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Week 3 [20.03-26.03.2017] Wheat works like sugar

One slice of wheat bread makes sugar level higher like two tablespoons of sugar. Should we avoild wheat more than gluten? Of course! Wheat has changed in the past years.

How to choose good bread?

Wheat is in a lot of products: bread , cakes, soups and alcohol. For many years it was modified, so it is difficult to find wheat like our grandmothers used to bake bread. Nutritional value and quality of wheat has dropped. Why do we gain weight? You may think that it is because of gluten, which is main part of wheat. But it is not all, there are a lot of substances which are fattening.

Starch works like sugar

What happens in body after you eat sugar?

Starch = amylopectin is substance which is very fattening. It doesn't matter if you eat white or dark bread, every bread can raise your sugar level from 70 to 120 mg. Because of starch we have more fat, which also covers our organs. It is very dangerous and can lead to serious problems with heart and liver.

Gluten- hidden enemy

Gluten is mix of vegtable protein in wheat, barley, spelt, oat and rye. It's not difficult to find it in products which we eat: pizza, bread, pasta, rolls and other products. Gluten can make inflammation in the body. Human body reacts to gluten and send impulses which makes the body fight infection. Because there isn't infection body attacks its own cells which can lead to no immunity. More and more people have celiac disease, which is intolerance of gluten.

Sport is healthy addiction

Wheat have not only starch and gluten but also substance which works like drugs. It's mainly because of it that we like products from wheat. We get addicted quickly and we want to eat more. When you eat these products you produce substance similar to endorphin which you produce when you do exercise. It influences reward center in your brain causing feeling of satisfaction.



Unknown said…
Personally I haven't eaten bread for almost 2 years. And I fell good. Sometimes I make my own bread.

Questions to presentation are:
After that presentation will you eliminate wheat from diet?
Have you ever heard about this problem?
Unknown said…
I avoid wheat too, but I don't avoid gluten. Of course sometimes I eat pizza, but in my opinion If I don't have any intolerance then one piece won't kill me and the theories about gluten are divided. Gluten intolerance occurs in only 1% of the population. Wheat is actually heavily modified and should be avoided but if we don't have intolerance to gluten then I don't see the need to eliminate it. You can read many publications but what is the truth could only tell your body so it's good idea to listen it. If you feel better on a gluten free diet so why not?
Unknown said…
To be honest I've heard about this problem. Some time ago I even checked if it has any influence on me. Unfortunately it has. When I reduced eating wheat, I felt much better and didn't feel sleepy.

I try to reduce it more and more but it's very hard to do it. Wheat is not only in bread but also in pasta, cakes, pizzas etc. That's my biggest problem :(
Unknown said…
My brother-in-law, who is a farmer says that bread is a whole Mendeleev's table. Many bakeries add cocoa for dark bread. Unfortunately, personally I eat a lot of bread because I like it.
Unknown said…
Great article. I appreciate article which can make people aware of gluten - thing that everyone heard of, they herad somewhere from someone that it is bad, but actually they have got no idea what it is. And thanks to you our group will know :)
Unknown said…
I'm not going to eliminate wheat or gluten from my diet, I don't feel the need to do it. Sometime ago I was on a gluten-free diet during 3 weeks, because there was a suspition I don't tolerate it and that's why I'm alergic person. Gladfully it wasn't the matter so I could eat it. However, I don't suppose even otherwise I would avoid it. It would be too problematic for me, and a little alergy or stomachage never killed me before so I do consume everything, even though I'm allergic to many things such as all berries and citrus fruit for example.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I rarely eat bread, but I wasn't aware about the whole "no gluten" and "no wheat" trend. It's pretty hard to eat a soup without a slice of bread, you will end up hungry:) I can confirm that when you don't eat wheat you feel less tired and there's no "heavy" feeling.
I have never noticed difference, whether i eat white bread or brown. Maybe I have never look closely enough. I have got a question: is there any research proving unhealthy effect of gluten on human without celiac disease? To be honest i have never heard of its bad influence on healthy people.
Unknown said…
We have all been told to eat healthy, whole grains, and there is no disputing the science that when whole grain flour is substituted for white flour, there is a reduction in colon cancer, heart disease and diabetes. But by increasing your vegetable intake when eating LCHF, you far exceed any loss of fibre of Vitamin B group from not eating whole grain bread. Doctors explain that by replacing something bad (white flour) with something not so bad (whole grain) then it must be good for you, this theory should also work for cigarettes. If high tar cigarettes are bad for you, then low tar should be great!

