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Source: https://www.eastbayexpress.com/oakland/the-university-of-nuclear-bombs/Content?oid=13673663 |
Probably each of us wondered what would happen if somebody nuked the city with just 1 nuclear bomb. Only just one. Not to mention a massive attack.
Watch the video:
Now you can imagine what would happen if a massive attack was carried out on different cities.
- What do you think about the effects of a nuclear attack on the city presented in this video?
- What is your opinion on nuclear weapons? What are the pros and cons of having nuclear weapons?
- Purely theoretically... If you heard that a massive nuclear attack is approaching your country - what would you do?
They are truly terrifying and horrible.
2. What is your opinion on nuclear weapons? What are the pros and cons of having nuclear weapons?
I believe that the only advantage of having this weapon is fear of your potential enemies to attack you with the same since you can retaliate with the same.
3. Purely theoretically... If you heard that a massive nuclear attack is approaching your country - what would you do?
There would be no point of running away since you would die anyway so i would just spend those last minutes with the people that i love.
It's just have no sence. I mean, if you want to take over another state, what's the point of destroying it almost completely.
In every cases of using such weapons, civilians are going to die, not the politicians who started it all. And that's not fair.
2. What is your opinion on nuclear weapons? What are the pros and cons of having nuclear weapons?
In the school we've discussed nuclear weapons. My teacher said, If all existing bombs explode simultaneously, the blast wave will bypass the Earth 2 or 3 times. It was few years ago, so now maybe something changed.
And again, it doesn't make any sense. If one government decides to attack with nuclear weapons another government, it will have no choice but to respond in the same way. Countries that have suffered collateral damage can join the war and do their part.
Earth can become completely uninhabitable in less than 24 hours. Certainly, millions of years of evolution have been worth it *sarcasm alert*
3. Purely theoretically... If you heard that a massive nuclear attack is approaching your country - what would you do?
I will accept my death as a true warrior..
And if it's no joke, I won't have much time. It's good if I don't die in the first few seconds. Then I hope I can at least say one last thing to all my loved ones about how much I love them. I hope they'll be somewhere else at this point.
2. In my opinion, no one needs nuclear weapons, everyone thinks they are necessary in the event of war or external threats. The weapon itself doesn't bring anything for the country or the people living there, it simply is. On the other hand, the leaders of countries are afraid of the vision of being threatened or attacked with such weapons, which is why they keep their own nuclear missiles. It seems to me that I won't come up with any advantages of having such weapons by anyone. Noteworthy are only nuclear power plants, which are very efficient in producing energy, but they aren't weapons, so I see no problem in having those.
3. In the event of such a huge threat, I think leaving the country is out of the question. The only salvation can be shelter in some bunker specially adapted for this type of accident. I would do that. All supplies stored in the bunker should be enough for at least a few weeks, then I would have to seek help from the outside, preferably by means of a radio or other solution, because going outside would certainly involve exposure to huge radiation. It's hard for me to answer this question, I never thought about it. But I think that unless the state somehow thinks of building such shelters for large numbers of people, it will be very difficult to find a specific, working and safe shelter in such a case by yourself.
2. Nobody should have such weapons. I think the governements which do poses the nuclear weapons minimalize the effect they have or did not learned anything from history.
3. I would make ammends with the people clossest to me.
2. I think the whole nuclear arsenal should be dismantled especially that it's biggest part is in the hands of only a few countries that can possibly cause destruction to others.
3. I think It's hardly anything that could be done. The best way would be to get as far away from the blast as possible.
It is cruel and dreadful but sadly real. Though in our times it is far more efficient to use some kind of EMP or thermic weapon as usually you want to take the land and radioactive fallout lasts for years, decades even.
2. What is your opinion on nuclear weapons? What are the pros and cons of having nuclear weapons?
I am personally a bit fascinated by whole nuclear branch of science, even though I like post-apo I prefer it stays in books, movies and games and never come back to the real world. In my opinion the only advantage of having such weapon is for political elites to think they are somewhat important in global scene, but truly having such weapon is tons of money spend on creating it, containing and maintaning it, as it is also risky. With such weapon no one is a winner, we all lose with our Earth contaminated with radiation.
3. Purely theoretically... If you heard that a massive nuclear attack is approaching your country - what would you do?
Depends on how much time would I have, but priority is to get something for personal defence, some cans with food and finding proper shelter.
