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Week 4 [05-11.11.18] Strapped into a sinking helicopter

Destin Sandlin is a youtuber who wants to make you smarter. Recently he has posted videos presenting Advanced Helo Underwater Egress Training at the Marine Corps Base in Hawaii. He shows us what it is like to be under water in a sinking helicopter and what you have to do to survive and emerge back to safety. What is your opinion about this video? Would you be able to survive?

  1.  Have you ever been a part of a crash in water?
  2.  Would you like to take part in “Helo Dunker” training?
  3.  Did you know that helicopters flip over when they crash in the water?


Marcin Mróz said…
Fortunately I wasn't part of any crash in the water. I have also never fly in the helicopter and that's the most extreme one when it comes to the water crashes as I've learned from this video. I believe that taking part in this training is a bit terryfing, but it would be definitely challenging and interesting, so I guess that I could try. I think that I knew that helicopters flip over when they crash in the water, I've probably seen it in some games or movies, but I admit that I've never really thought about consequences of this phenomenon.
Lukasz Mroczek said…
Luckily, I’ve never been a part of crash in water! This video was amazing and I’ve also subscribed this channel because I like things like this! Also I want to be “smarter every day” :D I’d like to take part in this training and I’d also like to take part in whole army training. I think that such a training is some kind of every young boys dream. I didn’t know about it and this is very interesting. Maybe I’ve seen it somewhere but I’ve never thought about it as a rule.
Unknown said…
Thankfully, I wasn't and I've never flown a helicopter. I've never thought that getting out from sinking vehicle could bring so much stress on a human body. I'm pretty sure that this training probably looks even harder in reality when you one of those who takes part in it. I would personally like to see a similar video but with a car that quickly goes underwater. How should you act in case if you find yourself in a car that quickly goes to the bottom upside down and you have almost no space to move?
I'd like to take part in this training because you never know when you find yourself in situations like that.
I have never been a part of a crash in water, i think that nobody wants to be a part of some natural disaster. It is definitely the most scariest thing for me and i'm really afraid of being a victim. Surely, i want to take part in "Helo Dunker" training, all the staff that he explains would be useful almost for every person, who wants to survive. I have never paid so much attention about helicopter's flip over, but i saw a lot of movies where this situation was demonstrated.
Nataliya Tkach said…
I've never been involved in any kind of accident, and I hope it never happens, because you don't know what the consequences might be. It is a pity that schools or institutions do not do such trainings that prepare us for such situations. They could have saved many lives. I never attached any importance to flipping a helicopter when it crashed into the water.
I found this video really interesting, and actually educative. But one thing worries me: those guys were marines. A trainees, but still, they've got some physical base with them, and still they were struggling in that situation. What about passengers? A helicopter may have some completely untrained people on board. It is obvious, that a trained diver lifeguard is required in such case. But it is only one person, perhaps two. Could be not enough to save all the passengers. And what about mentioned situation with muddy water and nighttime? I thing, that some plan or saving procedure should be installed on a helicopters (if it is not already there, I can be unaware).
Unknown said…
No crashes in the water so far, lucky me. It was interesting to observe the training. If all other Destin Sandlin's videos are as good as this one, I guess, I'm going to subscribe on his channel.

If I had a possibility to take a part on such a training, I'd took it. It is useful not only in the particular situation of helicopter going underwater, but also as a training to overcome your basic mind limits (inhale with your nose full of water, try to not lose yourself while being upside down).

I wasn't aware of helicopter flipping over in the crash on the water. The helicopter's model that was simulated in the training is Chinook, as I understood. I wonder, is it the same with other types of helicopters? Do they also flip over in the water?
Bartosz Barnat said…
Thank you for your response Marcin. I think it was really stressful experience for people who didn't even know how to swim. I think I would like to try this training too.
Bartosz Barnat said…
Thank you for your comment Łukasz. I'm glad to hear that you want to take part in this course. I thoght about taking this course or even go to the army but the my dream faded through the years.
Bartosz Barnat said…
Oh I agree 100%. Video showing car crash underwater would be really educating because you can see a lot of those in the world. Glad you think that way.
Bartosz Barnat said…
For me death by a watery grave is the worst type of death. This is my biggest fear and this video helped me to see what should I do when im under water in sinking vehicle. I have never seen a sinking helicopter in a movie but saw many cars or planes sinking after crash.
Bartosz Barnat said…
In school I only had a first aid training but it was in middle school and I don't remember a lot from that. I agree that schools should learn what to do in this type of situations and it would be really helpful for us and others.
Bartosz Barnat said…
I think there might be some instructions what to do when helicopter crashes but who even looks on it when they get into any sort of vehicle. Maybe once I studied a instruction in a vehicle. I think that marines should be trained to help others in those type of situations as well because there will always be someone who will panic and might cause a disaster. Thank you for your comment. It helped to see some other problems that weren't mentioned in a video
Bartosz Barnat said…
Thank you for your comment. I agree that this training is learning you how to expand your mind limits and I want to take as many courses like that as I can ( I mean courses that can check my limits and boarden them).

