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Week 3 [20.03-26.03.2017] Protein and Dukan diet

What is protein?

Protein is one of the most important ingredients, which we should give our bodies with food. It consists of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur. Every protein which we eat is made of aminoacid which we use to build our body.

What kinds of protien are there?

Complete protein with high value. They are for example protein from egg, milk, breast milk, cheese, meat, poultry and fish.
Incomplete protein with low value. They are for example protein from grain, vagetables, potatoes. Leguminous plant have the most value.
In our diets we should have the most food from animals. They give our body the most aminoacid and minerals which body needs to function.

How much protein should we eat every day?

protein is 12%-14% of what we need.

This is why Dukan diet is not good.

In Dukan diet you eliminate carbohydrate and fats and you eat a lot of protein. In this diet you eat 2,0 - 3,0 g protein for one kilogram body weight every day - more than we need.

What will happen if you eat to much protien for 1-2 weeks and longer?

Acidification of body, which is result of meatabolism of protein. When you use highprotein diet you can have problem with:

-losing hair
-musle pain
-body weakness

To sum up if you want to be healphy, slim, full of energy it is important that you have in your diet all nutrients in good proportion.

carbohydrate  50-60% 300-340g
protien about 15%        80g
fats        about 30%       75-80g
In diet of about 2000 - 2500 calories a day

What do you think about the dukan diet?
Do you eat healthy?



Unknown said…
I don't believe in diets and above all I don't believe in monodiets. The most important thing is that our way of eating will be balanced, we need all the macronutrients. Of course, if we exercise these proportions they change a bit.

I think I eat healthy but I don't eat meat (sometimes fish). In my opinion we could balanced our diet only just by trying what products work on us worse and what are better for us. Now there are also many tests for food intolerance. If we are constantly feeling weak or we have other strange ailments and we don't know why is it so I think worth trying to do such tests. In the end, the saying "you are what you eat" not lie ;)
Unknown said…
This presentation shows that the Dukan diet is bad. Honestly I don't knew about the existence of the Dukan diet. I don't have diet but I try as far as healthy eating, but as a student sometimes doesn't go :) I like eat a lot of eggs and cooked meat :)
Unknown said…
I've heard about those diets, but I think that diet that depends on eating specific dishes or short list of products. Some may say that I'm not an expert - and this is true - but I know that restrictions in products aren't good. I mean, it may be boring - how long can you eat same dish? And another one is that if you're using strict diet and you miss some element - there is no natural chance to get it from food, because your food is not varied. I believe that this is important to eat healthy, not too much and sometimes you can have a "cheat day" :)
Unknown said…
I totally agree. In my opinion the trick to be healthy is to eat everything you like to and feel like eating at a given moment, because that's probably what you the most need at that time.
That's ridiculous for me to sit and counting the calories in our food before consuming anything.
I try to eat healthy, but occasional pizza/hamburger is my guilty pleasure. Usually i eat a lot of veggies during a day and make one or 2 "green" shakes per day (apple, kiwi, broccoli, spinach - its awesome, try it out!) Never tried dukan diet, mostly because I dont feel very well after eating a lot of meat, so instinctively i avoid eating a lot of it. Recently I try to minimise amount of animal sourced proteins, so it would be hard for me to try this diet.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Fortunately I can eat what I want in different amounts and I don't gain much weight, but recently I started to eat healthy because it's not only about weight, but about the whole health condition. I can confirm that this Dukan diet works, based on my girlfriend's experience. It works better when it's combined with sports, but avoiding wheat and consuming more protein is a good idea anyway, whether it's Dukan diet or not.
Unknown said…
I started being interested in healthy diet about two years ago. My little brother had some problems with health and that was an imperative for all our family to change our diet a lot and permanently. I care about what I eat, I read what is written on the labels on packed food in shops, I try to eat a lot of vegetables every day and control my calories level. I feel much better now after some time and I lost weight. I know what I eat - more or less, of course you can't know and predict everything - and I feel good with my body. But here we are speaking of sort of diet for short time. This is never good for our body. If we want to be healthy and loose weight, we have to change our feeding in general, change our lifestyle. Short time diets works only for a short time and usually distune our organism, which is never good for us. I know it is really really hard to change our way of living and it is impossible to do it immediately. But if we start from just couple of rules, and after adding more of them and is possible. The question is how much do you care and how much are you motivated? :)
I believe that dukan diet works. Protein makes you fill full quicker and for a longer period of time than carbohydrates, and on this diet you basically eliminate two major energy sources for your body.
On this diet you can be almost certain that you’ll lose a lot of weight, but I don’t believe that it’s healthy.
On this diet you eat mostly meat, which contains a lot of purines, too much of them can cause gout which is a form of inflammatory arthritis.
Unknown said…
I am not interested in diet topic but I think a key to success is balance. In my opinion looking good is not only about being skinny, but about being well build, so you need to do sports as well, so you need energy so dukan diet won't work.Simple :D.
Sadly I'm too lazy to eat healthy, I can't cook and I'm not in a mood of learning to do so, so I'm often just ordering any well-prepared pizza or eating outside of hourse. This is one of those interesting topics that I always want to make use of in my life, but sadly I never have enough of willings to do so.

