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Week 3 [20.03-26.03.2017] Climate Science

We all know about the phenomenon of global warming. This term sounds like a terrible fairy tale from childhood - scientists talk about climate change for many years, but in fact ... Nothing happens! I learned about the global warming in 10 years, and since then nothing has happened - no floods, tsunamis, and in general catastrophes associated with climate change.
Donald Trump, for example, believes that it is too early to switch to alternative energy sources, oil is cheaper and more efficient, and rumors of global warming are just rumors.
So is it really worth worrying about climate change on our planet? Let's find out.

The second link is a 17-minute TED presentation for those who are interested in this topic (and who has time for it):

How do you think, is global warming can lead to a catastrophe?
If yes, do you have any idea how to stop global warming?


Unknown said…
I always thought that global warming was myth. I read about this and I learnt that temperature rose by 1 degree in 1000 years. For somebody it is business to say that situation is bad and that if we don't do anything the Earth will explode ;)
In my opinion Earth will be ok the same as in the past. Of course we should limit cutting trees and find alternative sources of energy.
I think that a good reason to talk about global warming is the fact that there isn't enought oil. This is good reason to teach people to use different source of energy.
Unknown said…
I think that global warming is fake. Much is said about it and it really nothing happens. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. I think that within such for example 500 years the climate will be the same.
Unknown said…
If you think that climate change is fake watch some nature promgramme - sometime age I watched one about north and there it was even said "I you don't believe it you don't have to, but look" and there were shots of places that that time of year were usually covered with snow, there was highlited condition of glaciers - witch is important, mostly for polar bears.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I'm sure that burning coal and oil has some influence on the environment, but it's about a scale of this influence and I guess the discussion around global warming is all about this scale.

While there may be no serious damage to the environment, I think that it's really important to begin switching to the alternative energy sources, it will happen sooner or later. Countries that will understand and admit that will begin innovation sooner, and countries that will continue burning fossil fuels acting that it's endless will be left behind.

It's not just about climate change, recent Warsaw issues with air pollution brings up another issue with existing energy sources. Personally I'm against climate change denial even if it's not fully true, because denying it will stop innovation in alternative energy industry.
I think that such discussion is, and always be pointless. Why? Becouse it does not matter if global warming is myth. As long as it is profitable, people will destroy environment, untill something really bad will happen. Then there will be nothing to do, just watch the world burn, or freeze. Earth will be perfectly fine without us. True problem is that there is no point discussing global warming while not all countries want to participate in such discussion (I am looking at you, China) and take measures to prevent its progress.
Unknown said…
Climate change and human activities have already caused mass extinctions. However, the earth has been constantly changing since it was formed. The movies portray water world if all the earth's ice melts. This is not realistic. First, if all the ice on earth melted (which is very unlikely anytime soon) then sea levels would rise 175-225 feet. The majority of the land on earth is higher than that. In a similar vein, movies like "The Day After Tomorrow" radically exaggerate the possible speed and severity of climate change. We have been fed a bunch of lies.

