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Week 3 [17.10-23.10.2016] Are we doomed to unfinished games on release date?

With recent release of Mafia III, I started wondering if we ever get a triple-A game that is considered a finished product the moment it's released. Nowadays developers and publishers abuse the digital distribution systems to the maximum, prolonging development cycle, and intentionally fixing remaining problems even for a few months after the game is released. The question is, do we really have to go through this?


Not that long ago, when the Internet wasn't that common and the Steam platform didn't exist, we had a classical distribution system via stores. When you were buying a game from such a store, you knew that it's finished, working and tested product - after all you were paying for it, and you expected to enjoy it for a long time. Game patches were extremely rare, and usually they were distributed only for selected popular titles, mainly via various magazines, such as CD-Action in Poland, which I'm sure many of you still remember. How has the industry changed since then?

Nowadays, it's very rare to actually buy a game that is not connected to any digital distribution system. Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, Steam, Origin or Uplay... Those are only a few words that you for sure met with if you consider yourself a gamer. There are various opinions about those - some people love them, some people hate them, but the fact is that all of those services drastically changed availability of games, as well as delivering fixes after the game is delivered, mostly through various patches and hotfixes, very often released even on the first day of the game getting released.


Of course, we're only humans, and sometimes indeed various accidents happen that are out of control and could neither be foreseen nor dealt with in time. But we're not talking about single accident here - we're talking about people being scared to pre-order any upcoming game title, even from the most famous and popular studios, because it's almost guaranteed that it'll take at least several weeks for game to be considered playable, and sometimes even after months of trying, game might still be considered in "work-in-progress" state. I got inspired to write this article after pre-ordering Mafia III  that turned out to have a 30 FPS-lock, making playthrough an absolute slideshow, ensuring me to never ever pre-order anything again.

I really hope that eventually developers will stop treating the release date as an 80% development milestone, but until then, we're doomed to see this:


My questions to you:

1. Do you pre-order video games? Why yes, why not?

2. How do you feel about companies releasing unfinished products? Do you think it's acceptable in our current technological situation, or maybe they should feel ashamed of even considering such an approach?

3. What is your opinion about digital distribution systems, such as Steam? Do you consider them useful, or maybe you'd prefer to buy games in traditional way?

Thanks for reading!



Unknown said…
I usually don't preorder video games. I don't see much problem here. I buy the game if I like it. I read a lot of reviews and watch gameplays. If the game is not good enough at release I simply won't buy it. It's very good thing that most games can have patches delivered easly, even if late. I don't miss traditional game distrubution. PS I still buy CD-Action every month, more for reading than contents of cd.
Not jumping on the hype train is definitely a nice ability to have :).
Unknown said…
I pre-ordered one game (Star Wars Battlefront for ps4) and i paid almost 300 zl. Latter it turned out I bought demo version and I had to pay extra 300 zl for full version and i had to wait one year for it. Never again. About companies realising unfinished products, in my opinion it is accteptable but not to this extend for example it was impossible to play the last Batman Arkham City on the day of the release. Mistakes are normal but not if ther are so many. I think that companies know that people will buy the unfinished game. I prefer traditional CDs because to day if you don't have interned you can't play a game.
Unknown said…
I never pre-ordered any game and I will probably not, because I know if it's not finished yet, it can have some bugs, some issues that I don't wanna meet during my play. If something doesn't work properly it just annoys you, because you paid the money to have a good fun. I think companies that release the unfinished product are making a mistake, I mean...of course there will be always somebody who waits for it so much and will buy it anyway, even half-made, but...In my opinion most of the gamers wants to have ready, finished and complete product on the release date. And about the digital distribution systems are very useful for us, we don't have to go anywhere to buy a new game as it was before. But...I have to say that if I really like some certain game...I always buy it in a traditional way, I like to collect them anyway.
Your story about Star Wars is truly terrifying o_o. I'd probably be annoyed as hell, thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Yeah, I have bad collecting habits as well... :).
Unknown said…
The reason that I have never pre-ordered any video game is very simple - I don’t play video games because I don't have enough free time. I can only express my opinion about pre-ordering sth else - a mobile phone. Apart from earlier delivery I can't see any advantages. It was just fine.

