in greater extent than any folk music. For me the words and narrative that is based on those words make me imagine more. Since the folk music sentences are kind of shallow in their own terms when you listen to it you often build in your mind your own story that isn’t comparable to the well thought story designed by sung poetry singer.
Answering your questions:

1. In my opinion, the song is quite fine, but I prefer a different theme.

2. I don't really like folk music, it has very strange accents and styles. They're not my type. Polonez is very popular in Poland.

3. I can't quite answer this question because I have never really thought about it. However, when we talk about folk music, it is in a sense a personalization of the country. "Tells" about the customs and traditions prevailing in a given country.
1. The song is nice, I like it. Especially because I've learned German before and I understand something ;) I know this band. I used to listen it few years ago.
2. I like folk music, but not Polish one. I like folk which is connected with rock or metal. The bands such as Alestorm or Korpiklaani are my favourites.
3. Definitely music is what I like the most. It has two advantages: gives fun while listening and makes us reflect on the text. The poems seem to be more serious, but they can also be connected with music: see for example Marek Grechuta.
Ela said…
1. Yes, I liked. Despite this, I can't imagine listening to this type of music every day.
2. I love listening to music and singing. Music is my passion. I appreciate folk music but this is not my favorite genre. In Poland, for example, traditional music is polonaise, mazurka.
3. My favorite form of expression is music. I love to listen to it, sing to it and play. Music allows me to relax and calm down. There is nothing better than singing by the fire in the middle of the night under the stars ....
Olga Przytula said…
1. I did! I find it pleasing to discover new bands and music genres. It may not be something that I would listen to daily, but there is some kind of magic to it. Maybe it could be a good track to study to, as it is completely incomprehensible to me, but on the other hand easy to listen and energetic.

2. Hmmm. Yes … and no :D I do like different genres, and I am a huge sucker for music. It is my passion, I do sing and play guitar a little bit, I do ambitious researches thorough YouTube to find interesting bands, covers and acoustic versions of the songs I like, but I don’t think that I spend too much time to do this with any kind of folk music, thus I have got no clue how polish folk even sounds like.

3. Oh, that’s a tough one. I don’t think I have any kind of favorite form. It all depends on my mood, really. I think the easiest way to express your emotions, or to look for connection or consolation is via music, but I do think that any form of art – such as paintings, tales, myths etc. can do the same thing, depending on what you need. I do think it’s really important to pour our souls and stories into the more durable objects, that can be passed from generation to generation.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. Yes, I did. Music in video presented by you was very pleasing and interesting. I heard similar music in ragnarok series and vikings (at least I think its similar). It boosts your thinking so I guess its really good to listen to when you are working.

2. Well I don't listen to folk music to be honest. I come across it sometimes in some videos on the internet but I'm not listening to it in particular. I don't know what it is like in my country, sorry.

3. I love painting and music as a form of expression and culture. Poems are interesting too but I get flustrated when I don't really understand them at all. I think it's really important to keep some kind of culture in music, art and so on, just to show our successors what we were like.
Karol Michalak said…
1) Did you like the song? :)
Yes, I am slavic pagan my self so I listen to a lot of folk bands from around the Europe. I don't like german language though, but in this case it sounds surprisingly good.

2) Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?
Yes, I even learn to play jaw harp to help my friends during playing beside the fireplace so we can create more songs.

3) What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?
Music and bedtime stories are propably easiest form of preserving our culture from old times. It is my priority to never forget about the old ways as there are great teachings hidden in them.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. Yes, I liked the song. It sounds very nice and the video is very esthetic. Also, I have studied German at school, so I have understood some phrases. I think I will add it even in my playlist.

2. No, usually I rarely listen to folk music. I prefer indie and rock. What about folk music in my home country, folk songs have been an integral part of the life of Ukrainians and they are divided into calendar and ritual songs, labor songs and songs-games. By the way, the folk band Go_A will represent Ukraine at the Eurovision in Rotterdam this year.

