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Week 4 [16.04-22.04.2018] - Ways to make conversation with anyone

Ways to make a conversation with anyone
Confidence is a strong and impactful word nowadays. Having a real struggle with yourself is the most difficult thing for everybody. Are you confident enough to make a conversation with a stranger? Malavika Varadan, challenges this societal norm, by presenting 7 ways to make conversation with anyone.

1. Are you a “confident enough” person?
2. What do you think about introverts?
3. Write down here at least 3 facts you like the most in her speech.


Unknown said…
I think that i'm confident. I rather have no problems with talking to strangers. Sometimes, when i'm THIS stranger, like new person in new place, where everyone know each others i feel little lost. But then i try to keep smiling and ask questions. When someone start talking to me i try to maintain conversation.
Introverts are really intersting people. They are like challenge for me. I know that when i make a relationship with this kind of people have a lot to offer.

Things which i like the most in this speech is a bit of good humor woven into speech. It makes this really light. The other thhing i like are examples to every advice. It make a feeling that we are listening someone who know about what is talking. And the lat thing is personality of Malavika Varadan. She is very charismatic and it's catchy.

Jakub Nietupski said…
I don't myself a confident person but it is important to go out of you comfort zone and meet new people because this helps you become more confident and also a lot of people have very interesting things to say which you don't know about.
Introverted people are often very interesting to talk to and they have very good ideas but you need to behave in such a way that enables anyone to voice their opinions. For example it is a good idea to ask everyone to give their opinion on a given subject during a group discussion - introverted person often won't force themselves to talk their views but it's worth it to hear them.
I think that her presentations was very well delivered - good diction and energy. She was presenting an interesting point of view for me because I often struggle to find new topics for a conversation with a stranger.
Filip Sawicki said…
Yes I am confident and sometimes even a bit cocky. I feel little to none stress while conducting presentations, meetings or talking to important people both professionally and privately. Thanks to this I achieved many of my goals faster and with less difficulties than predicted. However despite that directness I am not a person who will talk with others for no reason.
I think that dividing people into boxes which are introverts and extraverts is useless. World is not black and white, it has different colors and shades which are constantly changing, the same is with human psychology and interaction.
What I really liked about her speech was that she was looking at the audience and conducting presentation with her full engagement (unfortunately TEDxtalks has many poor speakers). Another thing that she explained how unnecessary the small talk is and I totally agree with her.
Anna Koca said…
I am a bit shy, but I get my point through. I think it is sometimes frowned upon when girls are too straight-forward and too open. I think that confidence should be there when it is needed - when you have to stand up for your rights or get things done, for example at workplace, asking for a raise.
I am an introvert myself and think that introverts is something the world need. A world full with only extroverts would be like a webpage with only front end development.
When it comes to the speaker, I do like about her speech that she gives real life examples and maintains contact with audience. Sometimes she carries on too long, however.
Do you think that her personality helps her a lot in making friends?
Could you mention at least 2 things she told about? 2 facts or steps how to make conversation easier
I found myself when i was reading your comment. And i fully agree with a poor speakers that can not understand how to "show" yourself in a front of a crowd.
I think you are right about too open girls, it's a bit cocky when a girl is too confident and she is trying to show it to the public. But i would say that it helps sometimes, when you need to rush something and prove that you are right
Unknown said…
I think I am confident enough and talking to strangers is not a big deal for me because I do it every day.
I think introverts are people who simply have lack of confidence and that's what constrains them soo much from living the comfortable life. I think they care too much about other people's opinions and are afraid of criticism. But in reality, nobody cares about you. And people will always criticize you no matter who you are and what you do in your life. So why bother with someone's opinion? Simply do your own thing and don't listen to anyone.
Three things I liked the most about this speech:
1. She is very confident and enthusiastically speaks about her topic.
2. She gives you real reasons why you shouldn't be afraid of talking to strangers.
3. She explains basics of human psychology and shows how this simple principles can help you to get over the fear of talking to strangers.

