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Week 7 [6.05 – 12.05.2019] Different body standards and how you should feel about them

How your body should look is very delicate topic with dozens of different opinions. Every time there is some advertising campaign where you can see women in lingerie or bikini there is going to be public outrage. Some of the people will even be offended by the pictures they see. But is it really how one should feel about some ads? Is it right to shame anyone because of their body? Watch  this video: 

1.       Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?
2.       Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?
3.       How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?


1. I never felt offended by any campaign. Especially when we talk about look. Of course i still need a little bit of work to look like calvin klein model but who cares about it. As a customer when i go to buy some pants i prefer to see a good looking guy on a pack rather than belly fated typical polish guy.
2. Yeah I'm sure about it. From centuries society have their ideal body type. It have changed during ages but it still exist. We need to remember that despite of for example European preferable body type every person has own preferences and that means everyone could find someone to be accepted by him or her.
3. I do not care. In the case of advertisements, it is an individual business matter. If someone sells things to people, xxxl, it's probably better for him to show people who are overweight in commercials. And besides, I think that you should not promote being overweight and under weight because it would mean that we promote a bad lifestyle and diseases related to it like diabetes or anorexia.
Nataliya Tkach said…
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you?
I've always loved Victoria's secret companies. Every show with famous artists, beautiful scenery and beautiful models with sports bodies, I always wanted to be like them.

2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?
everyone has an ideal, even some men like women plus size, someone like girls sufferer with anorexia. But Victoria's secret models set the fashion for a slim body.

3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?
I have a negative attitude to the body positive, and to the fact that to sit on a strict diet. This all leads to many diseases ranging from diabetes to infertility. I am for proper nutrition and regular exercise and will give you a beautiful body.
Anna Koca said…
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?
I do not feel offended in any way by events like this. Although, campaigns should be aware of impact on young girls and society while building such extreme standards of beauty. Hopefully everything is changing now, and beauty starts to go together with healthy and fit, muscular body.

2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?
Ideal body type depends on country, culture and private tastes. I can say that for me ideal body type is fit and athletic, because it means health.

3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?
First of all, everybody should feel good with themselves. There is no one specific ideal body for everyone and we should not promote any specific type of beauty. If being overweight or underweight makes somebody happy, I don't mind it as long as it not affects health.
I take no offence in Victoria's secret shows, I like them. What regards body positive and fat promotion I have only one explanation, and you will not be ably to change my mind about that one because it is hell of a clear as high mountain pure ice -- the reason for that is laziness. Trust me, lazy person myself. Those millions of overweight women that are actually suffering, just find it way easier and convenient to support this move. Although overweight is classified as disease, it is medical state, and ought to be cured. But, mass media promotes laziness now, and it is super convenient for them. What can I say? Suffer further.
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?
I have never felt offended in this matter.
Of course, contemporary exhibitions, models, and advertisements show unnatural beauty, often achieved by unimaginable sufferings and sacrifices, but is it so important? I usually pass by indifferently such campaigns.

2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?
No, everyone has their ideal, everyone feels better in a different look. I see no reason why we should chase something that might look better, but we would not feel good about it?

3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?
As I mentioned, everyone feels better in a different look. So why should we promote a particular look? Of course, it is worth realizing that underweight and overweight can lead to a number of diseases, but I do not think that it should be promoted in a special way.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?

To be honest I dont see many campaigns so no. But I saw one that was created in Warsaw recently where people were presented with burgers and it was suppose to stop people from eating fast food or just food with a lot of calories and it was really offensive because it could make someone's life a mess just because they already might feel discomfort when it comes to their weight, I guess the same thing is with thic and skinny people just because everyone has their own fears and complexes

2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?

There is no ideal body type just because everyone is looking for something else but because of that everyone have a chance to find their true love and beauty.

3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?

To be honest I don't want to really answer that because there is many factors that comes to that and it's really hard to say if it would help someone or make their life worse.
Yana Lytvynenko said…
Honestly, I adore Victoria's secret and how they serve the female body) they are professionals of this business.
But I always adhere to the notion that the taste and color of comrades is not there and the ideal physique is no exception.
After all, I like athletic build, then I work on it, but if someone is completely comfortable and feels confident with great weight, then there is no problem.
But now the cult of the promotion of excess weight is gaining momentum too and right in the search of looking for what has touched their rights. As for me, this is already this is too much.
I am never offended by any sort of events, even the weirdest leftist type like this one. As long as people do not call for violence or actively try to change someones mind and opinion, i'm okay with anything. I think that there is an ideal body for everyone, and for everyone it is slightly different, the most defining factor is being absolutely comfortable with a body you have, and not dying from getting up a few floors on stairs. i believe the promotion of being anything and actively pushing or actually enforcing it disgusting, no matter which bodytype they promote today, tomorrow it can be something else, but the fact that companies try to controll opinions is what matters and it should not be tolerated.

