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Week 8 [15.05 - 21.05.2017] 5 most important breakthroughs of the past 10 years.

5 most important breakthroughs of the past 10 years: what technologies have changed our lives?

Smartphones, ebook readers, tablets or Virtual reality. Some of them did not exist ten years ago, about some knew only few. Thanks to these inventions and their popularization, our lives have changed unrecognizably over the past decade.

5. Ebook readers
Kindle was not the first ebook reader on the market, however thanks to it the popularity of this type of equipment exploded. What makes that in the world of smartphones and tablets so many people decide to buy a device intended primarily for reading? It's all about the screen made in e-paper technology. Not only it is as eye-catching as traditional paper, it consumes very little energy and thanks to that we can read a few books on a single device. Last year around 25 million ebook readers were sold worldwide.

9. Czytniki ebooków

4.  Android
The development of the smartphone market and its differentiation we owe primarily to Android. The free open system gives phone manufacturers a huge field to show off. Different smartphones have different menu look and many unique features and functions and at the same time, almost all of them have access to the same Play Store, which has millions of sensational apps available. When in 2008, HTC Dream appeared in stores which was the first device with Android on board, hardly anyone could have predicted that a few years later the annual sales of devices with this platform would come close to a billion.

3. Virtual and extened reality

This boom is actually just getting started. Although only few people have VR helmets, devices of this type are already aroused great interest. It is possible that over the next ten years they will change our lives to such extent that we cannot even imagine. Samsung Gear VR goggles have already hit the market, Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR and HTC Vive are coming soon. And that's not the end, because the bright future awaits also the extended reality - it's hard not to be impressed with the huge possibilities of Microsoft HoloLens glasses. Watching movies, communicating with friends, games where we can really feel like we are in another world… the experiences of new technologies have never been so amazing.

2. Tablets
This category of devices has literally shot up - when in 2010, the first iPad appeared on the market. For voices of the surprise there was no end - many people claimed that the tablet is just a bigger smartphone and that having such a device makes no sense. Sales figures, however, spoke for themselves. Tablets are great for entertainment and work and increasingly popular hybrids combine the functionality of tablets and notebooks. For the purchase of the tablet about 300 million people decide each year. 

1. Smartphones
Victory in this ranking could not have happened to anything else. The era of modern smartphones based primarily on large touch screens started well in 2007 with the release of the first iPhone. Thanks to these small devices we can not only call, but also have a permanent connection to the network, listen to music, watch movies, play, use GPS navigation or take beautiful photos. Today hardly anyone imagine life without a multifunctional phone in their pockets - in 2014, over one billion smartphones were sold worldwide. And still ten years ago, if someone red the description of the contemporary phone and its capabilities, he would go and have his brains examined.

·        What is the most important tech breakthrough of the past 10 years in your opinion?
·        Which invention of the technology of 10 last years you cannot do without?
·        What will be the most important tech breakthrough in the following years?

