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Week 3 [21-27.10.19] How stress affects your body?

Our life gets faster every day. Every day we want to be better and achieve better results. For one person the goal is money, for another the happiness of loved ones is the goal. But what happens when we fail to achieve the expected results? What if suddenly the whole world is against us? That's when nerves and stress come in.

I would like to invite you to watch a short film about the impact of stress on our body. After that please give me your feedback in comments bellow.

  1. What do you think about this topic? Did you learned something new from it?
  2. What is your life like? Are you trying to live in peace and harmony, or maybe your life is full of stress and negative tensions?
  3. Suggest what you can change in your habits to reduce the stress level you are dealing with.
  4. Do you think stress can be helpful in your life?


Dawid Piotrak said…
1. I think the topic is really important especially nowadays when it's 'popular' to have a lot of stress. Oftentimes you can hear how some people tend to brag about how overwhelmed and stressed there are as if it was a reason to brag about. I definitely learned some interesting facts about hormones and their affects on us.

2. I try to live in peace but stress is inevitable part of everyone's life. It's important how you manage it.

3/4. I believe stress can be helpful tool sometimes if managed properly. It can give you motivation when you are facing some deadlines etc. but when it's present for too long then you just need to find your own way to deal with it. You need to find some activity that will allow you to either transform this stress into something positive ( for me it's working out ) or something that will calm you down and will let you forget about the situation for a moment.
The subject of stress and tension should be very important to us. As a young man, I don't always pay attention to this and in the future, I can feel it very much. However, the current life in Warsaw does not help us and intensify stress. Sometimes stress motivates us to make an important decision in life, so it is not always bad for us.
After watching this movie, I will take stress more seriously and try to reduce it.
To reduce the amount of stress in my life I would have to give up some of my duties.
Anna Koca said…
1. What do you think about this topic? Did you learned something new from it?
Yes, I did. Of course, I knew about bad influence of stress on our body, but not in such details. I am very stressed person and I can feel and notice all of symptoms showed in movie after stressful situation.

2. What is your life like? Are you trying to live in peace and harmony, or maybe your life is full of stress and negative tensions?
My life is full of stress, all the time I have to work on myself and try to stay calm. I hope that after studies, exams and graduation I won't overstrung anymore.

3. Suggest what you can change in your habits to reduce the stress level you are dealing with.
I tried many ways of reducing stress, practice joga, meditation, sport, running, relaxation techniques, breathing or eating :p Nothing helps if we won't change our way of thinking, accept life and deal with situations.

4. Do you think stress can be helpful in your life?
Sometimes stress may be also a helpful factor. Stress works differently on different people. I believe that jitters in small doses motivates us. Under small stress, some people can clear their mind and be able to stay focus, others become stupefaction and lose their head.
Damian Drozd said…
Well, certainly I've learnt many interesting facts about stress impact on health!
I always try to eliminate stress from my life, although the pace of life is often so frantic it's impossible to get rid of all of negative tensions.
I guess one of the best what you can do to reduce the stress level is organizing your day, eat healthy and improve your sleep quality.
I think that short-term stress may be helpful, it makes you think more efficiently and improves focus on a current task.
Bartosz Barnat said…
What do you think about this topic? Did you learned something new from it?
I knew about some of the things shown in this videos but it was still entertaining to watch and I learned a few more too. When it comes to my life I would say its really stressful and even though in some situations its not that bad but I still tend to exaggerate the problems. I think the best way to reduce stress for me is to have a daily plan and plan every hour of this time so I won't have time to just sit and do nothing about it. When we start doing something about things we need to do and that are stressful to us, the stress is starting to fade slowly as u begin to complete the tasks. In some situations stress is caused by emotional problems or feeling lonely, then I try to talk to someone about it and it helps sometimes. I think stress is helpfull because it makes us work harder but it can be really drestructive too and I have seen it recently.
Roman Batyuk said…
Nowadays, our life is very stressful that is why this topic is very important for us. I have some knowledge in this area. To my mind, it depends on many different factors like kind of job you have, relationships with friends and relatives and other things. For example, somebody is a surgeon so his life is full of stress because of his mistakes somebody can die. As for me, it is very hard to keep calm in all situations and follow the tips to reduce it. However, in my opinion, it is not good to fully reduce the stress in your life. Nature provided us with such a feature so it is needed when there is a dangerous situation for our lives. Because of that factor, humans haven't got disappeared. Also, stress is the component of any kind of sport and some types of entertainment like video games or horror movies.
Olha Romaniuk said…
The topic is actually good. I learned almost nothing new, but it always useful to remember all negative stress impacts to body. My life now is quite stressfull: I should combine work and study. But I know a lot about stress, so I'm trying to reduce it as much as possible.
Suggest something to change.. unfortunately I have no idea how I can reduce stress level more. Yes, in my life quite a lot stress, but nothing of this "stress sources" things I can't got rid.
I believe that everyone should be able to act in a stressful situation, without succumbing to their weaknesses. Because without stress in this life it seems impossible.
Stress can be useful for a certain task, but in the long run I do not think it is worth it (the damage caused by stress often does not correspond to the profit from the task).
1. Stress is present in everyone's life and I don't think there are people in the world who don't experience it completely. It's widely known that stress has a negative effect on our well-being and the way we function, which is why nothing new came out of the movie for me. All diseases associated with high exposure to stress are very worrying, so all those affected should deal with it as much as possible and reduce it from their lives.

