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Week 2 [09.03-15.03.20] Is Coronavirus a big threat to you?

Is Coronavirus a big threat to you?

The biggest threat of 2020. From one city in China, to many countries around the world. At the beggining of the march there was a first case of coronavirus infection in Poland. It happened in Zielona góra. It is a matter of time before news will annouce first case in Warsaw. How fast does it spread? Should we be aware of it? This video compares coronavirus to other deadly viruses and other threats that can kill you everyday. Hope you enjoy it!

1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
2.How will it end up?
3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?


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1. I am a little afraid, but I think sensibly and I cannot be carried away by panic. I think it is quite possible that more of the community will get sick. Fortunately, coronavirus is successfully cured in various cases. I am worried about the situation in Italy, where the goverment have not controlled the problem.

2. I suspect in a few months. A type of vaccine will appear, or the virus will disappear by itself under the influence of heat. Of course you need fatalities.

3. The video did not surprise me. I knew about some of these statistics and that too much panic was spreading in the media. For people who like statistics, numbers are important. For now, these numbers are small. Promil society is really not much.
Ela said…
1. I think the CONVID-19 is a very serious problem. There is no cure for it and it spreads very easily, much faster than the flu. Unfortunately, it is not easy to determine who is sick because carriers do not have symptoms yet. Unfortunately, some people are convinced that this virus is no equal to ordinary flu and this is the most serious problem. Because of the dismissive attitude of people, we are exposed to it, which is why it is so important to make others aware. I'm more afraid of the irresponsibility of others than the virus, but unfortunately some of us only look at their tip of the nose ...
2. I hope this will end as soon as possible. I assume the optimistic version so far: people will be responsible and will limit trips, leaving home and other extra activities to a minimum. Thanks to this, the virus will stop spreading, everything that could have been infected will be decontaminated and this will be the end of the problem.
3. No, I haven’t. I try to keep track of all information about the virus. I search for information on television, newspapers, and scientific articles.
Very hot topic now. Answering your questions:

1. I believe that coronavirus is a critical problem that currently exists in the world. At first I thought it was a trivial matter, but now I have a different opinion - a serious threat. I am starting to make food supplies and limit contacts with the outside world (physically) to a minimum so as not to be infected by the coronavirus.

2. How will it end I believe that people with the weakest immune systems will simply die, i.e. the elderly and the sick, the population will decrease by a few percent. Travel, contacts with other people will be kept to a minimum for the next year. Vaccine? I don't think the scientists invent it quickly.

3. To be honest, I didn't change my point of view after watching this video, because I knew most of it.
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1. Since most of the deaths in death toll originated from the virus are elder people and people with damaged respiratory system, I do not have high concerns for my own safety, but I have concerns about safety of my grandparents. Certainly, I will not be going to the family dinners any time soon if there exist possibility to infect my grandparents with the deadly disease.

2. Our amazing government out of the ordinary did something remotely useful and closed large events as well as schools and established virus examinations in our country borders. Because of it I think the epidemic will not be as devastating as the one in Italy.

3. I did not change my point of view because of the video. I have watched it yesterday already.
1. Yes, I am afraid of it. I know that I am in the low risk group, but older people are in trouble. That makes me stand in an uncomfortable situation, because I could potentially be a reason of someone's illness later.

2. There are various scenarios that could happen. I hope that temperature rises will kill the virus and make it impossible to spread more. I doubt a vaccine will be invented soon enough to help us.

3. No, I haven't learned anything new. All the facts stated here are common knowledge for a person who read a bit about a virus and its history.
Olga Przytula said…
1. I wouldn’t say that I am afraid of it, but I do think that carefulness and high attention to hygiene and surroundings is desirable. I don’t think it is healthy to panic right now, lock oneself in isolation and live like that for a month or so, but I do think it is a good idea to reduce unnecessary contact and parties.

2. Positive, I guess. Probably in a month or two scientists will announce the vaccination for coronavirus, or it will slowly disperse as we introduce more hygiene to our daily lifes.

