New History for Humanity – The Human Era
/ Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
cultural mingling becomes more and more common,
wrapping your head around different calendars in different cultures
might become confusing. In our Gregorian calendar it is year 2017, in the
calendar it’s 5777 in China it’s year 4714 and those are not even
all calendars that are out there!
Now what if we went back in time,
to the point where there were no different cultures as we understand
it? Back to the point where we, as a species, became a civilization
and started measuring time from that point? Not only would it
make things much easier but
put our
history, as an advancing species into a much clearer perspective.
Right now we measure our time by splitting it into our
– Anno Domini and ancient times, but does that line make
any sense? Looking at our history without this artificial separation
can help us
see how much we have achieved in an incredibly short period of time.
To understand this new way of
measuring time watch this video:
1. Did it make you look at human
history in a different way?
2. Do you think this way of time
measuring and looking at history would benefit us? What benefits or
disadvantages do you see?
3. Would you like
to see this year
0 measurement
taught at schools? Or maybe you think we should keep the BC / AD form
of measuring while teaching history?
And when you give someone a date, the date will always remind you of the time we spent on earth and what history we made.
Very interesting!
On the other hand such a long date would be much complicated, thus difficult to remember especially by children. That is why I don't think we should try to change dates as they are now.
P.S.I was shocked that people in South America were the first to mummify deceased, even before Egyptians.
But seriously, it would save a lot of time and money if there was a common timeline. Most of the existing initial calendar dates are inherited from religion, these traditions can be kept while a common calendar can be used, at least for counting years.
I think it's not too difficult for children to remember a new date, just a matter of habit.
It would be an unnecessary nuisance and most people wouldn’t be very happy.
It would be for sure easier to learn history that way but I think it would be an unnecessary complication.
But yes, I think that many people do not actually realize that world did not suddely happen in year 0 or 1, but existed for a long time before, with some of the greatest achievements being dated many years before our current "startng point". Question is, should we really bother with changing the entire system just for that? I'd say not really, it's not some crucial change, and I'm quite sure that we wouldn't come to agreement since "what" event we should count forward.
Plus, it's not really possible to do easily considering how entire technology around us is working - the cost is too high, even if the decision was made today, we'd probably live for good 20-30 years more before the entire world transitionted to it.
Thanks for interesting topic.
Maybe , but I think that this transition will take some time , as how much you need to rewrite the books , and review the history with account of 0 years.