Releasing products which aren't properly finished is in my opinion not fair. Such manufacturer can cause that they became unreliable. If they lied for customers once, customers next time wouldn't chose their product. I think it’s the general fact. In my opinion such approach can’t be acceptable.

When it comes to digital distribution systems, it’s very common now in lots of aspect of our lives. It’s very comfortable because you don't need to leave your house to buy in this case a game. On the other hand, there’re still traditional people who wants to posses a real think for example a book. They feel more comfortable with the fact that they received sth in return of spending money.
No mans sky is a perfect example of hype train failure :)
I have preordered couple of games and I can call myself a satisfied customer. I thinks it's just a matter of wise shoping and staying away from hype trains.
Unfortunately I'm not able to address some questions as I'm not a gamer at all. I can well imagine how one must feel paying for unfinished product, though. If you ask me, I would definitely feel cheated in such a situation.
It seems to be really simple - when you pay full price for a product, you expect it to be fully functional. On the other hand, the more you get into it, the more complicated it becomes - if someone is really looking forward to his favourite game, he takes the potencial risk without further reflection.
I'm also wondering what's the real reason for such behavior of game studios. Do they do so because they simply can (thanks to digital distribution systems and easy distribution of patches)? Or maybe it's just a clever way of financing the final part of game development?
Anyway, I belive that in the long term this could seriously harm publishers.
Dajana Kubica said…
I have never ordered a pre-release version, because I do not have time for games. Unfortunately, because I like a play. My favorite game is currently Dying Light created by polish developers.I had no problems with this game, or any other so hard for me to comment on that. Maybe it's because as I finally have a moment to play, usually a year or more has passed since the premiere.
I think it's good that developers are releasing an unfinished game. They remind players about themself and show what you can expect from the game. However, the unfinished game and demo versions should be free of charge. It should just work like in the real world. Getting a free sample of the product has to encourage you to buy the right product. But of course, the company producing the game are doing it mainly to earn money. Therefore I understand their behavior. Production of such a game usually lasts more than a year, costs are high and the budget, unfortunately, did not return until the game will release on the market. That's why they release demo, which derive profit. But in the Internet age, where generally I do shopping without leaving home, I can not imagine that I'm going to the store to buy the game with CD. That's why Steam is my savior.
Unknown said…
Yeah, I usually tend to avoid preordering. You usually get nothing from it other than bragging rights and higher price. This might change soon, with companies realising the potential of preorder rewards and such, but who knows, maybe the trend will die out before that.

Preordering is most usually a trap. A company can shout out a few amazing words about the game, release a trailer (that shows something completly unrelated to the game in release state) and get players hyped. Riding on that, consumer buys the product sooner, without access to reviews or opinions. Hopefully people will stop doing that so often after No Man's Sky or Watch Dogs happened.
Unknown said…
I havent been playing any game for a long time, mostly because of lack of time. Hovewer recently i've been thinking about this strange trend in gaming industry, and came to some conclusions:
1. Nowadays development is much harder then it used to be. Gaming industry requires more and more work - better graphics, users demand for longer story and a lot of details, results in higher prices and demand to involve more people in development process. Also it promotes considering players as "beta testers" to save some money on detail testing and release game earlier.
2.Gaming business - became battlefield for corporations, there are no longer small studios creating impressive games, as it used to be. Indie games cannot compete with big superproductions, and games are profitable projects, rather than consequence of few developers dedication.
3. Gamers fall for "preorders" - it is stupid. People used to be beta-testers for free, and now what? They have to pay for it?
Maciej Główka said…
I have never pre-ordered video game, in fact i rarely buy games, 1 or 2 a year. In my opinion, companies release unfinished products because of strict deadlines and enormous demand from players around the world. Why is it happening so often nowadays? I think this might be because of players, who make preorders based on game trailers, which are very spectacular, yet they don't present actual gameplay or graphics. With so many preorders, it makes very expensive and bad for company reputation to postpone release date.
Games nowadays are often very big, they offer open-world gameplay, superb graphic etc. However, i think production time of modern games didn't changed, or might be even shorter than few years ago. In my opinion this is the main cause of releasing unfinished products.
Unknown said…
To be honest, I'm not a crazy fun of games, but on the other hand I like to play. Of course, it is very rare. That's why I don't pre-order games.