Thanks for a nice read.
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Unfortunately, the protein diet is suitable for a small number of people, even if it can be very effective in terms of weight loss.
But having any liver disease, kidney or stomach, the protein diet can only exacerbate the condition. My opinion is that just need to eat right and balanced, without resorting to fashionable diets that can deprive the most important thing - health.
I've tried dukan diet. It was effective, quite fast I got my goal weight. After the first step, where you eat only proteins, I've returned to my usual meals, it was my mistake. I struggled with the yoyo effect. Also even though I'm not suffering from liver or stomach illness, during that diet I felt horrible. Now I'm trying to reduce suggar, avoid fast food and eat my veggies :)
Unknown said…
Well, I've never had time nor will to get into 'the world of diets'. I just know that it's a big big world with a big big industry of books, recipes, magic spells and everyone has 'the right' diet for you. I do not deny that proper eating is very important for staying healthy and such. I wish I knew more about it, had more time to follow a proper diet. The only diet I came across which sounds not bad is 'Warriors diet'. The rules are simple and oh they do fit in my schedule, just like an ancient warrior you don't eat much whole day (maybe one or two veggies) because they hunted, they feasted on their hunting spoils at night. That's all, simple and clever ;)
Heard about it few years ago it was very popular especially for people training weight lifting and kick-boxing. Had two friends using it - one had problems with kidneys after few months of using it. The other one had very good gains from it and love it. So I think for some scope of people it may work good. There are many different test about it and you really cannot say which one of them are truth - maybe both ?
I had never heard about Dukan Diet before. To be honest, I've never been interested in diets, because I never had problems with my weight and health. I eat everything what I like and I feel fine, but I care what I eat. My meals are balanced and contain almost all elements which are good for health. Furthermore, I excercise at home (gym is a waste of money and time for me) so I feel great!
I think the Dukan diet may work , but not for all , as it is very individual , Yes protein is very important component but I think that the strategy of spending more calories than they use will work much better. A healthy diet is very important in everyday life , but I think you need to watch not only what you eat but also in what portions and how many times a day.
I eat as healthy as I can, but for me eating "healthy" doesn't mean to follow any specific diet, especially mono diet. I just try to listen to my body and eat in a way that is healthy and natural. As I feel ok, don't have any weight problems and the results of my medical examinations are good, I don't want to change my approach to nutrition.
I think that most of diets are making more bad than good to our bodies. Most of them are not balanced and their only goal is to decrease our body weight with no taking care about costs. Only diets I respect and could apply to my eating habits are those which are made by specialists, dietitians, because are made by people who have knowledge about human physiology and what we should eat. About my eating habits it's kinda complicated because I don't have some. I eat when I need to, trying to reduce any sweets, eating more vegetables and fruits but it's hard to do when I spend more time at lectures and than I eat more junk food.
Unknown said…
I think eating healthy has no way to work with diets, Dukan diet too. I never counted calories or proteins in my food, I just know what is good for my health and what is not. Our bodies always give us clues about the food we are eating. More food that gives you energy, more water, less junk food and you are done. Add some sports and you are a healthy person with a lot of energy.
KamilG said…