First of all, I do not like movies like above. Coming back to the topic, I did not know about Victoria Secret campaigns. I do not think there are any campaigns that would offend me.

In my opinion, the ideal body exists and for each person it is different. Everyone has a different taste and can not be generalized. Everyone is different and the media is trying to show us all as one type of person.

Overweight and underweight are the problems of our world. You have to fight it and inform people that you have to fight for health.
I believe that there is no perfect body shape because everything depends on the culture and personal preferences. In the past, the ideal of a female figure were women who had wide hips. Athletic body type is my favorite one because it associates with a healthy lifestyle.
I will start with the statement that underweight/overweight is a pathology. That's why I think that promoting such things is stupid
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?
No, I am pretty much sure, that you need to seek a bigger goal all the time. For me having a Victoria Secret Angel's body is a bigger goal. Is on of the main goals right now as the matter of fact.
2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?
I am pretty sure that unless your body is unhealthy and brings you some discomfort - it is your perfect body type. And it is unique for each and every person.
3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?
I feel really really bad on this idea. It is not OK to intrude somebody’s confidence with your personal opinion.
No, i have never been offended by any campaigns or super models ads. Neither do i understand people that feels like that. Everyone has its own taste and they might don't like promoted image but how can you be offended. If you think different just go other way and find people that thinks the same. Both me and my GF have ideal image of body and we try to achive it with no preasure. When it comes to underweight/overweight, i can't say anything unless you promote unhelthy lifestyle. Its cool when you try to make people good with their bodies but not when its dangerous for them
I am not offended with ANY campaign, I think people overreact to much and it is silly. If you fell offended by any image, commercial or spot you have some deeper problem and you need drama to attract others attention but it is only my opinion please do not feel OFENDED.
There are no ideals, everyone has different tast and we can claim that something is perfect.
For some , person will be attractive for some not.
I think promoting different body standards is good for society and maybe , finally there will be less people with complexes.
I can only say one thing, I do not know what kind of company it is and what it does. I understand this is a brand of underwear. But I heard this name before. All you need is to eat wisely and play sports. If any of you have any problems, I advise you to read the book called "The Miracle Morning", the author of the book Hal Elrod. And your problems will disappear. I am not kidding!
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?

I haven't been offended by any campaign. Especially, when we are talking about body look. I think every person have their unique style, body shape and be offended because someone looks different is really stupid for me.

2. Do you believe there is an ideal body type for both man and women?

No, I think there is no such thing as an ideal body. There is only man and women who care about themselves and those, who doesn't and here is the main problem. Some people are offended because others are going to the gym and look gorgeous. So, I think the ideal body type, is the body, which is in fit and which you take care of.

3. How do you feel about the idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?

I think it not the best idea. Because overweight/underweight is often a problem. People with such problems aren't healthy and they have some issues with health. Some time ago it was very popular to be very skinny and then we heard a lot about anorexia, which a big problem. So, I think we should promote the idea of taking care of your body and healthy lifestyle.
So basically visually pleasing ads work better on you than ads with 'real' people. I agree with this. Who doesn't like to look on pretty things? And I agree with promoting healthy lifestyle.
If you ever dreamed about becoming model with sport body you only gonna get there with hard work and dedication!
But being over or underweight always comes with health issues for adult person. There is no beauty in any diseases and other health related issues.
I couldn't agree more. Laziness and hedonistic life are a huge issues. And somehow many people can't realize this.
But why is the way that VS models look like unnatural? This is just hard work and good photos. You can't say that fit people look unnatural.
Anton Medvediev said…
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?
Were there any millionaires who is offended you?YES, he is not deserve money ?
c’mon, if you want to have nice body, do it, if you want to have some beautiful face, you have it, just not for all.
2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?
Yes for now, but we will see what it will be in the future.
3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?
Feel bad for people who are not overweight or underweight they are not deserve to be promoted ?:)
Answering your questions:

1. I don't think that any campaign has offended me. All the events that I have ever seen in my life were rather friendly. I remember that at least.

