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Week 4 [1-07.04] Tattoo


The history of tattoos dates back to primitive times. However, there is no consensus about the origin of this ancient art form. Some argue that the birthplace of the "eternal drawings" is Mesopotamia, and talk about what people already in those days put on their body images of the surrounding creatures and objects.
When did the tattoo appear? This question is difficult to answer, because it is necessary to have preserved human skin, and the human body is known to be subject to decay. The Egyptian mummification technique allowed researchers to find a tattoo on the body of mummies, thus, it can be considered  that the technique of tattooing  has been more than 4 thousand years old.

Values of tattoos

The first tattoo was always decorated on the face. Thus, it’s known that the Maori tribes of New Zealand applied to the face tattoos - "Moko". Such drawings served as indicators of the social status of their owner, and if the deceased warrior had a mask "Mocha", his head was cut off and kept as a relic of the tribe, which was the highest honor. And bodies on which there was no "saving" mask, were left at the mercy of wild animals.
The tattoo also served to indicate  the marital status. For example, the patterns on different parts of the face of women of the ancient Japanese aborigines Ainu could determine whether the owner of the drawings was married and how many children she had. In other nations, the patterns on the woman's body symbolized her fertility and endurance. In some tribes, children born to non-tattooed women were immediately killed.

Tattoo techniques in the past

There are three techniques of tattooing. The most simplest  and therefore the most ancient is a scratching pattern on the body.  Then in these wounds  was rubbed dye and created a pattern. A similar technique was used on the territory of modern Iraq, it was  also used by the Indians of South America.

The second  old technique involved the use of a needle and thread. The black-colored thread from the tendon of the beast was stretched out with a needle under the skin, and a pattern was created. This tattoo was common in North-Eastern Siberia and among  the Eskimos of North America. The pictures were awkward and primitive.

The most common was the third technique. Metal needles, fish bones, pieces of sharp animal bones, wood chips of hard rocks, fragments of shells were used to perform a tattoo. Point drawing allowed to create a tattoo of any complexity, in some cultures different pigments were used, as a result the drawing turned out to be multi-colored.

Tattoos nowadays

For hundreds of years, people's attitudes to tattoos have changed from ecstatic glee at the sight of them to a strict ban. Some believe that this is a mockery of nature, in general, and of himself in particular. Supporters of this point of view not to recognize such experiments on the bodyOthers consider, tattoos to be the best form of self-expression, both for the master making the drawing and for its future wearer. Drawing can be selected from existing templates and sketches, you can make some changes to them, and you can come up with your own, so that it reflects your character, your personality and  will be always recognizable. 

Interesting fact

John Kennedy reduced his tattoo-"turtle" only at the request of his wife, and Winston Churchill had a tattoo in the form of an anchor.

The Catholics, converting the natives to their faith, tattooed the converts with a cross or crucifix to prevent them from converting to another religion.

Japanese geisha tattooed as one of the five proofs of love.

Tom Leppard, a resident of the island of Skye in Scotland, was in the Guinness book of Records as the most "tattooed" man in the world. His body is 99.9% covered in tattoos.


1.Do you want to get a tattoo? If Yes/No why?

3.How do you feel about tattoo?