3. Music and painting are my favorite form of expression. Through them, many emotions can be shown whether that be happy, sad, or angry. In my opinion, you can explore cultures through art. It is a kind of thinking/making that enables the nation to form and develop identity.
Kyrylo said…
Thank you for sharing one of your bands! Skald has been on my repeated playlists for quite some time, and I am glad that there are people out there who also enjoy folk!
Kyrylo said…
Yep, Polonez is a icon of Poland... Whether of the Polonezes we are talking about xD
Kyrylo said…
I am a music person myself. Though I can find myself diving into the art at some point. But the music is always to go.
Kyrylo said…
You are a romantic, Ela. I can only imagine, how is it, to gather under the stars. Do you play any instruments?
Kyrylo said…
Passing it to generations is a vital part. I think, there is no type of expression, more important than others. Every genre has evolved through centuries, even millennia.
Kyrylo said…
For me sometimes it is a bad idea to turn on some songs when I am trying to concentrate. I get too distracted and blown away by lyrics.
Kyrylo said…
Agree, hidden and not that hidden techniques are merely result of the art evolving throughout centuries.
Kyrylo said…
Yep, the art is nothing but an indentity of a nation. Interesting, I do not know much about Eurovision, they do allow folk music there? I thought, this was only for pop.
Kyrylo said…
Witcher games also use slavic folk extensively, this is one of the key points in the game's worldbuilding. The tracks themselves are well worth engraving on the golden discs.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. Yes, i did enjoy the song, now i have something to listen to, thanks.

2. I'm not a huge fan of folk music, but i listen to it sometimes. Sorry, i don't really know what the polish folk music is like.

3. I believe it would be music, it allows artists to express all sorts of emotions through lyrics and sound. I think it's important to preserve culture. I believe culture is something that distincts you from the others, and sharing it with the world is a great way of connecting people.
Hello, here are my replies to your questions.

1. I apologize but I really cannot listen to German lyrics in songs. I don't mind the language in general, but it just completely doesn't fit music in my opinion. Therefore I did not enjoy this song.

2. I like music in general, but folk music is not my cup of tea. I'm not an expert of folk music from Poland and the only examples of folk songs I can recall are from the "Witcher" games. And I'm not sure if they even are real folk songs…

3. My favourite form of expression is definitely drawn art - like paintings, sketches, comics, etc. I am a hobbyist artist myself and I love the creativity and emotions which I can express via drawing. I also appreciate artists from the past because their paintings are not only simply beautiful, but they also show us history and culture of the times when the artists have lived in. Caravaggio is definitely my favourite painter and his art always amazes me. But honestly - all forms of art are important and preserve our culture. It's important for us to leave something behind for the future generations as well.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. I quite enjoyed this song, as well as the video, but it's not the kind of music I would listen to on daily basis, even though music genres I listen to vary a lot.

2. I don't really like folk music in particular, although I really enjoy all kinds of folk music snippets or borrowings in more modern releases. I'm not very keen on with Polish folk music, so I don't have an opinion.

3. I think music is my favourite form of expression. It's the easiest form of art to interpret and many people can can find reflection of their lives in it. Although when it comes to tradition or preserving culture I think there are better means to do it, such as poetry, novels, paintings or sculptures.
Maciej Sadoś said…
Yes I did, it had a catchy melody and a engaging folk climate. It reminds me of some songs from the Witcher or other series/games in the similar climate :)

I'm not so much into music in general. I like to listen to some music from time to time but it is really rare for me. I know it could be strange as everyone I know always has his or her headphones on, but it is as it is :-)
I'm afraid I have no idea what is folk music like in Poland, sorry :(

I think I don't have such a form of expression in a meaning like people in other comments (like drawing or creating music). I like to express myself by actions I take and words I say.
I think it's really important to preserve our culture in art etc. It allow next generations to look and feel how we lived and what our times looked like.
Yuliia Sauliak said…
The song is fascinating.
I would say that music is on of the most important parts of my life as I can sing and have several cover songs recorded in the studio.
In regards to folk music, frankly speaking, I am not a big fan of it.
My country’s songs have a deep meaning and thoughts. As most of the songs were created during difficult times my nation experienced.
Without exaggeration, the song accompanied the Ukrainian people in all spheres of life in work on the field, when child was born, during prayers in the church and in many other cases.
I think it is very important to preserve culture and express it in any of its forms. We know some historical events and what happened in which year relying on some documents, articles and news, however we cannot clearly understand what was the mood of society, how people perceived the particular events and how they underwent it. However, poems, songs, fairy tales, paintings give us broader picture of the times.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
I like folk music. Folk, as a separate musical genre, is little known in Poland, because its appearance is not accompanied by any mass fashion. Well, maybe apart from highlander music. In Poland, the band Tuya is becoming increasingly popular. I personally like remixes of folk music songs that fall into the ear.

The music depends on the region and, of course, the period that will be taken into account. It seems to me that the Faun band you presented does not play real Celtic music. They only present their ideas. It's just a concept of what it might have looked like in the past.

I'm not an artist. I like fantasy that refers to folk. Like Pilipiuk or the Witcher.