If we are talking about beta versions, I think it's acceptable to release it. There are some features, which could be tested only in "real" case. When people gains some levels, awards or play with thousand others, I mean.
What's more, beta testing is good situation to hear gamers and add missing features (or nice to have).

In my opinion, digital distribution systems such as Steam or Origin are very useful solution. Let's say 'invention'! :)
It's very comfortably to have online library with all games. It avoids a lot of problems such as scratches on disks or loss of it. I would change only one thing - I would connect all systems in one, much bigger. Unfortunatelly, I'm aware all platoforms belong to different companies and that's why it's impossible.

Traditional way has one advantage - touchable disk that gives you the joy of buying, which I remember from childhood. :) Awesome feeling!
Piotr Basiński said…
Games are good and easy way to spend time. Nowadays it is normal that, productions gets updated and become fully completed after few months after realese date. I bought games in preorder, it's nice way of make yourself sure that you will have your game as fast as possible.
Do you remember old times when not completed games without part of content (DLC) with a few bugs was called demo? For 60$ all all you get is a promise. Promise that we will be cash cow for big company because you should also paid extra for skins/extensions. I always repeat to myself "remember no preorders". When you forget about this simple rule you can get something like that:
Collecting - It ends only in two ways - big Allegro sale or throwing some stuff out to have a place for a new one :)
I also tend to be very productive, as the more experience I have, the more I feel like wasting time playing games, but I still believe that everybody needs some free time and relax - a good video game is a perfect way for me to do so, and I'm sure that there are games for everybody, it just requires finding a good one :).
Definitely, we can't call all pre-orders a total failure, that would be too big generalization. By the way, what did you order? :)
It's a combination of several facts:

a) Many (especially casual) gamers buy games blindly based purely on title, company or a trailer.
b) With power of digital distribution, it's easy to release nearly-finished product, and assume that it's alright to patch it after release without causing too big troubles.
c) Especially with release of early access titles on Steam, people very often pay for unfinished products intentionally, in hope to test it and help development. But it's very rare for early access game to be actually finished - developers got their money, so they don't have a reason anymore to work on a product. That is a subject for totally different article though.
Sadly, demo versions are becoming more and more rare, many games actually do not have a demo version anymore, even big AAA titles where it takes only a few hours to create a demo version out of finished full product. Yeah, I also like Steam, especially now with refund policy, so if you feel like game is not for you for any reason, you can refund it within 2 hours of in-game time, for any reason. That's really nice measure to combat lack of demos and unfinished products.
IIRC one company actually got sued for releasing a trailer that was totally different from final product. Similar case was with nvidia and GTX 970 GPU, that was falsely claimed to be better than it was in reality. Sadly, those are exceptions rather than rules.
Indeed, but there are also many successful indie games - Undertale or Stardew Valley are just 2 I really enjoyed and both of them are basically made by single people. It's also quite sad to see indie games featuring much better quality than AAA productions. Time pressure and profit-oriented strategy nearly always affects quality negatively.
It's more matter of the fact that gaming industry became gigantic both people-wise and money-wise. I'd say that it's pretty normal from players to demand more, especially with technological progress and big studios earning millions of dollars. In fact, broken pre-releases are IMHO the end result of too big pressure time-wise and players-wise put on developers.
Yeah, beta versions would be OK, but probably you'd expect them to be free, and not announced as final products that people are supposed to pay for - because that's what is happening with pre-orders nowadays. Steam created many new ways of games distribution, and improved many already existing things, but it also made it possible for abuse, to small and bigger degree, which should be cut to bare minimum.
But haven't you ever became frustrated because the game you paid for has been constantly crashing or for any other reason became unplayable? To me it's exactly the same as broken product that should never be allowed to enter the market in the first place. Sure, we can ignore some less common and hard-to-foresee incidents, but it feels almost like companies are doing it intentionally :(.
Well said, that's exactly what I think as well - No Man's Sky is the best example of overhyped game that turned out to be average at best, and a total disaster at worst. Sadly, I have a feeling like it will only become worse in the future...
First part of comment because don't know why it's getting deleted.
Finally a subject without politics and philosophy :)

First of all to be fair. Games development errors are common and I think that making games available via platforms like Steam isn't really the issue of that.

