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Week 10 [12.12 - 18.12] Smart TV - How smart is a smart TV?

How smart is a smart TV?

Over the last years computers have gradually become more and more popular as the source of knowledge and, especially, entertainment, thus eclipsing television sets which once used to be one of the most luxurious products available. With time TVs have become bigger and bigger; then they have become flatter and flatter; now, in order to be able to compete with computers, they are becoming smarter. Today the market is being swooped by smart TVs. What is it, though, that makes them so “smart”?

The first characteristic that one may think of is naturally the ability to connect to the Internet, however this is just the tip of the iceberg. Smart TVs have an embedded capability to access various online features, such as social media sites and Video on Demand services. Therefore, depending on its brand and model, a TV may allow the use of Facebook, Twitter, possibly Skype, and more importantly Netflix, YouTube or Vimeo. Furthermore, the user is also allowed to download miscellaneous applications which may largely extend the content available. Nowadays the producers offer a wide choice of those: more VoD apps, applications providing news, but also games and programmes which connect to smartphones and smartwatches. Many of those apps are simply gadgets one can brag about, but it is platforms like Netflix, with their online premieres that are the future of smart TVs.

Another characteristic feature is the Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) which allows one to play the content from one's smartphone, computer or other electronic device connected to the same network on a smart TV. It is an extremely convenient property, since searching for content with a TV remote control is still much less practical than with the use of computer mouse or touch screen.

This consequently leads to the disadvantages of smart TVs. Without another facility available, typing with a remote control is a real nightmare and the only alternative is voice control which, as many may know, is still imperfect. A much greater concern was caused by the fact that smart TVs, just as computers with webcams and microphones, can be hacked and monitor what their owners do and say. As it turns out, the users are not able to verify which data is collected. The producers, on the other hand, are either unwilling or unable to provide sufficient security. In today's world information is one of the most precious resources.

With a view to enduring on the market, TVs are forced to expand their offer and consequently become another electronic device offering every possible feature their producers can think of. The question that arises is: will they become the bigger, stationary versions of smartphones, or just regress to serving as huge monitors?