1) Did you like the song? :)
Yes, I do not listen such music everyday but it reminds me witcher series which i loved. So it brings good memories.
2) Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?
In our country folk music is well known and it has it own look. As I said before I do not like this music, but being in a festival or some event in mountains seems to be a good place to listen such music.
3) What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?
It is very important, as it tells us the story of country by art. It is not just instruments but words, outfits, traditions. So for me it is really important as it gives spirit to the show.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. Did you like the song?

It was quite ok, however I don't feel like listening to this particular song again.

2. Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?

I am into music in general, but I am not much of a folk music fan. There are few folk songs that I actually like. I do not really know what is folk music like in my homeland, as I am not interested to follow that.

3. What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?

My favourite form of expression would be music and literature. Preserving a culture in those is a necessity for every society.
Yes, I liked the song. Normally it is totally not my type of music because I mainly listen to rock and metal but surprisingly it is quite fun. For some reason while listening to it I felt like playing Witcher again. As I said earlier, I’m not really into folk music and to be honest Polish folk music doesn’t attract me at all. I love music in general, my father listened to heavy metal his whole life and he passed that to me. So I think I can say that my favorite form of expression is music.
1) Did you like the song? :)
I was ready for the worst but surprisingly it was good, I really liked it.

2) Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?
I do like music, I think everyone does like some kind of music. To be honest I don’t really listen to any folk music. I’m sure that there is some folk music in my country, and probably I have heard it many times, but I don’t really remember any songs. Folk music in Poland probably is similar to other folk music from Slavic countries.

3) What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?
I think that it’s very important to preserve culture, It’s part of our heritage, and it’s a big part of our identity. My favorite form of expression in preserving culture are fairy tales and mythos.
Rafał Halama said…

1. Yes, it was really a pleasant listen. Music like this makes me relaxed and that is the most desirable trait of the music for me.

2. Of course, music plays a big part in my life, not folk in particular, but I love almost every genre, so I can easily find something for myself to listen to. In my country folk music has Slavic vibes. Bands use variety of instruments such as violins, drums, and pipes. I must say I am proud of unique feeling our folk music has and I advise everyone to give it a try.

3. I do not have a favourite form of expression in particular. For me, it is important to always remember what defines our culture. I think all of them in combination is what preserves it so well.
1 / A very melodic and rhythmic song. I really like that style.
2 / I am fond of this genre, as it is connected with my native country and also with education. Since I studied with the guys, future musicians and singers. In my country, music is part of national dignity and folklore.
3 / I think it is very important to maintain cultural values in its various manifestations.
Kgajewska said…
1. it's very nice, somehow made me a little bit relaxed.
2. It's not popular opinion, but no - I'm not that much into music at all. Usually I don't care about the genre as long as song is nice to listen to. Unfortunately I don't have any clue about my country folk music, but I think it has something in common with Slavic vibes.
3.For me, the best and favourite form of expression is literature - books with mythology accents, poems, fairy tales. I also do believe that all form of art combined togheter can preserve and maintain cultural values and diversity
Answering your questions:

1. The song sounds nice and makes me think about the Witcher but Folk is not the genre that I like or listen to on daily basis.

2. I am not a fan of this genre of music. I am not an expert but I think that Folk music in Poland is really diverse - f.e. on Mazowsze it sounds very different than in the Tatry Mountains. Often it is connected with Folk dances like Polonez, Krakowiak or Oberek.

3. To be honest I think that every form of art is important and valuable. It is crucial to cultivate both new and traditional forms of art because therefore every person can find something likeable. I don't have favorite form of art. I listen to music everyday because it is easily available but I also like going to cinema, theatre or museum to see paintings.
Maciej Górczak said…
1) Did you like the song? :)Not really,
I do not like folk music.

2) Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?
Yes I am really into music, I have been working as a music journalist for over three years (but I have not written a thing about folk music). In Poland it is mostly connected with expressions of love and old pagan beliefs, music by itself is based on violins and female choirs.

3) What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?
Definitely music, but not folk music. This genre crossed the line, when someone invented folk-metal. I prefer more intimate music for example soul, r&b or some groovy tunes, like those you can find in modern jazz, funk or even disco music (80's).
I liked it ;)

I love rock and metal tunes, however, I try not to isolate my music taste to it and I sometimes listen to different genres. Folk songs are not high on my list, although, I'm also a fan of fantasy and this kind of music fits perfectly with it.