Just to make it clear - the most awaited PC game in last 10 years - GTA IV was mostly sold in traditional way (DVD - three of them if I remember correctly). It was almost unplayable at the release date and many months after. It cost a fortune and 1/8 of it was DRM's budget. The number of errors in this game and bad comments on the Internet was something truly insane (the game was released in 2008).
I can show one significant difference that changed through time - in 2015 Batman: Arkham Knight's - was officially taken down from Steam because of numer of errors reported by the users in first few days from release date (everyone received their money back from Steam when that happened). I personally bought GTA IV in 2008 - I couldn't play it because of many errors (my computer configuration at that time was above average) - I couldn't do nothing about it but wait about 2 months for a patch that made it playable...

Waiting for a patch in 2008 was the only option, in 2015 i received money back after 4 days - for me that's big and positive change also a big warning for developers.
Second part of the comment because don't know why it's getting deleted.

I also think that main problem with a new games is that the producers focus way too much on protecting the game using anti-tamper like Denuvo etc. and this kind of protection usually makes the game work slower. For PC the most loved feature when buying games through portal like GOG - is that, they're DRM free and mostly work better and without many problems from their DRM protected Steam versions.

I personally liked what Shadow Warrior 2 developers (recently released game) said about DRM - "it is a waste of time - There isn't a good way to stop [piracy] without hurting our customers". And I must say that money that was saved was not thrown away - the game released few days ago is just purely awesome, works great and after playing about 10 hours of it I didn't find any major or even small bug. It was made by Polish developers - so if you're a FPS fan, it's a must have.

P.s. To go back straight to Mafia III, the FPS limit on PC was easy taken away in about one day :) So sometimes it's better to wait for comments on the game and not to pre order it - you can buy every game in ten minutes anyway :)
Unknown said…
Recently I didn't have time to play, but this in what condition games are published, it isn't encouraged. I prefer old system of buying games in stores and the ability to play offline! Now everything must based on internet connection. In earlier times when the game was released on the market it was ready and patches came out rare. Now often we get semi-finished products, which are more like a beta version. I think nowadays in the game industry you need to take care of your customers because competition is huge. I hope that thanks to competition on the market games quality will be getting better and finally games companies begin to take care of the users and they don't treat them as beta testers.
Unknown said…
I belive that some of the games are released unfinished, because creators feel some kind of pressure, especially when it is continuation of well known, well accepted game. It doesn't make sense, because it would be much better to release next great game, but maybe they are afraid that clients may forget about this title or lose interest? And they want to maintain hype of this title? I prefer to wait for next game so it can be graet again. For example, Dragon Age. First game was amazing. Big world, many characters different from each other with their look and personalities, great story. Dragon Age II was released 2 years after first game and was a little bit dissapointing, because there was small world, a lot of unused threads, characters and whole game was short, compared to previous game. And then, after three years, there was Dragon Age III, another masterpiece. It was definitely worth waiting.
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This comment has been removed by the author.
Know what you mean - I also hate this online-mania in every game. People have to work, go to school, have time to meet with friends, train also have time for their hobbies etc., so we don't have much time left for multiplayer, where most of people play 2-4 hours a day... Just plain Single Player where you can leave your game for two weeks and start again where you finished last time is just what I miss the most in today's productions.