But, the truth is scary. It's not the sea level that's the problem, it's the reflectivity of the sun's rays and the decreased salinity of the water that have the real potential to cause mass extinctions. However, a human level extinction is another matter. Humans live in the desert and in Alaska. People talk about the cockroach being tough, but they have nothing on us. The doomsday scenarios talk about an unlikely six degrees of climate change. But, that would not kill us off. Our ability to adapt is extreme. We have technology that can grow food on mars and extract water out of the atmosphere. We can walk in space. Any of the worst case scenarios for climate change don't realistically take decades - they take millennia. Over that time-frame, we would find a way to survive pretty much any extreme that has been realistically suggested. The earth has been six degrees hotter before, and six degrees colder before. There was still significant life on earth throughout all of that. So, no, we are not looking at a human level extinction event.
Unknown said…
The problem is that we don't know the significance of the consequence of producing carbon dioxide. We just can reduce an effect by using the energy of sun and water instead of burning oil. As it was said in the video, the temperature raises 10 times faster than in the end of an Ice Age - yes, maybe it's not only because of burning oil, but... Should we check our planet for endurance? Climate change can be irreversible.
Unknown said…
Climate changes and all this global warming are said to be an effect of people act. Maybe that's true, I don't think about it really seriously. I was learning at school about this and it was always difficult topic to discuss. The fact is that climate has changed. But it was always changing, from the beginning of times! I don't know if I want to believe that all this is our fault. Probably we as the humans have some responsibilities for that but... What can we do ? The global warming will proceed anyway.
Unknown said…
Wow, such a thoughtful opinion. Even if there is no proof of global warming, it doesn't mean, that we can leave that question behind - and I'm totally agree with you.
I think that the discussion about global Warming is only academic discussion.
It’s sure that the global average temperature rises, but we don’t, and probably won’t, know how it will affect us in the nearest future.
We try to understand a process which begun millions years ago, while we started to measure it only few decades ago.
The global warming will proceed, with or without people interaction.
Unknown said…
Yes, nothing happens. But, you know, it's like drinking alcohol every day - nothing happens first, than why do you have to care about it? But changes are not always visible right away. Most likely, if you'll find out, that alcohol affects your health stronger than you thought, it will be too late to prevent those changes.
Global warming IS a problem, and it does affect us regardless if people consider it so or not. Thing is - there is little to be done for average human, since most people either don't care well enough, or don't care at all. This topic is being brought up all the time and because we share the same planet, we should all cooperate in order to save it, while some countries (such as China) have it deep in the a**, so what can we do? Talk about it, analyze it, say how deep in the sh** we are? Everybody who realizes how dangerous global warming is perfectly knows that, and everybody else doesn't care enough to do anything, but thanks for spreading awareness.
Unknown said…
Of course I do believe in climate change, I just think it's a bit overestimated. We probably won't notice some great changes in our planet's climate in milion years. On the video they said that the Earth has the highest temperaure from 30 years, but so what...? I remember that when I was a child, winters were more stable: the winter started - there was a lot of snow, then the winter finished and it was warm. But in 2015/16 during new year's eve in Zakopane it was frizzing -27°C. Now we have anomalies, in May there could be snow, in December lack of it and full sun. Honestly, I'd be glad if the Earth temperature rised for good and irreversibly.
We should rather be concerned about that freak weather conditions, catastrophes and human ability to destroy our planet.
Unknown said…
There is no stopping it. We are doomed, well not 'we' but rather our grand...grand children propbably are. Nothing will change, not until the consequences become unbearable and start causing damage to our civilization, killing people on a much larger scale. Just like an organism would get rid of an illness the planet will shake us off. The planet will be okay, humanity? Without change, in the long run, I don't think so.
In my opinion, it is a hard topic to talk about if you don't have enough knowledge in chemistry, biology and so on. There is so many opinions in media about this. Some people say it is a real problem. Other say it is a fake and a tool to make money. So, I don't have opinion about global warming, because of my lack of knowledge. Anyway, everybody can help to improve the situation of our environment by recycling for example.
The problem exists and is real. We can observe the climate change by the year seasons. Solution to this problem is cooperation within humans, because they cause the most damage to environment. We should start with changing the thinking of average person. Most of us think, that how could a single person do something with the global warming problem. Or that the couser are the factories of the big consortiums. That lead, that average person do nothing about that and continue burning trash or driving alone in a car to work where you have 4 sits and can invite someone to join. We should start the change with us and ask our closest to join, this way it will spread and we can make the difference. Heh, I sound like a coach :P
I can’t take a clear position on this matter, since I don’t want my opinions to be based on speculation and the facts that haven’t been examined sufficiently. The whole thing is not black-or-white for me.
I agree that global warming could be a real threat, but I believe we should care for our planet regardless of that fact. The biggest problem here is that, as someone has already pointed out, there is not much we, ordinary people, can do about that. Giving an example, I don’t see how could I, as a private person, directly influence the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