My favourite form of expression? It is a hard question. I am a graphic designer so I prefer to visualise what I feel. I also get more emotion from painting, animation or game, however, those are complemented by music and other forms of art so it is hard to unambiguously answer this question. I'm not sure where I stand in terms of preserving culture. When we think of old culture we want to preserve it immediately, but I don't think that in 100 years everybody will be eager to listen to Justin Bieber songs... So I would say it depends on the artwork itself.
Aleksander said…
1. To be honest, no. Sorry! But we are still friends, right? ;p

2. I’m not into folk music, it doesn’t speak to me soul.

3. Thank you for that question, the tricky one ;) I express my self in dancing latino, doing sports and philosophy.

1. Did you like the song? :)

Yes, i like it. It is something different for me and i really enjoyed it but i don't think i would listen this kind of music every day.

2. Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?

Hmm, i can't imagine even one day without music but honestly i don't like folk music. In Poland folk music contains accordion. For example i know one song and it is called Rokiczanka.

3. What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?

I think music is the best form of expression. You can show your thoughts or feelings with this one and also you can change your mood thats why this is amazing.

Bartosz Warda said…
1) Did you like the song? :)

Yes I really enjoyed the song. I like to explore the music and I do listen to various genres.

2) Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?

I really like the climat of Witcher and the songs that are in the game. Percival is the band, that creates some of the music for the game. It brings a slavic hint into your day.

3) What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?

Personally, I prefer music as a form of expression. Music is a strong form of expression, and through music many emotions can be shown whether that be happy, sad, or angry.
1) Did you like the song? :)
It was rhythmic and simple it wasn’t bad, but I will not become a fun of this song and this kind of music.
2) Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?
I’m not into folk music I sometimes listen to music in general, but I wouldn't say that I’m into it to much. Our folk music is like this in the video that you presented but in a different language. I think that folk music it’s mostly good for weddings and village discos.
3) What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?
I don’t have one favourite form of expression I like fairy tales, mythos, art, theatre and other. Form doesn’t matter what is important is whether it is well presented and preserved. Culture is very important, but we like to forget about them because other similar tradition look more fun and they have this breath freshness and novelty.
1. I did quite enjoy the song. I like the usage of the the folk instruments and the fact that the drumbeat is giving it some harder feel, while the vocals are rather soft
2. I'm not really into 100% folk music, but I like its elements in rock and metal. I often associate Polish folk music with village choirs, which I am not a huge fan of
3. Music is indeed my favourite form of expression. Showing local culture in pieces of art is always precious, although I don't think it is always necessary. As an example I might bring pop or rock bands from all over the world that sing in English. On the one hand it would be great if everyone sang in their native language, but on the other hand if they did, their chance to become famous worldwide would decrease a lot
1) Did you like the song?
I think it's nice jam but too cheerful for me. I prefere a little more darker type of folk music.

2) Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?
Love music so much that my friends can't stand me talking about it. Folk music is not my favourite genre but i'd like to listen to it sometimes. In my country we have some types of folk music, i mean, "standard" slavic music playing by e.g. Percival Schuttenbach (they made ost for The Witcher games) and a lot of countryside music (e.g. Jarzębina band with their famous "Koko Euro Spoko").

3) What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?
My favourite form of expression is music, I really like listen to it but i'm not able to play it. People can put great amount of emotions in simple note or singed word and it's so breathtaking i have no idea how to give utter to it. I think culture is a fascinating thing and worth any effort to preserve in every form.
Filip Bartuzi said…
1) Not beats I listen to on daily basis but nonetheless I did enjoy it :)
2) Raw folk music doesn't really interest me but I do like folk music mixed a bit with completely different genre - like dubstep or metal. Igorrr and percival schuttenbach create such music
3) I don't really express myself creatively at all or maybe in ways I'm not aware of. I'm very strict about code architecture and keeping code bases clean. Maybe that already counts as artistic expression? Daniem Temkin uses programming languages and algorithms to express himself. I really appreciate his work and maybe you'll find something for yourself, that will inspire you. .
Angelika Dutt said…
I didn't like the song, because I don't like German and that kind of music. Unfortunately, it's not my style.

I listen to the general hits and I've never been very into music. Personally, I think I have an undeveloped taste in music.

