How to turn stress into a friend?
Her content was pretty interesting. We all have this idea that stress is bad for you and we should avoid it at all costs, but it's is how we view stress that affects us. If we view stress as an enemy, then it will have a negative impact on our health. I never would've thought about stress like that. That definitely changed my mindset of stress and was definitely worth watching. This can be very helpful for anyone dealing with stress.
1. How do you feel about stress?
2. Do you think stress makes us more sociable?
3. Did you find this video helpful?
2. In my opinion it depends from the source of stress. Someone could feel stressed because of something and other people from some group feel stressed too because of the same reason. Then stress probably helps to be more sociable and catch contact with these people. Of course if new people are the reason of stress then it makes completely different results.
3. It is quite helpful, i always wanted to know more about my brain reactions to the environment and this video is partly about this.
I don't know a person, who would say, that stress is a good thing. I would say, it is a normal feeling that happens sometimes.
2. Do you think stress makes us more sociable?
I don't think so. How can stress makes us more sociable? I don't understand. When you are stressed, you don't want to meet new friends or to have a conversation with somebody, it is so obvious.
3. Did you find this video helpful?
Some facts i heard in the past, but generally, it was helpful. This video is for people, who are so nervous about everything that happens everywhere.
2. I think that because of stress we can speak to others more easly just because we have same fears and things that bring stress to us . On the other hand some people are stressed in sutiations like talking to other people so in some cases it makes us more sociable but in others its not.
3. I knew some things presented in this video but its always good to know more about this topic so yes, it was helpful.
Stress is a mere affliction that can be destructive or constructive. I think that it is necessary, because it motivates, but you must use it well. Renouncing questions number 2 I have no idea if stress makes people more communicative. It certainly depends on the character of the person.
I didn't learn anything new from the film, but it was nice to watch. The development of horizons is very important.
2. No, it is hard for me to imagine that stress can make me more sociable. I think the opposite, that stress makes people more alienated because it doesn’t allow to talk to the strangers and thus create new friendships.
3. Well, it was interesting from the scientific point of view, and I wish it could be implemented in everyday life, but it won’t, because all of us already know that we should turn stress into a friend, but it is easier said than done.
In today's world, increasingly younger people are in contact with stress. I would not say that stress is good for us. This is a standard feeling and often helps us, but just as often destroys our projects, such as presentation. Even when we believe that stress is good for us, each person has different feelings about the symptoms of stress. Stress, which often prevents us from reaching our goals or living peacefully.
2. Do you think stress makes us more sociable?
I do not think so. Of course there are people who, for example in stressful situations, cope with stress through a long and interesting conversation. Often, however, people under stress withdraw from it because they do not feel comfortable in a stressful situation.
3. Did you find this video helpful?
Yes of course. In my opinion, it is always worth trying a new approach to see the possible effects. It's always nice to watch a video like this :)
Like probably most of us, I hate stress. I try to avoid stress whenever I can. If I have to deal with bigger stress I like to take a long walk after event that causes stress. Then I do some meditation. After all some great meal and I fell better - like new person ;)
2. Do you think stress makes us more sociable?
Quite hard question. Stress is probably needed due to our biology. Does it makes us more sociable? Not everyone. that's for sure.
3. Did you find this video helpful?
Maybe not the best thing that ever happened, but it's quite cool.
I have long known that our attitude and view of certain things are ready to work wonders. These studies confirm this.
2. I don't think so. Why? Because if you see a stressed person, you probably think, that he/she is problemative and introverted.
3. In my point of view, maybe yes, because it's good to know new approaches and effects.
And, in general, the hypothesis that stress affects us because we want to take it very exciting. Probably, in order to use it for the benefit of your body, you need to do a lot of work on yourself and your mind.
Stress can make us sociable, of course. Because it is a kind of protective reaction of the body to external factors. And it can manifest itself in people with different characters in different ways. But for most, it seems to me, it is.
I know one thing about stress and it goes like this. no dress no stress. based.
2. Do you think stress makes us more sociable?
No, whoever said that must be a dumb idiot. How the hell are you going to be more sociable if you are afraid (stressed) to say something to someone?
3. Did you find this video helpful?
It makes me feel stressed. I think that's because of a lady talking for 15 minutes about being stressed.
I don’t thinks so. Under the stress we usually overthink may situations and overthinking is never make anyone more sociable.
Yes it helped me a lot, but few thinks I already knew, but its good thing to learn something new.
2. Personally, I do not.
3. It's hard to tell now we will see with time. :)
I think that exists some point of stress that give us more power to do a things.When you think that u life is not good and u want to do it better we are better studies, and grow.
2. Do you think stress makes us more sociable?
No, for me i dont want to speak with people, but not with all, i have some friend who can me bring from that.
3. Did you find this video helpful?
Yes, it’s very helpfull.
2. It’s all depend on how you behave in stress, the reason of your stress and your environment. If you are getting aggressive when in stress then no, if reason of you stress touch not only you then then yes it makes us more sociable. So, as I said it’s all depends.
3. It’s hard to say firs I need to try this on myself in theory it’s looks good, but I don’t know if this will work on me. Changing how you think, or sea thinks is not easy to do.
I don't think stress makes us more sociable form expirience I can say that when I'm streesed around lot of people I start to get a bad feeling and this ain't helping with contact. Definitly, all source of knowladge that enhance my understanding of attitudes are helpfull.
2. I don't necessarily agree with the statement that it makes us more sociable, heavy and prolonged stress can actually lead to social anxiety which would turn us into less sociable people.
3. Yes, it's an interesting perspective that I didn't really consider before, I always perceived stress as something negative and that's it. I will try changing the way I view stressful situations in the future.