I will certainly get a tattoo, and not even one, I have already planned the whole set, and what s more, I want to use a special paint. The master, who is skilled enough to do such masterpiece resides far away in Los Angeles, and asks quite a fortune for his talent. I have visited that city, it is beautiful. But, unfortunately, neither I had enough money nor time with me to fulfill my dream. Next time then.
Nataliya Tkach said…
I wish your dream come true) and make this masterpiece ^_^
1. A difficult question, if I ever find a pattern that really speaks to me, of course, if I do not really want to think about it.
2. There are different reasons, it's hard to replace.
3. I do not mind if they do not offend anyone. And they look nice. :)
Okay, so I'm gonna have unpopular opinion: I hate tattoos. I consider it as a scourge of current time. I respect ancient cultures which use tattoos, and the culture of Russian prisons where 'person without a tattoo is person without the history'. But that's it.
Why do I have such a strong opinion on this matter? They just disgusts me. For me they are mutilation of your skin. I saw many people with great, beautiful bodies destroyed with tattoos. I heard the opinion of few psychiatrists that said that having tattoos is a sign of some mental issues, some of the experts consider this as a self-harm. But I didn't see any scientific paper about this so this is just their opinion. Don't get me wrong - I have many good friends with tattoos and I don't discriminate them or whatever. It is their bad choice, not mine. It also limits my dating possibilities as tattoos are deal breaker for me. Some consider tattoos as an art but, for me, art doesn't belong to human skin. Also you shouldn't get tattoo when you are really young because you won't be the same person when you are older. I hope the tattoo trend will fade out soon.
1. Do you want to get a tattoo? If Yes/No why?
I had a tattoo in the past, luckily, i removed it. I'm not a fan of tattoo, i don't want to be like everyone today - beard, tattoo and "empty" head.
2. Why do you think people get tattoos?
It's a kind of self-expression nowadays, i have friends, who have a lot of tattoos, but they can't explain it too.
3.How do you feel about tattoo?
What is the purpose of asking the same(typical) questions 3 times, i don't understand. I'm not a fan of tattoo as i mentioned.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. I would love to get one soon. I love tattoos but reason to do one would be to remember something important in my life.

2. I thing people get tattoos because they want to remember really important situation or something in their life, it would be something to think about old times. Some people want to have a tattoo to be different from everyone. There is some other people that want tattoo just because they love the feeling of a needle going under their skin.

3. I think that its a great way to express ourselves and its amazing for artists just because some people are living with their art for their whole life. I think that it should be allowed in place of work but many people still have hard time accepting them.
Yes I am thinking about getting a tattoo, it is type of decorating ur body like jewelery but it will stay with you forever.
I am hasitating rightnow and waiting to think about it, beacuse like i said tatto will stay on your skin forever.
People used to get tattoo as kind of a souvernir for some important moment in theirs life, nowadays it is more common to treat tattoos like a decoration of our bodies, and more often tattoos means nothing special.
How do I feel ? I think it is personal choice of people, I don't judge. Only thing that comes to my mind is to have some limit to it, to avoid tattoing faces, eyes, etc.
1. Yes, i would like to get a tattoo, but only for special occasion. And here is the problem because if i do something special it's simple for me and then i cant make a tattoo from it.

2. In my opinion people choose tattoos to stand out or to commemorate doing something special. Surely everyone has their own reason why they do a tattoo.

3. I think that tattoos are an interesting diversion of the human appearance, but some tattoos are ugly. When doing a tattoo, you need to remember that it will last a lifetime, so you need to make a good decision.

By the way that was interesting topic.
Nataliya Tkach said…
I agree that you need to think carefully about what you want a tattoo, but it is not for all life, it can be reduced or altered )
Nataliya Tkach said…
I think a tattoo isn't a mutilation,but a way to stand out from the gray mass. I know a lot of people who like tattoos, but they wouldn't do it to themselves.
Nataliya Tkach said…
The sensations of applying a tattoo on the skin aren't pleasant. I don't know such people who would like it xD
Nataliya Tkach said…
You need to very carefully choose a master and not save money, and then there will be no problems with ugly tattoos)
I would love to get tattoo one day, but want it to be something special. It's always funny too see some guy spending his hard earned penny to make a horible tattoo and bragging about it. I lived with a guy who made a tattoo as a "reminder of every city he was in", and he looked like he's fallen asleep at party and was painted with marker by teenagers. People get tattoo for different reasons, some to make oneself prettier, some to show some achievements, and some to just be edgy. I love tattoos =3
1. No, I don’t want to, because I don’t find them attractive in any way. Moreover, if I decided to have one, it would be difficult to remove it and I would regret making this to myself.

2. People get tattoos for many reasons. The may find them attractive or want to express something to emphasize their ideas or experiences, or just to stick out of the society not to be the same as everyone else.

