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Week 10 [12.12 - 18.12] Types of ''vus''

We all have experienced déjà vu (from French, literally „already seen”). Those moments when where the current situation feels like it has happened before. You can’t pinpoint when it happened or how it has become so familiar. There’s no reliable way to cause it in people’s minds heads;  it’s difficult to scientifically study déjà vu. We know that humans don’t experience déjà vu until they are at least 8 or 9 years old. It’s most frequent in your teens and twenties and as you get older it tapers off.  One theory states that déjà vu is an error between long and short-term circuits in the brain. The information we gather from our surroundings might be incorrectly transferred from short to long-term memory. So if we experience something new – which is currently in our short-term memory – it feels as if we already experienced it the past.

There is also something known as Presque vu – “tip of the tongue”. This is what happens when you are familiar with something. You know you know it, but at that moment you cannot recall it. One explanation of how that happens is “blocking hypothesis”. Other words similar to the target word are being remembered and to help you out, your brain is actively blocking other stuff around it, including the word you are looking for. It might actually explain why Presque vu has a social aspect. If a group of people is given the same “blocking words” that are related, no one in the group can come up with the actual word until the subject is changed and then all of the sudden someone remembers the target word.

Finally there’s Jamais vu – never seen. This is when something that you know, that you are familiar with, all of the sudden seems brand new and bizarre. It’s most commonly experienced when a person momentarily does not recognise a word. This can be achieved by anyone by repeatedly writing or saying a specific word out loud. After repeating it over and over again the word starts to lose its meaning and we start to think “How is this even a word?”. Dr. Chris Moulin did an experiment on this. He asked 92 volunteers to write out “door” 30 times in 60 seconds. 68% of the volunteers showed symptoms of jamais vu: they began to doubt that “door” was a real word.  He also believes that jamais vu might be connected to schizophrenia. Schizophrenic patients will sometimes see people they know and insist that it’s not the person they know. Instead, it’s an imposter.
Have you ever experienced any of these phenomena? If yes, which one was it?



Sylwia Pechcin said…
I'm almost sure that I have experienced all of these 'vus'.
Deja vu - the most common, sometimes happens me even few times a day. I feel like I have spoken to someone already, but I do it now, I feel like I was doing something, but I do it now.
Preseque vu is also well known feeling. I can also observe many situations when someone want to say something, but they don't know how to say it.
Jamais vu is also well know I think. When you think a lot about one word, finally it seems very weird and strange.
Unknown said…
Human brains are very complex, but they are however, probably machines only. And even if they are much more, surely most of basic functions work like in a machine. Complex machines are often prone to errors. Sometimes it's hard to tell why the car is not working as it should. In case of computers it's very hard to identify errors, and there are sometimes really strange, even though the computer is orders of magnitude simpler than a human brain.

I do not know whether it would be in the category of any kind of 'vu's, but this topic reminds me of my very poor ability to recognize and remember faces. If I saw someone a long time ago or just few times then I have a problem to recognize them. Often on the street I mistake strangers for my friends or my family members, even of only for a few seconds. People who are very diffrent for others look alike to me. In such a complicated machinery as human brain, there are always (more or less temporary) defects.
Unknown said…
I have had all of the types of vu. This is very weird feeling - I can't describe it, but everytime I have some kind of vu the feeling is the same.
Deja vu feels the weirdest, because it seems almost impossible for example see same thing two times in differebt time.
Presque vu - I hate it, because it always happened when I need this word, to my essay or story, so it takes some time to reacall it - sometimes it is long way around (I don't remember the name... It is similar to, to... Sniezka! mountain! Mount Everest, but in Japan - Fuji)
Jamais vu - this one is also very weird. I know that some word exist, but when I say it out loud it seem unbelievable this is the way I remember it, so I have to ask somebody if I'm really wrong or my mind is making fun of me
Unknown said…
I have never experienced jamais vu. But it's interesting that after repeating and writing a word many times we start to think if it exists. Maybe there is something between alzheimer and this fenomen. I have deja vu from time to time. I belive that deja vu is Matrix error and that the world we live in isn't real xD.
It's not guaranteed that it'll happen. It also applies to other things like people, situations etc. but these are more extreme cases.
Unknown said…
I have already had all of these vus in my life.

