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Week 2 [09.03-15.03.20] Is the EU democratic?

Short films from the Kurtzgesagt YouTube channel are frequently present on this blog, but I have never seen (or at least I don’t remember) an episode about politics. Surprisingly, they managed to do this almost totally objectively. I must admit that it definitely helps to understand the basics of how the EU works. We can criticize the decisions made by the EU, which are unfavourable for our countries, but little do we know that people who rule it were firstly chosen by us in our domestic elections, as some of the institutions of the EU consist of the ministers of the member states. Is the supposed lack of democracy in the EU a bad thing? Or maybe it is democracy which makes it so bureaucratic? Perhaps the video will help everyone to form an opinion.

  1. Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?
  2. What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?
  3. Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?


1. I take part in the EU elections, but I do not think that they are important. I have the impression that this is how they are perceived by the whole of society. Our Polish deputies enjoy a good time in the EU parliament, because they can earn a good living there. Across the Uni they are considered good cheaters and crooks:

2. It seems to me that EU will not survive or survive in another dimension. The EU was formed after the war, it was the dream of left-wing politicians. Currently, strong right-wing groups appear in every European country. What's more, the ideas of the leftist ideas of the Union are running out, and in addition they have brought to Europe a big problem - immigrants. The EU's assumptions were good, but over time, as the number of member states increases, it is hard to control this whole creation.

3. Yes, but I don't know if there is anything to laugh at. After all, Brexit was a democratic choice. Jokes from Brexit testify that the film's authors are hypocrites and are not serious people.
I can only say that I agree with you about almost everything you said. The way the European Parliament works is pathetic. The deputies are waving their hands to vote, but the chairman is looking only at the leaders and to make matters worse, the translation is delayed, so the whole process is totally random. It's a shame and it's only a matter of time when stronger countries like Russia decide to take advantage of that. The right-wing groups are some kind of a hope, but people are already corrupted enough not to vote for them.

A for the jokes, didn't you take it too seriously? They are just jokes, nothing really important - only showing the fact that they've left the EU.
Answering your questions:

1. No, I do not take part in the European Parliament elections. Do I consider it as important as the elections in your country? To be honest, it's difficult to answer this question because there is corruption in the government and it is not known which side to take.

2. I have mixed feelings about the future of the EU. It is at a good level now and it seems to me that it will remain unchanged for several years. Then it's hard to determine what will happen to the EU, but in my opinion, it will probably fall apart.

3. No I have not noticed the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU. Are there any? If so, I didn't know.
1. Yes. This is my responsibility as a citizen of the democratic country.
Maybe it is not as important as national election, but it is important enough to go spend 20 minutes of my life to give a vote.

2. I think the times of relative peace and prosperity in the world are diminishing so will the status quo of the EU. To cope with new obstacles EU must push more aggressively for the tighter integration between euro-countries. This is a stance of Emanuel Macron. The problem is with arrival of more conservative view in the minds of citizens of EU. Especially in Poland and Hungary. They oppose to the idea of further integration. If conservatives in EU countries win, we can expect fall of the EU.

3. No, I have terrible sense of humor.
1. Yes, I do take part in the European Parliament. Having a possibility to change something has to be always taken. We are the people who have our own beliefs and our own opinions. Election day is a time that we should copy them on paper by voting for people whose beliefs are closest to ours. I don't think, however, that these elections are as important as the ones that happen in our country. The European Union has often made decisions which are not really affecting our life. The government in our country decides on our lives in a much more visible way.
2. I think the future of the EU is unsure. The beginning of the EU seemed good, because every agreement between two or more countries is good for people, because it gives them opportunities. After some time passed, EU turned out to be bigger, and that's not necessarily means the size or number of member countries. This is about the bureaucracy that is eating EU from the inside. The bad thing that happened to the EU is that they do a lot of unimportant stuff and produce tons of regulations that hurt business and the economy.
3. Yes, I noticed them and it was quite a funny accent in a whole video. They were so small that they only improved it without making the video biased.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. I don't take part in the European Parliament elections. I don't consider them to be as important as the elections in Poland, because they don't affect me as much as those in my country.
2. I don't really know, I'm not interested in EU politics. But i do believe, that if EU want's to survive it needs to change the way it operates, or more and more members will want to leave it, just like the UK did.
3. No i didn't.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. I didn't take part in any European Parlament elections but I think it's as important as the ones in our country. I think that Poland need European Parlament to be safe from all the countries that would try to attack us if not EU. We have really bad position on the map and we can be attacked from all the places. I really appreciate EU just because of that fact.