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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
From the all above mentioned inventions I like smartphones the most, of course, as I can't imagine single day without them. Althought, the most genius thing for me is the GPS itself, designed originally for the militarian purpose. How we could ever live without it...?
If talking about possible future tech breakthrough - I'm waiting for cheap public flying streetcars without drivers ;) The ones which could take any passenger anywhere, example straightly to their homes, not only on the way to car/bus stops.
Unknown said…
Interesting juxtaposition. I agree that invention of smartphones was a breakthrough. Now we can take photos, call, send and receive messages - emails, smses, some other communicators, surf Internet with just one device, which suits most of the pockets. It was really innovative and this technology still develops - we have waterproof smartphones etc.
I really like ebook readers, but I'm not sure if it was a breakthrough, while you can read books on tablets and phones. I think that hybrid car or some device that allows you to do something at home intead of going somewhere would be a better 5th place.
Unknown said…
I think that the most important breakthrought of last 10 years is smartphone. I couldn't live wihout it. Computer is as important as smartphone for me. I have never used ebook. I prefer to hold book in hands and I like to have different books on my shelves. About tablet I don't need it. It's a little computer and phone. Computer and phone are enough for me. Sometimes I think that people buy tablets because they want to have what other people have. A lot of my friends have tablets but they don't use them as often as other devices.
VR is new invention. I think it will be the biggest breakthough of next 10 years. I have played with Oculus. It is amazing. When I was young I wanted to be in game with my body.
Unknown said…
To be honest, my first reaction after I so this compilation was "What? But those technologies was all the time since I born!". And then I realized that I remember the time when there was no touchscreens, no tablets, no mobile internet and even times when... there was no Android! Yeah, it's hard to believe...
Interesting paradox - world should change even faster in the future, but for the past 5 years nothing has changed(except virtual reality and number of Youtube users). Obviously there is a lot of new technologies coming like self-driving cars, drones, artificial intellegence and so on, but none of them didn't affect our lives since they are only on a prototype stage. So I think that the most of breakthroughts will only come in next 10 years. And that's amazing :)
Anonymous said…
The most important breakthrough in my opinion is an Adroid. Nowadays many devices can use it, not only smartphones. There are more and more apps and possibilities.
It's nothing to be proud of, but I could have problems trying live without a smartphone. I even haven't noticed when it came to be an essential part of my everyday life. And I'm not thinking about using Facebook or taking selfies, but sometimes I really need it for example to quick check something in the Internet like train schedule or maps.
I've heard about an equipment which is used by surgeons to do surgery from another part of world. They have something like gloves by which they can control a robot in operating room and save someone's life.
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In my opinion smartphones deserved the top position. Nowadays, for most of us it is hard to imagine just one day without smartphone. I think it’s great that we have instant access to the Internet, GPS navigation, ability to play music, take photos and so on, all of this in one pocket-size device. Smartphones (and mobile phones in general) totally changed the way we live. Prior to the era of mobile phone networks, there was no way to quickly communicate with other people. Now we are able to contact almost anyone, anywhere in the world, at any time and we fear losing this possibility even for a couple of hours. Initially we used simple mobile phones and services like voice calls or SMSes. Later we switched to smartphones, which make use of slightly different communication and network technologies, resulting in a creation of new forms of online communication. But the mechanism is still the same and we took a step further - now we always stay online instead.
It’s a pretty safe bet that next ten years will belong to VR/AR and AI. I’m looking forward to the innovations in these areas.
In my opinion the most important breakthroughs are Android and smartphones. Both of these technologies are very useful, but their combination gives us huge opportunities. Fortunately I am not addicted to smartphones, but I can see how these devices make our lifes easier. It is very hard to predict what will be the most important breakthroughs in the following years, I've read every day about amazing inventions, so it is hard to say which is the most important.
Unknown said…
In my opinion, the most important tech breakthrough is Power Via Wi-Fi . Wireless Power has been in the works since Nikola Tesla first experimented with it in the 1890s. In 2016, the technology and a practical application finally came to fruition. The new technology, called backscattering, uses selective portions of a radio wave signal (like Wi-Fi) to power low voltage devices. It promises to make the Internet of Things scale faster and not get accidentally unplugged.
Unknown said…
Imo smartphones changed the world tremendously. Pocket size computers everyone has and can take everywhere is something from an old sci-fi movie. Other than that, technology is developing so fast that next 10 years is goin to be very interesting. Speech recognition/translation in real time in x languages? Autonomous cars? Smart houses? Internet of things? There are countless applications, uses, ways. All for the benefit of humanity of course, I hope so.
Unknown said…
In my opinion the most important breakthrough is smartphone. If I don't have to work then I don't even need to turn on the computer, because I can do everything on my smartphone: receive e-mails, chat with friends through messenger, use the browser etc. The advantage is that this device is lightweight and I can always have it with me. I think the most important tech breakthrough in the following years will be VR or drones. VR can be a good tool for creating simulations eg for architects, I also heard about its use in the treatment of phobias. But drones are also experiencing lush development and they are increasingly used not only for make movies from high altitudes.
I think the most important breakthrough is definitely Android and smartphones. People couldn't live without it these days. It is easy to use, it is helpful and we just get used to it because it's really convenient. You have all world just under your finger. Dictionaries, maps, languages, knowledge, mail, contacts, everything in one place, in a small device hidden in your pocket. This is amazing!
I think that the breakthrough in the last 10 years is of course the smartphones and VR. Smartphones have given a great impetus to the development of mobile applications , operating systems , and to develop mobile hardware. In turn, this has created a new device (E.g. raspberry pi). VR gave impetus not only in the gaming industry , as it may seem , but in medicine , construction and so on.