2. Man-made nuclear weapons are one of the biggest tragedies that have affected our species, and the worst part is that we did it at our own request. I can't think of any advantages of having a nuclear weapon. The only purpose of these weapons is to intimidate and spread terror. One small mistake could lead to almost complete destruction of our species.
3. I would inform my loved ones about it, collect large amounts of inventory, supplies and run away as far as possible from large cities and important strategic points. The village in this case would probably be the safest place to live. If I did not have enough time to escape I would try to hide in the basement or subway, but in the long run I doubt I would survive.
2. In my opinion nuclear weapon should be prohibited. Governments use weapon of mass destruction to provide the security to their countries, but it seems irrational to kill other people in case of protecting others.
3. I would go to my bunker if I had one. The only place where I can avoid the radiation are subway stations. Unfortunately, our subway isn’t as deep as for example in Russia so it can’t stop all the radiation. Unfortunately, I might not be the only one with that idea.
2. I think it is a terrible weapon and as dangerous as biological weapon. I don't see any advantages. No politician should have the right to use such weapons in any other country. After all, this is not an attack on only one city. The consequences of their use will affect much of the world.
3. I would run as far as possible to avoid being in the danger zone or I hid so that I would not be exposed to radiation.
2. Countries threaten each other that they will use nuclear weapons to show their strength and position towards others. I think no country should use nuclear weapon and it should be dismantled and banned to produce it because if someone used it, it would start a chain of nuclear attacks around the world.
3. If I had some time, I would try to escape out of the range of destruction.
2. The video mentioned it: due to them politicians don’t dare to start full-scale wars but regular citizens are in a constant state of uncertainty and fear nonetheless.
3. Grabbing that minimum needed to survive and running towards subway. If there is no subway near me, it is worth trying to find some basement or something like that, where it would be more unlikely for me to be blocked by crumbling building and other trash. But it is in case of nuke falling somewhere far from me. If not, I might as well just grab popcorn and turn some apocalyptic music on, regretting I don’t have any meat for a barbecue.
In my opinion if this is already invented, than everyone should have access to it so that noone feels safe to pull the trigger.
It depends how much time i would have. In most realistic scenario I would call my loved ones.
2. I think that nuclear weapons keep the world somewhat peaceful. If there was a possibility to have a war like WW2, where nuclear weapon was almost not used, we could have like world war 5 now. Nuking Japan quickly calmed them down and so to me nukes are the reason for big countries not to fight directly at least, as they all keep themselves at check.
3. Most likely would calmly wait for incoming end, which is a bit sad, but chances are there to survive.
I was not aware of such horrible consequences. I knew about the distance of damage and radioactive part. I'm glad I saw that movie because now I more aware of danger and how to react in such situation.
2. What is your opinion on nuclear weapons? What are the pros and cons of having nuclear weapons?
In my opinion, weapon like this should be prohibited and shouldn't be discovered in the first place. This is absolutely horrible that in our history such bomb was already used with awareness of consequences.
3. Purely theoretically... If you heard that a massive nuclear attack is approaching your country - what would you do?
I would run away immediately. Of course, we have no power and there is nothing we can do. In such case, escape is the only solution.
It is really scary to imagine. Especially realizing that all these stages, presented in the video during the bombing by nuclear weapons, are real and this is not a theory. Since most of this data was collected after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There, people in real life survived such a catastrophe and even there are survivors. We hope that with no city on Earth this will ever happen again.
What is your opinion on nuclear weapons? What are the pros and cons of having nuclear weapons?
Today, nuclear weapons do nothing good for humanity. This is a great threat to civilization. The most interesting thing is that most recognize this, but it still exists. Why, if everyone understands this, just do not take and do not get rid of this garbage? Well, because this is a tool of manipulation in the hands of large countries that these possess, that's all. It will not lead to anything good.
Purely theoretically... If you heard that a massive nuclear attack is approaching your country - what would you do?
Well, it depends on how long a nuclear strike occurs, if you manage to leave the city, then of course most people will. But if it is too late, one will have to rely on bomb shelter or ordinary cellars. Or with honor to accept and meet the fate.
Nulear weapons are the worst use of nnuclear energy that can be... The pros might be what the narrator said that it is good to have one but bad when somebody else have one. The cons that we can actually use it on different nation.
It's hard to imagine. Run for your life? Hide? All things seems having no sense.