I think that all helicopters flip upside down. You can see that with smaller helicopter in this video:

The problem is taht top of a vehicle is heavier than the bottom and when your discs are in motion they dive deeper into the water causing helicopter to flip even faster.
Iman Masjedi said…
Fortunately, I have not been part of an accident in the water.
I am very inclined to participate in this training because, in my opinion, knowing and training increase human awareness of sudden incidents. We can never predict what will happen to us in the future.
I did not know before watching this video.
I think that it is very interesting video to watch. I didn’t even know that there is such kind of training in us marines. I don’t think that I would survive helicopter crash without such preparation, I would probably start panic and thus I would die.
Fortunately I have never been a part of crash in water and I really don’t want to gain such experience. I rarely go by plane and I have never been in a helicopter therefore I wouldn’t like to take part in such training. I like swimming casually but I am not very fond of any more advance water sports like diving etc.
I didn’t know that helicopters flip over, because I have never think of such a case. If one think s about it, flipping become logical, because of heavy engine mounted on the top.
This was totally new information for me. I've never even seen a crash in a water, not even a car, not to mention a helicopter. But this video was very informative. I imagine this kind of training is very important for people who are working on board of a heli, it literally could save lives. If it would be available for a civilian like me, I would definitely consider it, just to see how hard it would be.
Unknown said…
I flew once in a hang glider behind a motorboat. I was supposed to land on the beach. Unfortunately, the motorboat did not manage to reach the beach while descending the flight level and landed in the water. I was strapped and had to free myself under water. It was nothing terrible, but I did not expect such a turn of events.
I would like to take part in such training.
I did not know this, but I know that most yachts have a similar mechanism.
Have you ever been a part of a crash in water?
Luckily I have never been a part of a crash in water, and I would never want to be (at least.
Would you like to take part in “Helo Dunker” training?
No I would not, because I don't think I will ever need this kind of training (hopefully).
Did you know that helicopters flip over when they crash in the water?
Yes, I have watched this movie just after realase, I really like Destin and his channel :)
Filip Sawicki said…
I haven’t been a part of a crash in water fortunately, but I would love to try the “Helo Dunker” training. It seems to be a fun but at the same time lifesaving experience. I didn’t know that helicopters flip during crashes, I haven’t even flown in a helicopter. Hopefully that information will save my life if it would happen.
Unknown said…
No, I was not.
Interesting teaching, but as seen in the video, the training is designed for military personnel. Excellent survival skills in an extreme situation, but I can assume that I do not need such a skill in my life.
Yes, I have seen several times in the film that after the helicopter crashes, it rolls over during a crash.
Unknown said…
Thankfully, I have never been a part of a crash in water.

Probably if I have a chance to take part in “Hello Dunker” training I would take it because it would be a new experience for me and also I would learn new things in the case my helicopter crash into the water.

I didn’t know that helicopters flip over when they crash in the water until I watched this video.
Cezary Róg said…
I wouldn’t call it a crash but an accident in my case. Once I was on a boat when the storm suddenly came. We hit the rocks then breaking a big part of a boat. Luckily nothing bad happened to us except a few scratches.

If I had a chance, I’d like to take part in „Helo Dunker” training. I’m not afraid of water, and I can swim. But it’s an interesting question of how a person that likes water and swimming will behave in this kind of situation.