Vladlen Kyselov said…
I guess I am not confident enough, because I have used not to trust to anyone, I can start open myself to anyone only with time. I think introverts are just kind of persons that has a psychological problem and they just live. However, I have heard that introverts are much more productive than other that`s why big companies sometimes creating "special" work space for such persons. I don`t like this speech because I don`t really like when other people anylyse someones life even if it would help or not. I guess that`s not right to influence someone else life unless he asks for it!
Unknown said…
1. I'm usually confident, but when it comes to meeting new people, so I am all the more confident. It's important to smile.
2. Everyone is as they are. It doesn't matter to me whether someone is an introvert or not. Everyone is worth attention, sometimes even longer
3. The speech was remarkable. The speaker was a confident and energetic person, which everyone who listened to would appreciate. The speech was also interesting because examples were given that helped to understand the theme.
I am confident enugh, i mean enough for myself. I have some problems with establishing new friendships and meeting new people but with the ones i love and care about i don't have any issues. I think introverts are cool, because i am one =3. The problem is that sociofobic people tend to think that they are introverts bit it is not the case, being introvert is not about a fear of people and having no friends, but about taking breaks and resting alone with your thoughts instead of resting at parties with a lot of people. Video is cool.
Unknown said…
I think that i'm confident but in generaly the most confident people are very artificial for me. Generally self confidence is very good
Perhaps everything should be in its borders, excessive excesses may be a great discomfort in people who are less confident.

Introverts are very interesting in general, I think introverts are in a very profitable position, They have always been able to work on self-development and have the opportunity to become extraversion, which will add to their confidence.

If something happens in the case of extraversion, and if their self belief fall, they will be very hard to return to the previous stat quo.
Introverts can become extravert, but extraverts can not lost it. it will be too expensive for any self-esteem.
It is difficult to talk about myself, but I can say one thing, when I was a psychologist student, there was a test and it turned out that I was very introverted, but after I went to Poland, it took me a few years back and it turned out that I was in transition phase for extraversion.
Foodocado said…
I can't consider myself as a confident person. I am rather shy, but I don't have any problem with talking to people.

Introverts are the people who don't lead the conversation. They usually have great ideas and generally are smarter than most of the extraverts. People should respect that they are a little bit different and give them some space.

> she is very passionate about the topic
> her argumentation is very good
> the topic she had chosen is very interesting
I don’t consider myself very confident but I really like to make a new connections. Even though I don’t really like to talk to people but my inner voice just informs me that I have to make a connection with this and that person. It somehow knows they are very interesting and have their whole another vision of this world. I really like such kind of "extraordinary" people and especially getting to know something from them. Making a conversation with such kind of person is extremely easy for me and brings me a lot of pleasure. On the other hand I don’t like boring conversations that were mentioned in the video. What is the point of talking with a person that always reply you with yes/no and can’t even express the way he/she thinks.

I really liked her talk especially the positive vibes that she brings and some little tricky advice that she gave. For example to remember some little but valuable facts about the person or to try to guess her/his name.
Iman Masjedi said…
I think that i have confident. I believe if you are confident enough you will not care about having a relationship and it's at that point someone will come into your life, intrigued by your confidence.
-Talking with energy
Focus on the topic
she has a full attention of listeners
Unknown said…
I consider myself as confident person, however I’m far from being extrovert or talkative.
Introverts often are often very interesting persons, they only didn’t develop their interpersonal skills as well as other more social people, which by no means make them less valuable.
I liked the way she presented the topic by illustrating it with short stories from her life, giving hints and tricks about being more social and wrapping up session with key takeaways.
I don't like to talk with people too much but if this needed I can communicate in very good way. I have got this possibility in last 3 years and as I see it is very useful in some cases even if I don't want to speak with some person.
Illia Shynder said…
I feel myself confident enough to talk with strangers and random people. On the other hand, I really don't like when friends are introducing new people to me or to our company of friends. This is destroying our inner atmosphere, in my opinion. I'm an introvert, but I know few introverts, and I know them as good persons and quite interesting people. On the other hand, on my course I know some introverts that are just not brave and interesting enough to make friends and go outside.
I think I can't find 3 facts that I liked in her speech, but the thing that I liked the most was her confidence, the way she was talking, not what she was talking.
Marcin Górski said…
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Marcin Górski said…
I think that I'm confident person and I like to meet new people, smile and be talkative is very important.
I don't have opinion about introverts. Everybody are different and it's normal for me. I'm a person which like to be with people but I understand that type which like to be alone. I think that we shouldn't change these people against their will.
Hmmm, I like her smile :) She is gesticulating and it's good way to take attention on that kind of audience.
Unknown said…
Once he was not confident. Now it's getting better and I think it will get better. I used to stress myself on conversations and now I have more "looseness".

I do not think anything. Everyone has their own character and I think that it is not dependent on us. I think I'm an introvert but it's not bad.

I think all the facts she said are interesting. The speech was energetic, interesting and humorous. And these are the things I liked the most.
Illia Lukisha said…
1. Are you a “confident enough” person?
I think so. But not enough maybe, sometimes I need to put myself into uncomfortable situation, to achieve the goal.

