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Week 7 [6.05 – 12.05.2019] Minimalism

Do you really need all the clutter you own? Do I? I have become interested in minimalism a while ago but never managed to do it. Unfortunately, I am shopaholic, and I do get addicted to every t-shirt I own very much (and I have hundreds of them). No, I do not wear all of them. But why? Why do I have them, spend my money on them? I want to share a piece of knowledge with you about minimalism, or, as some people call it, clutter-free lifestyle. Yes, lifestyle again. 
The main goal is to maintain a clutter-free lifestyle so that every item would spark joy for you, not only exist. There are different cultures in minimalism such as Scandinavian "Hugge" and Japanese minimalism. They are slightly different but have the same foundation. 

  1. Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?
  2. Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?
  3. What “being rich” means for you? 
  4. Do you agree with the speakers? 
  5. Do you think such a method of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?


Anton Medvediev said…
1.Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?
No, i have never hear about this, but i read about it right now on a wiki, i think that it’s look like i need a 40-50 year+ to live like that :)
2.Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?
No, but when i will come home i want to overlook my room and think what i need to throw away
3.What “being rich” means for you?
For me it’s about intelligence and experience
4.Do you agree with the speakers?
I see in that things some truth
5.Do you think such a method of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?
Yes, it will be work with everyone throw away something bad to get something better new

thx for presentation:)
Nataliya Tkach said…
Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?
I've heard about this before. But, unfortunately, not practiced, I think for me it would be useful.

2.Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?
No, not every object brings me joy in the apartment. Sometimes I buy things I don't need or they had a big discount, but I'm attracted to advertising.
Then I get annoyed with things because there is no place to put them, so I throw them away or give them away.

3. What “being rich” means for you?
You can be rich in money, morally or spiritually. if in terms of money , it all depends on the financial condition in which the person grew up. As for me to be rich is not to need the necessary things and allow yourself to purchase valuable purchases and travel comfortably.

4.Do you agree with the speakers?
partially agree, everyone sees the richness with their own eyes.

5.Do you think such a methooned of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?
I should try. When you think it's gonna work, it's the other way around.
Hope you will make it work!
Agree with you on richness point.
Anna Koca said…
1. Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?
I had to move many times, and I learned minimalism on my own skin. I know if can be really useful, practical and makes life easier.

2. Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?
Yes, everything what was unnecessary in my room is long gone now.

3. What “being rich” means for you?
Being rich is just being happy. For everybody is can be something else. For me happiness is traveling and food.

4. Do you agree with the speakers?
Yes, but as we know happiness for everybody is something else. For me minimalism is reasonable to makes us happy.

5. Do you think such a method of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?
Every half a year I reorganised my wardrobe for seasonal staff. If I will not use something for whole year, then I remove it.
1. Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?

Yes, I've heard about this kind of minimalism some time ago. I've been trying to live like that for some time, but not so strictly.

2. Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?

I try to make in the house is always tidy and order, and the amount of unnecessary items was limited to a minimum. It is not always successful here. Some people say that my apartment looks like office work. But yes, at the moment most of the things that I have is a joy and happiness for me.

3. What “being rich” means for you?

What does it mean to be rich? If we talk about money, this is not the most important thing for me. I do not see the point of such a life. Being rich to me means having the one and only person with whom you want to share your life to the last days.

4. Do you agree with the speakers?

Yes, most of all, I agree with most of the things they discussed. However, they have not considered one very important thing - each of us is different and we have different needs and perceptions of the world.

5. Do you think such a method of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?

Yes, as you can see before, it works because I've been doing it for some time.
As a minimalism follower myself I tend to one particular kind of it -- ascetism. But not of choise -- I am just simply lazy. Like really, I buy new clothes once in a year or so. I always wear only black, so that the cloth retains its good look way longer that coloured or those with prints. And it takes little effort in not ruining your cloth. Thus, my wardrobe can fit into a small suitcase, and I never encountered problem with overexxagerating with shopping. Well, until it comes to games, and computer hardware, That is where, basically, all my money goes haha.
1.Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?