Of course, without a smartphone , not a day goes by when I don't use , and of course it is less useful without a wired Internet networks ,which has considerably changed over the past 10 years.

I think in the future will greatly develop VR technology , 3D printers , artificial intelligence, and of course, the neural network machine learning.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
In my opinion the most important breakthrough is a rapid growth and deep integration of smartphones into our everyday lives. Smartphones provide a platform for third-party devices and applications that can give us infinite possibilities for getting information and other purposes. Recently I was on a trip and forgot to charge my smartphone, I felt like a went back to a stone age - I had to constantly ask people where to go because I had no map anymore, I couldn't check details about the sights I visited, tried to rent a bike but couldn't do it without registering myself online, well - I even couldn't check time:) So I think that carry-on device that provides you with any required information is the most important breakthrough.
Unknown said…
It's funny that the fourth position is Android, while the first one is Smartphones and... iOS on the screen ;) but of course I know it's coincidence.

I fully agree with those who believe that smartphones deserve for the first place. I think it's the most important breakthrough. I mean IT breakthrough (if I can called so). I use my smartphone very often. It helps me at work. Sometimes I think how hard it would be to work without it. The same time it can be sad. Some years ago people didn't have smartphones and they lived and worked, but in my case work, smartphones, the Internet are connected.

What's more, my smartphone helps me in daily life. Using public transport, visitng new places, reading news or just playing. Smartphones changed world so much that I think it fully deserves for the gold.
From the inventions you mentioned, I think that the smartphones changed our life the most.
It’s really hard for me to imagine my day without my smartphone, I might be even slightly addicted to it.
Smartphones give us possibility to do almost everything that we needed computer, but its small and portable.
However, I don’t think that VR will be such a gamechanger. I think that it’s really overhyped.
Vyvyan said…
Definitely, smartphones are the most important tech breakthrough of recent years. Why? Because it's something more than just a phone now. Right now smartphones have created different gaming genre which expanded then to tablets (mobile games).
It's also something that I cannot live without. Look at it that way:
I'm stuck in some random place and I'm going to be late to work. I can use remote desktop applications from my smartphone to do the job, and inform my boss via mail that such situation occured.In my opinion the most important breakthrough that is yet to come will be fully transfering human mind into virtual space. We have already achieved virtual reality that allows us to feel like we are inside game or some place, but we have yet to achieve full transfer of human consciousness into computer.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
In my opinion the most important breaktrough of last 10 years is smartphone because it contains e-book readers, tablets and part of virtual reality. Of course, every of those inventions dedicated for one purpose are better than smartphone. I used to read books on e-book reader and I'm really satisfied. It's better than reading on tablets or smatphone because of special kind of screen and e-ink technology. It quite the same effect like reading usual paper book :).
Wojtek Kania said…
I agree with your choices. But I must say that...first smartphone was iPhone, first tablet was iPad, first system for mobile devices was iOS. All of them was made by Apple with amazing leader - Steve Jobs. Now Steve's dead...and Apple can't make any amazing product. I think we should be follow new Jobs - Elon Musk. Steve changed our entertainment world. Elon will change our future - with electric cars, with Falcons, with new super fast trains.
Magdalena Popek said…
In my opinion technology is developing so rapidly it's difficult to state which invention is the most important breakthrough. But I would say it's selfdriving cars. Why not smartphones? Because they are just better developed phones. And self driving car is a completely new thing. Car with no driver and having smaller probability of having an accident is a really impressive achievement.
Of course I couldn't do without my smartphone (as laptops are not from past ~10 years). It is my mini personal computer and Google Maps is a life savior.
The greatest breakthrough of next following years in my opinion will be mastering 3D printing human organs.
If we are counting only the mentioned tech, I would chose smartphones. Of course the smarthphone is the one thing that many people cannot function today. And it is a pocket size device through which we have access to all knowledge our species accumulated. In the following years autonomous cars will start driving on our roads. I think it will be a nice breakthrough. :)