3. No, I don’t think so. It simply proves that there is no need to panic, and that it’s mainly created by media talking about it over and over again. Nevertheless, it also shows, that we should be concerned about our health and well-being, but maybe in a less mad way.
1. Yes i'm afraid of corona virus, it spreads very fast in Poland and if it keeps
average growth rate, we will have 1,500 infected people next week.

2. Many people will die, there will be a market crisis and everybody will have to go through it, but there also could be positive effects. There will be fewer people and we won't drive cars as much so the earth could take a little breath from carbon dioxide.

3. No, beacuse I see what's going on and I look on a statistics every day.
Grzegorz Rostek said…
1. I believe that Coronavirus is a thread to society, only because there is no cure yet, and i will take some time to develop one. I'm not really afraid of the virus, the death rate in my age group seems to be low, right now it is around 0.2%. The only thing i can be afraid of right now is that one of my family members get's infected, especially my parent or my grandparents.
2. I do believe that in a year or a year and a half the vaccine will be made, but until then, there will be a lot of infected people.
3. Not really, I already had similar point of view. I still keep track of the information about the virus, but i'm not panicking.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. I'm not afraid of Coronavirus but I'm afraid of the panic that people make out of it and the problems that coronavirus makes in out economy. This is really scary to me that a lot of people lost their jobs, events were cancelled or prosponed and all the cinemas and museums were closed.

2. I think it will end up in a few weeks of silence and sitting in home but not that many people will die. I think economy will be hit the most.

3. I haven't change my view on coronavirus. I knew a lot that was presented in this video but I really liked the way this video was created ;) all the graphic comparisons were really interesting.
Karol Michalak said…
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
Not that much I more afraid of possiblity it may mutate into something more deadly.

2.How will it end up?
Few thousands will die and we as people all around the world will get back to normal lives though somethings may change. Maybe there will be more home office?

3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?
It made me a bit less paranoic but still, it is a virus and possiblity of mutation is really high. And after the mutations? No one knows what it can do.
1. I think this is really a serious threat to humanity. I know that I'm more likely to die of cancer than coronavirus. However, in my opinion, people don't take it as seriously as they should. The most annoying thing to me is saying that only older people die. It is as if none of us have parents and grandparents that we are worried about.
2. It's hard to predict. Even if we manage to deal with the pandemic, we must remember that success can be temporary, because the virus is still mutating.
3. This is quite an old video and so much has happened over the last month. It began to spread throughout Europe only because people downplayed the situation. I hope that all the steps taken by the government will help defeat the virus. However, this will not bring victims back to life.
Roman Burlaka said…
1. Completely not. I have survived all that stuff: chicken and swine flu, some possible nuclear wars and the start of Large Hadron Collider - all things that had to wipe out all humanity during the last 21 years. But, somehow we're still here.

2. Like always. Main question - how it will be during all process because I'm more irritated with global panic than with quarantine.

3. No, I wasn't afraid before and I washed and continue washing my hands. If someone hasn't done it before - you deserve this crazy situation.
1. I was not worried about coronavirus at the beginning of this week. However, after the restrictions in our country and the increase in the number of cases, I am so afraid of coronavirus that I spend almost whole time in home.

2. I have no idea. But if I had to choose something, I bet that I will get sick with 25% of European society. However, when it comes to the number of deaths, I would bet on 2% of those who were infected.

3. I haven't changed my point of view after watching this video.
Hello, here are my replies to your questions.

1. I think that Coronavirus is an illness like many others. For now it's not really deadly, however it might be dangerous to more people if it mutates. That is why I'm a bit afraid of it since viruses are very chaotic and tough to control. If we're not fast enough to find the cure, it may cause many casualties.

2. I'm pretty sure that in the nearby future it will end up as a normal, boring illness which people will get from time to time, just like it is with the flu. For now we're panicking, but the cure is on the way and I'm sure that the doctors will do whatever they can in order to help us. I'm a bit anxious about the possibility of mutations but for now it doesn't seem like any of that is happening.