A sandwich might have a little salad inside but the bulk of what you are eating comes from the bread, but by removing the bread and eating instead a huge salad with a variety of ingredients, you will be better nourished and more able to absorb the vitamins minerals it contains.

Do not eat gluten free products unless they are wheat free and grain free. By removing gluten from wheat, it is usually replaced with rice starch, corn starch, tapioca starch etc. Although they are now gluten free and may cause the same immunological response, the carbs (mainly the amylopectin A it still contains) will still break down to glucose and still cause an insulin spike and still cause hunger, fat storage, and gain weight (and the muffin top).
Unknown said…
Well, I have already read about wheat a lot and I know all this what you presented here, it is true, wheat works like sugar for us. It is very bad, and nowadays wheat is completely modified comparing to the one our grandparents remember. Unfortunately. I don't eat bread for about two years, because I don't need it. But it will be hard for me to not eat wheat at, pancakes, cakes ... from time to time I just have to :D
I will definitely not eliminate wheat from my diet. In my opinion this whole “WHEAT AND GLUTEN WILL KILL YOU SO YOU HAVE TO ELIMINATE IT DIET” is stupid. We can find starch in almost every other plant but somehow only the starch in wheat is bad.
The corn starch, potato starch or starch found in all kinds of beans are good for you, but starch in wheat is bad and it kills you.
Starch can raise your blood sugar from 70 to 120, but it’s normal, it’s all in the range of heathy person blood sugar level. The proper fasting glycaemia should be in range 70-99, and after 2 hours of oral glucose tolerance test it should be below 140.
Of course eating too much starch can lead to obesity but eating too much of anything can cause it so I don’t see why only the starch is bad.
“Gluten can make inflammation in the body”, yeah I agree but only if you are allergic to it or have celiac disease, and let’s be honest now almost everyone has alleged gluten allergy because it so popular and hyped by people who have no idea what they are talking about but call themselves “experts”.
Oh and the same scientist who found “non celiac gluten sensivity” in his latest studies has shown that it doesn’t exist. His article was published in the medical journal “Gastroenterology”. Here you can read more about it
Sugar is indeed bad, I always try to limit amount of sugar in my diet (including drinks), but at the same time you can't really stop eating everything right away, the key is a balance - overfeeding yourself with wheat only is going to be bad, but not eating wheat at all is going to be bad as well (if not worse), and that includes every other type of food as well. Targetting just one doesn't really make any sense considering there are many other potentially even more dangerous food/drinks to avoid - just balance all of that and you're going to be fine.
Unknown said…
But I like my bread :( With butter and other things. Or butter only. Yes. Escpecially when the bread is fresh and still warm. Oh my. And no, I don't gain weight because of it. I don't gain weight from shameful amounts of chocolate either. Weird. I agree sugar is not good, I try to stay away from popular sweet drinks. I prefer water. Bread and water! Like a true spartan warrior! ;)
Not for nothing they call sugar "white death" in polish. For me it's hard to avoid sugar. I'm reducing it, especially by avoiding carbonated drinks. But I'm not eliminating sugar from my diet. I'm eating everything but within reason. My only restriction is white bread. Some time ago I droped it from my diet and not regreting.
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It would be hard for me to stop eating or drinking products which include sugar, but for some time I have been trying to cut down on sugar. Like Lukasz D. said - it is all about balance. You don't have to quit eating/drinking those kind of products for ever. Sometimes an energy shot from a candy bar can be good for our brain. The key is not to eat too much.
Sorry but in my whole life I am eating a lot of bread and my sugar level are completely OK, also the levels you given in the article are also completely normal reaction - sugar rises when we eat, that is normal. And when I hear about gluten free products I always wonder if that is just another marketing way to sell everything as an good healthy food. Yesterday I even saw gluten free beer - no comment for that. I was always laughing when in stores like Tesco or Carrefour there was a big sign in one of the alleys called "Healthy food" - that was not a good sign, and made we wonder what is outside that alley in whole store :)
I only ate white bread , but recently changed it to rye bread , any changes for better or worse I have not noticed. Long ago I tried to give up sugar and carbs , but after a while I began to feel more drowsy less active. I think that most good bread is made by hand , it will cost not much more expensive provided that you have a home oven for baking bread.
