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Week 4 [1-07.04] Stadia the future of gaming?

The vision for future of gaming called Stadia was revealed at the at GDC 2019 in San Francisco on March 19. If you have some time (1 hour) you can watch the full GDC announcement panel on YouTube:

But if u dont let me summarize Stadia for you: Stadia will be an all in one platform for gaming, it will supports games development process, its advertising, distribution and hosting. Through its game streaming it will eliminate hardware barriers for all people around the globe.

But how it’s supposed to work?

The heart of Stadia will be built on Google’s data center network in 200 countries. Which will allow users to rent out their computing power to play games instead of buying hardware on their own, and stream games to any supported device they own. To achieve such graphical computation power Google partnered up with AMD to build GPU dedicated for such tremendous task.

Closest comparison would be Netflix but for games, with library of games to choose from and without any installation play wherever we are. While the price for Stadia service is yet to be announced and so is it’s launch date, as leader of Stadia project Phil Harrison said project is set to launch in 2019 and we might hear more as soon as in June.

How do you feel about Stadia?
How often do you play games? Would you do it more if u could forget about the hardware?
Will you use Stadia when it becomes available?
If yes what price would you feel comfortable paying for it? Sources: Google GDC Keynote Live stream (and VOD after)


ExoKuzo said…
Yikes! When you think you have remembered everything and it was your brain making an April Fool's joke on you! Sorry for the late post! Almost spat out my evening drink when i realized that its week 4 of our course already!
>Through its game streaming it will eliminate hardware barriers for all people around the globe.

And build massive barriers of "Shitty Internet gate" that are even worse. Like, come on, just imagine, what amount of data and flow capacity you will require to play for at least an hour in 4k 60fps?

Never mention that apart from games, many developers and programmers, me included, require strong hardware for development. I do not see this changing any time soon

Nice joke, though :)
Nataliya Tkach said…
How do you feel about Stadia?
Very interesting innovation,as I understand this service will only be released in 2019.

How often do you play games? Would you do it more if u could forget about the hardware?
Where was this server when I was a gamer 5 years ago) would Not need to spend thousands of dollars on powerful computers that need to be updated once 1-2 years.

Will you use Stadia when it becomes available?
Don't know if I'll use all the time, but sure gonna try.A very similar feature was on Steam.

If yes what price would you feel comfortable paying for it?
I find it difficult to evaluate such a cloud gaming service, because it has never been done before.
ExoKuzo said…
What if Google Fiber got more popular ?
Would that change how you look at the service if it came with complementary "Fiber" while releasing ?
ExoKuzo said…
>I find it difficult to evaluate such a cloud gaming service, because it has never been done before.

How about Netflix like pricing ? Would that be fine?
1. How do you feel about Stadia?
Definitely it will be awesome, but i'm not a fan of gaming.
2.How often do you play games? Would you do it more if u could forget about the hardware?
Will you use Stadia when it becomes available?
I don't play games, it is a waste of time, your time is running out, your parents are getting older everyday and you are still playing games? Come on! You might be scrolling facebook or instagram feed and reading about guys, who are driving ferrari with top girls or somebody earned 1,000,000$ by creating a startup. Do not waste your time, when you are able to be on the top of the world with young potential, stop playing games. Stop buying dumb shit games to make people you dont even like think you're doing well.
Bartosz Barnat said…
1. How do you feel about Stadia?
I don't know what I feel right now. It might be really interesting and can revolutionize gaming but we don't know if it really will be working really well and be that of a hit.

2. How often do you play games? Would you do it more if u could forget about the hardware?
I play video games almost every day but not that much as I used to. Right now its like one hour per day. When it comes to hardware its hard to keep up with it for new games so yea I think I would do it more just because every player would be in the same level. To be honest a good hardware gives you really big advantage in competetive games.

Will you use Stadia when it becomes available?
For sure I will check it out.

If yes what price would you feel comfortable paying for it?
We will see what will be the price on hardware so I think its irrelavant question right now. Many things can change in the future.
ExoKuzo said…
The controller is only hardware needed, whole business model of Stadia relies on subscription.

Would Netflix like monthly fee be okay for such service ?

I have no opinion, but it is certainly something interesting. Maybe I'll read more about it someday.

I play games very often. Sometimes even a few hours without a break. I guess the equipment is not a determinant of the time that I devote to playing on the computer

Whether I will use XYZ depends on the price. It is possible that I will use it.

Certainly it depends on the price of the computer equipment. I have no idea what the price would be for me.
1. It looks very promising and could potentially eliminate the problem of weak hardware, but on the other hand if someone can’t afford a hardware able to run games (consoles are not expensive) then how could such person afford paying for the hardware in cloud? I have a feeling, that it tries to solve a problem that doesn’t exists. PC’s are expensive for sure, but nobody really needs them for gaming.