Yes, I've heard about something like that. My friend of his time was very excited about this. Personally, I'm not an enthusiast of such ideas.

2. Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?

Generally yes. Of course, some furniture could be lighter or more usable. However, for me it is important what mood has the room in which I live. Each object affects it even if it is seems to be unnecessary.

3. What “being rich” means for you?

For me it means more or less that I can afford the things that satisfy me. For example, I want to go somewhere or learn something, realize an idea and just do it. I can but I do not have to, that's what I think being rich is about.

4. Do you agree with the speakers?

Partially for sure but for me, saving time, for example, is not the most important need. Everyone has their own needs. someone may feel hostage to their things and someone else may completely ignore them.

5. Do you think such a method of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?

It is definitely worth considering. However, I would consider a partial introduction.
Bartosz Barnat said…
I heard about many similar things that were similar to these presented in your video. Recently I hear something about minimalism every day, from diferent individuals. I think it is starting to be more and more popular because people stop derive joy from buying that many stuff all the time. When we stop buying stuff that we don't need we really see how many advertisements are shown to us all the time, every day and it is quite overwhelming. When it comes to beeing rich I think about it not as how many things or money you have but what you present to others by yourself. It's the small things that make you rich and what I mean by that is beeing happy from even small things, bring joy to others, love each other and be kind to each other. You are rich when you know how to be poor and see yourself in eyes of others. Im trying to me a minimalist too but nowadays its quite hard and I really think that others should try it too even just a bit.
Yana Lytvynenko said…
I did not hear exactly about this story and about this blog, but I knew that the trash at home produces and confusion in my head. What you do not need to buy everything that you find useful and carry in the house.
Of course, not every thing brings me joy, many things are needed for practicality, convenience and safety. In today's world, everything is materialized, and we are unlikely to be able to influence it, but as for me, wealth is knowledge, experience, health and the right people around (family and friends) .
I would not want to conduct exactly the same experiment, because I think that there are things that may be needed every six months or a year, but they do not cease to be important for you. Or just seasonal clothing, if you evaluate only 21 days, then you will have to throw a lot away.
Ewelina said…
When it comes to "minimalism as a life idea", I hear about it for the first time.
Of course, there are some items that are extremely valuable to me, not because of their material but a sentimental value. I really do not attach to objects, except for a few that I mentioned earlier, they have a sentimental value. Moving to new places is a challenge definitely. There are more and more items at the time of the new move. I remember when I was arrive to Warsaw by small car, there weren't many things in the car.
For the last 7 years of my stay here, I used to many needed and unnecessary things. However, every time I move, I try to clean up and throw out unnecessary things.
I am kinda a minimalist myself, but for a bit defferent reasons, i just despise everything that is owerpriced, which is a lot of things people use nowadays. I share my apartment with friends, and some of their things do not spark too much of a joy in me, but most of my stuff does =3. I prefer intellectual richness to material any day, because material richness can hold you for some time, but only intellect can hold you whole life. Usually with intellectual richness a material comes as well, and if it doesn't maybe there is no richness at all to begin with. I do not posess much of a "things" to declutter anyway, but even then i do find a few things to throw away every now and then.
Oh, I remember the last time I have been changing my apartment... It took me 2 weeks! I am no a role model in this case for sure. But still, I got rid of almost a half of my staff during the passage. So, maybe we should change our places more often?
I would have listened to you about your methods of declutter definitely , but I am to attached to every t-shirt in my wardrobe... Even if I don’t wear something for a full season, I can not throw it away :(
Keep it on then! Happy to know that somebody can manage it .
It is a very interesting concept . I’ve heard about it fro a friend of a friend. The girl is a blogger, she wears only black and tries to live in each place for at most 4 months. But we are talking cities here, not flats.
1. Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?

Yes, I've heard about this idea. Some time ago I was thinking about trying this way of life, but then I understand, that this is not what I truly need.

2. Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?