2. I think that there is a lot of stress in my life, I am exposed to it almost every day. I'm a fearful person and an introvert, so it's hard for me to find myself in some life situations. I try to deal with stress as much as possible, but I don't always manage to do it because emotions take over me. Sometimes it annoys me that I am stressed with even the smallest trifles, and after they finish, it turns out that it wasn't all that bad.

3. I think that in my case, the best way to deal with stress would be to increase self-denial and openness to others. It depends only on me, and until I overcome some barriers in my mind, stress will still accompany me in many situations.

4. I think that in some situations stress has helped me get out of them victoriously. Thanks to stress, a person works under pressure, but is more determined and focused to make everything work out best. Sometimes these feelings outweigh even fear, so stress can actually be helpful.
s15385 said…
1. I knew about some of bad sympthoms of stress but not all. The video remainded me that we cannot be nervous wreck all the time because it will lead to health problems in the future.
2. I don't stress too much despite of having lots of duties in work, school or at home. I try to have everything planned and stick to this. Even it doesn't happen I don't panic, trying to stay calm.
3,4. As I asnwered in question two I try to eliminate stress as much as I can. Obviously I happen to be stressed but I don't panic. I try to clear my mind and have everything under control.
Piotr Bednarek said…
1. In my opinion this topic is really important, because life nowadays is much more stressful than in the past. I totally agree with your statement that world gets faster everyday and we feel overvehmled. When it comes to this movie it was informativ and thank to it I learned how stress may affect our body. I had no idea that stress contribute to arteriosclerosis.

2. I try to avoid stress so my life is mostly full of harmony and peace. Of course stress is inherent part of our life but I know what help me to beat stress. For me the best way is deep breathing and sport, because that solutions clear my mind and relax my muscles.

3. As I mentioned above exercises and deep breathing help me to reduce stress level. I think that reducing caffe can be beneficial, but I can't imagine my life without a cup of coffee in the morning. Moreover ilI recommend spending time with family and friends help to rid your mind od stress.

4. People said that stress is unhealthy, but in my opinion stress may be dangerous when it becomes to be chronic and we can't control it. Od you ask me I think that short-term stress has positive impact on our body, because it not only boots brain power but also adrenalise.
Alex said…
1. On some level everybody is aware of the effects stres can have. This video can increase the awerness of it

2. I think I have a pretty peacefull life as in without nothing major to worry about.

3. When I feel like am overloaded with work I like to take a break from everything. It is like a reset. That puts a clearer perspective. Chos is bad, so I try to have a plan and a backup plan.

4. Stress is useful as long it is "constructive". When it represents a motivation to solve a problem.
s15487 said…
1. Generally speaking, yes I did. I knew stress affect on our bodies, but I didn’t know the details about the physical implications. I think people should stress less, but it is difficult these days, when our live pace becomes faster and faster and I woudn’t expect that the trend might change in the near future (also considering the general economical situation on the global market).

2. Unfortenatelly, I am kind of person who constantly stress and think about different things. I try to change my attitude, but sometimes it’s difficult. I try to do things regularly and not leave it on the last moment, as I don’t like the feeling of tension.