The worst for me is Deja vu, because it's awful feeling that you have been talking with someone about something and you feel recuring and stupid. But in fact you have never been talking with that person and she treats you normal. The worst feeling ever!
I have experienced both Deja vu and Presque vu, but I have never experienced Jamais vu in my life.
It sounds really interesting that after hearing some word so many times, we could start doubting its existence.
I experience Déjà vu really often, around once a week. It’s both interesting and annoying because you start to overthink the situation if it really happened in the past or is it just your brain tricking you.
Presque vu is in my opinion the most annoying one, the moment when you can’t say something that you want to say is just killing me.
Unknown said…
For anyone interested in the subject, research the following:
- holographic principle
- holographic universe
- black holes
- relativity theory
- universe’s (apparently accelerating) expansion (the bigger it gets the faster it expands, a property of spherical surface being a function of radius squared)
- information theory
- auto-correlation functions

Universe can be modeled as a black hole, with us, as observers, observing information on the surface of that black hole. Universe is not 3-dimensional. It’s 2-dimensional, with 3rd dimension arising (being derived) from the black hole’s expansion process. Time is not linear either. It moves forward as black hole expands, and it moves backward as it contracts.
Piotr Basiński said…
I feel vu from time to time. It's interesting and now after reading of your article i realize thats exists. Deja vu is funny because sometimes some events feel recurrent for me.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
Thanks for an interesting topic! I have experienced all of these "vus", it's really fascinating that our brains have such side-effects. I find "Jamais vu" the most interesting, when you travel and hear other languages you start to think how your native language sounds, you try to hear it without linking words to any meanings and it's really funny, there're just sounds that people agreed to use for naming everything.
kondrat said…
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kondrat said…
Sometimes I experience de ja vu. It makes me feel weird. The thing I have in mind in such moments is Matrix movie. I feel like I was put into Matrix world and I was so lucky I've noticed an error :D
I heard that scientists prove that deja vu as is, doesn't really exist, and it's just our mind playing tricks on us, although I swear that I had at least a few dreams that happened in real life later on, and they looked identical. This was a really weird feeling, and I'm sure that everybody met with it at least once. Fact is - our subconscious is really skilled at forseeing future, so it's very likely that you dream of something that might happen in very similar, or even exactly the same form.

Thanks for interesting article :).
Unknown said…
I think I experienced each of vus but before I couldn't call all of these types. For me the most strange experience is deja vu. It's a little bit scary when you fell like some situation has been already happened. I heared a lot of theories about that and some of them are paranormal. In my opinion our brain trick us but maybe it's something more, I should make some research ;) This topic it's good on the scenario for the movie.
Maciej Główka said…
Very interesting article, I didn't know that there are so many types of "vus". I am sure I experienced first 2 types at least few times in my life. I think, that deja vu is the most strange and creepiest one. When I have it I remind myself almost immediately a scene from matrix, where someone saw same pussy twice. Later it was told that deja vu meant some type of glitch in system. I hope this was only a movie and we don't live in real matrix :)
I've experienced all of the "vus". The most commonly "vue" I feel is déjà vu. What is interesting, sometimes I have it even few times a week and on the contrary there are periods longer that a month when I don't experience it at all. I have no idea what is the reason for this, but it is always a very strange feeling, when I have déjà vu after a long break.
By the way, it's fascinating that we know more and more about the world around us, where technology develops at a fast pace, but human brain remains an enigma.
That's very interesting article. I guess I've never experienced 'jamais vu'. I've recently read an article that all those 'vus' are some kind of brain check. I mean, our bodys do a periodical check if everything is okay with our brains. It's like checking your HDD for any errors. Also I've heard funny theory saying that when you are experiencing 'deja-vu' it means you died and you 'load' your life from last checkpoint.
Unknown said…
I have never thought about vus in this way. I mean scientific one. Sometimes I feel like I experienced a situation long ago despite the fact that I'm sure it's not a true. Then I just think 'ok, I connected two facts' or 'I talked about it with my friend and now I have an impression that I have experienced it'. But I have never thought it's deja vu and could be caused by bad transport of information from short- to long-term memory.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Really interesting and thought-provoking article.
Yes, I've experienced déjà vu twice or thrice when I was a child. I had an irresistible impression that some time ago I was sitting in the same place, talked with the same person, said exactly the same words and moved the same hand etc. I don't remeber how old I was, but I definately was attending school so I was probably older than 8 years. That's in some aspect interesting, although logical that younger children don't experience déjà vu.
Before having read your article I wasn't conscious that something like Presque vu or Jamais vu does exist.
Unknown said…
Finally, I know how to call this phenomenon: “no one in the group can come up with the actual word until the subject is changed and then all of the sudden someone's remembers the target word.”.
I think I experienced Deja-Vu once in my life. The funniest thing that it was in Biedronka shop. It is quite a weird feeling that something went wrong in my brain. I think it’s all a matter of our neurology. We haven’t discovered brain very well yet. One friend who works as a biochemist once told me that our body can make mistakes. I thought that this whole biological system is perfect as a clock, but actually, it can produce some bugs. And maybe deja-vu is on of those mistakes our brain makes.
So I’ll keep believing that the way our brain tricks us and not something mystical.
Unknown said…
I've experienced Deja-Vu couple of times when i was younger. It was very weird feeling - I couldn't remember when this situation happened but I knew that it happened in the past. I believe that it's kind of brain check. Our mind try to control that everything is O.K. However I've never met with the 'jamais vu' but it's very interesting occurrence. I would like to read about it.
I have experienced deja-vu multiple times in my life and it were very weird situations. Once I have even stopped doing everything and said: "WTF, I have done this thing before and I know exactly how to do it but I don't rember the last time I did it" XD

