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Week 4 [16.04-22.04.2018] How language shapes the way we think

Week 4 [16.04-22.04.2018] How language shapes the way we think

Today I want to share with you this really interesting speech made by the Lera Boroditsky who is a cognitive scientist and professor known for her research in the fields of language and cognition. She shared with us interesting opinions about how our language has influance for our nature and abilities.

I have to admit that my first impression about this topic was feel that her opinions are a bit far-fetched but when I finished watching this speech I realized that her statements can have a sense.

She pointed example of Aboriginal community in Australia that uses that uses cardinal directions istead of left and right as we do. Because of this language difference they can easilly point their position any time which probalby will be a problem for most of us without using the GPS.

The next example was fact that in our languages we have words which describes numbers which let us count objects and "opens up the whole world of mathematics".

What most surprised for me was example of difference between an english and a spanish. When someone did something by an accident the english speaking people point who did this but a people who speak spanish highlight that it was happened by an accident.

I don't want to describe all of examples from their speach so I invite all of us to watch this video and I kindly ask you to answer the following questions.

1. Do you agree with the Charlemange, Holy Roman emperor's statement that "To have a second language is to have a second soul"?
2. Do you think that you behave a bit different when you speak in foreign language?
3. What do you think about this speech? Do you agree with Boroditsky's statements or do you think that language doesn't shape our mind at all?

Thank you for your attention. I hope that this article was not waste of your time and that you found something interesting in it. :)


Unknown said…
Great article.

There was a movie, released recently about 2 years ago, called 'Arrival'. The finale refers to the idea that language can not only change the way you think but also can be used as a tool or give abilities you were not aware of before. I don't want to reveal more, so you can watch it but anyway, after watching that movie I was quite fascinated about the topic so I did some research about how the languages affect our thinking.

I think your personality becomes richer with every language learned and understood. I think one could benefit, to some extent of course, from learning an appropriate language, which corresponds to one's talents and abilities.

I don't entirely agree that a new language will feel like having a different soul but I agree that it affects the behaviour and it sometimes feels like you have a spare personality to use.