I think that the biggest breakthrough for last 10 years were smartphones. Smartphones have changed our lives. I can't imagine myself living without smartphone. They give us unlimited access to information, they are way of communication way better than normal phones were, using videos photos we can show our friends a lot more than just using text. For next ten years i think that virtual reality or holographic headsets will be next big change, because when we will have a possibility to miniaturize these devices to size of normal or little bigger glasses this will change our world entirely because we will have instantaneous access to virtual world without losing a sight of the real one.
Unknown said…
I think that the most unbelievable invention is VR and AR. Even now, when we have an access to those technologies, for me it's difficult to believe that something like this exist. We have our reality and someone decided to put another one in it which feels like a real one! Breathtaking! The same is with Augmented Reality. You are looking at the real things and also can see something that doesn't belong to this world.
Of course, the most important invention for me is smartphone. I can't image my everyday life without it. I can tell a lot about them, but I guess everything already was told. It's just an essential part of my life.
For the following years the most important will be developing of the VR. Uncounted opportunities are hidden in the virtual world.
Unknown said…
I agree with you that one of the most important tech breakthrough are smartphones. The possibility to connect smartphones to internet made them the most popular devices. It is incredible that you have so many information in so small machine.
Michał Pycek said…
I also thought about smartphone example as if it was old and existed since I was born, but right away I realized that actually yes, it is a breakthrough and we have been living without it for years. In my opinion all of the mentioned examples are indeed breakthroughs and they have created new paths, new fields and new quality in term of technology, however the smartphone example is the most interesting and important to me. The era when we used to click many times on a small keyboard in order to write a short message has passed and now we just touch the screen, speak to our mic and give voice commends or use our fingers and touch unlocking system in order to control our smartphone. I think this is something that human beings should be proud of.
If I can choose from only the mentioned techology, I will choose smartphones. Nowadays, people can't live without them. Just go for a trip by a train or bus and see all of those people who use them for watching videos, listeing music and surfing in the Internet. ;) Smartphones are our mini-PC.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…
E-book is very good invention but i dont think so its breakthoughts because world can live without this invention and paper books is also very good thing where you can take it and read. Yeah android is very good breakthoughts and i think the biggest operating system on mobile phones or tablets. Its really simple to use and doesnt has a lot of mistake and bugs. Virtual and extened reality its good invention but i cant talk a lot about this because i have never use it but maybe in future its gonna play very important role for example to alone people to meet other lonely people in virtaul. Smartphone and tablets i will collect in the same group because its very similar invention. This Breakthoughts help most of people to do some important,private or casual things in the most places in the world. In this things you have your private computer near to you and you can use it when you want
Adam Paśniczek said…
In my opinion the Smartphone’s are to most innovative of all technologist of the past 10 years. It changes everything starting with cell phones, music’s and games industries. Since then ( when the first iPhone had appeared ) all these important thing we need is on one device. It is hard to image return to the old cell phones after using e.g. the iPhone.
One more thing should be taken into consideration – the drones. It is kind of technology which develops in front of our eyes. Not only in our private lives but also in army or maybe in espionage.
Unknown said…

I guess I would have problems with living without a smartphone at first, but it's all a matter of habit. Not using it for long enough would probably just cure me from the "need", and android is just an operating system. If it wasn't there something else would, not to mention not all mobile devices actually run on it. Same goes with ebook readers, it's just a more convenient way of reading a book, not much of a revolution there, people who never read books still never read them and there's still someone who has to write that book. Virtual reality is hardly developed enough, right now it feels a lot like a gimmick, I think it was around for over two decades but never was viable enough to make money, that might change soon but for now it's just a toy for slightly richer people.
I think real technological breakthroughs are happening in fields like medicine, agriculture or even spaceflight. Tablets, smartphones and virtual goggles are just entertainment.
Well, the most important breakthrough is of course the Internet. It was invented a little bit earlier but for sure it became really popular in the past 10 years. It has impact on every aspect of our life. From the way we work, to the way we spent free time. Nowadays even fridge has Internet access.

I can't live without my smarthphone. I read a lot of technical stuff and 90% of time use a phone.

Next important breakthrough could be some technology that would allow us to travel through space for a really long distance.

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