I think in the old days patches were released less frequent because users rarely used and there always had to be official update notification. Today Steam and other platforms release patches every few days because it's easy and no user action is required in most cases (I think about 75% users don't even notice that game was updated).
I learned the hard way not to pre-order games. The only companies that haven't let me down yet are CDProjekt Red and Valve. In terms of early access games, I don't really care. It's our own fault that we buy these games and then get disappointed. People forget that you should buy them if you want to support the developer and help the game to get better, not to get fully working product. Yes I know that there are developers that just cash out after some period of time - in that case maybe you should have waited until you see some big progress in the development of the game and then back it up.
Andrzej Gulak said…
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Unknown said…
I personally don’t pre-order games, just because I don’t have much time for playing games now. What I don’t enjoy in pre-ordering experience is that it gives you this waiting feeling that stops me from enjoying the current moment. I definitely should work on my patience
As a gamer - I think it’s a shame that companies release unfinished products. But as a software developer, I think it’s just a reality. It’s extremely difficult to make the product stable in a short period of time. So I kind of accept this new approach in game dev.
I prefer Steam because mostly I play a multiplayer with my friends. And Steam is all about playing with friends. I wish I’d have a Steam when I was 14 years old
I agree with some of you here that the developers feel some kind of pressure - everyone is waiting for the game and have a huge expectations. But this is no excuse for publishing game with many big buges. I think that computer program can't be writen without any bugs, but if you're professional you must take care of your product as well as you can.
Michał Pycek said…
Personally, I have made pre orders of games which I couldn't wait any longer for and simply wanted to try them out. I do not mind when the companies release a game which is being updated or have new versions after few months because I think that the players which like the game or like the producer, will continue to buy the updates out of curiosuty, loyalty or joy. I also agree that it is understandable that the companies do it, becuase when the gamers and fans know the gaming is upcoming, the pressure and expectations rise in a very short period of time, which I think, pushes the companies to hurry up with the release.
KamilG said…
I like play games, sometimes I buy these products in shop, but I have never bought pre-order video games, even I won't try to do it. Because I prefer to check, test it firstly and after decide if buy the product.
Xbobx live, Stream... I don't have any opinion about these things, because I didn't use them. But if distributors of games offered us a possibility to test demo version then I think this it's the best option for me.
Buying game online we save money, time and we have possibility to test a game before. We are partially guilty that released games look like unfinished. Buying pre-orders we give the distributor guarantee that he will have money from our pockets. Then he doesn't feel any pressure to make a game with high quality. For me this marketing gimmick seems as teleshoping. On tv everything works beautifully, but reality is different.
Unknown said…
I don't think that this is happening because of preorders. In most cases, it's just developers laziness. They know that over 99% of gamers have internet connection and during developing they don't polish some features knowing that they can patch gameplay later. What's more, they may be actually using first days after release as some kind of testing, so they know what to work on ;)
Moode said…
sometime i do pre order games, because some time you can’t get it in special price, unique items, or access to beta version as they have done with battlefield.
about unfinished games, i do remember Diablo 3
and i think it happens because the fans was really pushing them out to release the game.
and my opinion about steam, its acutely very nice and organised way to buy and download games, i used most of the times.
kondrat said…
I have never pre-ordered video games, because I'm not huge fan of them. So waiting more time to get the satisfying product is not a problem for me.
I think it all depends on situation on the market. Companies are competing each other what causes that time to finish the game is improbably short. It results with unfinished games released on market. I think this situation is acceptable, technology allows us to make huge things, however working under pressure, while deadlines keep changing is really hard. Technology only helps humans and I think that we should remember about this. I think this situation is caused both by clients, who want every new game ASAP, and the market. In terms of digital distribution system I think it is very convenient, fast and easy way to get a game.
Kacper Zaremba said…
I never buy preorders, mostly because of the reasons mentioned in your article. Moreover, I usually decide to buy a game after reading some reviews and opinions on the internet. I think that realeasing unfinished games is a very bad habit of game developers, and people will start avoiding games from studios that do it. I really enjoy using digital distrubutions system. You can get game much faster and cheaper than in traditional way. Also, you don't have to keep the CDs and serial keys needed for installation - when you want to install game again you can just download it.
I don't pre order games as I like to now the opinions of other gamers about particular game. I can know this way if the game I'm interested in, is worth of buying.
I think selling an unfinished product is horrible thing and should never happen as for me it is cheating and maybe it would be better to postpone it for ex..
Talking about steam, it is good thing for small studios. The would not be able to go on market and show their products without it.
Yeah unfortunately sometimes even they publish game on time they make it very linear, only with one predicable thread and without a way to choose your own "faith" in game.
I like to play rpg's mostly an for me the most important thing in game is great story with many thing I can do in there and with many path to take on.
Unknown said…
1. No, I don't pre-order video games. I think that playing video games is a waste of time, so buying them is a waste of money! READ MORE BOOKS PEOPLE!! ;)
2. I think that we are just humans so I accept the fact that they release an unfinished product. However, they shouldn't overdo it and they should create at least 90 % of the game.
3. I prefer to buy games in a traditional way. I like to feel it under my fingers and I like when the box stand on my shelf and there is a thick layer of dust on it... mmm... ;)
Adam Nowak said…
In my opinion, game industry right now, i have to write that, is a cancer. Why? Because, at example, in this industry more money is spent on advertising than on game development. Game distribution platforms, like Steam, of course have some impact on that, but i think that they changed game industry in a positive way. The ability of releasing game without spending milions of dollars caused blooming of independent game developers. It's a blessing for gamers, which are tired of repetitive AAA games.
I share your opinion on why the game studios release unfinished games. Impossible deadlines and rapidly evolving requirements make it impossible to deliver finished product. I also have never pre-ordered any video game. I simply don't have time to really care about games. When it comes to platforms like Steam, I rather prefer the old school physical copy of the game and I guess that game collectors prefer that too. Remember the GTA Vice City foldout box?
1. I don't pre-order videogames and the reason is pretty simple. I don't really play most new games as they come out. I used to do that and that's when I used to pre-order, but nowadays I don't quite have the time and will, so I just play anything I fancy, which doesn't need to be a new game.
2. Well, it's hard to tell. Videogames are a business and some companies are a part of the stock exchange. In a situation like that postponing a date of release can be very hurtful in terms of money. Of course, everyone would like to get completely finished games, but they're still a business.
3. I like Steam. For a long time I preferred to buy games in a traditional way, but things like Family sharing, the ease with which you can have all your library immediately wherever you have an Internet connection, swayed me into liking Steam.
I have never preordered a game. To be honest I bought exactly 5 games in my life and I'm not an expert. I heard about problem with bugged and defective games so it must be significant. Maybe players let developers to act like this? Maybe they did or did not do something to tell them that they can launch unfinished products. I can't answer for this question because I don't know this matter.

