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Week 12 [16.01-22.01] Evidence of the Tuition Bubble

Evidence of the Tuition Bubble
Commentators have increasingly been wondering if the end might finally be in sight for the many years' worth of steady and often not-so-slow increases in college tuitions. How much longer, the thinking goes, will American students and parents be able to afford -- and/or put up with -- rapidly rising prices and expenditures on higher education?
Fifty-five percent of the 1,000-plus respondents, for instance, said they believed a college education is necessary to "be successful in today's world," up from 50 percent in 2007 and just 31 percent in 2000. That's the good news -- higher education is increasingly essential.

Here are 8 reasons to believe we’re in the middle of a college tuition bubble (that’s about to burst):
1) Tuition is, and has been, increasing at double triple the rate of inflation
On average, college tuition increases at around 8 percent per year, which means the cost of college doubles every nine years.  Because colleges know that students will simply borrow more money to cover tuition increases, colleges have been relying on steady tuition hikes to solve all their money problems.  If this continues a college degree will soon cost as much as a house.

Fot 1.

2) Students are borrowing more than ever to pay for college
The number of college students graduating with over $25,000 in student loan debt has tripled in the past decade alone.  Today, 66% of students borrow to pay for college, taking on an average of $23,165 in debt.  Twelve years ago, 58% borrowed to pay for college, taking on only $13,172 in debt.

Fot 2.

3) For profit colleges are paying homeless people to take out federal loans to enroll
Because student loans are so easy to acquire, enterprising colleges are paying homeless people to enroll.  The math makes sense when you think about it: if paying someone a $2,000 “stipend” gets the college $20,000/year in tuition courtesy of the federal government, that’s money well spent.  Unfortunately, many people who accept such “stipend” offers never graduate, become overwhelmed with student debt, and destroy their already bad financial records.

4) Colleges are on a non-teaching staff hiring spree that far outpaces enrollment
Why hire a full-time professor when you can hire an “environmental sustainability officer”?  According to the New York Times article, over the past two decades’ colleges have doubled their non-teaching staff, while enrollment has only increased by 40%. 

5) For profit reliance on federal loans has reached an all-time high
According to Bloomberg, publicly traded higher education companies derive three-fourths of their revenue from federal funds, up from just 48 percent in 2001 and approaching the 90 percent limit set by federal law.  The fact that colleges are almost completely relying on borrowed money to finance tuition, up to the legal limit, means we’ve almost hit the breaking point. 

6) Schools are spending on luxurious amenities to lure in more students
Flush with student loan money and wanting to attract even more, colleges are increasingly spending on luxury dorms, gyms, swimming pools and other amenities.
Freakonomics author Stephen Dubner noted that when he went back to his college, a chancellor told him that “[the gym] was a top priority because parents and prospective students increasingly think of themselves as customers, shopping for the most amenities for the best price, and the colleges that didn’t come to grips with this would soon see their customers going elsewhere.” 

7) College president salaries are sky high, even in a historical economic downturn
USA Today reported that 23 Private College Presidents Made More Than $1 Million in 2008, while 110 made more than $500,000.  In case you were wondering, this is not the norm — as recently as 2002, there were no million-dollar presidents. 

8) The student loan problem cuts across all schools, for profit and nonprofit
Often the discussion about high tuition leads to a flogging of for profit colleges.  And while for profit colleges are often the worst about shamelessly fattening themselves at the trough of student loans, it’s not a for profit vs. nonprofit issue. In fact, for profit colleges account for less than half of student loan defaults. 

Fot 3. Na zdjeciu.

I know that the tuition problem does not apply to Polish reality so far but eventually it will. In 10 or 20 years. As a Student of private university

What do you think about another market bubble but this time, we the students are exploited?
Do you think the same problem will arise in Poland in a couple of years?



Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Thanks for an interesting article. Recently there were a lot of news about student debts and education cost, especially in the US. I read that Harvard can work entirely on donations they get now, and even in this case they would have profit.

I think that it's not fair if there's a huge margin between the price and the amount of expenses, but we can't do anything about it - it's a free market and we can only hope that the tuition bubble will pop.
Unknown said…
In my opinion at the time when most colleges in our country are public we don’t need to worry about this problem. But who knows what could happen in a couple of years ? We’ll see.
I think that this problem don’t apply to Poland, and until we have free education it won’t.
To be honest I don’t see why some students take loans just to study in collage and major in some stupid subject, which won’t bring many employment availabilities.
Most of public universities have one problem students are treated as uninvited guests but but on private univesity we are customers. We buy knowledge and can we demand it will to be passed as the most approachable way. In many polytechnic lecturers are very negative attitude to women and openly offend many people but university do not do anything. Because of that, for me public university should not exists but everyone young should get a ticket for university and should be able to go where he wants. On the occasion of going out to the problem of eternal students : )
Unknown said…
I have noticed that student loans are present in more capitalistic countries like USA or England whereas Poland is more socialistic country. So it would me more probable for the government to give money for studying than for students to take loans. I think that in Poland people are used to the fact that they have a right to gain knowledge for free.
Unknown said…
I find it quite unfair, that talented people can't afford a good education. It is very expensive to study medicine, for example, so what will happen in those countries in the future - only rich families could take their children to the medical academies? I don't really know why it is happening, I could understand if there would be the choice: you could study in expensive but prestigious place with all that comfy stuff, or just get a good education, that you could afford but in a less prestigious college. I would like to see by my own eyes what is going on in those Harvards-Oxfords. I know that in Germany you can study for free even if you came from abroad. So why is such a difference - there is a question.
Unknown said…
Maybe it's true. The fact that today we have deal with a lot of paid educational institutions, for which you have to pay more. This has its good and bad sides. On the good side, we have a choice and we can choose specific specialization in which we want to educate, but of course the stuff is important. In Poland there are a lots of private universities, but little with good staff and often we have to pay for it much more. Such colleges are getting more and more expensive. People in the US, in my opinion, are already paying way too far for education and this may be the kind of bubble. In Poland, it could be something like that, but not in the near future.
KamilG said…

I think in Poland we won' have this kind of situation because of two reasons - we are don't have any special loan offer for students and I have doubts if it would appear anytime, second things is that number of young people is decreasing now. Both private and public universities are fighting for students. High education in Poland is free and I think that's why as long as they will be, private ones won't raise the prices.

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