Unknown said…
I use my 60-inch TV only as a monitor for my computer. For me smart features on the TV are completely not important. I regret that there are no commonly available monitors of this size, without speakers, tv signal receiver and any smart functions. The same can be achieved by connecting a computer to the TV. HDMI cables are up to 20 meters long and cost pennies. Or you can buy a mini computer for a few dollars. Using the computer I always have access to up to date, high speed software that I can customize to my needs. I have a Blu-ray drive in my PC. Occasionally I use Internet TV on my browser. Sometimes I play my PC games on my TV, especially when I show something to friends. I can play the music from iTunes on the home theater speakers as well. Standard television has long been completely worthless to me.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I thought that smart TV, for example with fast connection to youtube or netlix is waste of money, to the moment when I used it while visiting my father. It was so comfortable! You don't have to go anywhere, you don't have to hold bunch of remotes (one for TV, one for decoder, one for DVD, one for VHS...), but one, maybe two and that's it - you can watch whatever you want! I was watching some movie, and when my brother asked for certain cartoon it took me 50s, including searching on youtube, so now I'm fan of such solution.
Unknown said…
Yes, I agree with you but I can not imagine that the 60-inch monitor connected to computer :) The pilot is uncomfortable using a web browser but You can connect your phone to your TV and It's comfortable :)
Unknown said…
It is very convenient, especially if you have small children. You can turn cartoons, when someone wants to
Unknown said…
I have two sets of peripherials. Double monitor setup with wired mechanical keyboard and mouse for work and gaming and wireless keyboard and mouse to control it on the tv from the sofa. I also have remote control of my PC from phone including turning it on, off, music control and remote desktop. Chromecast as well to stream from youtube even if computer is off.
Unknown said…
Frankly I never use applications on TV. Propably controling it discouraged me. I use the internet on computer and I use applications on playstation. Maybe it's second reason. I have TV with 3D function and I have used it maybe once. Most functions on TV sound good but you never use them. Just marketing. People are impressed when they hear the TV is with 3D and internet. The best is curved screen which gives you nothing but costs a lot. OK, maybe it looks good. That's all.
Sylwia Pechcin said…
I think smart TV is a good idea for people who aren't interested in programs on TV. Let's be honest - nowadays it's lack of interesting shows or movies which we really would like to watch. We watch TV, because we don't have anything better to do and we waste time at all. Smart TV is a great solution for those, who want to watch something what really interests them.
Unknown said…
I don't think that Smart TVs will become bigger smartphones. Really? Who would like to call someone using an enormous TV? Let's be honest - smartphones have to become more and more thin and compact.
People of course will use Smart TV to use some avaliable apps, but I don't think that's device for games for example.
In my opinion the most useful apps in Smart TV designed to watch some movies and that's it.
I think that Smart TV is a great idea, you don’t have to wait to watch your favorite TV series or movie. You just type the title in the app on your Smart TV and can watch it in seconds.
The only think that annoys me about Smart TVs is the way you have to type. It’s really inconvenient using remote to type movie title or just navigate on screen.
Unknown said…
The key difference between smart TVs and regular TVs is the ability to access the Internet. This feature allows the smart TV to operate similarly to a computer in addition to its more traditional functions. Smart TVs often connect to the Internet through Wi-Fi, which requires the user to have a modem that sends out a wireless signal.
Internet access lets the user enjoy streaming video services such as Netflix, Hulu and YouTube. A number of more traditional stations, such as ESPN and HBO, offer online components compatible with smart TVs. Users can also listen to music with applications such as Pandora or through a web browser, which gives them access to any music that they can find online.
However, these features aren’t exclusive to smart TVs. Regular TV users can take advantage of these same features, but they can only do so with a connection to an external component. The most commonly used method of enhancing a regular TV’s entertainment options is through the use of gaming consoles. These are typically capable of Internet access and often come with a number of applications similar to those that are standard on smart TVs.
Piotr Basiński said…
I likes smart tv, they are great. I own one. My favourite app on it is netflix. I can watch many movies and tv series dircetly from app. Also youtube app is nice one. It's allow me to play youtube video on my tv from phone app. While I use mobile app I have button thet automatically turn on youtube tv app and shows me video on big screen. My tv contains firefox os, I also have weather app, some games ect. It's good entertainment device now :)
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I think that it's a bad idea to duplicate all these functions on each device, it means duplicating the potential problems with design, functionality etc. There should be a single device, for example a laptop with an ability to send a video signal (or other signal) to other devices, there's no need to implement all these things inside a TV, it should work as a monitor.
kondrat said…
I'm not a fan of TV-manufacturer-made Smart TV software. Maybe because of my geeky approach. In my opinion the smartest TV, suited to your needs can be any hardware with HDMI input. Just connect raspberry PI, equip it with proper software (eg. openELE), install some plugins you need, and you are free to go. Smart TV without overpaying.
Well, it definitely has some advantages, but I'm not a big fan of watching TV, in fact, I'm very rarily watching TV at all, and if I ever need to watch something, it's probably in some on-demand medium on the Internet, so I don't really feel like buying a big pricey Smart TV instead of typical monitor for my PC ;).