2. Currently I don’t play games at all, because I don’t have time for this while working and studying at the same time, but I will go back to gaming after graduating for sure. I am a PC enthusiast and hardware is not a problem for me. An expensive PC for the purpose of gaming is something I am happy to spend money for, as soon as I earn enough to do this.

3. Probably not, because as I said earlier I prefer to play on my own machine with the components of my choice.

4. Even though I wouldn’t personally use it, I think that no price would make this technology more reasonable than gaming consoles which are not expensive and can run almost any game on the market.
ExoKuzo said…
Have you ever used Netflix like subscription based service ?
Would similar cost of Stadia made you more appealed to it ?
Ewelina said…
1. I have no opinion on this subject.
2. I don't play games. Sometimes chess on the phone but I prefer to shave play with the other person realistically.
3. Probably not.
4. Hard to say. I think that even price will be very low, I will not buy it.
1. How do you feel about Stadia?

Exo! Thank you for this article, because honestly I have not heard about this project yet! This is a very interesting idea and I will keep my fingers crossed for success. I'm not a fan of games, but I realize what opportunities Stadia will introduce.

2. How often do you play games? Would you do it more if u could forget about the hardware?

As I mentioned earlier, I'm not a fan of games. I doubt that this will change dramatically after the project is launched.

3. Will you use Stadia when it becomes available?

Yes, I would definitely try to have some insight in this market segment. I would also like to see what the platform will offer from the development side.

4. If yes what price would you feel comfortable paying for it?

It's hard to say, we'll see what price will be offered. For sure it will have to be competitive in relation to the price of hardware.
Yana Lytvynenko said…
In fact, I have never play into games and am an amateur in this. But the idea of cloud games and not buying equipment sounds very tempting and interesting. As for me, this idea has a great future if you carry it right for users. On account of the price, I thought it should be accessible to everyone, because then the idea of "saving" on gaming equipment disappears.
>How do you feel about Stadia?

I'm not a big gammer so I do not look forward to it, but when it will come out some day and it will be a hit, then I will probably start using it ;)

>How often do you play games? Would you do it more if u could forget about the >hardware?

It depends, but not quite often. I usually play one or two times a week for about one and half hour, but sometimes I play less like one hour per two-three weeks. Also, there are times that I play non stop for two days or something, but that's really rare.

>Will you use Stadia when it becomes available?
Try, that's sure. But future only knows what will happen.

>If yes what price would you feel comfortable paying for it?
This whole thing with cloud gaming is kinda strange for me. I mean this sound cool etc but for most people it will be harder to get good enought internet + subsription to make it work then just buy decent pc. Other problem is that what we got or i'd rather say we haven't got google data center in Poland and it doesn't look like we will get one soon, so we can say goodbye to stadia for now. Distance between source and reciver with this tech is crucial and closest datacenter is in germany so vpn is not a thing as you will get even bigger lag. But if it will be availebe and this will work properly why not. When it comes to price hmmmm. If it will include games in it then i think 40-50$ will be reasonable but without it it shouldn't be much more expencive then ps now or xbox live
I don't know. I don't think Stadia will be for me. This project doesn't bother me at all though. I think it will be good way to try out new games for people without strong computers.
Anna Koca said…
How do you feel about Stadia?

It sounds amazing actually. I am constantly struggling with hardware limitations, would like to play newest titles but not motivated enough to invest money in new hardware. Now it seems I won't have to - great news!

How often do you play games? Would you do it more if u could forget about the hardware?

I think yes. However, I am a little afraid that it would consume too much of my time. Until now hardware limitations were good reason for me not to dive into hours of gaming, but with Stadia around, I don't know.

Will you use Stadia when it becomes available?

Depends on its price of course.

If yes what price would you feel comfortable paying for it?

50 zl/month.
ExoKuzo said…
>Yes, I would definitely try to have some insight in this market segment. I would also like to see what the platform will offer from the development side.

If Stadia accomplishes what its meant to do and streamlines the dev process it could be really nice for Developers around the world, we could even see Steam like one streaming platform to rule them all. (And i think Google wishes the same)
ExoKuzo said…

Hmm so you value it more than Netflix like platform is priced nowadays.
Im curious, that would be with all games on the platform being included right? As Origin access is right now?
ExoKuzo said…
If it was Steam kind of deal with sub and + cost of games would 10$ a month be reasonable price in your opinion? Like 10$ for a month of playing "everywhere"
1. This is definitely innovation. A good one. This can really change all games platforms. Thic can be very convenient too.

2. When I went to college, I do not play games too much. But before, I was a gamer. Now I don't have time to play video games.