2. In my opinion everybody has own vision about ideal body type for man and women. Some people prefer fit, others overweight. There is no one particular type of ideal.

3. As I mentioned above, how many people, have so many opinions. That's why designers shows different types of women/men body.
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?
No, why this behavior should offend me. I think the girl on the video is right. If you want such a figure go and get it. You should not justify your laziness and find excuses for your inaction. You look like you want it.

2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?
Yes and no. There is a certain type of physique that media constantly use and try to convince us that this is the ideal. But each person has his own taste and preferences. Many very popular brands choose very unusual people to advertise. We all understand that unusualness attracts the eye and can also be beautiful.

3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?
Negative. Fetshteming is now deeply censured in the United States and from there, this trend gradually passes to us. Yes, it is certainly necessary to be Body-Positive, but also you should not forget that excess weight is not only not beautiful but also very harmful to health.
I don't take care about this kind of events, it's waste of our time. When somebody is trying to show you what is ideal means, another one is building empire and rules the world. You can't be ideal, nobody is ideal in our lives. What about body types, i think that every person has own ideal for everything, would it be body type or any other characteristic. Some words about overweight and underweight: i know some people, who are feeling comfortable being underweight and it is normal thing. I'm against overweighting.

ExoKuzo said…
The only campaigns that "offend me" are those which try to bend reality to promote lies or "selected truth", there is nothing else to be offended by.
There are ways to measure body's healthiness, so given those there are ways to determine ideal conditions and by proxy ideal body. Those dont mean that the "ideal body" has been found for either man or woman.
Promoting any spectral end when it comes to weight is bad, anorexia and bulimia are real and we should help those who have them but we wont do so if we promote being too skinny or too fat.
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?
I don’t remember any similar event at maybe there were some offending one but not enough to remember them.
2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?
I would say that for most of course but not for all we have different standard of what is ideal body type and what television and internet show is what most of us think I ideal or what famous people think, and we agree because we like them.
3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?
It’s not good for health and people that promote this are either overweight and can’t lose weight, sick and have distorted self-image or ern money selling some shady medics.
There weren’t any events like this which offended me. I don’t really see anything offending in any event at all. It’s their idea, their way of selling stuff so let them do it like they want. It’s just a show. I don’t believe in ideal body type for both men and women. Everyone has own style and preferences so there is no possibility to combine it in one. Promoting being overweight or underweight is irresponsible. For me it’s not about tolerance but health. Both too thin and too fat have health problems. Because of it their life is becoming harder. It makes irreversible changes in their body or mind which is extremely dangerous and even can cause death.
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?

No, I don’t really care for such kind of things.

2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?

Yeah probably, but I believe that my ideal body type is different that yours etc. It’s like with skittles, there are hardcore lovers of every color, and try telling them that the other one is better.

3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?

I think that is very dangerous thing, and promoting not obesity/anorexia may cause real harm to real people.
s18716 said…
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?
Honestly, I don't remember that. To some kind of activities made me feel discomfort. Now there are various campaigns for any type of person where he can find himself. I think this is not a reason to get upset.

2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?
It seems to me that every person has his own ideal. Everyone is comfortable in different ways. There are certain preferences for the majority, depending on the human age, but in general it is an individual matter.

3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?
I would not promote any of this. Another thing is, a person can try to go in different physical forms, and make the most choice what he likes.
I haven't been offended by any of the events similiar to Victoria's one. I do not think these kind of events wants to offend anyone, then why i should feel offended. In my opinion, the idea of ideal body type is wrong. People should have health ideal body type. Overweight and underweight are states that your body should not have been. It may causes many diseases and health problems. Promoting ideal type may force people to change their behaviour and influence them enought to refuse having health body, its terrible idea and should be considered as harm.
1. No, I do not pay attention.
2. The ideal does not exist and I do not discuss the taste.
3. They play with me personally. As I've said about tastes, I'm not discussing.

1. So there was one campaign, and more precisely a Czech one. In this advertisement, they introduced the Pole as a thief and a rogue. It seems to me that not only did this commercial offend me

2. I think that there is no perfect figure, rather there are certain standards that set modeling agencies.

3. I think it is very stupid and you should not promote such things. One of the arguments is that overweight can cause various diseases and even death
Adam Sukiennik said…

1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?