I didn’t know that sinking helicopters behave like this, but it's an interesting fact.
Unknown said…
Fortunately, I did not have any accident in the water and I was not part of any catastrophe and I hope it will be so for the rest of my life. I would not like to take part in this training, it is not on my nerves and I do not feel such need because I have fear of heights.
I never knew about it and it was great to read about it, I'm certainly smarter about one thing :)
Anna Moskalenko said…
I’m lucky enough, I have never been a part of a crash in water. Honestly, I’m even afraid of water a bit and can’t be under water without having my nose closed with hand or nose clip, so you can imagine how bad am I. Most likely I would die :D Definitely I don’t want to try this training.
I didn’t know that helicopters are flip over in the water, I never thought about it but it’s seems kind of logical for me.
I'm really happy that I've never been a part of a crash in water. I hope that it will never happen to me.

Yes! Taking part in such activity must be both greate and terrifying... and funn!

I was never even thinking about what happens to helicopter when it crush in the water so no- it was new to me.
Unknown said…
I've never been part of a crash in water - it's propably not a very common occurence. It definitely sounds and looks like something that is rather scary, though.

As for whether I would like to take part in the training, then I'm honestly not sure. It would definitely be something that could one day save my life, and the training could be rather enjoyable, but on the other hand, the training also looks rather terrifying, so I don't know if I would have the courage to do it.

I didn't really know that helicopters flip over, but it does make sense if you know that the top of the helicopter is heavier than the rest.
Peter Clemenza said…
Have you ever been a part of a crash in water?
When I was young, we had pe lessons on the swimming pool, it was very common back then to stop inside water slide tube and wait for other kids to come over and make leg kicking crash

Would you like to take part in “Helo Dunker” training?
I think it would be very helpful when fighting in Vietnam war. But now?

Did you know that helicopters flip over when they crash in the water?
Every day we learn something new.
1. Fortunatelly not ! But it has to be really scary. It it s plane crash, helicopter, car or bike even, it must be a traumatic experience.

2. I would love to ! It must be a great challenge to accomplish this kind of training, but also a great satisfaction after.

3. Now it seems to be quite obvious, but I have never thought about it before
Unknown said…
Fortunately I’ve never been a part of crash in water and I'm not going to. For me this is very dangerous even in car, because you must wait until water fill a can to exit and so on. I don’t wont to take part of it because nooooo and I don’t know helicopter must flip over after they crash I water. I just heard helicopter can normally land if the engine stop working in air.
Unknown said…
The subject of the film is quite strange. I have never participated in anything like this and I would not like to take part in the future. In the same way, when it comes to training in this topic, I also consider these training to be a bit unnecessary.

I am a man who likes to watch silly videos on youtube and I often see accidents and disasters. Often I watched helicopter accidents when the pilots wanted to show their breathability and kept propeller for water.
Unknown said…
1. Nope, I have never took part of a crash in water, to be honest I wasn't invovled in ny crash in my entire life and I wish it would change. But we don't know what challanges will life grant us. For sure it would be difficult for me to deal with such a situation.

2. Nope, I don't really like sport, extreme trainings like one presented in video. I'm one of those who rather avoid phisical activities and play computer games, but I do respect Marines, sportslike man etc. It's good for them to be trained like this, it can save someones life.

3. I never thinked about it, but after the video it's quite logical :D It's good to be prepared for such crash when you ever are part of helicopter flight.
How does someone function once water "floods their sinuses"? I don't understand that step AT ALL. Ever since I was a kid, I've had to wear a full face-mask when going in the water, even just right-side-up, cause otherwise I literally start instantly drowning. I can't control my lungs or focus on anything once water starts getting into my nose, everything just freezes up. Nose clips/plugs/goggles are a bare minimum, but still didn't comfortably stop my unfortunate uncontrollable reaction/spasm when my nose touches water.
It really sucks, and I never understood how to overcome it. And I loved swimming too, I was at the local pool daily some summers.. Just always had to bring the snorkel-mask.. Maybe I could train myself out of it somehow, but I haven't tested myself in that way in years.. wow

I have not been a part of crash in a water :) But seems like this training very useful when you travel using helicopter every day :)

I think that I can try to pass this training because it's very interesting and I will get new feelings after this.