3. As I said above, I don;t play games now. But if I'd be a gamer, I'd pay for use Stadia I don't know, 30-50 PLN per month?
1. Nice idea but you need to buy yours game and you need to pay subscription. It’s like buying console in instalments only different is that you have little more space in your house.
2. I don’t play too often but there are always some games that I wat to play but I don’t have suitable hardware, so yes there is big chance that I would play more.
3. It’s hard to say all depends how much I must pay but I also don’t know how much I want to pay. It’s all depends what kind of game will be available.
Another perfect idea, which may turn out to be not so perfect in implementation. I have already tried this type of cross-device gameplay streaming inside of my local network. Even in this case attenuation was unpleasantly present. How it is suppose to work, when brought to the case of not local distances but hundred kilometers of wide area network? Will we play a game computed with enormous power for best quality on remote machines just to see delayed blurred image on our 4k displays?
ExoKuzo said…
I dont think they are aiming at 4K users as of now, and when they inevitably do i think we will see more data centers around the world. Would you be happy with Google Data center in Poland ?
Peter Clemenza said…
Great thing if you want to be ripped off from your privacy. Just give away everything you have to <> every single bite. People should fight for their rights, because next step will be collectivizing computers. And computers will no longer be yours, they will be obeying your orders.

Yeah and I'm not going to buy nor pay, or use this evil thing.
Illia Lukisha said…
How do you feel about Stadia?

As a Mac user I think it's cool possibility to start playing games again(just joking, I don't have a time for this). But I think that it's interesting if google won't fail with this, because with current state of technology, this project will cost for google more than cost of subscription. Maybe they will be patiently waiting while PC market will stagnate and than this strategy would pay up. Will see.

How often do you play games? Would you do it more if u could forget about the hardware?

Not at all. I think I will play sometimes.

Will you use Stadia when it becomes available?

Plan to test it, also I think that for me the price tag is not worth the benefit, because I don't play a lot.

If yes what price would you feel comfortable paying for it?

I think $10/month is fair price for me :)
I personally love the idea standing behind Google Stadia. If you think of it as a "Netflix" or just another streaming service it is one way, but it have another huge advantage over more classic aproach to gaming. It allowes you to play on basicly anything. You won't have to change your PC or buy a new console every 2 years to play the newest titles. In my opinion, we can think of a Stadia as an investment. We can stick to buying new hardware or we can just pay monthly just to play games without worring about if our graphics card could handle a new game. Standia could change our way to look at video games, but the price of it cannot exceed amount of money that we normally spend evevry few yers to replace our hardware. As for me it should be 40$ max. I would not worry about the implementation. Of course it has to have some time to set up data center and the infrastructure, but company like Google can pull it of.
Adam Nguyen said…
Its seems very promising and would eliminate problem of frequent replacing parts of computer with newer ones. I looking forward to see other news about stadia.

For now I rarely play games, but after getting a graduating and finding a job I think I would come back to playing. I’m interested in computer hardware ever since I get my first PC so it would be really hard to just forget about it.

I don’t think so. As I mentioned earlier I rather have my own PC with hardware that I can choose.

1. It's hard for me to say, but generally I go to places with no internet and I do not like online solutions.
2. I do not play. Games bore me I think that the window is better graphics. : P
3. Maybe out of curiosity how well it works.
4. As low as possible. :)
Anton Medvediev said…
1.How do you feel about Stadia?
It’s look pretty nice, i do not need to spent a lot of money for PC ;)But will see how much it will be cost
2.How often do you play games? Would you do it more if u could forget about the hardware?
I played in it when i am in bad mood, or i wanna to speak with my friend from another countries and spent a good time, 2 in 1 :)
Or release a good game with 7+ on metacritic:)
3.Will you use Stadia when it becomes available?
i will try it, maybe i will if it will be good.
4.If yes what price would you feel comfortable paying for it?
20$ per month.
This project seems really interesting and could make gaming possible for a broad, worldwide audience! My friend bought Witcher 3 for his computer, but he had to replace parts in the computer to play it, because his hardware was really old, so Stadia could help in this situation. I play games time to time, so I don’t know if I would pay for subscription. I prefer playing on the Switch, so this platform won’t be so suitable for me. I think that the price of it will be higher than Netflix subscription, but if it’ll become really popular it may get lower.
Currently I'm more into cartoons and movies so Stadia is not in my concern but it is a really cool feature for players. Right now Netflix is all I need I occasionally play some strategy games with friends. I would think about it but I'm not losing my mind over Stadia. Price depends on quality of product so I prefer to wait and see how good will be this new platform.
1. It sounds like a great idea! The constantly changing market keeps raising the hardware requirenments which forces gamers to change their equipment too often and perhaps this could be the ultimate sollution.
2. Personally I have never been big into gaming, I enjoy playing every now and then but I'm far from considering myself a “geek”. I don't think that not having hardware challenges would really change that.
3. However I would definetely give Stadia a shot just from pure curiosity and to see how the technology works.
4. I think that the platform has a potential of becoming very popular, with that being said I believe Google will be able to keep it at a rather reasonable price (for example around 40zł per month)

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