I am trying to live a life, where every item I have should spark joy for me. If something doesn't give me happiness why I need to have it? So, I would say yes, every item in my apartment spark joy for me.

3. What “being rich” means for you?

For me "being rich" means I am up to do whatever I want. I am not obligated to do some stuff, which I don't want or spent time on events/things which makes me unhappy.

4. Do you agree with the speakers?

Not completely, I would say, that they are right,, but not 100%. Some part of their speech is not about me.

Do you think such a method of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?

I am not sure. I have to try it and then I can answer this. But I am interested in partially trying this.
I do not think I've ever heard of such minimalism. It seems to me that there is no room for it in my life. I like to live as I live. Everyone has the right to decide about their fate and how they live.

Certainly some of the things in my room make me happy, but certainly not all. For example, I do not like all my clothes.

In my opinion, "being rich" means a lot of life experience and a life full of happiness. Money is not and should not be the most important.

I agree with the speakers on average.
I will be honest. This topic does not concern me. I have very few things. Most of the things I have I received for free. I have not heard of this method. And I am not at all interested in them, because I have no problem with this. For example, I have only two shirts. Each shirts, has seven years. I wear them every day, these shirts look great. But peaple ask me a question, something like: “You have no other clothes?” I answer honestly, I do not need it. When things become unusable, I will replace them. Just like my mobile phone, which serves me for many years. And this is the cheapest brand.
No, i have never heard about this kind of minimalism. I don't think that it is a meaningful thing in our lives. I can't say that every item in my room sparks me, i'm not that type of person. Maybe it is all about the fact, that i'm living in a room, that is not mine. I think i will enjoy every thing in my apartment when i will be the owner, not a tenant. "Being rich" for me means not only money. Power of personal brand that will help to become the influencer and do good things in our world. I don't think that method of decluttering would be helpful for me, i'm not this type of person as i mentioned above.
1.I think this isn't lifestyle for everyone. It worked for them and they are happy but I suppose not every other person would feel the same way. I mean, this is one idea about how to find meaning in life and I'm sure there are many others just as good.

2. No, but the days when something has given me "spark of joy" are long gone and I haven't been excited for anything for years.

3.Being rich is having perfectly balanced life. As all things should be.

4.I cannot agree with them. For me Ryan's story is just a story of someone who couldn't find their way in life for very long and he didn't know how to live in the place he got himself into. The good thing is he started taking care of himself more once he realized not minimalistic lifestyle isn't for him.

5. I'm not sure. I don't have many things I don't use anyway. I guess everyone should form time to time throw out useless items from their home. It can be refreshing.
1.Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?

Yes, I heard about this theory before. Sometimes I even try to practice it, but time turns the space around me into chaos.

2.Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?

No, not all things in my room make me happier. But still, it is worth understanding that not everything in our life is easy to fix. I live in a rented apartment and cannot change everything in it for myself.

3.What “being rich” means for you?

Being rich is a very subjective concept. It depends primarily on the subtext that a person puts into this phrase. But if we are talking about the financial side of the issue, then for me wealth means not thinking about my expenses and have I enough money for food until the next salary.

4.Do you agree with the speakers?

They are right in many respects, but it is also worth considering that different people are happy for various reasons and someone may not like minimalism.

5.Do you think such a method of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?

I try, periodically I spend checking my things and if I haven't used some of them for too long, then I throw them out.
ExoKuzo said…
Minimalism as i understand has become owning things u need and use and not caring about the rest at all. When i started being drawn in by minimalistic way of life, it was hard but as time passes its easier to identify items u want to to own and give you happiness. The key to achieving success and having minimalistic approach is to make wise purchase decisions, we dont want to own too many disposable things and we dont want to buy unnecessary things. My best advice for anybody who wants to start is to start with clothing, then go through all the tech stuff u have those are two easiest things to quickly go through as a starting point.
Answering your questions:

1. Yes I have heard about minimalism, but in a bit another way. For me, minimalism is a state, for example in apartment, where is a bit "empty", simple design, minimal object.

