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Week 10 [12.12 - 18.12] Extraordinary religions and beliefs

Religion has served as a backbone for civilizations since time immemorial. They serve as spiritual hubs and have continued to influence life, politics and society. In this presentation I would like to show you a couple of religions that aren’t well known but have a considerable number of followers as well as some parody beliefs.

Last Thursdayism is a belief or rather a philosophy that the whole universe was  have been created last Thursday (or by implication, on any other given date and time). Under Last Thursdayism, all people, planets, fossils, every memory you have (even those before last Thursday), stars were all formed at the time of creation in a state much older than they are. It doesn’t really have any followers or rituals but proving it wrong is impossible. It’s not falsifiable, which means that it can’t be shown to be false. If you bring an argument “Last Thursdayism is false because I have a photo that was made 2 months ago. I wouldn’t be able to do that if the world was created last Thursday” it could be easily explained that on the day of creation that photo and the memories of you taking it, were created last Thursday.

Nuwaubian Nation or Nuwaubianism was a religious organization founded and led by Dwight York. It originated in 1970s as a black Muslim group and went through many changes. Originally it combined concepts from Judaism, Christianity and esoteric beliefs. York abandoned the Muslim theology of his movement in favor of Kemetism (a contemporary revival of ancient Egyptian religion) and UFO religion. York also wrote a book entitled „The Paleman”. It describes his version of human origins. “Hideous reptilians are the ancestors of white-skinned people, whereas black-skinned people are the ancestors from the Annaqi, beatiful dark-skinned extraterrestials with woolly hair and benign qualities.”. In 1993 they built their headquarters in Putnam County. An ancient Egypt-themed compound called Tama-Re. By the 2000, the Nuwaubian movement had around 500 adherents. A couple years later York was accused of child molestation. In 2004 he was found guilty and sentenced to 135 years in a federal prison. As part of the verdict, the Tama-Re complex was sold under government forfeiture in 2005.

Tama-Re compound
Another religious organization is the Church of Euthanasia founded by Chris Korda and Robert Kimberk in Boston. Their only one commandment is “Thou shalt not procreate” – encouraging believers and others to engage in suicide, abortion and non-procreative sexual acts. These are 3 out of 4 pillars. The fourth one is cannibalism (of the already dead). Their famous and controversial slogan is “Save the planet. Kill yourself.” Their goal is to reduce world population by voluntary means only, therefore, murder and involuntary sterilization are strictly forbidden by the church doctrine. They also received legal threats after a 52 year old woman committed suicide using their guide on “how to kill yourself”.

Did you know about any of these religions/beliefs?
Do you know any other extraordinary religions/organizations?

“Teaching new religious movements” David G. Bromley


Unknown said…
Church of Euthanasia seems nice to me. I too support population reduction as the most important goal of humanity for the next century. But I belive non-procreation is enough and suicides are not necessary. But I also support universal right to have a painless euthanasia for people who desire it.

Have you heared about anti-theism? It's a belief that religion is the source of most evil and all forms of it should be fought against. It can lead to a paradox because doesn't that make it a religion itself? Despite that I identify myself with such movements to a deegre.
Unknown said…
I haven't heard of any of those. I like Last Thursdayism - it is interesting, it triggers thinking, it gives a great area to spleculate, but it isn't agressive nor orthodox. I like it.
I think that religions may be dangerous, because there is a lot of people who will thoughtlessly follow some leader, even if this person shouldn't actually be free, because this is some psycho.
Unknown said…
It's amazing that some people are manipulated. The strangest religion that I have heard about is flying spaghetti monster. It's official religion. It's amazing that so many people belive in spaghetti monster. When they pray they put colanders on heads. I have always thought if it is a joke or maybe they really believe it. I think that at the beginning it was a joke but with time it became real religion.
I think radicals are the source of conflicts. Even though I'm not religious I think that religion itself isn't that bad. As long you aren't imposing your beliefs or harming anyone I'm ok with it.
Unknown said…
Well, most people impose religion on their children and other members of their family by having religion related expectations to them. And most countries has law affected by relgion at least to some deegre.
Some of this beliefs scare me, I can’t really imagine killing myself in the name of religion.
Another interesting religion that I know is cult of Aśtar Szeran, it’s a Czech and Slovak UFO religion. It’s so weird and bizarre that I found it really funny. They believe that people are being chipped by Lizard-people and only way to be saved is escaping earth with trans galactic ship.
You should definitely visit their website if you want to know something more about it :
Unknown said…