I like poetry the most, it has the greatest depth for me and I can feel it the most.
Olga Bogdał said…
1) I find this song very interesting, but it is not a type of music that I would listen to on daily bases.
2) Music has always been a big part of my life. I listen to many different kinds of music, from classical music to electronics but I have never been a fan of a typical folk music. I tend to like music that is influenced by folk, but pure folk just isn't for me. Polish folk music is quite complex - it includes melodic folk dances and rural chants.
3. I don't have a favourite form of expression, music has always been very close to my heart and always will be. But I also enjoy visual arts, from graphic design to film and photography. I think that if there is something worth preserving then it should be preserved. However I do not believe in value of art that's supposed to artificially praise certain silhouettes or structures.
Aneta Artych said…
1) Did you like the song? :)
Unfortunately didn't. It was a little bit boring for me.
2) Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?
I am not into music much. I think that folk music it’s only good for weddings. I would say that folk music in my home country is mostly similar but more Slavic tones, so in different language.
3) What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?
My favorite for of expression is for sure dance. I am not a dancer at all, but when I am watching dance I usually feel this expression and what people want to say/show especially in jazz.
Yubin said…
1) Did you like the song? :)
Yes, I like though it is not my music style, anyway it sounds good.

2) Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?
Yes, I am into music, but not folk music, I used to play as a guitarist in a Black Metal band before studying computer science, though my best music style is actually Jazz and then Death Metal, I tossed a coin to choose between studying Jazz music or studying IT actually, I don't know how the folk music sound like in my home country since I didn't listen to them, but I guess it must be so different than European folk music.

3) What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?
It must be music for me, two people from different country with speaking different language, they can communicate through music, and of course I think we have to preserve a culture in all of such fields, they are cultural heritage.
s18716 said…
1) Did you like the song?
In fact, this song sounds pretty nice. And I listened to it to the end, it came to my mood today, although I am not a fan of this kind of music.

2) Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?
I periodically listen to music with pleasure, but I don’t devote this separate time to listening to the composition, but only to accompany in any process. It is very interesting to listen to folk music from different countries. In my country, folk music is very popular and in great demand, especially in recent years, many different events aimed at reviving the national music of the region. Fortunately, I notice that it is in demand among foreigners, which is a very pleasant fact.

3) What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?
It seems to me that each of the forms of expression plays a large and important role in culture and art. Moreover, they can exist together, it seems to me it turns out very interesting when some of these forms are combined. Preservation of all these forms is very necessary to preserve the cultural heritage of every nation on this planet.
I even liked the song. It has a fairly characteristic rhythm and music. Every day I listen to songs in a completely different style.

I'm not interested in folk music on a daily basis. Sometimes I like how the song contains folk elements. This is an interesting combination. In Poland there are many so-called folk rhythms but I definitely like highlander music the most.

Of course, my favorite form is music. I can't imagine my life without music. Accompanies me everywhere. It helps me relax and de-stress. I think that many people in the world think like me so music will never die.
1.Did you like the song? :)
Hmm, sounds very cool to me :) All in all, I always listened to similar music for work, but I never knew what kind of music it was
2.Are you into music, or folk music in particular? What is folk music like in your home country?
Very nice music genre I would love to listen to more. Maybe you have some other cool songs? . As for my country, I don't really know what music is liked
3.What is your favourite form of expression, and how important is, do you think, to preserve a culture in the art, music, fairy tales, mythos, poems..?
Hmm, an interesting question, and I think it will be hard for me to answer. I think dance and music
This song has a very nice beat. It seems to me that I could listen to it at least several times. I really like music; it's one of the best ways to calm down and focus. Like the proximity of nature. Folk music combines these two elements, but we are talking about real folk music and not the inventions of our children. Music and animation are my favorite forms of expression. In my opinion, the combination of these 2 forms is able to convey almost everything except physical sensations. Music has been and always will be a part of people.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. This actually is rather bad, but I'm really keen on nordic rhythms after watched Vikings.
2. In Poland, I could be worried but it's Disco Polo. I don't say it's bad, but many countryman breaks it badly with their performaces.
3. In my opinion art, music, etc. describes our culture at the moment.

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Week 9 [11.12 - 17.12.2017] Is Scientific Community Accepting of New Ideas?

We all want to believe that science is about pushing the boundaries of knowledge, breaking the status quo and persuading curious ideas, even if the majority of people find them unbelievable. But is it so? There are many cases of scientists who were disgraced and persecuted by the scientific community simply because their findings challenged the already existing beliefs. Humberto Maturana and Lynn Margulis Humberto Maturana is a prominent biologist who studied the examples of symbiosis between organisms: fungi that control the ants (there are farming ants that grow fungi for food) or the parasites that hijack the brains of snails. Maturana wondered how is it possible that a symbiosis so complex as the one between a worm and a snail could ever take place? I t occurred it is actually a more general argument about the evolution. What comes first: the design or the applic...