Now I know that helicopters make a flip when they crash in a water but before I have never thought about this.
Luckily, I’ve never been a part of crash in water.
I would like to take part in this training, it's interesting, quite unusual experience and tough test of willpower and perseverance. Of course , chances of me getting into an accident on a helicopter is definitely low, especially in water accident , but you never know for sure.
I learned about it thanks to your article, I never thought about it.
Unknown said…
I never had a water crash and I would not like to participate in one. As the author said in the film you have to be cool and don’t panic. I have no idea how I would behave in such a situation. I hope I could manage somehow.
I would certainly be happy if I could participate in such training as "Helo Dunker". I hope that it would never be useful in my life, but it certainly helped in many life situations in which there would be a lot of stress.
I did not know that the helicopter turns when it falls into the water. I have never even flown a helicopter and this is definitely on my to-do list.
Bartosz Barnat said…
Thank you for your comment. I'm happy you think that way
Bartosz Barnat said…
It's really fascinating how many and how hard training sessions marines go through. I must say that they are prepared for everything. I flight a helicopter once but luckly nothing bad happend
Bartosz Barnat said…
I'm happy to hear that you learned something from this video and it really made you smarter by knowing something new.
Bartosz Barnat said…
Wow didn't expect anyone to be in a crash to be honest. That's really good you survived!
Bartosz Barnat said…
Thank you for your comment. I'm his subscriber for a long time, really love his videos and every video really shows something that I have never even thought about
Bartosz Barnat said…
Thank you for your comment. I think that taking part in this type of training will help to save many lives.
Bartosz Barnat said…
I think that everyone should know how to manage in stressful situations that can be harmfull to your life. These people were marines but the guy behind camera wasn't, he was just normal guy and he managed to finish this training. I think it's good to beat mind barriers
Bartosz Barnat said…
Thank you for your comment. It's good to her that you learned something from this video
Bartosz Barnat said…
For people who spend a lot of time on the warter just swimming thier boat it's good to be prepared for everything. I don't know how I would manage in this type of situation, thats why I wan't to try this training
Bartosz Barnat said…
Thank you for your comment.
Unknown said…
Fortunately, I never experienced crash in water, maybe because I never flew a helicopter, but always the plane I flew could crash, but luckily all my flights were calm, although I always thought as if I had crashed on an uninhabited island. (I'm a fan of the Lost series) . Contact with water and workouts in the water are not alien to me, because I am a Water Rescue Officer, so a training like this one I would have liked to do. All in all, I never thought about it, but it's good to know
Unknown said…
It was interesting and useful video.
Luckily, I never been part of a crash in water.
Yes, I would like to take a part in this training, I think it’s interesting experience and maybe sometime it can save my life. In my opinion it can be used not only in helicopter but also in the car or bus.
No, it was new information for me.
Bartosz Barnat said…
I agree with you. I think that this type of training would be helpful because it helps you to overcome mind bareers and teaches what to do in this type of situation and what should we looking for as a way out of that.
Bartosz Barnat said…
I didn't watch Lost series but its on my Watch List. I guess many people flew a plane but really just a few people was even sitting in a helicopter. It's not that common. Wow good to know you are a Rescue Officer. I guess it is hard to become one.
Bartosz Barnat said…
Yea I want to fly a helicopter too and hopefully not crash. I think that this type of training would be helpfull for everyone.
Bartosz Barnat said…
Good to hear that my article learned you something new. I think that the training would be helpfull but I don't wish someone to be in this type of uderwater situation .
Bartosz Barnat said…
Thank you for your comment
Bartosz Barnat said…
So let's hope you never find yourself underwater in a crash. I guess you could become one with water easly. The fear and nose problems are just in the beginning.
Bartosz Barnat said…
I didn't think about helicopter crash in water before this video too.
Bartosz Barnat said…
I didn't know about leg kicking crashes ;). I was scared of sliding tubes when I was young, now I just want to go into the scariest one!
Unknown said…
Fortunately I haven’t ever been a part of a crash in water. I am crazy about such videos. I’ve started watching ultimate survival few years ago and it’s really amazing and cognitive. I wouldn’t say you are going to use all these tips but it’s really good to be aware of it or at least have an idea what to do if you are in such a situation one day.

After watching this video I got a feeling that I need to take and pass these trainings. Everything they do just looks amazing for me. It’s pretty unusual and fascinating.

I didn’t know about it because mostly we hear about airplane not helicopter crushes. Seems like I’ve seen helicopters crushing for some times(in movies or youtube videos, not in real life) but didn’t even notice that they were flipping over.
Foodocado said…
I can call myself a lucky guy, because I've never experienced any kind of crash, especially not the one with the water involved.

It looks scary, but I would love to take part in this training. It could be a great experience and an opportunity to get know how my mind would behave in such a situation.