3. It really difficult to say, maybe I should try to use time as efficiently as it is possible, e.g. by getting rid of all social media. To be honest, I expected that this video will give some universal tips on how to deal with stress. :)

4. Not really. Of course, it’s a physiologic reaction of our organism as it was defined it the video, but I think it makes me more difficult to keep focus on sth and it rather decrease my productivity.
I fully agree with the video. In life, we will never avoid stress, it always appears when we care about something (love, work, study). The key to success is not to avoid stress, but to deal with it - thanks to this, we become more complete. Back to the video, I knew that chronic stress can lead to general health impairment, but I never thought stress may cause genetic changes or destroy cells. Also I have never heard about “continuous adrenaline” phenomenon that can lead to atherosclerosis.
I am calm person, which deal with chronic stress. I try to live in peace and harmony. I know that short-term stress is positive and can be motivating. I use it. In stressful situation, I always think only about positives scenarios. I feel self-confident when I perform demanding tasks. I try to avoid extra pressure. My stress is mainly caused by work and study, which is why I plan carefully all my daily activities. I have to admit it works - I've never felt chronic stress.
As mentioned in the video, short-term stressful can be positive. It allows us to learn much quicker, make right decision, and works effective. I try to use it.
Recently, I noticed that I am partly addicted to adrenaline – I do sports, it is not of course extreme sports but I love to play important matches. When others stress out, then I am like a kid in a candy store.
Interesting topic. Answering your questions:

1. I think that stress is an inseparable element of our lives and we simply will not avoid it. We can only minimize or mitigate the risk of occurrence. Our everyday life means that we are always stressed to a greater or lesser degree.

2. My life is a mix of all available feelings. However, I try to live in harmony and stress-free, if the situation allows, because I know that it leads to long-term life and there is less risk of illness.

3. Calm and substantive conversations, avoiding quarrels and alleviating crisis situations and a lot of sports activities - this is how I usually minimize the risk of stress.

4. I think yes, stress is sometimes useful in life. I believe that stress helps acquire certain qualities and skills, e.g. operating under time pressure. Besides, we always know a little something has never hurt anyone ;)
1. I didn't realize how much stress affects our eating habits and the condition of the stomach itself. The topic itself is very interesting considering that we live in a highly stressed society. It became an almost daily occurrence and we need to cope with it.

2. I try to lead a stress-free lifestyle and keep it to a minimum. We must remember that this is a natural part of our lives, thanks to which we appreciate peace more.

3. I try not to dramatize and calmly approach the problems I face. In addition, I relax very much while listening to music or doing my hobby's.

4. Yes, as I mentioned in answer to question number 2, stress allows me to appreciate a quiet moment more and introduces more energy to my life.
I'm very glad that this topic came out as someone mentioned before - nowadays we are exposed to incredible amounts of impulses and stress, we shoud all pay more attention to it. Gladly i'm not experiancing much stress in my life as i'm always trying to do my tasks ahead of schedule and prepare for anything that comes. Although there are situations where it comes up but i'm prepared my own ways of dealing with it.
1. I think the topic is very important, especially to the young people that can be unconscious. Yes, I’ve, but it’s a well-known fact that long-term stress can be very dangerous. However, nowadays stress is an inseparable part of our lives so we should know how to deal with it.

2. Whatever stressful happens, I try to remain calm. In most cases it’s just an irrational stress. Stress is just a part of our lives, but I’m trying to reduce it to the minimum.

3. The best idea is to always be confident and don’t overreact. Stress can be very helpful in some situations, but it can’t define our lives. It’s just important to remember that stress is only physical reaction and an outcome of different chemical reactions in our brains.