On the other hand, I’m far from judging and blaming humanity for all the climate changes we can observe. Climate is always changing. Moreover, I’m almost certain that significant part of the discussions about global warming is driven by companies looking for easy money.
Summing up, we should care for the Earth but not be afraid of extinction of the human race due to climate change.
Climate change, pollution and the way of fighting it will be something that all countries have to face in the next few years. The climate changes for sure, statistics does not lie about it. Many investments goes to ecology. But on the other hand it is a fact that just for making our energy more Eco-friendly the price of it will rise about 50 % in the next few years. We all would have ot pay for that. In the next few years we would have to change the way we use our car, waste management and every other aspect of our live related to Ecology - there is no way out of it.
I think that I have not enough knowledge to accurately say global warming is fake or true. But I think even if this problem is not as important in a short time , for example 200-300 years it will become not so sharp , you still should think about switching to other fuels , perhaps this will largely slow down the growth of global warming.
Unknown said…
Well the global warming is very popular topic nowadays, but I think we can't do anything, because the world is ruled by oil, which is the main ringleader of this phenomenon.
I suppose that global warming can affect on our environment making
irreparable damage on nature, which provides to extincion some animals and plants.
Global warming can lead to a catastrophe. Rising temperature means that ice on north and south pole will melt that leads us to rising level of water on earth which will cause flooding some lower terrains like Hel peninsula and that will be a problem because it force many people who lives there to ressetle. We don't know how big impact global warning can have on Earth's climate. But despite that I don't think that people are the main reason of global warming. We certainly making it more faster but global warming is a normal thing on Earth, because it happened many times before, there were periods when temperature were much higher than are now and periods when the were much lower so it's completely normal and we can't change that, but we should try to not accelerate this changes.
I believe in global warming and fully support any progress in fighting it! Just can't give in to that way of thinking. I believe that for every problem there is a solution. We just need to band ourselves together, put aside our differences and work towards a better tomorrow. But I have one question. Will humanity as we know it eventually go extinct?
Unknown said…
We can prevent the carbon dioxide emission(by switching from fossil fuels to alternative sources of energy), we can increase its absorption(by planting new forests), there is a lot of things we can do. As you sad, climate has changed, and it was always changing - but even if we don't know is it our fault or not, we can reduce our influence. It is much better, than just do nothing.
Unknown said…
I believe in global warming. I can see how the weather is changing. For the last 5 years it's obvious that real winter starts in January and lasts till March. I think it's the most clear indicator of the global warming. Burning coal and oil will give more horrible results in the future, I'm sure about this. Everybody has seen those videos where the glaciers are melting which is one more prove of the problem on our planet.
Michał Pycek said…
I also believe that this issue exist and we should stop deny it. Instead, the governments should cooperate with the experts to look for a solution which would eliminate it or at least diminish its level. I think that general pollution is all around us and we breathe in a lot of unhealthy and chemical things, but the governments don't do enough anyways. I think that we face a terrible future if we do not change our perspective quicker.
Magdalena Popek said…
Our planet has always been getting warm -> cold -> warm -> cold -> and so on and so on. Even if human-driven climate change is not real the climate change itself, in my opinion, is. But actually do we need any "climate change" to see that what we are doing to the planet is just wrong? We are using up the resources, causing various species of plants and animals to become extinct. We are treating this planet as a never ending source to take from. And we are killing it. If we need an "excuse" to stop and think about doing less harm to the Earth that's something definitely wrong with us.
Vyvyan said…
I think that the global warming can lead to a catastrophe.
We don't respect our planet and slowly we are destroying it. We should start from learning how to respect our planet from simple things as burning less coal or garbage.
We should all be concerned about climate change. Ultimately, we are the ones responsible for it. With fast global improvements in production and generally globalization our planet didn't even have a time to acclimate to the new environment. And now it is getting worse and worse. I don't know if there is a way we can stop it but I wish it was. Really we should be worried about this situation. It may not affects us now but what about our children or grandchildren? In what world would they live? Or would they even have a place to live? It is terrible prediction but we have to think about things like that.
Wojtek Kania said…
I think the 'problem' with global warming is a fake. Climate changes. And the talks about CO2. Cow's poo emits more CO2 that the cars. We must care about our environment, but I'm not afraid about our climate.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
I'm not a scientist but personally I don't believe in global warming we've heard many times. I've read some articles about climate changes and there was that it's natural that climate changes so we don't have to worry about it. I agree with those people who are talking about making our world cleaner, sorting rubbish, etc. It makes our plannet prettier.
Unknown said…
It's hard topic to discuss. I think there is a problem but there is so much factors causing the problem that it's not possible to find one, clear solution. It's a government task to do something about it, worldwide.

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