I have also experienced Presque vu and I always tend to remember words that I want to use in some context in other language but not in the language I'm currently speaking :P
Maybe we are living in a huge matrix and deja vu is simply some error or update in code XD
I get that pretty often with English vocabulary. Mostly when it comes to technical stuff.
If we were prefect there wouldn't be any diseases, genetic or neurological disorders plus our mind is really easy to be tricked. We are in fact very imperfect.
I guess you are describing something different. Deja vu refers to the past not the future. I cannot recall any dream that actually happened in real life, however I forget most of my dreams or remember them very vaguely. And what is the fact that you are speaking of?
Unknown said…
I definitely experienced all of those "vus". Deja-vu is very common, and there are many situations when I've experienced that or heard from my friends something like, "Wait, I've already been here before" or similar. For me the most interesting is the third one - Jamais vu. I've experienced it before, but never thought it's one of deja-vu's types. When I was about 16, I was distributing the leafleting. I had to repeat one word or a couple of words again and again. At some moment the word stopped sound like a real word and I couldn't understand if I'm pronouncing it right. I didn't know that there is some scientific name for this kind of experience and I'm really glad to get to know it now. For the time I was working there, I often thought about words and how those separate letters became the words.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
Thank you for this article. I've expierienced both déjà vu and Presque vu and sometimes it makes me laugh but second "vu" mostly makes my angry :D. I've never heard about Jamais vu but I guess I'll try to do that with myself.
Unknown said…
I had some situation when i experienced deja-vu and Presque vu. Deja vu i had only a few times in my life but it's really weird situation and i can't recognize when i saw it.I always wondering when i could experienced situation like that. In my dream,in real life or i had very similar situation in my life. Presque vu it's situation when i experienced mostly in school or work. When i try to discribe some problem and i can't find compatible word with my sentence. Then i try to substitute that word some longer expression which can discribe that word. About Jamais vu i have never heard and i have never experienced situation like that.
Sometimes when I talk to someone I can feel this "vus" even though i never spoke with that person or with someone else i have the impression i already I talked about this and i can predict next sentence spoken of by someone. I don't know why but then I feel a little weird.
Kacper Zaremba said…
Your article is pretty interesting, thanks for sharing it. I wasn't aware, that there are so many types of 'vus'. The one I am having frequently I think is most annoying on is presque vu. It may be really upsetting!
Michał Pycek said…
I have had this type of experience a couple of times, but I have never analyzed it actually. It just happens, but I guess we don't get the chance very often to conclude why and how come we experience it.
Moode said…
I have experienced déjà vu quite a few times and I must say it is a very strange feeling. It makes your mind searching for an explanation when and where it has happened. And it becomes even more strange when you realize that it simply could not happen before.