2. I am definitely against nuclear weapons. I think it has too much power and should be prohibited. It only takes decision of few people to destroy many lives and cause a permanent harm on a nation. I see no pros for having a nuclear weapon, it exists to spread worldwide fear which is in use for no one.
3. I would try to run away with my family to a place that is as far as possible from major cities to minimize effects from explosion on our bodies. Then I would get as much basic resources like food and water as I can.
You terrible and scary. It doesn't matter if it concerns something like that or another form of violence. I can never get used to the miracle of how people play and laugh one day and the other on the street can go out and kill in cold blood.
2.What is your opinion on nuclear weapons? What are the pros and cons of having nuclear weapons?
I think that not everything is for people. Ok, it was very progressive that it was invented but in my opinion it should never be used. Therefore, stringent requirements should be imposed on all countries to do so now.
3. Purely theoretically... If you heard that a massive nuclear attack is approaching your country - what would you do?
I would run to a place where I can safely survive underground for a long time.
What would I do? Probably nothing, the bomb explodes in a few seconds. If I had known about the bomb earlier, I would have called my loved ones and told them that I loved them.
2. The only advantage is that other countries are scared of attacking you. But this is pros only when no one is using this weapon. But if some one use it results can be terrible. This weapon focus on destroying live, not to neutralize enemy.
3. This is really complicated question. I cannot imagine someone is attacking my country and my city. I think, first of all I will try to hide in some safe place. After the attack I want to find my family and friends. As I said it's really hard question and hard to imagine what people would do after such terrifying act of terror.
It’s devastating I hope that I will never see this in my life and if I must I will be more then 21km from explosion or in the middle of explosion. I don’t want to die slowly from radiation trapped under debris.
2. What is your opinion on nuclear weapons? What are the pros and cons of having nuclear weapons?
Cons It’s too easy to use. every megalomaniac, terrorist or other tyrant want one and sooner or later he will get one and try to use. Some people use them in negotiation.
Pros well you can destroy something really big like asteroid, comet or alien spaceship that want invade your planet.
3. Purely theoretically... If you heard that a massive nuclear attack is approaching your country - what would you do?
I will bend really really hard and kiss my ass for goodbye. Well if there is more time then I will try go to the countryside and try to avoid rain for some time.
2. I can not see any pros and cons of having nuclear weapon. Well... Maybe there is one. Knowing that opponent country also has nuclear weapon will discourage potencial aggressors. The cons are all presented in the video.
3. It really depends on how much time do I have and how far are my beloved ones. Having enough time, I would try to gather with them.
2. Maybe if there are nuclear weapons nobody will develop other types of strategic weapons. Also if everyone has nuclear bombs the rule of mutual assured destruction comes in.
3. It depends, maybe I shall find a shelter or just pray. In any case I might be gone in a seconds so should I look for escape.
Everyone knows that effects of nuclear attack are terrible and i hope we won't see it in our history.
2.What is your opinion on nuclear weapons? What are the pros and cons of having nuclear weapons?
Countires with nuclear weapon have more respect than the other but of what cost.
3.Purely theoretically... If you heard that a massive nuclear attack is approaching your country - what would you do?
I would spend my last time with my family.
I think they are scary. Whole part about winning wars loses its sense when we are talking about such powerful weapons. If someone uses nuclear bombs there won't be probably anything to fight for anyway.
What is your opinion on nuclear weapons? What are the pros and cons of having nuclear weapons?
Overall I am not sure if it is bad that humanity started building nuclear weapons. I know my opinion seems ridiculous at first but when you take a look at our history it might be not that ridiculous anymore. We had two World Wars. One after another. People have seen how many deaths there was in I WW yet the second begun anyway. Personally I think that if it weren't for nuclear weapons we might have had more world wars in past. Wars that we wouldn't have survived most likely. II World War brought a lot of damage mostly dealt with conventional weapons. During it around 80 million people have died. Despite that in 1945 there were generals both in U.S. and in USSR that wanted to attack their former allies. Their armies were huge, well trained and conventional weapons were much more developed than at the start of the WW II. Imagine how many people could have died in III World War even without existance of nuclear weapons. I believe that invention of nuclear bombs are one of the main factors preventing big superpowers from going into direct war between each other. Leaders of those superpowers know that in conventional war many people may die but it is not likely that humanity would be wipe out completely. When it comes to nuclear war there is no winners and that is why nobody wants to start it. Obviously there is a chance that someone goes rogue and starts the war. However, for now it didn't happen and we hadn't any conflicts on world scale.