2. To be completely honest I have no idea if it will survive. I don't have my own opinion about that and didn't follow the news what is happening there recently.

3. I did not notice any hidden jokes. I was watching this video really quickly in a crouded place so I wasn't that focused.
Karol Michalak said…
1. Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?
Yes, I take part in every elections but local elections are more important to me as there is a greater chance my life may change by their decisions in opposite to EU decisions.

2. What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?
Not sure for hundred percent, but in my opionion some serious mvoes have to be made. If not the EU will fell apart as we know it.

3. Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?
I hope so. Was it that one angry bird?
I wouldn't be surprised if it fell apart. It is overcomplicated and it is obvious that every country takes care of its own business, which makes such organisations as the EU corrupted by the definition. In my humble opinion it should be limited to the trade agreements.
I got your point, but the problem with integration is that the way it is performed is harmful to our economy. We don't have as many assets as the western countries to fight the pollution, or simply allow immigrants who seek social benefits only, enter our country. We've already seen a lot of polish companies fall, because of some regulations on favor of the competition from other, stronger countries (I mean the sugar factories in particular and the truck drivers from central and eastern Europe).
I agree that we don't see the effects of the EU decisions in every day life, but they affect the economy which has an overall impact on our life. Sure, we got a lot of fundong for various projects, but at the same time we witness a renaissance of socialism which slowly parasitize on our hard work.
Do you believe that the EU would do anything if Russia attacked us? We had an agreement with the UK and France once before and we all know how it ended. The NATO is much more important for the defence purpose, but still, I feel that other countries has very little interest in defending Poland. Instead of playing around in the EU Parliament, it would be good to invest in a proper army.
To be honest - I think that joining the EU would be good for Ukraine in order to cut it out from the influence of Russia, but economically it might not be the best decision. It's quite interesting though, what would the EU do if Russia annected Crimea, or attacked the east of Ukraine if it was a member of the EU. That's of course very hard to imagine, considering the fact that a lot of people in Ukraine are happy about those events. Correct me if I'm wrong please. That's a sensitive topic and I don't want to spread fake news here.
Anastasiia Bida said…
1. I have never taken part in the European Parliament elections because I am from Ukraine. I consider that if your country is a member of the European Union, the elections are important because the choice you make will affect it in one way or another. Citizens should vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas.

2. It is difficult for me to answer this question. I am not in European Union politics. But now the purpose and even the existence of union are called into question. Maybe in order not to fall apart there is a need in the new strategy, where the emphasis is no longer on peacekeeping and democracy promotion, but on pragmatism, security and stability of the union.

3. Yes, I have noticed some hidden jokes :)
1. Yes, I take part in the European parliamentary elections and I treat them as seriously as the elections in Poland. Although I have little influence on EU decisions, I think it is very important to have political representatives concerned about the problems our country struggles with.
2. Based on the video the EU keeps changing. I wish it had less control over member countries. In my opinion if the situation doesn't change more powerful countries will consider leaaving the EU to focus on their own economy and culture.
3. Yes I've noticed moving away land and the bird with british flag. In any case I think they've made a good decision and from now on they will be able to decide what's best for their country.
Roman Burlaka said…
"...a lot of people in Ukraine are happy about those events..." - which events?
1. Yes, I take part in European Parliament elections. The right to vote is one of the greater human rights and you should vote regardless of the type of election. However, elections to the European Parliament are not as important to me as national elections. To be honest, I don't follow European politics. All I can find out there is that they banned the use of straws :)
2. In my opinion, the European Union will not stand the test of time. Great Britain has shown other countries how to proceed in defense of their own interests and the interests of their inhabitants. What did Great Britan actually have from this Union? No wonder that the richest countries in Europe do not belong to the Union.
3. Yes, I noticed them, however, I think there is nothing to joke about. Congratulations to the British on democratic choice. Not everyone must respect this decision, but everyone must accept it. That was the idea of democracy, right?
Hello, here are my replies to your questions.