3. No, because I was never truly afraid of it. I only worry about elderly and ill people who may be the main casualties in this pandemic. Therefor me and my parents stopped visiting my Grandparents and we told them to stay at home. We do online shopping for them. I also often wash hands and I cover my mouth with scarf whenever I leave the house.
Agnieszka Duda said…
1. Yes, I am afraid of it, maybe even more than I should. What scares me the most, is the fact that I can be infected but not be aware of it and spread the virus between my family members (since they are the only people which I have physical contact with).
Another thing I find disturbing is the ignorance and unconsciousness of some people, who still consider flu a bigger threat and don't take government or WHO's recommendations seriously.

2. Hopefully, as soon as possible. Without a doubt tens of thousands people will die until we finally develop some kind of effective treatment or vaccine. Until then, I think it's all up to us.
Another "fatality" will of course be economy. I'm no expert in this field, but many sectors, such as tourism, entertainment, finance or manufacturing are already affected by spreading virus and it will keep getting worse and worse until things calm down.

3. I haven't learned anything new from this video, although I think it's vital to spread such videos to those around us who still underestimate the threat.
Maciej Sadoś said…
I think it's a really hard situation we have now around the world. And it certainly shouldn't be ignored. I can't say that I'm afraid but I'm definitely anxious about this whole situation. I try to stay at home and avoid hanshakes and meeting anyone except from relatives.
I also know that for me it's probably not so dangerous but it may be for example for my grandparents, especially for my grandma who unfortunately has a cancer and is in the middle of her curations after operations.

It will end up with thousands of deaths around the world but it won't kill so much people as other more severe historic deseases. At least I hope so. China is reportedly in a much better situation now so I hope every country will be soon as well.

I knew all of it so I didn't change my mind. I try to stay up to date with any news about the desease.
Yuliia Sauliak said…
I think the global outbreak of any disease make people scared. However, I do not think that it is as dangerous as media presents it. Older people and people of all ages with severe underlying health conditions seem to be at higher risk, however statistics is not that bad and it is possible to get cured. The most optimistic part is the precaution measures governments of all countries take now. Honestly, I am anxious about panic which spreads around this virus in public.
Many of my acquaintances guess that virus will be gone in summer as it won’t stand high temperatures. Medical experts say that only if there is effective vaccine we can cope with this disease. I am not a scientist, epidemiologist, virologist, so won’t be able to answer this question. However, I hope that due to immediate reaction of governments and a lot of efforts made by scientists we will be able to fight it soon.
I liked the video as the most important now is to stay calm and just follow what is advised by higher authorities, wash our hands diligently and try to avoid mass gatherings.

Yubin said…
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
No, I am not afraid of it, I faced SARS, H5N1, H7N9...and so on, and now Coronavirus, but most people still survive, in my opinion, in such situation, we just need to be smart, stay alert and keep ourselves clean, don't do stupid things like going to some big gathering when Coronavirus is everywhere now.

2.How will it end up?
Every country is making their effort in their own way, for example, UK says Coronavirus needs to infect 60% of Britons to build 'herd immunity' and save lives, since Darwin was born in the UK, then I kinda agree with this idea, just kidding...Anyway, their approach may sound crazy, but what is the difference between making 2% of 60% weak people dead and making 2% of normal people and doctors dead? Actually we just need to know which country's approach is the optimal solution.

3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?
To be honest, I have not changed my point of view after watching this video, because I was aware of the information in this video before watching it.
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it? I think it is a very serious matter however, there is no need to be afraid or panic. I think we should put more effort in taking masures that strengthen our immune system especially for the youths as it is one of the main ways to prevent catching the virus besides self hygiene methods such as washing of hands frequently and for a sufficient amount of time and social distancing.
2.How will it end up? Just the previous viruses, CONVID-19 will disappear in it's time especially now that it is curable and different experiments for the vaccine are being carried. Once we have a successful vaccine experiment, I believe prevention of it's spread will reduced highly and will eventually disappear.
3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?
I have not changed my point of you as I was aware of the information provided in the video however it has given me evidence of the statistics.
Andrzej Kawiak said…

I think the problem is serious. The health services wouldn't be so upset if the epidemiological situation wasn't serious. The Wuhan virus is very infectious, it spreads rapidly and probably one in four patients is very severe.
I'm not afraid of myself, the mortality rate of sick people my age is less than 2.5% and in the case of pneumonia, the overall mortality rate - that is, in the whole population - is much higher, reaching 5%-6%. However, if we include elderly people over 65 years of age, the mortality rate for this reason is already at least 10%, in hospital conditions. And to this must be added 9 percent of deaths within 30 days of the first symptoms. That means that the mortality rate for people aged 65 plus as a result of pneumonia during the month is about 20%.