2. What do you think about introverts?
I think there is no such thing as introverts or extraverts, there is just environment in which every person can be "confident enough". And for each person there are different quantity if this environments.

3. Write down here at least 3 facts you like the most in her speech.
- Inconvenient questions
- mee-toos
- speech with taxi driver.
Unknown said…
1. Are you a “confident enough” person?
Yes, I think I am both confident and "confident enough" person. It is much easier when you are in need of something and this need just drives you to open your mouth first, but in general, I find myself as an easy-going and talkative person, even when there is no strings attached to the conversation.

2. What do you think about introverts?
After watching this presentation I think of them as a less "confident enough" people and it is our job to enstrengthen them. When we find ourselves in the situation with an introvert person, we should be then ones who break the ice and start conversation. It is worth mentioning that we should give up quickly if the person had some problems with opening up.

3. Write down here at least 3 facts you like the most in her speech.
- talking with energy
- passion within this talking
- argumentation
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I totally agree with you about introvert's lack of confidence, i have 2 friends who care too much about other people's opinions. But i think, their mind will be changed after some time, it's not a permament thing.
Unknown said…
I like meeting new people. Not that always it's so easy for me, but I usually can handle a conversation with someone I haven't met before.

I think we tend to stereotype a lot and we shouldn't be biased on the personality types when talking to someone. Getting to know your personality can help, but estimating others types kills the conversation.

I think the most valuable facts are that we all benefit from talking to each other, so there is no reason not to do it. The other fact was about validating person we talk to, it's useless and unnecessary. Third one is to skip the small talk.
I would say, that you are right. Talking about people, who think that they are introverts, but they are not, definitely can cause different opinions and emotions in conversation. But i still think it's not a big problem nowadays.
honestly,i don't believe any psychology test i did. I did it so many times and every time i had different result.
i don't agree with you about enviroment, where the person can be confident enough. There are a huge amount of personalities, who would be not confident at all in any kind of situation. They born and grow up with it.
I don't want you to divide people for introverts or another personalities. It depends on a person. For me, i'm not a cavil kind of person, and i don't care about who is this person and what personality he/she has.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Unfortunately I'm not the confident enough to say I'm confident person ;)

I'm the introvert, so I like myself, but there are many annoying things about being that kind of person. First of all - it's hard to start conversation and it's not making easier during the conversation itself, while I'm sometimes trying to run away from talking too much about some topics that I don't feel comfortable with. Mostly because I don't know a lot about it.

I really like her points to make conversation alive. And the examples from her own experience. But the most was the summary about the impact of conversation - that it may create war or peace.
Kristina Moroz said…
I don't think that I am a confidence one.
What do you think about introverts?
I guess I could say that I am introvert in some point. It's a little bit annoying to be so shy to talk or express yourself. But when you've got real life problems and you need to be super social you breaking yourself and start actin like you're not an introvert.
But it's hard to be always active person.
Peter Clemenza said…
Confidence is a true key to succes. You can master some tech-skills but at the end, person with
great social skills will outclass you. Same thing happens in IT, where managers earn more benefits
than skilled programmers. What’s the point in judging yourself your whole life?
Boost up your confidence and motivate yourself because that is the only thing that matters in this world.
Unknown said…
Yeah, I have some of self confidence. I live my life like I want it to be and know consequences of my action. There was a moment in my life, awakeness or something, that I realized - "I don't want to think 'What if?' anymore!" So when I say I'm gonna do something, I just make it happend. Introverts? Hmm.. let me see, I think, that they should find some extroverts to "adopt" them and show them life they live, so introvert can see how it feels like to be a more social,careless person. It all comes with confidence, living in scarcity is not a pleasure experience, so if You want to have abundance You have to work on it, nobody can do it for You, it's your life. So introverts/extroverts - when it comes to canfidence, both have the same chance to achive it, but in diffrent aspects.
I don't particularly enjoy her speech, simply because I've learned that skill a long time ago, now I'm focusing on more advanced stuff - I mean, the speach was great, but it's too obvious for me, so I didn't really pay attention to detail - i like her attitude during the speach, positive emotions and simplicity in doing that.
Definitely i agree with your opinion. You must be a good motivator in a company of friends.
And what do you think about another ways how we can make our conversation alive?
But how you can improve yourself without making new friends, who can bring you on the next level (financial or social)?
Unknown said…
I think I'm confident, I have no problem with talking to strangers or public presentations.
I am very kind to any people, no matter if it's introvert, homeless or anyone else.
Most of intoverts that I've ever met are very smart people.
Speech got my attention because of interesting topic, energy and simple but strong argumentation.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I am confident enough to start a conversation with anyone. Unfortunately I am born with an anxiety of doing so, but over many years I've learned how to manage my fears and that they are mostly unreasonable. On the other hand, I'm just not always willing to involve in any type of conversation with the people. That puts me in a situation where I can talk to strangers, get to know them, but I am just not into it. I guess it makes me an introvert.
I don't think of introverts in a much different way compared to extroverts. I just think that they have it a bit more difficult in many situations in their lives. They have to fight their fears all of the time, sometimes without any positive outcome.
Some of the things I like about her presentation:
1. She speaks clearly and confidently. She's a natural born extrovert, which helps her keep the talk going without an awkward moments of silence;
2. She is happy and passes her happiness to the crowd - there are many moments in which we can hear an audience laugh;
3. She tries to show the examples from her own experience and give ideas on how to keep the conversations with strangers going ("me too," etc.)
Yes, I am confident person I don't have any problems with talking to strangers. I am an extrovert type of person and I love making new friends, expresing my feelings with out hasitation. Personally i know only couple of them, they prefer to spend time alone watching movies, reading books etc. I prefer spending time with people who actually are: open to others, confident, likes to laugh loud. I love this woman attitude, she's very expresive and confident. Very interesting part of this speech is "90 seconds rule" which I find very usefull and true.