Purely theoretically... If you heard that a massive nuclear attack is approaching your country - what would you do?
I have no idea. This is something I was never thinking about. To be honest I was never in such emergency situation before so it is hard for me to say what I would do. I think I would try to hide myself somewhere but honestly I don't think I would know what to do after that.
2. I can't think of neither advantager or disadvantages of having nuclear weapon. It's just too powerful to be in anyone's hands.
3. I think I would hide in basement, that's my best bet on surviving this.
2. My opinion about nuclear weapons is negative. I think no one needs nuclear weapons. It's just a show of strength. Everyone is afraid of a country that has nuclear weapons. Such a country stands above the rest and I think it is wrong. All countries are equal to each other. So, I think it's a good idea to destroy all nuclear weapons.
3. The best idea would be to go to another country. Or as a backup, I'd find an underground bunker with thick walls and a supply of food.
Also, I'm glad to have expanded your awareness of the nuclear attack.
2. In my opinion, nobody should have nuclear weapons. The only advantage of owning this weapon is that it discourages the use of other nuclear weapons owners. This weapon is too dangerous.
3. It's hard to say. I would try to escape or spend the last moments of my life doing something pleasant.
2. The advantage of having such a weapon is not there, but learning how to build it can result in many inventions that can be useful.
3. I would probably try to take refuge or say that I have no chance of survival and sit down to watch.
2. I think that this kind of weapon should be banned and all existing ones should be destroyed,
3. In this scenerio there isnt that much to do - i ll just hope that my death won't be painfull
2. The possibility of scaring, threatening the enemy country that you have a nuclear weapon is the only "advantage" that I can think of. In my opinion there shouldn't be something like nuclear weapon - too many innocent people can die for no reason
3. Depends how much time I would have. Maybe I would try to ride a bike as far as I can from target of nuclear bomb. If not, I would accept it and just wait
2. I don't see and good point for using such weapons. It's really stupid that politicians threaten each other with this weapon. Thoose things are too dangerous to even exist.
Maybe if some alien civilization from space threatened us, then maybe it would be useful, but there is no point in our civilian killing each other. No matter what kind of weapon.
3. I heard that hiding in the fridge you can have some chance of survival. It's hard to say what I would do, it's possible that if I found a fridge next to me, I would use it.
I think it deeply terrifing and to be honest I could not imagine, that something like could happen in our world.
2. What is your opinion on nuclear weapons? What are the pros and cons of having nuclear weapons?
I think there are no pluses in having the nuclear weapons. It is some sort of things that can destroy everything and could be used to threten millions of people. The real problem is how to make it disapear.
3. Purely theoretically... If you heard that a massive nuclear attack is approaching your country - what would you do?
To be honest there is no much to do. I mean after this video it is clear, that chances to survive in nuclear attack are very small, so maybe the best idea is to watch and spend your last minutes great.
2. I think this weapon must be destroyed and never created again. The only advantage that I can imagine of having a nuclear bomb is to make fear of your enemies.
3. I will accept my death and pray for death in less than a second. Because radiation will turn my last days into pure hell and inevitable suffering death at the end.
2. The advantage of having a nuclear weapon by the state is only that it can cause fear to potential enemies. However, such weapons in the hands of inappropriate authorities can cause catastrophic and irreversible consequences.
3.I think that in a situation of such threat, I would go to the nearest shelter or if it wasn't, I would be terrified and I will wait of what would happen.
2.I would feel much more safe if that thing would disappear from our world.
3.as I said before, it would be probably impossible to run away. So i would meet with my beloved ones and go as directly as possible into potential center of explosion to die immediately without suffering.
1.It is really a disaster. I was always afraid of such scenario.
What is your opinion on nuclear weapons? What are the pros and cons of having nuclear weapons?
2.There are no pros in my opinion. Cons are that we can devast our world easily. Only pros is atomic energy.
Purely theoretically... If you heard that a massive nuclear attack is approaching your country - what would you do?
3.Run away. Probably live to some othey country like Switzerland
2. I'm against it in positive and negative side. I don't like weapons at all. And it's really dangerous to live in world with nuclear power because you don't know what will happen tomorrow.
3. Theoretically nothing, I don't think that I could do something. I will be waiting when I will be hiten by a massive wave.