4. Yes, but only when you know how to control it. It increases our adrenaline levels, so it can be very helpful in some parts of our life. At the other hand, overdose of stress situations can really damage one’s health so it’s important to use it wisely.
Marta Matysik said…
1. No, I didn't. This topic is always repeated in a similar form. It’s hardly to find out anything new.
2. I like having a lot of activities but my life is not full of stress. I try to plan everything.
3. I could try to plan my time better so I will not run all day
4. Yes, It can be helpful to mobilize during the day and not to linger.
Kristina Moroz said…
No, there are plenty of this types of video.
I am trying to plan everything in my everyday routine but it seems that it could be difficulties in our life, so it leads to stress.
We can't control everything in this world so just stop be so nervous. I don't know how it could be helpful, maybe it could bring some extra feelings in your life.
I guess everybody have something in common if we are talking about stress.
Some people can deal with it better than the others but it doesn't mean that they are not exposed to it as well. Logically speaking, knowledge about physical aftermaths of stress should be common. But this assumption is unfortunately incorrect. Although every person have their experiences with stress situations not many of them are aware of actual consequences. Personally I recommend to spend more time in silence and calm environment. One of the biggest issue is living in constant rush. Forest walks, listening to music in domestic quiet, reading books on bench in park, they are all just some of solutions to slow things down in everyday life. There is no such a thing as unique advice for everyone. We can listen to advices of our friends or even doctors but every person should find something that works especially for them. After all, remember that stress is one of the reactions of our body (no matter if it's physical or psychical). It's natural to feel stressed sometimes but it's also important to know that this reaction is kind of a warning to us which we should not ignore. It can be useful in right doses.
Iryna Lehusha said…
This topic was interesting enough for me and I enjoyed watching the video. The topic of stress is very important and deep. Every time I get nervous, it affects my body and I feel like I'm getting worse, I have a headache. That's why I try to avoid stress as well as to control my emotions. Now I'm mostly stressed out by my studies, but in three years I've realized that it's just a certain period in my life that I need to live through. And now I can say that I live in harmony with myself by 65 percent.

I try to control my emotions and before I get nervous and worried, I think: is it really that bad? Will I be nervous about this tomorrow? And is it so important to be nervous about it?

On the other hand, stress can help. In stressful situations, our body and brain can do incredible things. In stressful situations I always make the best decisions!
1. Well, I knew chronic stress is a bad thing but this video why it is that bad in more detailed way.
2. Well, I try living a peaceful life and not worrying about small things and mostly I succeed at it but you know, there are times when everything just crumbles in your hands and that is when the challenge of keeping yourself sane begins.
3. I am that kind of man that is more likely to worry about everything but most of the time, as I mentioned before, I can control myself so I guess I have already changed something.
4. As the video mentioned, it can, but as it is with everything in this life, too much of anything is unhealthy.
Kuba Berliński said…
1. I didn't neccessairly learn anything new, as I've seen a lot of materials of this sort. However, it is a good idea to watch content like this from time to time just to remind yourself about this nowadays important issue.

2. My life is not really stressful. Just as everyone most likely, there are times when some stress generating events happen. That way you cannot forget the feeling of being stressed out.

3. There is not much I can change in my life to feel less stress, as there is not much of it. However, a good sleep, motivating yourself and encouraging yourself that there is nothing that can stop you is usually what helps me.

4. From time to time, yes. It helps you to focus and commit yourself to the task or event. People whose life pace is fast may suffer way more from stress, if they feel it constantly. Afterall it is deeply tiring for organism to deal with that.
I did know that stress is bad for our bodies but didnt know the chemical or organical side of the effects that affect our bodies.

I am trying to live life without stress and not bother of things that i dont have influence on. Also sometimes i try to meditate bu of course the stress is unseparateble part of modern world so it will always appear.

For sure eating and sleeping well can have an impact on our stress level. Also resting in free time and reading a book or making something different for pleasure can reduce our stress level i guess.

In specific situations for sure. For example before the exams usually i have a lot of stress and it helps me concentrate and remember better but in a short period of time. After working longer in that state i am always very tired.
1.What do you think about this topic? Did you learned something new from it?
I think it's good to be aware of what damage we can do to ourselves. I was half a year in my life where stress led to big changes in my body but I learned to control it.

2.What is your life like? Are you trying to live in peace and harmony, or maybe your life is full of stress and negative tensions?
As I wrote above, I learned to manage stress, I know exactly when it occurs and how to quell it. However, I can't explain how someone else could do it.

3.Suggest what you can change in your habits to reduce the stress level you are dealing with.
It's like fighting with yourself for you. You must learn to control your emotions, be able to lead to a situation where you feel nothing. Very important skill during dog training.