I knew that helicopters sink upside down, but I've never known why. I think the video games and movies realized me about that.

I have never participated in an accident on water and I would not like it. But thanks to the movie I know more or less what it looks like and maybe even how to behave.
I have never participated like this training but I would like to try.Do you know where such trainings take place?
I did not know that during the sinking helicopter rotates, good to know!
Unknown said…
1. I was not, though long ago as we were training waterborne waters at the camps, I twisted my hand when the pontoon flooded us.
2. Probably not, but it's nice to watch it on Youtube
3. I did not know: oh, another curiosity that you can talk at meet with beer.
Unknown said…
1. Fortunately, no.

2. I'd love to take part in "Helo Dunker" training. Not necessarily for the practical use of it, but rather as an opportunity to experience something new and interesting.

3. No, I did not. I also didn't know that the most dangerous thing in that situation is disorientation. This video was quite eye-opening.
Marcin Górski said…
No, I like swimming pool a lot but I don't have time for that. I was there maybe about 8 years ago. Nowadays, everything what I have common with water is daily shower :)
"Helo Dunker" is very hard, probably it's not for me because I can't stay under water for a long time which is one of the most important things in that. It's very cool to see but probably not for taking part.
No, I didn't think about that. Seriously? It's something like when you are washing your dishes and when you put empty glass to water you can be sure that will be drifting.
Thank you for your presentation, Bartek.
Maciej Nowak said…
I have never been a port of a crash in water and I would be surprised if anybody here have experienced that. I wouldn't like to take part in a helicopter crash in water but if it happens in controlled environment like in "Helo Dunker" training then why not. It is definitely interesting trial. And rather of course I haven't known that helicopters flip over when they crash in the water but it's quite interesting curiosity.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
I have never been a part of a crash in water, and I pray to not change that state. Crashes in water are extremely dangerous and I think for people who word near the big water training like " Helo Dunker" is amazing. I would love to take part in such training. I sailing a lot, so there is a possibility to sink into a boat, just like in a helicopter. For me, knowledge and experience from that kind of training can save lives more than one time.
I have never been interested in helicopters, so I didn't know that they flip over in water, but I can imagine that. Big engines and propellers on the top can easily overload the rest of the helicopter.
Marcin Krupa said…
I heard about that type of training, but I've never been a part of a crash in water, but - I guess- I will enjoy that training.

"Did you know that helicopters flip over when they crash in the water?"
No, I never heard 'bout that. I doubt that one day I will be in drowning helicopter, but If I will, I'm gonna keep it in mind.
Unknown said…
I have never been part of any crash in water happily. Watching this video was very interesting, I’ve learned many useful things thanks to it. I didn’t know about helicpters fliping upside down in water because I wasn’t thinking about it before. This video shows how difficult it is to get away from sinking helicopter and other vehicles that are turned uspide down in the water. If I have a chance to take part in this training I will certainly take this opportunity. It’s good to know how to act in situations like this because you never know what will happen. For example this training can help someone to escape from drawning car.
Unknown said…
1. Thank god I was not. It looks terrifying! Sinking is one of the worst ways to die for me.
2. I’d be scared to death, but why not - at least I will learn how to act in this kind of situations.
3. I did not! Now I’ll be aware of that when I’ll finally own one :D.
Gladly NO! and I hope I would never be.
Yes I would like to, I love challanges/ adventure so why not of course only with proper precautions. Once I took additional course for driving on slippery surface and it was very educational bacause it's not easy at all not like in games.
No , imagine that I didn't know :D I think it is not a common knowledge, but ... Good to know :)
Fortunately, I haven’t ever been a part of a crash in water and I hopes I will never be. But all things could happen and none of us not insured from such situation or the similar ones.
After watching this video I really felt the need of “Helo Dunker” training.
Actually I didn’t know that helicopters flip over when they crash in the water because most of accidence that I saw or heard about was with the plane participation.
Unknown said…
Fortunately I haven't take part in water crash. It sound and looks scary. I've watch a lot of films explaining hot to survive that kind of crash on Discovery channel but it only raise my awearness and not necceserly calm me down.
I would like to challange myself and take parte in that kind of training with professionals instructors taking care of my health condition. A for me, it can only be a good thing, learning new experience to help me with that unfamiliar situation.
I've never flight a helicopter, so I don;t know much about them. It's good to know that before my first flight some in the future ;)

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