If the public follows the rules of hygiene, the epidemic will end quickly. I hope it'll be just like in Korea. Where the virus is still circulating, and most of the people there affected by the epidemic still do not have immune immunity, but there is a sharp decline in morbidity and deaths as a result of consistent quarantine measures
I knew the problem because I'm a medical statistician
What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?

Well, I might not be very frightened but I am careful, that's for sure. I try to stay at home as much as possible and leave only when necessary.

How will it end up?

There will definately be more casualties but I am sure that will be able to end this crisis soon with a lot of knowledge to work with.

Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?

My point of view was, is and will be the same - be careful, stay at home and avoid crowds for as long as possible and we will all be fine.
I am not really afraid of Coronavirus for myself. This virus is dangerous to older people and to those with lower immunity system. For me the most dangerous thing about it is how fast can it spread from human to human. I am siting in home and rarely go out to avoid getting infected to protect people I live with. If I get infected probably nothing serious would happen to me, but from my infection my grandparents may get infected as well and it is much more dangerous for them. In my opinion people will create a vaccine for Coronavirus and it will become just another illness we have to deal with just like flu. I haven’t really changed my mind after watching the video, most of this information I already knew. In my opinion people are overreacting a little bit. It’s true we should stay at home to minimalize chance of getting infected but buying out all of the products from shops and gathering supply like the world is about to end is a bit exaggeration.
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
I think it’s a very critical matter, I’m quite afraid about it as I’m observing it since the beginning of the outbreak in China. As it’s most lethal for elderly I’m not afraid for myself but mostly for elder family members.

2.How will it end up?
I hope that we will manage to quickly invent a vaccine and that will be the end of it, but I have no illusions, it will be hard.

3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?
No I haven’t, I was already aware of it.
Rafał Halama said…

1. I think Coronavirus is a serious matter, and I am glad our country reacted relatively quickly by implementing complete lockdown. People that disrespect the virus and call it "just a flu" are making me quite angry. If only everyone took it serious, we would be done with the outbreak much quicker and death count wouldn't be as high. I am a little afraid of it. I know the chance of young, healthy person dying is minimal, but the thought that I can spread the virus to my parents approaching very old age is terrifying.

2. As we currently see, almost all countries that were infected with Covid-19 are closing everything except of supermarkets and pharmacies. In few weeks time almost all people should be cured, however I do not know if traveling abroad will be resumed before the vaccine that kills the virus completely comes to life.

3. I have actually seen this video few days before publication of this post. It has not changed my views because I have already known the scale of Coronavirus. I am sure it will not achieve the same results as the society in these days is much more advanced.