In fact, I'm kinda shocked how well they sell - I always thought that typical people still watching TV will be too afraid of technology to make use of them, while people familiar with technology will skip watching TV altogether. It looks like my assumptions were wrong, maybe not entirely, but at least a major part of it. Maybe I should take a look what is so interesting in this... :)
Unknown said…
For my it's useless gadget becuase I don' watch TV, I could treat it as a monitor from my laptop but I think something large than 30'' it's too big to use as a monitor. Of course it's great that now you could synchronize your data from TV, laptop and smartphone, it's a big time saver. Maybe If I have Netflix I consider buying smart TV but now I don't have time to watch TV series and movies.
As I have already mentioned under the previous TV-related articles, I don't watch TV at all. However, I have to admit that I am thinking about buying a big TV, but the key point is that it would only serve as an external "movie screen" for my notebook.
Maciej Główka said…
I have never had any smart TV, I thought it was just another mostly useless technology, like smartwatches. However, reading and seeing how it changes and increases its capabilities I think that my next TV will be "smart". I think using apps like Netflix or Youtube on TV might be really enjoyable.
I have never had any smart TV. I don't watch TV at all so I dont feel need to have one. Currently I'm thinking about buying ChromeCast to stream videos from my PC to TV set. It much more convenient for me to watch my favourite series on wider display. I don't find Smart TVs super cool. It feels like they reinvented the wheel. There's nothing innovative in it in my humble opinion.
Unknown said…
10 year ago I couldn’t even imagine that something like smart TV would even exist. A lot of people in the world love to watch TV and smart TV gives them a great opportunity to have a wider range of choice of what to watch. Control - that what smart TV gives you.
Our generation doesn’t watch TV, but most of the use do watch Netflix or Youtube. Why don’t I use smart TV? It’s a very expensive device. As a developer, I can have much more opportunities buying a good quality monitor with a mini-jack port for connecting speakers and a Chromecast - the device to stream youtube videos from my phone to the monitor.
Another great alternative is creating a smart TV out of a Raspberry PI. You can install Kodi and have the same smart TV for 200 PLN.
Unknown said…
To be honest I own smart TV but I don't use any application on it. Why ? As you admitted the way of controlling is really terrible. This is the main reason why I don't use functions of my Smart TV. All of these capabilities are really great like watching movies on youtube or netflix but I'm such impatient person and the convenience of usage is for me in the first place.
It is just computer embedded into TV. I don't understand such big buzz about this Smart TVs for me it is another version of computer that can do same things like smartphone or tablet. Of course if we compare this TVs with the one that we had 10 or even 5 years ago it is something great and amazing. :)
I think that they will make regular computer from TVs with some custom manufacturers OS and won't change anything else.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
Personally I think technology of smart TV is only marketing trick. I have to agree that there are creative solutions like connecting to YouTube and sometimes it's helpful. I'm sure that more than 50% smart TV owners don't know what features it provides and they don't know how to use that things :)
Idea behind smart TV is really cool on paper but when we want to try it we can feel disappointed. Samsung and LG smart TV is are often not supported after one year and most of application stops working or begin to stutter. When we get "Smart TV" the first thing we want to do is try how much "smart" it is. Unfortunately, the reality is verified very quickly - Website browser is really bad and not support new HTML5 standards so most of website will not work, we can find special application in store but when we compare them with the website they look very bad. Do you want to open movie or add subtitle? Sorry but it is not default supported format, please convert in on PC and then return to watch. Sorry but i cannot get where this TV is "smart", i personally prefer connect laptop to tv and you can get much more functionality than "new 2017 tv".
Unknown said…
Some time ago I've had a Smart TV and it was nice, I would like to have the same TV when I'll be set in some apartments. Big screen is only one of the pros. The opportunity to watch your favourite shows on this big screen whenever you want and surfing in the Internet from the laptop in the meantime is incredible. It's a pleasure to connect to the Netflix or Youtube without cables which you should connect if you want to watch something on the regular TV. The sound is also way better than on the laptop, so listening to musing and watching the music videos goes up on the next level.
What I didn't like about this TV is uncomfortable using of pilot while browsing, but this minus is small.
I definitely will by a huge Smart TV when I'll have such an opportunity.
Kacper Zaremba said…
I don't like the idea of smart TVs. TVs are this kind of electronic which gets old really slowly - you don't have to change them every two years, but usually you change them when they stop working. Making TVs 'smart' and adding all those features to them makes them aging and obsolete much faster. Instead of 'smart' TVs you can use your computer all some dongles, like Google Chromecast to get all those features of Smart TV.
Moode said…
I really like the idea of having smart TV and all those applications which as a whole allows you to have all in one place. We no longer need to have a big collection of CDs or DVD at home. We can simply sit on a couch, look for five minutes through an almost endless list of movies and decide what we want to see, then a quick click and seconds later you can enjoy a great movie, stand up or simply listen to some music.

This solution has made my life so much easier and I can’t imagine myself going back to the times where I could not be using smart TV.

Michał Pycek said…
I use a smart TV and I use online tv instead of usual tv. I use Netflix, YT and other types of apps which are available on this device. In my opinion it is a great idea to combine all of these functions because TV becomes a multifunctional device nowadays. This enables the user to choose anything they find interesting on such TV, not only a tv channel or an online movie but also skype and so on.
Unknown said…
I have the same impression that normally people do not use all these functions, maybe when they're addicted to tv. There still appear more and more advanced options, I also do have a 3d option and 3d glasses to my TV but when I wanted to download and even pay for the film which I had missed at the cinema, it wasn't available in such version. And I don't have a patience to wait for my tv to display the on-line film and hate switching anything on it simply because it has to many functions. I only use pause and rewind option to miss adds or see sth again during tv programme.
Dajana Kubica said…
I think that soon only a few people will use the cable TV. A great example is Netflix. You can watch movies not only on TV but also from a computer or smartphone. I do not watch TV for a few years. Once I turned on the TV, then I remembered why I do not do it anymore. Ads last so long that the viewer forgets what was watching. Manufacturers are trying to encourage to purchase TV by a nicer look and new features.
Adam Nowak said…
I worry that in near future every furniture will be 'smart'. Do we need smart wardrobes or smart chairs? Big companies need a way to sell more products, making everything 'smart' will create fake demand for new products. Why fake? Do we buy 'smart tvs' because we need them, or because they are available and advertised to buy?
Unknown said…
Well I have a smart Tv but i use application on tv only sometimes. I prefer to watch movie on my computer connected to TV (display screen on tv). Maybe it's bad custom and quality can be worst on computer then in smart TV but i can't really fight with this :(
Unknown said…
I don't really watch television at home, but my parents have one Smart TV. It is really useful for them. For me, I prefer to watch something on my laptop, or just mirror the screen from my computer to TV when I really want to watch something on bigger screen.
The same with me. I also own a "Smart" TV with all the bells and whistles like 3D technology. I bought it 3 years ago and since then I used roughly 30-40% of its features. A decent TV should provide you with decent image quality and that's it. The rest of the features are rather useless for a typical user and it seems that all of us can agree on that.
I really don't like any type of commercials so a Smart TV is a must for me. Program recording, pausing and fast-forwarding the commercials is tested on daily basis.