There are in fact three types of déjà vu: deja vecu which gives us the expression that we have already experienced this, deja senti with the expression that we have already felt this or deja visite which it is a paradoxical feeling that we know a place which we have never visited before.
Adam Nowak said…
I'm amazed that we still don't know much about our brains. It's fascinating how many mysteries our mind hides. Always when something like deja-vu happens to me i remind myself how personal is our perception, and how many nonexistent things we see during our lives.
I think all of us in our life had a deja vu - the situation that was way to similar to the one we had in the past etc, that is happening everyday - even in a traffic jam.

As for the second one - all of us had a moment when we saw an actor or tried to recall a name of the song or a movie. Our mind gets older and this situations will keep on happening :)

Don't won't to offend anyone but the third one with 68% of people reaction looks very stupid - "Jamais vu – never seen". I've tested it with 9 of my friends with three test words "doors", "one", "sex" - sorry but none of us after sixty seconds had a problem with existence of the word or it's meaning. And we have tested it three times.
Dajana Kubica said…
Great article, I did not know that every experience has its own name. I experienced everything mentioned above, but one of the most frequently I have to deal with is déjà vu. And the strangest thing is that situations from my childhood I can experience now. A very interesting phenomenon, I would like to learn more about it. I wonder if animals can experience something like this.
Unknown said…
In my opinion everybody had something like deja vu at least once in lifetime. It is just our brain reaction to some actions that we actually did before and our brain recalls it that time. Of course we don;t exactly know how does it works, and this is amazing how our brain works. This is still a big mystery for us.
Jarek_Ziem said…
I’ve experienced it couple times. It’s quite interesting phenomena, making people contemplate reality and the world around them. In my personal case, my Deja vous were normal and they weren’t important event of my life. Once it happened in the tram, once at my friend’s place where we were discussing some simple topics and once at the party (situation was the same like I’ve “saw” before) There is some scientific explanation - "Some suggest that when a difference in processing occurs along these [incoming sensory] pathways, the perception is disrupted and is experienced as two separate messages. The brain interprets the second version, through the slowed secondary pathway, as a separate perceptual experience, and thus the inappropriate feeling of familiarity (déjà vu) occurs,"
It's good to know that there are proper names for these types of phenomena. The only term which I knew about is déjà vu. Based on the description provided in the article I can say that I experience presque vu from time to time. Usually it happens to me when I am really tired and I am having a longer conversation. It happens that I know how to say something in English, but I cannot recall the Polish equivalent or vice versa. I do not know why does it happen to me, but now I know how to name it : D
Unknown said…
It is a very interesting article :) I didn't know that the last two "vus" even had a name.

As for me I experienced the first two "vus". Many people say that they feel "deja vu" very often - I don't. I have felt it maybe a couple of times in my life.
If it comes to Presque vu, it happens to me all the time. And is quite annoying. I cannot think of anything else if I can't recall certain word!
Unknown said…
An interesting read, I didn't know there were other phenomenon similar to deja vu.
Of course deja vu happened to me before at least once, it happens less often the older I get. I never concentrated on those things, it always seemed like some "stupid mistake of my brain" but I know some people relive those moments and try to find meaning in them.
Presque vu happened to me many times but I never know it had a specific name of it's own.
Jamais vu is something new to me, I don't recall experiencing anything like that but maybe that's in part because I never heard about it.
Unknown said…
My deja-vus are always with me:) there are the periods, that they happen once a week, but sometimes they stop for no reason. And the older I get - the more often it happens, I don't know if it's connected in a some way. Funny feeling for me.
I have also experienced presque-vu a couple of times. Human brain is such an amazing thing, I hope one day we will get the right answers why this happens.
I think everyone has come in contact with most of those as some point. Thanks for the article though, I knew about deja vu obviously, but haven't heard about any of the other ones. It's really interesting to thing what kind of games our mind plays on us sometimes.
Unknown said…
Déjà vu is an interesting phenomenon. When its getting to me, I wonder for a moment why and how it happened. Of course is not the solution. There are many theories, some fantastic too, but I think that it can be just like with the devices like PC, sometimes our brain lightly hang what disturbs the continuity and sequence recorded by our insentives.

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