1. Since I became an adult, I've always taken part in the European Parliament elections. I also consider them as important as the elections in my country (I live in Poland). It is my right to vote and I am never going to give up that right. I want to pick the best representation of my country so I don't end up cringing at Polish politicians falling asleep at European Parliament's deliberations. I am also following the on-going politics regarding the Brexit.

2. I believe that the future of the EU is complicated. I don't think we'll see the end of the Union soon but more countries may want to leave it, especially after the Brexit. I am afraid that Poland might leave as well and if that happens - I'm definitely leaving this country. Without EU we become vulnerable and I'm sure that Russia's best interest is for us to leave the Union. However, I want to believe that EU will end up stronger than it used to be after current events.

3. Of course I noticed them. I think that humor really helps with brightening up some dark situations. Even though it was Britain's choice to leave the EU and everyone should respect that - it doesn't mean that we cannot joke about that.
Yubin said…
1.Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?
No, my country is not a member of the EU so I haven't taken part in the European Parliament elections, but I consider it as important as the elections in my country, and I hope I could vote if possible, just want to help make it better if possible.

2.What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?
In the future, with the further increase of aging and the rise of Asia, coupled with the economic hegemony of the United States, the external pressure of the EU is very great, and it is already good that economic growth can be maintained. Europe's high welfare is not sustainable, just months ago, the strike in France was intensifying, and Britain has left the EU. The division within the EU may be intensifying, and the Britain exiting EU is likely to be the beginning of a EU split.

3.Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?
Yes, the joke Brexit appears in the video a few times.
Andrzej Kawiak said…
I did not take part in the parliamentary elections. I don't think that makes any sense. The parliamentarians have no influence on the voting process. Their votes are not counted. You can suppose the Paramedics themselves don't quite know what they're doing there. Someone counted that 4 SECONDS - that's the average amount spent on voting in the European Parliament.
The current European Union may not be here anymore, but it will certainly be different. There has always been a tendency to unite on the European continent. There are too many small national states in Europe to survive without some form of integration. This tendency to unite in Europe is greater than on other continents.
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1. Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?

Since my country is not a member of EU i don’t participate in the elections.

If my country was a member of EU i would consider elections important, elections are important for citizens because we as citizens we get a chance to analyse their aims through the election campaigns and choose the right candidate.

In addition, elections gives freedom of choice

2. What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?

3.Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?

EU will struggle due to unanticipated Brexit and since it was successful many countries might request to leave as well for example Polish in the past few months were striking for Brexit.

Therefore EU will face high level of unemployment from people who were working in the UK.

Secondly EU should find a way to replace £ 8.9 billion contribution from UK to the budget.

EU might survive but it has to reform some policies and it consider to accept new members.

Yes many jokes did not expected Brexit to be successful either because EU would make the process difficult or UK would take back their word after realising their loss after Brexit.
1.Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?
Yes I do but I do not consider it as important as other elactions in our country. Once I wanted to gather as much informations as possible who is electing, why should I choose him etc.
2.What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?
Yes I think it will survive, maybe it is not going to be the same structure as it is now, but countries of Europe will be united.
3.Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?
No, first time I heard about them.
Adam Tokarczyk said…
1. Yes, I do. After all, those are people, that will represent us on international scene. It's not only important to send there people, which will put a fight according to political agenda you support, but also people that won't bring shame to our nation.

2. Highly doubt it can survive, as for past years it was heading in very dangerous direction. Overall idea of European Union was good, but only in the beginning, when it was still ECSC. European countries should co-operate in terms related to trade, but in no way, should they make attempts to unify its member states. We're separate countries and there will always be nations which gains more benefits and ones which don't. Also a lot of taken decisions, harm inhabitants of some of the countries, because other decided to push for it. I can't deny that EU boosted our economy, but in long term, it's not a good institution.