Scientology is somewhat of a smorgasbord of religions and beliefs. They were originally created as a money-making religion by L. Ron Hubbard and this is still the way that they operate. They reject the truth of God and exchange it for their own human truth. They believe that they have immortal life when only Jesus can impart that. It is a mixture of false Eastern religions that puts weight on human achievement through effort, completely ignoring the fact that human works are worthless in achieving eternal life. They also do not regard the Bible as the inspired Word of God and do not believe what the Word teaches. By rejecting Jesus as Savior, they do not pursue the only possible way to gain eternal life. Sadly, many celebrities are involved with Scientology.
Piotr Basiński said…
With spaghetti monster it's something like this thats those people join monster religion for joke. They do it intentionaly to show others. Wikipedia describes it's as parody and says thats more joke that real.
Ihor Ahnianikov said…
I guess this is the most popular one among "new age" religions. It's kind of funny because the founder of this religion is a sci-fi writer and author of the quote "If you want to get rich, you start a religion". It's an interesting topic, there're a lot of documentaries about this religion - they have about 6 million members around the world. Also there's an episode of South Park about scientology and it's worth watching:)
Well, I didn't know about any of those, but it's not a problem for me, neither something weird - everybody can believe whatever they wany, even spaghetti monster if that's their desire :). Also, some of those are more like ideology rather than religion itself - I'm not sure if we shouldn't call them just a group of people of similar opinion about particular fact, rather than a religion. Religion is mainly based on some belief.
I've never heard about any of the religions/beliefs mentioned above. While I'm not really surprised by these facts, they confirmed my conviction that many people believe crazy things (not only in terms of religion). Nevertheless, I'm of the opinion that everyone can believe whatever they want as long as their practices don't harm other people.
Maciej Główka said…
I've never heard about any of those. However, I heard this controversial slogan “Save the planet. Kill yourself.”, but I didn't know it was connected with religion/belief.
Personally I know one quite funny religion, its believers worship pussycats, here is a link to its website:
Wow! I've never heard about all of them. I am very curious what makes people to join such societies. I guess many of them are more likely to be descirbed as sects. People tend to believe in crazy things. In my humble opinion, religion is the worst invention of mankind. Why? Because so many people died for it. It's so stupid, people kill themselves for some imaginery gods.
Unknown said…
All of these religions sound sick and irrational to me.
I had no idea they exist and I'm no sure if I wanted to know about them. In my opinion every belief against rights of human and discriminating other people should be banned.
Unknown said…
All those examples show how absurd the idea of religion by itself. The funniest thing about it that we are creating our own religions. What I don’t like about religions is such ideas as destiny. How can your life be planed by something else except you? How can something control you? You are the master of your destiny and you’re responsible for your own actions. The only I like and support is Buddhism. It says that you create your own destiny with actions you make. Such concepts for me has a logical sens. Also, there is a concept of enlightenment in Buddhism. On the west, this idea is a bit distorted. We think that when someone has got an enlightenment he is already done with his job. That he can just sit and chill. In fact, there is no state of enlightenment by itself. You can only come closer and closer to it. It’s like infinity in calculus. Buddhism teaches us that we should practice. And should train our body and mind. Scientists already proved the great benefits of meditation.
But religion is a very personal thing and everyone has its own vision of it (That’s why there are so many religions in this world).
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I totally agree with you Michał. In my opinion radical views were source of human misery. Let's look at nazism and fascism. All of these ideologies were radical and xenophobic. I believe that as long as we don't harm anyone we can profess what we want and believe in what we want.
For me all of them are stupid ideas. People tend to make their own religions, you only need some people who will agree with your beliefs and bum here you go.
As I said for me it is stupid to make such theories and is only thing to make people argue with each other.
And what is more important Buddhism is not a religion. ;)
Buddha by himself said that it is more the way of living.
Enlightenment is the only start of your long journey I would say (if it is possible to gain enlightenment of course :D)
I kind of agree with you, but religion helps some people, like believing in an afterlife. It makes their life more optimistic. Like I said earlier - religion would be good without extremists. However if there was no religion in the first place maybe we wouldn't have so many conflicts.
The Church of Euthanasia also has a site but I didn't link it since there is some weird stuff there. There is even a disclaimer before you enter the site.
Bartosz Łyżwa said…
I can't agree with you more Dominik. In my opinion those ideas are stupid. Once I've heard about history about familly(parents and one child) and the doctor. Unfortunately this child had a cancer, but when parents and their daughter started to fight with this disease, the doctor said "This is natural thing that some people has a cancer and we shouldn't try to find medicines for this because there are too many people in our World". It's horrible that doctor could say something like this. I don't want to wish him bad but he should experience that situation himself.
Unknown said…
I haven't heard about those religions before, and I'm sure there lots and lots other no less crazy religions around the world. In my opinion, religion is a way to manipulate people, and after articles like this I just became more sure about it. It sounds really stupid that somebody create some religion and many people started follow those ideas and beliefs. How it can be true? People aren't confident with their own lives and brains. People are always looking for something to believe in, but I can't understand how they van believe in something stupid like those religions. In some religions people deny the progress world made and live without electricity or heating systems. I just don't get this. I can't understand why someone devote their lives to stupid religions instead of themselves.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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We can not prohibit someone to believe in something else only because just because they do not agree to our beliefs. Spaghetti monster can be God as others and no-one should ban this. Faith in any of God should not have significance in terms of human and law. But when a belief requires to harm others then it have to closed.
Unknown said…
For me Religion have advantages and also disadvantages. Advantages is some religion integrate people and try to collect people in the same place to help them and try to say some good tips how they should live to help other people. Of course some of religion have very radical ideas. For example some kind of Islam said the people who dont belive in their religion should die or should pay special tax to live. For me that kind of religion we should destroy or try to izolate people who follow commandent of that religion. Personally i don't follow any kind of religion because i think when you are good in your life and help other people doesnt matter which kind of religion you are following. If exist life after death you will go to the "heaven"
Moode said…
I haven’t heard about the religions that you have mentioned, so thank you for sharing this with us.