2. Yes, I am IT guy, so I have electronic things in my room, that make my happy, for example smartphone, my PC build design, laptop, etc.

3. Definition of "being rich" is having a lot of emotions, being happy and doing what makes you happy, having a lot of wonderful memories and people with positive energy around you.
I have never heard about this kind of minimalism. I think it is pretty interesting idea. But i think if you haven't lived for some more years than i did, i cannot fully understand it concept. About every item in my aparment it sparks a little bit of joy for me. About 6 months ago, i heard about Marie Kondo method of cleaning and i partialy implemented it in my living area. If you have spare time, you should chcek her metohd. Its fundation is removing from your life things that are not make you happy. And it works. But maintaining this state is a too much for me. At least for now. I think this is pretty similar what that guy wanted to say to us about decluttering. You just dispose things you do not need. Being rich to me means to be able to get what you want. It has not to be neccessery certain things like e.g. car but it means something that i deeply desire like love or feeling stable ground under my feet. Generally, i agree with the speakers.
Well I heard about minimalism in general, not about this particular one. I don’t think that it is a good way to live for everybody. Maybe some people that lack purpose in their life or with some kind of problems can benefit from such lifestyle but not everyone.
Definitely not every item in my room spark a joy for me. Even more I can say that about 80% of all goods in my room are not very useful or I don’t bestow them with any exceptional feeling. But I just like having them around. Of course, I could live with out them and that is not a problem, but I just like having things around me that I like.
For me being rich means having a lot of money and being happy with your life.
I don’t really agree with the speakers because I don’t feel like I need to live minimalistic, but I believe there are some people that can benefit from such life.
s18716 said…
Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?
I heard about such minimalism. But it seems to me that what the speakers are talking about is too complicated. In practice, everything is solved much easier. If a person really chooses to become a minialist, he will do it over time without such methods.

Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?
No, I agree with that. There are many things that do not bring joy, but this does not mean that they are superfluous. Although without many of them can live.

What “being rich” means for you?
Everyone has their own wealth, depending on the principles of life. But here the guys are right, a cash income does not make a person happy.

Do you agree with the speakers?
As I wrote above, I partially agree. But their method is too complicated.

Do you think such a method of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?
A couple of times a year I sort things out and what I have. And in fact, it turns out that I get rid of many things.
1. Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?
No, I didn’t. It’s sound like some kind of sect when I heard them talking there was a moment that I thought that at the end of speech they will add account number and say give us your money you will be happy then.
2. Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?
Most of items in your home make you happy when you are happy if you are sad then well you are sad, they will not make you happy and if they show some sparks it’s not joy you should check them if they are ok before there will be fire. We don’t want this kind of minimalism.
3. What “being rich” means for you?
Well I will say standard answer family, health, few good friends and enough money for living but to tell you the truth I also would like to try being Richie Rich rich so that I would know for sure that money does not give happiness.
4. Do you agree with the speakers?
If you have so much money that you don’t know what to do with them and you still are not happy you should try what they say.
5. Do you think such a method of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?
This packing party is a great idea it could work for many people but mostly without kids
1. Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?
I have heard about that kind of minimalism and I think that it is a good point to help people buy and use only what the need and what makes them feel happy.
2. Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?
Yes, it is. Everything in my apartment satisfies me. I like my clothes and I wear it. I buy only what I need and I don't want to have a huge wardrobe with hundreds of clothes that I would wear only once. The same with furniture etc.
3. What “being rich” means for you?
For me it's when you can afford everything that you dreamed of. It can be a powerful laptop or journey to Maldives, or it can be hobby that is too expensive to do it often, as skydiving, for example. It is when you can allow everything you wanted for you and your family.
4. Do you agree with the speakers?
Mostly I agree, but not with everything. For example, I like decor in my apartment. I like those flowers and painting, or my favorite emerald curtains. It also make me happy. It's aesthetic satisfaction.
5. Do you think such a method of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?
I don't need this method to be applied on me, as I explained below.
Yes, I’ve heard of this kind of minimalism. I think it depends on the person. Some people buy stuff, that is unnecessary, which makes them upset, when they evaluate their budgets. However, if someone spends money on passion, clothes, gadgets, etc. what's wrong with that as long as it gives him joy? I don’t need many things from my house, but I usually don’t pay attention to it. When I clean my house, I always throw away or give away unnecessary things to someone else. In fact, each of us needs a lot less items to live than we have. I’m happy with my way of sorting stuff s and determining demands for new shopping trips.
1. Something I've heard but it's probably not for me.
2. No, for example, the vacuum cleaner does not make me happy.
3. It is a broad concept, it can be overused by so many types that it is difficult to replace.
4/5. Personally, I like to collect things that later often come in useful when building new things, it makes a big mess to me, but no one will force me to give it up. :)
Maciej Sadoś said…
I have heard about it and I've even tried that kind of living but I didn't manage to do this for a longer period of time.
Honestly now not every item makes me joy but as I mentioned I tried that kind of lifestyle so there were a moment when I had only items that made me joy.
For me being rich is when you don't have to deny yourself anything.
I mostly agree with the speakers but there were some parts that I don't agree with. Everyone is different so not all of it would work for everyone.
I think that this method could work for me.
Adam Sukiennik said…
1. Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?