4.Do you think stress can be helpful in your life?
When I try to lose weight or to motivate me to do something
1. I think that the stress studies are extremely important nowadays. While I was aware of few of the facts
discussed in the talk, it was interesting to learn more details.
2. Personally, I aim to live a peaceful life, however it is not always possible, especially until I graduate.
3. The first and the most important thing is physical activity and sport. It is proven, that even 1 hour per week of e.g. jogging can be beneficial for your health. It is beyond my comprehension that people still
can't find time or motivation to do 1 hour of jogging once a week. Other than physical activity I would suggest casual meeting with friends.
4. I think stress can be useful when there is a near deadline and you have to finish everything before that date. It is possible for me to accomplish much more under stress than when I am chilled out, given that the stressful periods are rare and they don't last too long.
I think this topic is interesting and we should learn about stress management so we can perform better in our life. I don’t think if I learned anything new, more likely I have confirmed few speculations that I had about stress. I think nobody lives in perfect peace and harmony. Everyone has some stressful situations and moments in our life, it’s just matter of our approach to these situations. The very important information that I get from this video is that if we try to think about all of this stressful situations as challenges that we are able to achieve just need to put some work in it instead of worrying that we might not be able to do it, we can drastically remove stress from our life. I don’t think I should reduce my stress levels anyhow because I have enough of it to motivate me more to work and not enough to make me worry.

1. I think nowadays it is very interesting topic to discuss. Firstly, the stress has a huge impact on our health, what is said in the video. It is important to talk about it and reduce it. Unfortunetly, I didnt learn anything new about this topic, propably because I was interested about the stress impact on people.

2. I am trying to live in peace and harmony, but it is not easy to life like that. First of all when you are working, studying and trying to develop your hobbies it is always something what you have to deal with it. The problems comes out in the most unexpected situations. To sum up I am trying to plan everything and life in harmony.

3. I wish I could sleep more time and have more time for some activities like ride a bike or go play some volleyball with friends. I am sure that, more physical activity will reduce my stress level. For example: do some exercices for 30 minutes every day probably can change it. I guess i will try it.

4. I think stress can be helpful. Every time it is near deadline and i feel 2 times more productive and motivated to done my work rather than i have plenty of time.
1. I learned that stress can have a major impact on your body, both short-term and long-term, as well as it can cause many serious diseases.
2. To be honest, I think I live in peace and harmony always trying to reduce any kind of unnecessary stress.
3. I think one of the things I could improve which in turn can help me cope with everyday stress is to make sure to sleep regularly.
4. Yes, stress in the right amount and in the right time can help me, for example - it allows me to focus solely on the problem, think more creatively, notice solutions that I have not noticed before.
Actually, I've learned a lot of new things. I knew that stress had a negative impact on my body, but I didn't know that on so many levels. I would describe my life as a sinusoidal function. Once it's fine, everything works out fine, I'm happy, and then I fall below 0. Nothing pleases me, I'm absent, my self-esteem falls, and so on. Currently it's in such a hole :(. There are many things I should change, most of all it would be to become independent and take a path in my life. On the other hand, I think that stress works on me sometimes very positively. I love to work under time pressure, I think that then I reach my full potential and it is nice to see how much I can do and achieve, but at what cost.
Szymon Kluczek said…
1. Frankly speaking I am really suprised how much chronic stress affects our body and mind. Now I know that living under pressure, overwhelmed by stressful situations, you are much more susceptible to many different diseases, such as hypertension or even obesity.

2. I am trying to lead paceful and stress-free life. Whenever I face a serious problem which brings stress into my daily life, I aim to solve it as soon as possible, also at the same time I deal with the stress by going to the gym, talking to my close friends or (if it is possible) I get out of town for a day or two.

3. I should change my approach to the matters, I need to commute my emotionalism for more sensible and resonable approach. I should also work less, It’s very important to have some free time to relax and I very often take overtime so I don’t have spare time at all.

4. If it is eustress it can be very helpful in life. This kind of stress motivates you to do your job, for example if you are struggling with a task which require a lot of hard work and concetration, due to eustress you are able to meet tight deadlines.
Zygmunt Z said…
1. What do you think about this topic? Did you learned something new from it?
I think that this topic is really important, especially nowadays when everybody lives in a rush and tries to accomplish everything as fast as possible.