I've heard about Ducan diet, but I never tried it. Many specialists say it's a harmful diet for people. I have no opinion about that, because I talked with people who used it and there were both positive and negative opinions. In general I'm against any universal diet for everyone. For people with obesity as well as for people who just want to lead a helathy lifestyle. We diverge from ourselves by body composition, age, level of activity, gender and many other factors. Also, not everyone can eat everything, some people have an allergy for lactose which is in dairy, some for gluten, some have specific disease required special diet. Because of things I mentioned previously I think this diet is dangerous for people who don't have awareness about diets, body's functioning. I pointed out that author's intention was to show this diet in bad light, I strongly support him.
Michał Pycek said…
I don't believe in any type of diets to be honest, but I have heard about this one before. I just try to eat fairly healthy, avoid fast foods and sugar. I try to eat 4 meals a day but sometimes I do it less often and I feel the consequences afterwards, so I think also the time and discipline of eating matters to our health.
I've been on this diet a couple of times and it really works but I don't think this diet is good for health or for longer period of time. It takes a lot of discipline and time to be on this diet or any other diet. There are cons and pros of it and always so many opinions as people. And I dont know what to think about it right now. Im not on it but maybe in the future I will try it again. We'll see. Every time I've been on this diet it worked so it can't be that bad if it works.
Magdalena Popek said…
1. There are some plant containing complete protein (soya for example).
2. "In our diets we should have the most food from animals. They give our body the most aminoacid and minerals which body needs to function." NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. Our diet should be plant-based contining only some percent of animal product. There are many plants containing more protein than meat. And consuming so much saturated fatty acids (found in, oh, animal products) can lead to serious circulatory system diseased and heart problems. And as far as I know it's plants that are full of minerals, not necessarily meat.
3. You did not mention the biggest problem concerning eating only animal-derived protein: higher risk of cancer, serious kidney problems.
Dukan diet is one of the worst diets ever (together with 1000kcal diet and some more). The key to healthy life is to eat various products (mostly fruit and vegetables), exercise and eat as little processed food as possible. Even if you are skinny because you were born this way you should think about your health - it's not always what you can see and once you start having health issues it may be hard to fix.
Vyvyan said…
I never was on diet. And I don't want to be on diet. It's not like I think they are not working. I'm sure that for some people they are super effective. Every human is different and I know the best what I can eat to be healthly and full of energy.
Wojtek Kania said…
I don't like monodiets. I don't understand vegetarians, vegans, fruitarians, etc. I think we need everything in our diet. Proteins, carbs and fats (healthy of course). And if I want to be healthy I should eat meat, fish, vegetables (greens, reds, yellows), fruits. The most important thing is not eat too much, and eat regularly.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
I don't believe in only one right diet. In my opinion we can/should try as much dishes as we want but in healthy borders. I understand vegetarians because many of them are trying to show that annimals are treated really bad. My opinions is rather opposite about vegans. Ok, they are fighting about the same things as those above but I don't think so that their diet is healthy...
Unknown said…
In my opinion, in case of loosing weight (main reason of using diets) if we don't play any sport, go to gym or do anything that stimulate our body to burn fat we won't succeed. Diet is important but it should be consulted with doc.
For last month I started to eat healthy - more fruits, vegetables, 0 fast foods, meal after every 3h and I have to say that I feel much better, less bored, more power (I used to drink three coffee a day, now I'm drinking just one).

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