I know some religions that raised in fact from making fun of other strong and extraordinary believes, this is for example Pastafarians or the Church Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM). It grew as a social movement that promotes a light-hearted view of religion. They oppose to the teaching of intelligent design and creationism in public schools. Pastafarianism are legally recognized as a religion in the Netherlands and New Zealand – where they can even get married.

I find them very interesting so I invite you to read a bit more:
Michał Pycek said…
I understand that some people have the urge to believe in something extraordinary, but I don't see the point of it. In my opinion it should not be called religion but maybe belief groups. To be honest I think they can turn people to become more radical which can bring harm instead of relief.
Adam Nowak said…
If you don't know what to do in your life, then i have a great answer for you! Establish a new religion! If you want to make a lot of money for nothing, then it is the best way for you. Why do people consider religion only as a form of social institution ?
It may seem stupid to you, because you are capable of drawing your own conclusions about the world around you. There are plenty of people out there who simply cannot or are unable to understand certain things to the point that they want someone else to give them an answer with which they can comfortably agree. In my opinion, the religion is not a bad thing as it brings some people a meaning to their life. The problem is how certain units interpret given religion. An example of misinterpretation is how the terrorists understand the religion of Islam.
To sum up, the religion is good, but not for psychopaths.
Dajana Kubica said…
The idea of the first religions sounds rather silly, while others are interesting. I personally believe that any religion in the world does more harm than good, by manipulating people. Killing in the name of God or spread hatred towards people is simply wrong. Unfortunately, I do not know niche denominations, only heard about the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but I think it is a joke.
Unknown said…
Well, I have never heard about those religions mentioned in this article above. But I always knew that people are strange...:) I know there is a lot of beliefs that some people take seriously and really believe in such things. I think this is very stupid. They don't believe in God and try to make something in what they can believe instead. But it doesn't have any sense.
Jarek_Ziem said…
Not at all. First one its obviously written and invented by some black guy with low IQ and lot of complexes. But it’s was quite funny to read it. I’ve never heard about Church of euthanasia but the values of this organization on this stage of their development are not a threat but it’s only a matter of time (in case of financial backing from some psychopath millionaire) when it could be a major threat to society. Given case of suicide is obvious representation of the threat.
Unknown said…
I have heard only about the Church of Euthanasia. And when I hear such information I can't decide if it's funny or sad. People do stupid things, but mostly because they are unhappy. And I can't judge them. I am not a religious person and I don't like to discuss it, because this topic often leads to conflicts and misunderstanding. But sometimes in desperate situations I send some requests to the sky and it often helps. I think you just shouldn't be religious and make all the rituals to be a nice and kind person. But religion really can help people who suffer. Only if it is not fanatical. It is just my opinion.
Unknown said…
It is the first time that I hear about those religions. I have also heard about The Flying Spaghetti Monster but it is quite popular and probably most of you heard about it.
In my opinion creating more and more religions create more hatred between people who believe in a different god.
Unknown said…
I never heard about those organizations before. Well, apparently there's always a big supply of nutcases in the world. Maybe it might sound a bit controversial, but I view all religion movements as sects, it's just that some are bigger and more recognized while some are smaller and pretty obscure.
Your examples are quite shocking, sadly (or thankfully) I don't know any other organizations / religions like that.
Unknown said…
Personally I would be surprised if any of these religions came out valid. Some of them were found to show how ridiculous religions sometimes are. If you analize some of "traditional" religions some similarites can be easily found, showing that these are all beliefs evolving over ages. Honestly I usually avoid talking about religion.
Your beliefs are not something I should discuss.
I think I find the same level of interest and distaste in most religions of the world. For me they are all weird and I don't quite see how some are perceived as more extraordinary than others. I don't know any of the ones you mentioned, but I kinda like those mock-religions that are just created to kind of poke fun and enjoy life in general like Pastafarianism or Dudeism.
Unknown said…
François-Marie Arouet also known as Voltaire said that "if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him". Belief in supernatural forces accompanied humanity from the beginning of its existence. Fear of the deity, which is somewhere above us largely contributed to the creation of rights, decent life, living in harmony with themselves and others. That's good, because that's built up our morality and many others religions in later years. It seems to me that a man as a social being, intelligent and rather individual who needs some rules and order needs to believe in something, that there is something on top what protects and helps us. Writing is I would like to declare that I am not religious person, but I respect beliefs of others, and I know that people sometimes really need this. I am only an enemy of radicalism of all religions and generally any form of it. Extremes are wrong and often contribute to problems and harm.

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