I'm also curious if we could create new languages with certain purposes.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Thank you for your attention Wojtek and I am happy because of your fast response for my article. I didn't know about the movie which you have mentioned but I will certainly watch it someday. I agree with you that we won't have a superpowers becase of languages which we know but I think that this topic is even most interesting because it shows that even language subtleties have some influance of our behavior or abilities.
Unknown said…
I think that is a philosophical question and you can debate on it for a very long time. I personally understand those words a bit differently. I think the point was that second language changes your mindset when you speak it.
And I agree that knowing more than one language definitely change the way you perceive the world, especially if those languages are drastically different in comparison. Who knows what inner potential you can open in your mind by speaking multiple languages.
These statements are true even if we are talking about programming languages. Even though many modern programming languages are pretty much the same both syntactically and ideologically, some early pioneering languages differed in their approach to describe a solution to some particular problem.
Overall, interesting speech and interesting topic to choose.
Unknown said…
Thank you for your response Nazar! :) I think that your example of programmers who use different languages is awesome. I have never connected differences in our thinking with programming languages which we are use but in my opinion it can be a correct statement. Sometimes I feel that my logical thinking is closer to my colleagues who write in the same programming language as me.
Unknown said…
1. This is definitely, at least for me, an overstatement. Even according to her presentation. Most of the things she mentioned were subconscious effects. The language you speak doesn’t suddenly changes your personality, but it indeed opens you to new experiences and opportunities.
2. A bit I guess. What she said was convincing. Also, even though we are our own individuals we are definitely affected by the culture which language is part of. What can also be taken away from her presentation is that impact of the one language may remain even if we speak in another.
3. It was interesting. I’ve never really thought about this. She may be overemphasized impact of the language on our minds but there is some truth to that for sure.
Jakub Nietupski said…
Charlemagne's statement is very philosophical, because it's not obvious what they ment by soul. Nevertheless, it's true that language is an important part of nation's cultural heritage. Therefore, whether you want this or not, if you speak given foreign language then you are operating in it's cultural domain and that probably influences your inspirations and information that you get from the other people - information that can shape the way that you think.
I think it's true that using different languages changes - if not the way I behave as well - the way I think and express ideas. This is probably because when I was learning my native tongue as a small baby, I learned phrases to express myself all by myself and from my parents, and when I was learning English, I was doing it thorough textbooks and movies so probably when I speak I copy some patterns that I read and heard.
I agree with the speaker, mostly because most of our thoughts are verbalized so our abstract thinking is directly related to the langage we're using.
Filip Sawicki said…
1. His statement was very deep but also vague in meaning. He probably said that to motivate people to study another language for political reasons. Personally I think that ability to speak different languages is very important nowadays as it was back in those days.
2. I don’t think I behave differently while speaking another language. Sometimes there are some cultural constraints which prevent me from addressing words as I would like in my native language, but it doesn’t mean I am a different person by that.
3. I think that languages shape our minds by sharpening it, making us more intelligent and flexible. I also disagree with statement that each language has a specific, unique influence on our thinking.
Anna Koca said…
Charlemagne could be right - actually I am a strong believer of the hypothesis that language shapes the way we think. It was touched upon also in the setting of totalitarian regimes - one example could be George Orwell's newspeak introduced in "1984". The whole idea behind it was that the regime cut and deleted the words that could "raise an unwanted ideas" in the head of a citizen. It was believed that you could not have a destructive idea of a phenomenon, if there was no word to call that phenomenon. And actually it is a bit how things work - try to explain a word from distant language that doesn't have an equivalent in your mother tongue. It is not only the translation that poses a problem - it is often also the very understanding of the meaning of the word.
That is why learning new languages broadens your views not only in terms of getting to know customs from another culture, but also because every language has a few (or a lot) words that exist only in that language - and we may learn a lot from them.
Unknown said…
I think that you are right that it is hard to fully agree with her examples. I think that our language not define any super special powers but she shows that language which we are use can have subtle influance on our nature.
Vladlen Kyselov said…
I would like to say that having multiple language knowledge is always good, like you never know when you will be able to use it, but for sure it will be needed one day. I am from Ukraine, so Polish is a foreign language for me and I am agree that with not a native language it is hard sometimes to express exactly what you want to say. When I am trying to speak in Polish every time I am not confident if I am being understood correctly, which is a little bit depressing sometimes especially when I am having a bad day. It is really hard if you are not using another language like "every moment" to start thinking on it in the way you wish. I am about half a year in Poland and still I am not always can hear people speaking to me in Polish:)
Perhaps Charlemange was right, but what is so bad in having second "soul"? DIfferent peoples were creating their language affected by nature, historical happenings etc., so language is a way to understand the mindset and learn not only a new way to communicate but a new way to think. I totally act in a different way when speaking a foreign languages, mostly because i don't really feel confident in my skills or i really start to be affected by "energy" of a language. I think that people's mind shape a language, but in a small way, so that language was shaped for centuries and now it is so developed that it can affect people.
Unknown said…
Of course I agree with it, even in the Georgian language we have a similar expression "How many languages ​​you know, such many are you"

As for our movements and the behavioral part, I agree with this. In my opinion every language is a melody that has its own dance movements, and in any language should you speak, this language requires specific nonverbal movements, special gesticulation, and even relevant mimic. It's hard to imagine an Italian who speaks German and uses gesticulation characteristic of Italians.