I consider myself a confident person. Very often, I start the conversation. Very often when someone new comes to my work, I try to talk to that person so that she does not feel alone at the beginning. Most often these are ordinary questions, what has been done before, how do you like the office.

Of course, I respect that someone is locked up and needs, more time to make contact and try to make contact and be forgiving, but sometimes it is exhausting when you try to talk, and this person does not show good will.

The first thing I liked about her presentation was a great example with links between people. It's nice when someone can visualize something in simple examples, which helps to understand the subject. Additionally, the speaker was confident and joyful, making it easy to listen.
I was a very social child, I was pretty popular at school too because I could easily hold a conversation with anyone and got along with everyone. As I got older I sort of lost that social ability. I'm not anti-social, I can talk to people. Indeed I find it easier talking to strangers than some family members! But I'm working on getting my old social skills back and thankfully I succeeded. How? The only way I can explain it is: Learn not to care, learn not to be nervous, learn not to be afraid of silences and just let conversations flow naturally. Humans are social creatures, just let it come naturally. You are what you imagine yourself to be, so imagine yourself as social and talkative.
Cecylia said…
I’ve always been an introvert person, since I was little, it droved me to depression but then my mum decide to send me to London for an English course and I traveled alone and lived with a family that I didn’t know. It was scary and hard but then I needed to accommodate. And I did it. The second time it was going to the USA and after a month of living in other country with a family that I berely known was really a big training to start being confident . The third thing is to have a child, them you are automatically confident enough . You have on choose especially when you telephone for an doctor appointment or ask for some infos. Right now i’m A totally different person and I believe that it’s much better !
Unknown said…
I am "confident enough" person. I am pretty sure that my confidence got stronger during my time at university, especially after my graduation. Being faced with adult person problems is good method to develop this skill.
I think that being introvert is not connected with being shy or confident in the way most of the people think. Introvert and extravert terms are over-inflated, and many human traits are wrongly interpreted with being one or another.
I love the way she gave this presentation, I really get interested in this topic. I think that she was very prepared and really understands what she was talking about.
Unknown said…
I think I am a confident person. Ok, it wasn't very confident - I am a confident person. And I am more an extravert, though sometimes I like to be alone and it feels very comfortable. I have no problems to spend the time without people. I don't know, how poor introverts survive in this crazy world. Even being an extravert sometimes I want to hide in my shell. Maybe introverts need it much more. I like introverts, they often have an interesting inner world. They don't like to express their feelings, but when the do, it is more important. About the speaker - she is very charismatic, nice sence of humor, the topic is interesting, I liked her examples.
Unknown said…
I most situations I think I am, but there is still sometimes whey I'd like to improve myself to feel more confident.

That's our nature. I accept them because I found myself as one of the representants of introverts. I have lots of friends and love to be around people, but I have some moments when I need time just for myself, to be alone and have time to clean up thoughts in my mind.

I liked: real-life examples, she felt like she know the topic she was talking about, the passion she shared with the audience, you could think from the body movement she enjoys the subject and wants to improve their lives
Unknown said…
Yes, I think I’m a confident person. I’m able to talk with strangers without a problem. Meeting new people is not a a problem at all too.
Introvert prefers to spend some time alone and may appear to be shy to others.
- she has very good argumentation
- she is very confident about the topic she speaks
- speech itself was very interesting

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