3. Yes, but to be honest, I don't find it funny at all.
1.Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?
Unfortunately, but I do not participate in European Parliament elections. I dont't thinks so that the European Union as something very important and necessary for our country.
But this is quite a contentious subject, therefore I will keep my views to myself
2.What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?
hmm, it's hard to say, I'm not a good analyst for such matters.
But I think that what is happening lately will make the European Union not survive, because at the moment there are too many stupid ideas and projects
3.Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?
I experienced that but it wasn't fun for me.
Maciej Szczypek said…
1. Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?

I do take part in the elections. They seem to be important, but unfortunately they are usually neglected in Poland and the frequency is always the lowest comparing to other elections.

2. What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?
I am rather sceptic about the EU, but I can notice some of its pros. I think that it will survive in the current shape in the following years, but there will surely be some other changes in its structure eventually.

3. Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?
I did, but none of the jokes I saw about this topic (either from the video or not) I find really funny.
1. Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?

Yes, I do take part in every possible election. In my opinion it is important to have an own opinion about topics like this, so before voting we should be well prepared. I consider that it is an important for our country on the other hand I we would not be a member of UE it depends when we are living.

2. What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?

I think UE has to do something big, because we are way to behind comparing to the rest of the world. Moreover I think it is an only chance to be in the group for countries like Europeans. I think it will not look like this in 10 years.

3.Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?

Yes, I did noticed a few of them, but i dont find it that funny.
1 / I follow the news and often bet on the winner, but have never voted for the EU Parliament.
2 / I think that the modern world requires modern solutions. Who knows?!
3 / Yes, news and memes quickly spread.
1. Yes, I do take part in the European Parliament elections but I don't think it is as important as local elections. EU laws define many things but the laws introduced in countries parliaments have bigger impact on people lives. Also European Union can't shape country's law system the way local parliament can.
2. In my opinion European Union will not be able to survive in current shape. Taking Brexit into consideration as well as anti EU moods in Poland or Hungary, it is clear that some countries are not happy with current EU, its policy and the way it is being managed.
3. Yes, the jokes were kind of obvious but there is nothing to laugh about. Brexit is a big problem for both EU and Great Britain. Both have lost a big trading partner but EU will do just fine without Great Britain. I think that GB will suffer for some time. Probably there will be prices increase, travelling problems and many other things that will affect regular people. I think it was a bad move from GB.
Maciej Górczak said…
Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?
Of course i took and I will take part in EU Parliament elections. They are a bit less important for me than elections in my country but they are still very important - people we choose are sitting there and deciding on our future.

What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?
Yes, especially in the times of desease, when we will strenghten our bonds. As Europans we are people of good will and culture, that is why we will remain in the current shape or even extend our scope of countries beeing part of union.

Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?
Yup, but they were not funny.
1. I take part in european parliament election. It is a good way to give a politician that you like an opportunity to earn a good salary or if you don’t like specific politician you can vote for the so you won’t see them in evening news that often. The last sentence shows how I feel about that election.
2. I find the idea of European union as a very good one, but I hear a lot from my friends who are more into politics that some things there are not as properly managed as they should. I hope it will survive, but it needs changes.
3. I’m not sure about that joke. I see there two options. One of them is that Great Britain wasn’t mentioned at all(they did’t show their flag in the film). The second one is the scene with quacks. Oh and after seeing in once again I see a scene where a part of ground splits and fly another direction.
1. Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?

Yes, I do. However this time I don't believe that this is important elections becouse people don't see real impact and it is becouse EU parlament does not have really big variety of competention

2. What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?

Definitly not. I believe that it will be transformed to United Europe and become structure simillar to USA or UEA, other way it will collapse and Europe will be divided one more time.

3.Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?

Yes of course. We're living in times were everything is the joke or memes target
Roman Burlaka said…
1. No, cause my country isn't in it, but yes, I think all elections are important if they affect your life.

2. In the current shape? No way. It's like to have many databases of different origins and structures in one project. And they change themselves every day. Not very comfortable, is it?

3. Honestly, I haven't noticed them, but jokes are OK for me. Jokes about politics are like a national idea in Ukraine, imho.
Aleksander said…
1. Yes I do. I’m responsible for my country and for Europe itself as long as I can vote and make a little impact on those who are going to be our representatives.