I agree with the Boroditsky's statements, because I think language is a great influence on our mentality outlook and behaviour. The language is a living organism and it has not been created by accident, and a single word has not been created by accident as well. All words in all languages ​​are in something, which may result in some inclinations towards us.
Unknown said…
1. Every nationality is different because everyone speaks a different language, so I agree with her. Each language has its own phrases, which are unique. Not everything will be the same in every language, so our words in other languages will not have the same meaning.
2. I think yes because when I use foreign languages, it's usually when I'm at work or talking to stranger. Then I don't know why I'm serious, where I'm usually relaxed :P
3. The speech was unique. I have never heard of such thoughts, which are true. That is why it was worth listening to
Unknown said…
I don’t totally agree with it because it is too much if you say that you have second soul. I have no opinion about second question but maybe it’s possible. I agree that languages shape your mind. When you know different language you start thinking in different way. Every language has different construction. For example in Polish language we must be careful with repeating words but it doesn’t matter in English.
To my mind knowing more than 1 language doesn’t change our perception of this world but it definitely changes the way we think and behave.In fact everything changes it but it’s another topic to discuss :) To my humble opinion some languages just complicate people’s life.In this case when people get to know new language they get to know the whole new world.For example, as was mentioned that some languages doesn’t have numbers and you are not able to count anything.From this point of view you behave a bit different when you speak in foreign language.
Unknown said…
I'm happy that this presentation was interesting for most of us and it is nice to learn other examples how language shapes our behaviour and thinking. :)
Iman Masjedi said…
I don't think learning a new language will give you "a different persona" unless you believe that it does.
You may feel relaxed because words in a second language don't have the emotional connotations that you've attached to them in your first language. This "emotional detachment" may cause you to feel more relaxed and more extroverted.
However, if we accept the "nice effects" of language on behavior (often stereotypes about being more or less serious, romantic, rational, etc) we should also accept that language can cause other "less nice" effects like making us more or less racist, homophobic .
Besides, most people who claim to experience changes in their identity or behavior usually say that in relation to a language they learned as adults, not in relation to their first language.
Unknown said…
I can agree with that statement as speaking another language makes us to think a little bit differently, especially when we are living in the country where this language is used. I am curious what are the experiences of citizens of countries with more than one official language like Switzerland, Belgium or Canada. Another interesting question is in what language do the bilingual children think ?
I think that speaking a foreign language always changes our behavior to some extent, we think and act a bit differently trying to get on with people we are communicating with.
Presenter gave some very interesting points on how we are using language and how it influences our thinking and behaviour. She gave a good example with broken vase, which showed how event perception differs depending on the language we are speaking. This and other given examples proved that her statements seems to be true.
I think that language not only way to talk but also way to think because even compare to English, Polish and Ukrainian I feel in small things that when you use language the way of thinking changes to adapt things what you say to do this in more correct way to language users.
Illia Shynder said…
I absolutely agree with this statement. I think that everybody should speak at least 2-3 languages, because there is such phrase in Ukrainian: "you are a human as many times as many languages you know". I can notice that I behave and even think a little bit different when I'm talking in other language. And i think it's good and interesting. I think by learning new languages you can improve your creativity, your knowledge, make yourself more intelligent and more interesting for others. Plus, you can go different places and feel yourself free there, if you know local language.
Unknown said…
Of course, I agree with this statement. The second language is the chance to gain new contacts and trips to other countries with language skills.

Hard to say. I think it behaves the same. Speaking in another language does not change my behavior, at least I think so. I didn't have much opportunity to convince myself of it, but I think it will come soon.

Interesting speech. It was nice to hear thoughts about languages. I like this speech. It showed me an interesting look at the perception of languages.
Illia Lukisha said…
I'm agree. Because I speak 4 languages. And on every language I form sentences differently, and express the same thought another way. Even my voice sound another way. Also in different language are some words there are specific to mentality and traditions of some region, and this word is just absent in another language.
1. Yes, I would agree with the statement. I think people who speak other languages may think in different ways. Even knowing English and Polish , I can see a difference beetween those two.
2. As well I would say yes, as i mentioned before I could sense difference beetween speaking foreing language. Especially in programming, almost always its easier to read and go through documentation in english than in polish.
3.I think knowing 2 or more languages somehow shapes our way of thinking but I wouldn't say that changes our mentality completely.
Unknown said…
1. Do you agree with the Charlemange, Holy Roman emperor's statement that "To have a second language is to have a second soul"?
It depends on how we understand "to have a second language", but basically I do agree with Charlemange. Languages are our passports for new experiences we may gain in our lifetime.

2. Do you think that you behave a bit different when you speak in foreign language?
Yes it is quite common to change our voice level, accent and even gestures in context of explaining the same thing in different languages. We may even feel different because each of us associate foreign words separately, so your imaginations about one word in your native language are different than about same word in foreign one, aren't they?

3. What do you think about this speech? Do you agree with Boroditsky's statements or do you think that language doesn't shape our mind at all?
I definitely agree with Mrs. Boroditsky. Her arguments were very strong and I feel more than convinced, specially about the part of how our perception of the same situation differ among nations and their shapes of mind.
Unknown said…
Depends what is the meaning of 'having a second language'? If we are talking about the parents with different native language and the child speaking fluently with both of them, then yes. But it's not as same as someone, that studied other language without learning the culture of that language speaking people.