1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
I think it is a very dangerous virus. I am afraid a little of it, I do not want to disregard this global problem. I think the most I am afraid of effect which it will have on our economy, politics and human beings.
2.How will it end up?
It is hard to tell at this moment. It is just a beginning of this. I hope we will have a vaccine and beat this as fast as possible.
3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?
No i haven’t. I am watching the news every day and searching for any fresher on the Internet.
Yes, it is really important not to panic as then we make usually bad decisions. Italy is a great example of how wrong it can turn againts us. I totally agree with your opinion about vaccine. Great to know that you are well informed and it did not surprise you.
1. I am afraid of the virus because even though media is providing us with so many information, there is still little that we know about the virus itself. The vaccine has not been produced yet and that will probably take some time to happen. Following what is happening in Italy where people underestimated the virus is very scary. I hope that people in Poland will take this virus seriously and will stay home.
2. I hope that the there will be a vaccine for this and people will have the chance to live the way they used to 2 months ago and earlier.
3. To be honest, the video did not provide me information that i haven't known yet. I follow the information about the virus. I try to watch, read, listen to anything that may be helpful and make me and my relatives more aware of the virus
Yes, I also think it will end up soon by middle of the may it should be history. Just remember not to get panicked by the news as you can listen about it 24/h which is enough for me.
Yea the topic is like a breaking news. I agree with your opinion as it is a very dangerous virus. Death toll is just 5 or less % so it won't destroy humanity and as a matter of fact mostly all of us are safe, because it touches the most elderly people. Good to know that you are so well informed. :)
Better stay home these days. I also scheduled my visit in grandmother's house as I don't even know if I am infected or not. Yes, the decision about closing everything seems to be a little bit exaggeration but it's better than epidemic in a country.
Yes, we are all scared about our families. Especially older ones as it affects them the most. I agree with you, in the middle of may, all of that should be gone by now. Good to know that you are well informed.
Yes, it's better to stay some days at home than catch something and then hug your little brother or grandmother. I agree with your opinion. It will be over soon.
Good to know that you are so informed! It makes my video not so educating but it's better than not knowing anything about the situation.
I do not agree with you. Especially now, when the goverment decided to close everything and number of people being infected is not groving as fast like in Italy.
Yes, there will be a big crisis, but I do not think that many people will die because of it. Good that you are well informed.
I totally agree with your opinion. The death toll is not such high compared to other disseases. I think vaccine will be made a lot faster than one or two years. Good to know that you are so informed!
Yes, it is so over reacted. People seems to loose their minds. Personally I have enough of hearing about it. I agree with you. Economy will be turn upside down.
Good to know that you are so well informed.
1 / Unfortunately, this left no one without attention and affected the whole world.
2 / Most likely, the outbreak will end and we will continue to live our normal lives.
3 / Perhaps we have not yet fully realized the seriousness of the problem and the epidemic as a whole, so yes.
Good to know that. I am happy that it change your point of view for better one :) I also had a scenario in my head that the virus turns into something more dangerous and then the real epidemic begins.
Yes, I tried to find the newest video but even while writing this comment the situation changes everyday and it is not so fresh as I would like it to be. I am really interested about the virus mutation and how it will turn over. Maybe we can speculate some scenario of resident evil games :)
That's the scariest part, being taken somewhere, not being able to take stuff from your home. I also think it's going to end up well for us. Good to know that you are so well informed :)
Yea, that's the point. It is nothing new. It is just another virus which will go away after some months. The panic and quarantine are the worst things that can change us and our brains.
That's a great idea of how the news and goverment decisions can change point of view. No one would be scared if we could walk on the streets and do everything we normally can, but now all of us are scared because of panic which is created. Good to know that you are so well informed. I agree with your opinion about the future of this dissease. It will end up soon with not so many people infected.
Maciej Górczak said…
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
Definitely, I have lost lots of money on the market already and I am really scared on what more can happen. Putting jokes aside, I am worrying about older members of my family. Shortly, I think we are well prepared for it in Poland but virus will strongly affect global economics.

2.How will it end up?
Because of really stupid social moves in USA and UK I bet virus will end up infecting over ten million people globally.

3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?
Not at all.
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
Of course, I’m afraid of Coronavirus this is deadly and highly contagious virus without cure only stupid people are not afraid of this.

2.How will it end up?
If Coronavirus will not mutate then after few moths this virus will be gone either by vaccine invented by one of pharmaceutical companies or simply because there will be too few carriers to spread wildly

3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?
This video hasn’t changed my point of view too much, but I’m must admit that I’m in shock that swine flu was so destructive. I only knew that you should be carful when eating pork from news and that they killed whole herds of pigs when they discovered this disease.
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?

What can I think about? It's terrible thing, it's probably the biggest thing of XXI century for now. Personally I am not afraid of virus becouse for young people it isn't probably a big deal but i am worried about my grand-parents for whom the virus could be mortal.

2.How will it end up?

Like every big or small pandemia. People will forget and go on hoverver this particular pandemy is making really deep impact on our economy which may be felt for years.

3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?