Unknown said…
I won't stop eating wheat products, because I ate them whole life and everything with my health is ok. But you have right that bread, which is sold in large supermarkets is full of preservatives, even sometimes you can read on label deep frozen. So i prefer to buy bread in small stores, where is baked locally.
I think it all depends also on the amount. Personally, I have not eaten bread for several years, but not because of "gluten" fear, simply because at one time I stopped eating it, but the truth, I still does not know why it happened.
I strongly reduced sugar in my diet some time ago by almost completely giving up on sweet drinks (in 99 percent of cases I drink only water) and drastically reducing eating sweets. I don’t eat so much bread and when I do, it’s usually homemade one. Despite this, I don’t think I’m going to completely give up on wheat or follow gluten-free diet, cause I don’t believe in such “one-size-fits-all” solutions.
I believe that for society it's very good that people have started to care about what they are eating. But when I'm more looking into it I realize that in this healthy lifestyle it's more about lifestyle than health. With so easy access to medical research people are taking the facts in them with no understanding. Most of food we are eating can cause obesity when we eat to much and that obesity will lead to diabetes not food we are eating. For most people eating gluten or wheat will have no impact on their health, of course there are people who can't eat gluten but it's because of their health condition. So as I said I take these new research with a grain of salt.
KamilG said…
Interesting article. Since childhood every day I have eaten bread for breakfast and I'm not intend to change it.
I have been on special diet for 3 months. This diet was prepared by experienced trainer. One of points was elimination products with wheat element. After one month I felt better, healthier and lost body weight. To sum up, for people who don't like to do any sport, good option would be reducing wheat elements in everyday diet.
Lazy soultion but work :)
Unknown said…
Sounds horrible! I like bread so much. I knew it's not healthy to eat white bread, but I didn't know it's such unhealthy! I should consider it in my future diet. I guess, I should choose different kind of bread or just avoid it in everyday basis. Thank you for the article.
Michał Pycek said…
I have not heard of this problem and frankly I love eating bread and wheat products because they make me feel full :-) I know there are many healthier substitutes, but I just enjoy eating bread for that matter.
Magdalena Popek said…
Avoid wheat more than gluten? But... gluten is found in wheat so it does not make sense. "Why do we gain weight?" Due to excessive calory intake. "It doesn't matter if you eat white or dark bread". Of course it matters. White bread is like sugar. Wholegrain bread stays in our digestive system longer, is full of fiber which prevents colorectal cancer AND as we are full longer we are not hungry so often and we don't eat more than we should. STOP SAYING gluten is unhealthy. Unless you have the coeliac disease or gluten intolerance, you can eat gluten as often as you want. This article should not be allowed here as it's spreading untrue information.
I don't agree with statements in article. I don't think we should avoid wheat. Of course bread is not like it used to be. With massive production I think it is impossible. But I think that there are some places where you can eat really good and natural bread. In Warsaw, for example. there is this place called Charlotte, where they made great bread. It is all natural, based on leaven and they also have it in gluten-free option. So I don't think gluten(which is in wheat) is real enemy in our world. Sugar is. And it is almost everywhere from candies to drinks. People put it now everywhere.
Vyvyan said…
I can't eat food with gluten because of alergy. But I don't like "non-gluten" bread for example. And, maybe it's unhealthly for me, but I love to eat. And I love to eat something that it's tasty. If we are talking about food, moderation is required. Everything you eat too much can have negative effects.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
I have no problem with eating gluten, modified wheat or anything else. I don't pay attention to those details right now :). I'm addicted to sports and it's enough for me. I agree with Krzysztof Lichota and I guess we have the same "our rights". Sometimes I'm making my own bread but it's only for relax or trying new things.
Unknown said…
Each organism is different, I don't have any allergy but I am conscious of eaten food and it's ingredients. I eat bread max. twice a week but I'm trying to avoid wheat, sugar - just in dishes, sometimes little snack :D

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