It depends - I know English for a long time (first English lessons I got before going to primary school) and I'm the guy, that has small switch in head when talking in this language. And I can't switch back to Polish and go back to English when speaking for a long time in foreign language.

Language always shape peoples minds, because there must me a language we are thinking in. And because of that we are viewing world differently, all our experience is defined by the language we are using each day.
Unknown said…
Do you agree with the Charlemange, Holy Roman emperor's statement that "To have a second language is to have a second soul"?
In general yes, I agree. Maybe the literally not make a lot of sense but the context and meaning have the thing in my opinion.
Do you think that you behave a bit different when you speak in foreign language?
Yes, I heard once about that. If we speak in different language we could make different decisions. It is caused by that we use other parts of brain when we speak in foreign language.
What do you think about this speech? Do you agree with Boroditsky's statements or do you think that language doesn't shape our mind at all?
I think this speech was very good and raise important issue. I personally agree with speaker after provided examples.
Jakub Lisicki said…
I wouldn't call speaking a second language equal to having a second soul, but it surely affects the way in which the people behave. All of us know that there are things that sound pretty bizzare in some of the languages, while being completely reasonable in the other languages. I love the example of some of the languages having an impact on how people perceive directions and how it trains them to keep track of them at all times. I guess the comparison to having another soul isn't so bad though, as languages require us to change our way of thinking almost at all times.
I think that I do behave in a bit different way while speaking (or trying to speak) other languages. I sometimes happen to describe the same thing in a really different way in different languages. Just like in the languages comparison brought up in the video.
I think that this presentation was conducted in a really interesting way and even though it wasn't short for such a topic, it stayed relatively interesting to the end of it. I agree with the influence that languages have in terms of our terms of thinking.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Yes of course, because if we speak in other language we have to think in different way.
I have family in USA and I see those differencies each time we speak to each other.
That speach was very interesting and it shows an unique point of view at very complex topic.
Unknown said…
Yes, I agree with this statement. I'm going to dive deeper into this topic. I would say that we act diffrent not only beacause of the language itself, but also because we're watching and follow people who speaks that language. Let me explain. Every time I'm watching video on YouTube - topic doeasnt matter, but in this case lets assume that this video is conected with personal development - people uses specific phrases, so they can profit from "power of word", and evey languge has their own dictionary with specific words, one of them are just words, but the others have "little bit of power" in convincing people. Thats why we can't directly translate phrases, because in other language it doesnt make sence. Another argument - "we do what we see" - we act like people we're watched, imitate their behaviour, and every behaviour is diffrent in each culture(language) - Inevitably we will be act diffrent. Another one, there are some words, for example in english, that are "social acceptable" and we can use it easly in public, but in polish we're not allowed to use it because of it negative message. In other language, this specific word has more power, more influance on people, so people care.
It all comes with shaping our mind, it's all connected. I can say on my example, I'm little bit difrent person when I'm speaking english, everything is more smooth, cause I've watched a lot of english speakers and learn from them.
Unknown said…
1. I do not agree. I consider that the state of soul does'nt depend on the language in which you speak. 2. I agree. The way I speak another language depends on my vocabulary. Therefore, when I begin to learn a new language, I exclusively teach words that will be important in everyday life and words that I may need in the work sphere. 3. I believe that language forms our mind and our thoughts, but not the soul. By basic phrases and words, one can draw a conclusion about the interests and interests of the interlocutor. To learn a language is an important thing, what words you use and what you talk about will be taken into account in society.
Unknown said…
I more agree than disagree, knowing another language give you opportunity to learn a new culture and get a new understanding of things, so probably that may be called a soul.

I can't say that a human changes a lot in its behavior, probably sometimes in happens because of luck of knowing-words and we replace it the phrase from some movie or etc.