2. What is your life like? Are you trying to live in peace and harmony, or maybe your life is full of stress and negative tensions?
Right now I am at that very moment when I am aware that I sometimes should slow down a bit. I have a lot on my plate right now I keep forgetting the most basic stuff that I should do every day and I just keep focusing on my work. Of course, it was a bit of shitstorm during last month and it’s going to be much more stress free but still, I should focus more on myself rather than on someone’s business.

3. Suggest what you can change in your habits to reduce the stress level you are dealing with.
As I said, I should focus more on myself and my hobbies/passions rather than on job or studies only.

4. Do you think stress can be helpful in your life?
From time to time, stress can be motivating somehow, at least when it comes to me, but exaggerating to the other side is not something you desire.
Mykyta Smirnov said…
Topic is great. It helps to understand what are the actions human organism performs when deals with stress. But it's well known that stress is harmful.
Most part of stress of mine comes from myself. Its source is too much thoughts, stupid decisions, sloth and, mostly, not normalized sleeping.
To deal with stress in my life I should become more disciplined and motivated.
Stress is a common survivance mechanism. Nowadays it's less useful for human, but not always. Depends on the source of stress, is it dangerous, or just something that you deal with.
Unknown said…
1.What do you think about this topic? Did you learned something new from it?
I think that topic is really important and everyone should know about it. We live in times when stress affects everyone so I'm glad you showed me that movie.

2.What is your life like? Are you trying to live in peace and harmony, or maybe your life is full of stress and negative tensions?
I try my best to live in "peace and harmony" but it's not always possible due to times we live.

3.Suggest what you can change in your habits to reduce the stress level you are dealing with.
I think i should sleep more and care more about my life than my job.

4.Do you think stress can be helpful in your life?
It depends on the situation but overall i think it's not.
Mateusz Hefner said…
1.What do you think about this topic? Did you learned something new from it?
I think that topic is really important and everyone should know about it. We live in times when stress affects everyone so I'm glad you showed me that movie.

2.What is your life like? Are you trying to live in peace and harmony, or maybe your life is full of stress and negative tensions?
I try my best to live in "peace and harmony" but it's not always possible due to times we live.

3.Suggest what you can change in your habits to reduce the stress level you are dealing with.
I think i should sleep more and care more about my life than my job.

4.Do you think stress can be helpful in your life?
It depends on the situation but overall i think it's not.
My opinion is that this topic is very important especially for young people like us. Yeah, I've learned few biology things, everything else was told me many times by others. About me I won’t say much, I can say only one thing, I try face any troubles as challenge. Everybody have to find their own way to deal with stress. Stressing and get nervous never ever won't help.
Kgajewska said…
1. I think that stress is inseperable from modern lifestyle. It's very important to know how to properly recognize the stress cause and to learn how to tame and manipulate stress in our adventage.

2. My life is based on stress. I stress about my stress and in the harmony times I'm stressing about not being stressed (because something is wrong for sure), but for me pressure is very motivational. I've lernt how to deal with it and my negative thoughts usually don't have impact on my everyday existance anymore.

3. I think I should start meditating and improve my nutrition.

4. Yes of course! Stress can be very creative and help us to come up with some fresh ideas. When I'm under a big pressure I have the best ideas - simply because I have to do my task on time so there's no other option. You just can't break down mentally and focus on the target.
1. I knew about consequences of high stress level in our organism before watching this video. It's quite common topic nowadays since stress is an integral part of our life, whether it's in work or in our private lives

2. I try to live in harmony, but I'm a very stressful and nervous. I get irritated very easily but i try to avoid situations which can lead me to iritation.

3. I would suggest more sleeping and just try to stay away from situations you know will be very stressful or nervous for you.

4. It may be helpful, sometimes stress may be encouraging to achieve our goals and dreams. It's unfortunately unavoidable so you need to learn how to deal with it.
Mateusz Szych said…
1. This is an interesting topic. I knew that stress was harmful, but I didn't know the details.