I didn't change my point of view becouse i saw this video right after it was released

I am a young person, fit and generally healthy, so I don't have much to worry about. However, I try to wash my hands more often and don't touch my face, what appears I have been doing a lot because it is really hard to not do it :D

I'm not as afraid of the virus itself as I am afraid of the economical consequences. My parents are in a restaurant business and the next two weeks (or more) will be very hard for them financially. Later they will think twice about going to the restaurant or on holidays. There are many more people like this. I believe things will spiral. The economy already has suffered a huge hit and it will be even worse later...

Not really. Nowadays it is hard not to hear about covid-19 so knew most of the data already.
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?

I think this is normal pandemic. From time to time we can find some epidemic on the earth and humanity still exist. :)
I am not afraid but in my opinion polish media exaggerate the problem. For example before we had this virus in our country there was greater panic than in the other countries.

2.How will it end up?

I think the situation in Poland will be the same as in China but it's just started later. A lot of people will be sick and some of them will die. We can just behave smarter than in Italy and if we can stay in home we should probably do it. Just avoid people and we will be safe. ;)

3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?

No, i didn't change my point of view after watching this video. I check some statistics and news about this virus and situation on the earth from time to time.
Aleksander said…
1. Yes, I’m afraid a bit because comparing to other viruses, this one could permanently harm my lungs.

2. Slowly ;) I guess that within a few months we will start to see a decrease in number of new cases. From economy point of view, of course, there will be a little stagnation across many sectors, but on the other hand, we drastically speeded up the informatization process. Now we can see, that many things can be done online.

3. Not especially. For many years I'm trying to be up to date with word news so I know the statistics.
s18716 said…
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
Of course, I am concerned about the consequences of this phenomenon. I think like everyone else. Probably today on our planet there is not a single person left on whose life the effects of this disease did not influence. Because this situation exerts influence as we see on all spheres of life, on world culture, economy, business and so on. In general, we hope that the situation will stabilize in the near future.

2.How will it end up?
If the world community has already taken this matter under control, I think it remains to hope for the people themselves. I would like them to take a more responsible approach to this issue and comply with the necessary measures and standards, including personal hygiene and so on. Well, it's over not to succumb to panic, I think this is one of the main points.

3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?
This video didn't really surprised me. I follow the dynamics of changes in indicators on this issue and of course I also notice that it spreads at a very high speed, and the speed of spread is much higher than the speed of Ebola or swine flu. I did not adhere to the opposite point of view, so my look at these things did not change after the video I watched.
Angelika Dutt said…
I don't think the coronavirus can be underestimated. It may not be a very serious disease, but it is dangerous for my grandparents and other relatives, so I worry about them a little. I think taking the right steps will help to control the situation.

Unfortunately, I think this will end with the deaths of many elderly people and a total house quarantine. Unfortunately, I'm afraid this problem will continue for months.

I've seen this video before and it hasn't changed my attitude, as I said at the beginning, I'm not afraid of the virus, but I think there's nothing to underestimate it.
Aneta Artych said…
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
Anyone didn't expect that this kind of virus could appear, so we have hard situation now around the world. In Poland it came quite late so we know what is the best practice to soften the potential consequences. We need to strictly follow some rules from government and it is the best we can do know as individuals.

2.How will it end up?
Depends on that people as humans will follow. If everyone acts responsible the consequences will be serious but the latest they can be.

3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?
Not at all.
Bartosz Warda said…
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?

What I can say for sure is, that coronavirus is a very serious matter. People disrespecting that virus are very irresponsible. The consequences would be like in Italy or Spain. Fortunately most of people in our country are taking it serious, and I am glad.

2.How will it end up?

I hope, that the virus will start vanishing when summer will come. I also hope that quarantine will help us all. I hope that the drought will come, because moisture favours the virus.

3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?