3. I personally find tattoos a little disgusting if they cover a lot of body. I don’t mind small symbols that don’t influence the overall look of the person, but if someone covers a whole hand or leg, then it looks completely unappealing. Also, it can violate s dress code in a workplace and thus make it harder to find a job. Anyway, I don’t want to offend people with tattoos, because everyone should be perceived based on actions, not appearance, however appearance is sometimes an outcome of actions. I wouldn’t give a job to someone who didn’t dress properly for the interview or with the tattoo all over his face.
Ewelina said…
I love tattoos. for now I have only 2. One tattoo is very large on the upper chest. For me, a tattoo is a kind of art. The tattoo artist is an artist. Some people "write" their life on the skin in this way, they tatooed symbols of moments from their lives. For me personally a tattoo doesn't have to mean anything, it can only be a nice drawing on my skin. If I want a symbolic tattoo, I will do it. But I don't have to sign some ideology.
1. Do you want to get a tattoo? If Yes/No why?

I am neutral about having tattoos. Personally, I would not like it because I do not feel such an internal need.

2. Why do you think people get tattoos?

Hard to say. I suspect, however, that the most common reasons are to express yourself, show your views, interests, and try to portray your own character.

3. How do you feel about tattoo?

Many of the tattoos that I have seen just caused negative feelings in me, but, as I have already mentioned, are neutral for me. Of course, when someone makes a tattoo, he must remember and keep in mind that in the future, the resulting effect may look completely different.
1.Do you want to get a tattoo? If Yes/No why?

I actually have one and I want to have another one. Why? Because I like tattoos, no rocket science here, haha.

2.Why do you think people get tattoos?

I try not to judge people by their look. Of course we should have some kind of common sense. If someone has a big hitler tattoo on his face I might judge him, but in most cases I do not do it. Sometimes when I see that someone has a really nice tattoo I ask him where he did it - so I'm more that type of person.

3.How do you feel about tattoo?

I think that I have answer it partially before. I like it. I do not see it as a something ultra special. I see tattoos as something that will make your body look better. I'm quite big fan of it, but if someone does not like tattoos, then I'm cool with that.
Yana Lytvynenko said…
For me, tattoos are either the expression of one’s style or the “mark” of important moments or periods in life. Yes, in the future I would like to make a small tattoo that will remind me of a certain period of my life. But I want to make it small and in a place that will not be visible to everyone, so that only I know about it and not for showed to the public. But in our world a lot of people are trending to the trend and make some kind of renowned drawings without giving them any meaning. I don’t understand this.
Nataliya Tkach said…
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Nataliya Tkach said…
A lot of people say that tattoos are like a drug, once done and will not stop. I don't agree with that. My first I did at 16, next at 18 under the chest. I'm 23 now and I haven't done any more tattoos.But I'm not going to stop. ^_^
Well, i got 2 tattoos right now and i guess i'll get more near future. But why? Well i just like them. I enjoy the are that comes with them. So that is also reason for me to get one. I know that there are alot of people that have some deep thoughts about them, they have some special meaning and they wan't to leave a mark for whole life to remember, praise them or something. So yeah, i think tattoos are cool and i ll almost never judge people for what they have got on their body. Sure some of them are strange and i'd never do same on myself but as long as its not harming anyone then i think its cool.
Anna Koca said…
1.Do you want to get a tattoo? If Yes/No why?

I would not want to do this, because I am too moody. I know that whatever I would do today, I probably wouldn't have liked it next year. So I tend to avoid permanent things like tattoos.

2.Why do you think people get tattoos?

To stand out, to be interesting, to decorate themselves - as in being more beautiful.

3.How do you feel about tattoo?

I think it may cause skin cancer and I think I can do without it :)
1. I do not want to get a tattoo, because I don't like them.

2. Maybe as expression yourself? Maybe for fun? It's hard to say, really I do not know.

3. In my opinion, tattoos causes skin changes and cancer (?) probably.
1 No. Why you ask, it’s simple I don’t like pain, with time your skin will lose its elasticity and there is risk that your tattoo will not look like you wanted and it’s very hard to get rid of this tattoo.
2 There are many reasons like they will get drunk and they think that’s is good idea or they friends think that, maybe they don’t like they body and want to make them prettier or scarier, some like to shock others or show their rebellion there is many reason
3 I don’t mind them if they are in place that you can hide like shoulders or back but in place like face or hands, I think that it’s little exaggerated.
s18716 said…
In general, I adequately perceive the tattoo. At certain points in time I get ideas about creating it. But they are not entirely permanent. Therefore, I'm not sure yet that I really want to tattoo myself.
Each person has his own reasons why he makes a tattoo. Someone is a way of self-expression, and someone fixes some memorable moments of life on his skin. Some just want to be in trend, but, as you noticed, for many nations of the world, tattoo is the culture that makes it unique in the whole world.
Marta Kowalczyk said…
I have one tattoo and I am planning to get more in the future but choosing the right artist is not easy. I love tattoos and the idea of having a piece of art on a body. I never judge people by their tattoos no matter how stupid they might seem at first glance. Sometimes there are interesting stories behind them. People get tattoos for all sorts of reasons. Some might mean something deep, some are to memorialise somebody or something and some are just for fun.
Illia Lukisha said…
1.Do you want to get a tattoo? If Yes/No why?