It was an interesting info for me , I think I answered this question before. I prefer this vision of knowing-languages more.
The same lecture was sent to me by a friend from Ukraine who lives in Poland. It's funny that the subject associated me with the movie entitled Arrival, to which someone also referred in the comments. Both Tedx lecture and film refer to the theory that the language we speak defines a way of thinking. I agree with the views of Charlemange and Boroditsky. Learning a different language is also learning about the culture of another nation. There are words in other languages ​​that do not have their equivalents in Polish and the opposite. Certainly, the way of thinking is expanding and is not limited to just one culture.
Unknown said…

Yes, i'm agree with tis statement. But i think that is connected with limits that put foreign languages ​​to us. We always have to first think about what we want to convey and then put it in words that best reflect what we want to convey. It's little limit for us.
I know that i behave different using foregin language. I don't feel so good as when i speak fluently my native language so i behave more uptight and i need to devote more attention to the interlocutor.
At the end i totally agree with this statement that language shape our mind. Languages are connected with nationality and i think that people from various nationality are thinking in another way.
"To have a second language is to have a second soul"? yes its a great statement but i prefer to think that having a second language is like having a brother from another mother. There are so many opportunities locked behind language barrier, so man interesting stories to hear, places to see and friendships to make and we lock ourselves out of them by being ignorant on them.
2.Yes i do, i believe everybody does. Different languages free our mind from our local conventions. Its like being away from home, family people we know to strangers we can be anyone and i think the same applies with languages.
3. i disagree the way we speak, way we call things we interact with world surrounding us has huge impact of how we think. Language is a way to describe things if that way changes our thinking changes too.
Marcin Górski said…
Yes, I agree with that statement. Thanks for the new language you can think in a different way and be proud of yourself.
I think that I can change my behavior a little bit. It's everything because I'm scary of that I can choose bad word or something like that. I have to think about that and I'm probably shy - maybe if I would talk more in foreign language I will be more confident in these situations.
I think that I have answered last question in the first paragraph of my post :)
Thanks for your article!
I speak 3 languages and I am the same person. the sapir-whorf hypothesis has been disproven. only Berkeley would push this theory. papillon and butterfly give me the same thought. this theory denies the fact that a person can transform her language or use it poetically or creatively. it assumed language acts upon us in an absolute sense and that a person can't use language/a corpus creatively.
Foodocado said…
I do not agree that having a second language is like having a second soul. Any new language won't change your behavior or won't change you into someone else.

Yes, I agree that the way I behave is a bit different in different languages. Everything depends on vocabulary we know etc.
Unknown said…
Thank you very much for your attention and I hope that it was an interesting topic for most of you. I have to say that I learned a lot from your comments and I heard here a lot of exciting examples.

To sum up, most of us agreed that we behave a bit differently every time when we speak in another language. I think that it is something true in Jakub Syta's statement that other people who speak in some language have an influance for us during our learning process. They share their culture when we interact with them which also can change our behaviour because we try to blend in some social group.
Cecylia said…
I’m polish and French at one and every time I change the language I feel actually the same . Maybe I didn’t understand this topic but when I translate things i’m still the same person using the same tone . Actually when I speak polish I have issues with telling the right thing because I have a french logic in speaking and there are times that someone is unable to understand my polish because I used French style of phrases . It’s hard to explain, but I don’t know is it like a second soul.
Unknown said…
I think that it is harder for you to see the difference because also a Polish and a French are your native languages.
Unknown said…
I agree that language has a big impact of way that we are thinking and sometimes you can't pass information in the same shape that you could do it in another, but I think that comparing soul to language is an exaggeration.
I think that I sometimes behave a bit different when I speak in foreign language especially I am not that confident when I can't express my thoughts as well as in my native language.
I am somewhere between and I think that this is very difficult subject to discuss without knowing at least two languages at perfect level.
Cecylia said…
Yes I think that the thing . Native languages
Unknown said…
I wish I could learn more languages. It is an amazing feeling when you can communicate with strangers of a different culture, it is the other level of freedom. So maybe I don't agree with the exact statement, but I guess, I am agree with the meaning. I do think that I behave different, I am the other person, other gesticulation, tone. I have tried to learn many languages, but, unfortunately, I have lost my skills without the practice. I hope one day, I could find time to learn Italian - that one is my favorite. The languages shapes our mind for sure. And you could never understand the whole culture of a country without knowing the basics of their language. Because the language always shows the philosophy.
Unknown said…
I have many friends who were brought up in two different languages. I can sense the difference in their character when they speak in each language. It's funny, but some of them, for example, is making jokes only in on language, if they talk their second language they are much less funny.
Speaking in a foreign language is a different history. It's mostly based on how well you know the language and how you feel using it. I think if you managed to touch confident in the foreign language you behave the same.
I think language shapes our minds, because of the different structure of any language we have to make sam changes in our minds to use it - what comes with it we change ourselves.

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