2. In my view yes it will. That’s the only way to face such powers as USA or China.

3. Yes, but it’s important to remember that Brexit has been made in democratic way, so why laughing at it?
1. Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?

No, I dont. To be honest i am not interested about politics and i wasn't on any elections in my life.

2. What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?

In my opinion it will survive a long time but list of country members will change a lot of times. Everything in some day will be over. This is normal because always things are changing but i think EU will not disappear in next few years.

3. Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?

To be honest i didn't see any jokes about this because i don't follow politics. In my opinion brexit was a democratic choice and i don't think so there is something to joke about it. At least i don't see anything funny in this situation.
Filip Bartuzi said…
Kurtzgesagt impresses me every time I stumble upon their videos. I consider it has the most polished and well-crafted animations across whole youtube. They recently have put episode which was completely about themselves. You can find out there they spend whooping 1.000+ hours on each video. That's enourmous having in mind they try to keep they upload schedule monthly. If you haven't seen this episode I highly recommend you do.

You've asked if I vote in UE elections - yes, I do, and I consider it important but in my opinion results are not that influencial as our local elections.

To answer your second question mindfully I would need to know much more about politics, economy and social sciences. I don't and I think most people who make very bold statements don't know either. Brexit made things uncertain but quitely I hope UE as it is will survive. Saying that I'm also unsure if keeping UE alive is in the best intrest to all members.

I did notice british bird flying away from parliament! That's a nice easter egg they included, I appreciate that. Was there anything more to spot? That's the only reference I got.

Thanks for sharing this video with us!
Annexation of Crimea and destabilising eastern Ukraine. I mean the pro-russian citizens of Ukraine.
Angelika Dutt said…
I took part in the European Parliament elections because I consider it to be my civic duty. But I don't think they have much effect on my country.

I don't think the EU will survive. After Brexit, its importance has collapsed and I think it will cease to count as an international organization. In addition, I don't think it' ll be able to deal with the coming crisis caused by the coronavirus.

No, I haven't noticed, but I'm not really into Brexit either.
Aneta Artych said…
Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?
I always take part in the European Parliament elections. I consider it as well important as the country elections.
What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?
I think EU will survive in the current shape but it could be changed and adjust somehow to nowadays.
Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?
Yes, sure :) Beautiful bird by the way.
I take part in the European Parliament elections since I can. I believe that it is the duty of every citizen, because we want to and do not want to belong to the European Union. If my country were not in the EU, I would not have the right to vote, but then I would not vote because I am not interested in things that do not concern me. I am almost sure that the Union will not survive in its present shape. Many countries will do as Great Britain did, because in my opinion it is impossible to please so many people. I've seen a lot of jokes and memes about Brexit. Nothing but take popcorn and watch :)
Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?

Unfortunately, no. It is because I am not authorized to take part in EP elections. But if I had any options, I would take part in it for sure. I understand how it is important to vote and raise my voice for some candidate, which has a similar view as I do.

What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?

I think it will change. Maybe not quickly, but it will transform into something different, with some adjustments and improvements.

Did you notice the hidden jokes about the UK leaving the EU?
Yes, that was great! :)
1.Do you take part in the European Parliament elections? Do you consider it as important as the elections in your country (or would you, if your country is not a member of the EU)?
I have not much interest in politics in general and haven't taken part in the EP elections yet. I don't consider it as important as the election in my country but i think their importance is similar.

2.What is your opinion about the future of the EU? Will it survive in the current shape?
I think the EU is strong enough to stay in the current shape for years. This "organisation" gives a lot of benefits to their members. Well, probably it will survive in the future because european countries would have lost more if their had dissolved it.

3.Did you notice the hidden jokes about UK leaving the EU?
Yes, i did. It would be hard not to notice them.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. Yes, i do. I always made a good use from my democratic privilege. EU government affect all native governments and after all on us. It's really important to vote especially in this elections.
2. Current shape is that German and France use UE to manipulate Europe. It can't survive.
3.No i've never notice some jokes.

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