I don't want for know, but maybe I will leave some memorable sign in future.

2.Why do you think people get tattoos?

It's like haircut or muscles, people do what they want with their bodies.

3.How do you feel about tattoo?

Generally I don't like tattoos, and don't understand why do you need permanent reminder of your wild youth, and ugly tiger faces on body when you path 50 or 60. But who am I to judge.
I find tattoo not so cool. Moreover, making a tattoo has long-term effects, so it should be well-thought decision. The most valuable things in tattoos are those, which are represented by them e.g. significant achievement in live or memorial about somebody. I don't mind them as long as nobody is forcing me to do one.
Peter Clemenza said…
1.Do you want to get a tattoo? If Yes/No why?
No, I'm a variable persons that has a lot of ideas every day. I would be bored after 2 weeks.

2.Why do you think people get tattoos?
Tattoos seems to be the only thing that's permanent in this life (yeah you can remove it i know, but still), and some people may feel an urge to stabilize.

3.How do you feel about tattoo?
I especially like tattoos with names of exes (later transformed into some monstrosity), Chinese names (of dishes - who cares they don't understand anyway). Tattoos made while being drunk, and those sentences with bad grammar.
I have one big tattoo on my forearm and I’m planning to do a few more. It’s an expensive thing, so it won’t happen in the near future. Tattooing your body is an example of self-expression and I think that we want to embody our inner self by dressing up, make-up and also tattoos. I really appreciate art so I like to place this estheticly pleasing form of art on my body and I like it on other people. I have specific taste then not every tattoo is interesting and beautiful for me, but who I am to judge – if someone like it, it’s awesome. I’m also not this type of person who insist that tattoos should have deeper meaning – if you want to tattoo some stupid meme, “go for it!”, it’s not so serious.
Adam Nguyen said…
No, I’m not a fan of tattoos and I don’t find them attractive. It is really painful to remove it and I just can't fathom committing to having something on me forever.

For many different reasons. Some people want to stand out or to fit to a group other find them attractive.

Personally I don't really dislike tattoos on other people, but I can understand why are they are getting them. Of course reasons always can be stupid and I cannot find any good reason to make a tattoo on a face.
Anton Medvediev said…
1.Do you want to get a tattoo? If Yes/No why?
Yes, i want it, i think that tattoo must be very meaningful for you, like some history in your life, i want to do a tattoo on all of my hand, about history of my life from child to old, and years by years fill it.
2.Why do you think people get tattoos?
Maybe they just want tattoo, maybe it’s a meaningful hitstory, maybe decorate the body, or a feel of filling tattoo
3.How do you feel about tattoo?
if you want tattoo do it, if u want to do something in you life just thing and then do it
1.No, I do not want to have tattoos, I generally like them but I do not want them at my place :)

2.I think they want to express their emotions through tattoos, save an event or just for the appearance

3.I do not mind tattoos, according to me they are a showcase
Myabe one day I will decide on a pattern but right now I just can't get which one I would like.
It depends I guess one would like to have tattoo becose they like particular pattern. For others this might be a way to give meaning for something. Maybe people try to say "this is me" by having a tattoo.
I like them. For me they are an aesthetic form for body expression but they might turn out to be hurtful if not well crafted.
1. Yes, maybe one day, however I want it to symbolize something special to me.
2. For many reasons, but I believe that nowadays we could point out two main reasons: because they symbolize something important to them and because they want to decorate their bodies.
3. I think tattoos are a great way of expression, of course they can be easily regreted but if we only put enough thought into them they can be a true and meaningful masterpiece.
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