In Zyrardow and Skierniewice were campaign of Miss in both of cities, the prize was money and title of "Miss" there where couple of competitions like catwalk in bikini, dance and introduce yourself.

2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?

The ideal body shape doesn't exist becouse everyone like something other

3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?

i Think everything with frugality is good and has a chance of being Top.
By promoting overweight or underweight that could make these people more resistant on hate and be more brave.
I’ve never found a campaign that offended me (maybe because there are more important things in life that appearance). However, I believe that campaigns should present different types of beauty and body building. Mostly teenagers and insecure people are concerned about such campaigns. I think that each person has their ideal body type for a woman and man. Same as above. None of extremes should be promoted. Ideally, these would be people with different body types, but people who look healthy
In my opinion the woman talking in this video touched a very important matter which is self-esteem becouse its doesn't have to be Victoria Secret campaign, we might encounter a problem with ourselves whenever we find things that tend to be praised but our totally different from our virtue. " when we see our uniqness as an virtue only then we find peace" You might find this funny but I found this sentence in an action movie and I think it's perfect for this occasion becouse we decide on what affect us and what not. I believe there is a perfect body type but it cannot be acquired becouse of variety and personal taste. It's my guess or rather believe but once we found ourselves we are able to be truly happy but it's a constant struggle. Thanks for this post I found the video enjoyable. PS I don't mind any of the promotional stuff you mention.
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?
No. I love Victoria’s Secret show and campaign. It is very beautiful, models are amazing! And they are not offend me, they motivate me.
2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?
Sure. Standards of beauty are changing every ten years. But for ideal body type is sport body and healthy skin.
3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?
I don't like that idea. We should care about our body and be as natural as it is possible
Maciej Sadoś said…
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?
No, fortunately I've never seen any campaign that offended me, but I'm an open minded person.

2. Do you believe there is an ideal body type for both man and women?
It all depends on what somebody like. Probably there isn't one universal standard but now we could observe some repeating trends in how should we look like.

3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?
I've always felt like forcve promoting something is harmful for the idea. What is more, both of these states are probably not so beneficial for health.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. Were there any events like Victoria’s Secret campaign which offended you? If yes, why?

No as a guy I cannot be offended by Victoria’s Secret campaign at all. But without a jokes mans campaigns are the same. And I cannot understand who can be offended by this. I'm thin and it's hard for me to gain a mass, but I don't feel offended by this fact, and if I really would want to I can look like man models, just complaining that you're thin/fat is so stupid that I cannot understand it.

2. Do you believe there is ideal body type for both man and women?

I don't think so, but I think that healthy body, is more attractive for opposite gender than unhealthy one. But anyway the most important what kind of person you are.

3. How do you feel about idea of promoting being overweight/underweight?

As I said, I think that people should live healthy lives to feel better when they become old, but overweight/underweight for me isn't healthy in any ways.
1. Not really, I believe that as long as someone is happy that's all it matters. Of course they will try to show their lingerie on fitter women just like they show Calvin Klein boxers- nobody wants to see a beer belly and underwear that's about to fall apart. If someone wants to look like a model then they should put in the work to look like a model, but if they are happy with the way they look then why would they care about it? Also I believe that companies like Victoria's Secret have a social responsibility of promoting healthy silhouettes as a lot of teenagers seeing too skinny models might lead themselves to anorexia. But as long as there is a healthy “fit” model there shouldn't be a problem.
2. No, as long as someone is happy and feeling healthy(so that excludes obesity, anorexia and bigorexia) that's all that matters. Some people will feel good being skinny, others will feel better having some more muscles and some are going to be perfectly fine with a small belly but still a functional body.
3. I think we shouldn't promote obesity and I think we shouldn't promote being overly skinny- both options are simply unhealthy and I believe that by promoting such physiques we're saying that it's okay if you're leading an “unhealthy lifestyle” and that's simply not true. If you're starving yourself, you can see your ribs in the mirror and you're on the verge of kidney failure due to lack of proper nutrients and strictly alcohol and cigarrete based diet or if you have high cholesterol and you haven't seen your own feet from underneath your stomach since a couple years the society shouldn't be patting you on the back saying it's okay. If you're happy that way-that's good, so be it, but we should not promote something that's unhealthy- in my opinion.

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