I'm using YouTube and Vimeo a lot - the first one for because it's popularity and availability of the content. Vimeo mostly for music and materials that are not available on YouTube.

Sometimes I'm using Skype (camera hides after connection is over so I don't have a problem that my TV is secretly recording me).

I have Android TV because I'm using few apps TVP Vod, many documentaries available and recently watched polish version of Kryptonim Szef there - it is great. For sport I have Eleven app with payed subscription - it easier to use then one offered from the TV operator.

Lot of things are easier with SMART TV - I had a problem with three TV's in the house, because my cable operator charged for every decoder/addon card to watch digital TV. Now in one of the rooms there is just an app from operator with all the channel's I'm watching directly from the internet. Easier, cheaper and it works :)
Unknown said…
I probably wouldn't buy Smart TV. I feel like it is a waste of money. You have all of those features on your computer. And if you want to watch a movie or a TV show on a bigger screen you can just connect your computer to a normal TV or a monitor.
KamilG said…
We don't know what the future will bring, but i think that era of TV will end. Actually the quantity of people who don't watch television rise extremely.
Someone can think "Right, it's because of technology which is still older than in case of rest devices, like smartphones, laptops". But not, just now people want to watch or read news which are interested for
them, make selection their own, not served by tv channels.
Unknown said…
My girlfriend just got one of recent models and suprisingly I'm really into it. I use Netflix function a lot ! I really hope they will become a legit media center in the future. Although we all know how attempting to do one ended up (Play Station 3).
Unknown said…
Most of my friends doesn't have a TV at home. I have a flatscreen (bought about 4 years ago), it's not a Smart TV but it does it's job. You can play video games on it, watch movies and TV series on it. I often connect it to my computer or laptop to watch Netflix, Youtube and other stuff. Maybe it's not as easy and comfortable as Smart TV but it works ;)

I imagine using your voice to control it can get annoying. Not to mention, it's an interesting observation that the TV can be listening to us at all times, I never thought about it.
Unknown said…
I haven't been watching TV-channels for many years, but I use my TV to listen music because the sound is ok, or to watch films or documentaries on youtube or using a pendrive. Also you can connect it with your laptop to use the bigger screen - for me it is important sometimes.
As the article says - I hate this remote control navigation, but you can connect is with your smartphone and it will get better. I use this TV only because I already have it, but now I don't think I would buy it again. It is not necessary in my life.
And I think that all the devices would become smarter and smarter in future. Because now people tend to be interested in new technologies. Smart phone, smart tv, smart car, smart house - If only people would be that smart:)
Unknown said…
I do not have a smart TV, but I know how useful and easy it can be. However, now people often do not a have a television but rather large monitors connected to PC, from which are watching movies, series and other programs, or game console, which is a multimedia center.
Jarek_Ziem said…

I’ve never had a television at home so I can’t really answer all your questions.
Smartphones will never take the place of the television but the tv can become like stationary smartphones because of the integrations that will occur when people will start to have less time to spend in their homes. Tv like pc integration with smart home technology and Wi-Fi connection to all the home devices will save us a lot of time and effort. Home will become more like a life assistant, not only the place to rest. I hope it will happen sooner than later so we could all enjoy it.
TV is surely going to merge with personal computers more and more. It is just inevitable future at this point. Many people don't use most functions of their devices anyway and out-of-the box solutions are already in many cases the way to go and will be in the future.

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