Yes, i heard that from my Dad, he always said: "Things are only empty box in the wall of bricks, more things, less bricks, which makes whole house light and not lifeproof (he minds a tornado of problems)"

2. Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?

Yes, in my room i got only things that i only need, i don't have "empty boxes"

3. What “being rich” means for you?

For me being rich is to know how to save money and have huge knowledge equivalent of his/her account balance.
4. Do you agree with the speakers?

Yes in 90% i agree, but whole speach was in general wasn't so objective.

5. Do you think such a method of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?

I am simple man, i understand whole things which are logical, soo i thkink that Yes, i would be.
I did hear about ways to enchant my live but not this particular. I found this presentation interesting and decluttering that this guy's mention might come in handy. I never thought about my things that way I think I was just aware of posseing them but I never actually ask myself about happiness they give. Personally I think that true richness comes from awareness of myself. Having ability to truly realize my inner feelings is something I've found hard and I think I can understand how he felt when he was taking about void growing inside him. Topic of video was interesting becouse at the begging I thought that this might be an interior design tutorial but after watching this one I think I like to try they idea of refining myself.
Illia Lukisha said…
Have you ever heard about this kind of minimalism? What do you think about it?

No I didn't. But this video was very interesting for sure. And I definitely will try something from their speech.

Does every item in your apartment/room spark joy for you? Does it really make you happy?

I think it's not. But absolutely a lot of small things do make me happy so not all stuff that we collect is useless and trash. I think that finding the. right balance is really important when you bringing new thing to house or apartment.

What “being rich” means for you?

In my opinion, being reach means reaching the point where everything you can want is accessible to you. So if you want less or stuff that makes you happy aren't material or expensive. I don't state that money can make you happy, but absence of money definitely will make you care less about what makes me happy, and more about where to sleep and what to eat.

Do you agree with the speakers?

Yes, I do. But I am not a fan of radical approach in anything, so balance is important.

Do you think such a method of decluttering, as the speaker used for himself would have worked for you?

We use this method for our trips. When we return from a trip we analyse what stuff was unused and then use this knowledge for next journey. This help us to make our baggage smaller every time and we bring less and less clothes and things, that are not helping us.
1. Yes, I think it's very practical and it helps us to re-evaluate what's truly important in life.
2. Not really, although I don't have much- many of the things became less enjoyable as time went by.
3. Having some savings, having enough to live from day to day and most of all being surrounded by people that care about you.
4. I do, and even though for some it may seem drastic I believe that's a good way to live your life.
5. As I mentioned before I really don't have a lot of stuff but I think I could still benefit from such approach.

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