2. My life is full of stress. However, I am not trying to remedy this, I learned to live with it.

3. Maybe meditation etc. could help. Calming herbs are also available.

4. Sometimes for sure, but usually stress has a detrimental effect.
1. I know that stress is not beneficial but this knowledge does not affect my life much.
2. I try to live like this but it doesn't work out, life is not easy.
3. Probably letting go of my goals would reduce stress but I certainly wouldn't be happy.
4. Rather not helpful, but sometimes it can motivate you to act.
1. Stress is really typical nowadays, there is a lot of talk about it for a reason. I learned few new things thanks to that video
2. Most of the time I'm trying to live in peace and harmony, but it's not possible. Life is full of stressful situations and we can't avoid it.
3. First of all don't do things in last days, when I have much more time to do it. I like to do things last minute and causes stress. This is the most important thing I need to avoid.
4. Sometimes yes. Stress forces me to do something, where without it I wouldn't do it. But most of the time it's not good...
Anna Moskalenko said…
I am surely trying to live in peace and harmony but I’m not really succeeding :) I like to challenge myself for some reason, I like to give myself some extra work, to sit in the office after working hours, to work on weekend. Is it a psychiatric condition? Should I go and see a doctor? I don’t know, but I have no plans on stopping. I love to challenge myself and prove that I’m worthy and that is, unfortunately, sometimes results in stress.
Maybe I can stop doing everything myself. I have people I can delegate part of my workload to, but I… kinda don’t want to? You know, if you want to do something good, you should do it yourself, this type of stuff.
I don’t think that stress can be helpful. If you’re calm and relaxed, you can achieve more.
1. In my opinion, this topic is very important and timely in connection with today's lifestyle. People live very fast, chasing money, which causes them to stress very much, not paying attention to the negative effects of long-term stress.

2. Unfortunately, I know what damage to the body causes stress, because I have convinced myself more than once about it. I try to live calmly and avoid stressful situations, but this is not always possible.

3/4. Stress is present everywhere, at work in school and even while shopping. The main thing is to learn to live with him and control him. It is importent to don't worry about things that do not depend on us and cause us a lot of stress. It is very helpful to find our own stress reliever. For me, such medicine for stress relief is running. When I run I forget about all my troubles and relax myself.
What do you think about this topic? Did you learned something new from it?
Well, I've read article about stress so I knew most of things here

What is your life like? Are you trying to live in peace and harmony, or maybe your life is full of stress and negative tensions?
I love harmony yin yang is my symbol. But it happens that I have stressed days. Usually I'm trying to avoid stressed situations.
Suggest what you can change in your habits to reduce the stress level you are dealing with.
I would say it's necessary to think positively when you mind is full of happiness you feel less stress. I think even if you are in trouble you shouldn't panic and to be stressed.
Calm mind = healthy life
Do you think stress can be helpful in your life?
From my view we need stress anyway, this is the genetic level inherent in us. Sometimes it helps to get faster decisions
Vitalii Ohol said…
Yes, I learned something new. I was aware of the bad influence of stress on our bodies but not in such a detailed way. My life was full of stress a few years ago. Since then, I have tried not to think so much about bad aspects. I made a list of problems that put tension at me and must be solved. It helped me a lot. And the environment can be very helpful. Your friends and family are your medicine in stress situations. And for now, stress and tension are only helpful tools that clear my mind and help me focus and concentrate on urgent things and tough situations.
1.I think the topic is really important especially nowdays because people live in so much stress.
2. My life is great and everyday i try to improve it. I think i rather have spiritual life instead of stress one.
3.I could start to meditate or woke up earlier to have some exercises before going to work.
4.No, Stress is really unhealthy and i dont find any good thing happening by it
What do you think about this topic? Did you learned something new from it?
This topic is very important to understand how your body works. I have read about it before, but not such detailed.
What is your life like? Are you trying to live in peace and harmony, or maybe your life is full of stress and negative tensions?
My life is very busy, there is a huge luck of time for a rest. Sometimes I feel just very tired. But mostly I like how my life is going. I am not concentrated on some bad things. I feel being in harmony with myself.
Suggest what you can change in your habits to reduce the stress level you are dealing with.
In my opinion, I need to improve my time management.
Do you think stress can be helpful in your life?
Of course. We need some stress for motivation and self development. We grow when going out of our zone of comfort and it is always a stress.
s15052 said…
It's very important topic. We should raise awareness about stress impact on us.
I like my life and always try get the best out of it. Although I am a rather busy person, I can find some time to catch my breath and think. Maybe i could sleep more to reduce my stress? But I dont like wasting time. :)
We should treat stress as a friend who motivates us to act, pushes us forward, sometimes annoys but does it for us. Under his influence we make decisions other than without him. We should not be afraid of him.

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