Not really. I already knew most of the information that was included in the aforementioned video.
Filip Bartuzi said…

1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
Personally I'm not afraid as I suppose I'm healthy enough to survive illness you get from the virus. I'm aware it can be deadly for elders, babies and already sick people so we, as society, need to take care of keeping them safe.
2.How will it end up?
I hope it will make food/agriculture market more regulated and supervised by authorities. Sadly the price we'll pay for that is huge, counted in deaths and stale economy
3. It's not the first time I see this video. I was really out of the loop with covid-19 and this was my starting point when I started catching up what's happening in the world
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
I think it is a serious disease that should be avoided.
For sure, like all of us, we are afraid of this disease, but I also think that we don't need to panic
2.How will it end up?
It's hard to say, but I certainly want it to end well.
For sure, the disease leaves a lot of damage, on the stock exchange and in people.
3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?
The video did not change my approach, in total I had reportedly and I knew everything. But surely everyone should watch it
Olga Bogdał said…
1. There are many cases of people who go through the flu without having ant symptoms. So it's possible that, for example, I could already have gone through it myself. I'm only worried about the older people around me, who don't want to risk contracting the coronavirus, so I try to take care of my immunity and don't put myself at risk of getting infected.
2. I don't know how will it end. I am just afraid that it will take much longer than it is predicted for now and it will have a destructive economic impact.
3. I think this video can be very useful to see things clearer. We are all experiencing social panic, and I am a bit afraid where is it going to take us and what the people in our country are capable of..
I think that the current situation in the world is very serious and it can't be underestimated. It is a virus that has spread very quickly in the world and collects deaths. Of course, like everyone I have a fear of him, first of all I'm afraid that it would affect me and my loved ones.

It all depends on how people will behave and whether they take the recommendations seriously or not. I think that unfortunately a lot of people will get sick and many will die.

I have seen a lot of materials on this subject in the last few days so this movie didn't surprise me. I think the media and journalists are very scared of people. Of course, we should take this situation seriously but we must not completely surrender to what they say and write in the media.
My favorite topic last month is coronavirus, so I know a lot about it. Sometimes I look at the statistics. In my opinion, this virus was created for the needs of some country or does not exist, and what we see is to delay the financial crisis. As the saying goes, only fools are afraid of anything. It must be remembered that the threat exists. Nobody knows how it will end; I hope that people don't fire and will disappear, and normal people will be safe and sound.
I have been following the situation for a long time, so this film and hundreds of others are unlikely to change my point of view.
1. What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?

To be honest, I think it is too much over-hyped and people are panicking way to more than they should be and of course, they shouldn't prepare themselves as it is the last day/week/month of their life and buy all the shop. I am not afraid, but I try to do all the recommendations from WHO and monitor the situation.

2. How will it end up?

I think in the end, mankind will find the vaccine for this virus and it will become a part of our history as a lot of diseases previously. It will do its impact and some countries will change their politics toward health organizations and protecting human lives.

3. Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?

To be honest, no. But it is because I already heard similar information and wasn't scared because of this coronavirus.
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
I'm not afraid of Coronavirus. It's not like i ignore the problem but i know enough about it that i can say it's not as dangerous as common people think. And coronavirus is't new on this world. Humanity knows some types of CoVID's and they are more similar to normal flu than we think. However, panic is more dangerous than this disease.

2.How will it end up?
We don't know when but it definitely will end. And probably it will stay with us as something like seasonal flu. CoVID can come back in the future but human beings will be ready for another round. But don't forget, all of us will die someday :)

3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?
No because I knew a lot before watching this video.
1.What do you think of Coronavirus? Are you afraid of it?
I think that it is one more disease that would be cured. It is not first and not the worst disease we had. Moreover, the science is much better now, so I am not afraid at all.
2.How will it end up?
Many people will get sick, many people will die. After some time we will find the cure and this pandemic (or even epidemic) will never be again, as all people will be vaccinated.
3.Have you changed your point of view after watching this video?
No, I have read all this information few weeks ago, so I knew it, but the visualization was very interesting.
Jakub Kisiała said…
1. I'm not afraid about it.
2. In my opinion this think can't be stopped. It will kill millions of people, because in many places government acts really irresponsible. Even if in Poland would die a few people, if this virus will still be traveling around the world, it will be coming back again and again. There is not possible to keeps entire nations in home for months.
3. I have my personal point of view, and this video hadn't provide me some new thinks.

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