In my opinion Steam is a cool service to buy games.
Unknown said…
I think video games are no different than any other business, developers release unfinished games because someone buys them, and I don't even think it's a bad thing. Obviously some of those games never get done and are really bad, but I guess that's how it is. From what I know creating video games is an incredibly complicated process.
Another thing is that bugs and broken games always existed, even before digital distribution, what digitalization changed is how developers can react to their own mistakes. When the entry point is so low that literally anyone who wants to make a game can do it - you have to expect broken games.
Again, not everything game developers do is obvious and simple, I don't think that people make broken games because that's what they wanted to do. Sometimes something goes wrong.
Unknown said…
"But what would you say if I told you that there is one guy who coded the whole game, drew the whole art and composed entire music, all by himself, as a hobby, and it turned out to be so good that his musical compositions are currently being re-used infinitely, by hundreds of professional artists, in total of at least 20 thousands of tracks?"

Undertale? You mean Undertale right? No?

Well the games seem pretty obscure, as for the music... well I listened to all of the songs you linked and liked only the jazz version. I wanted to answer your question but then I realized I have no idea how to classify the type of music I listen to so I asked Wikipedia. It says I listen to Indietronica, Folktronica, Alternative rock and Baroque pop... so who am I to judge?
Of course, I'm not complaining about the patch itself, but more about the fact that it could >really< be fixed prior to official release, I can't believe that nobody out of PC testers noticed 30 FPS lock during all stages of development, and final QA testing as well. Something that could easily be fixed made it to the release, affecting rates, reviews and peoples' mood :).
Yeah, as a guy who pre-ordered Witcher 3 and both expansions I must admit that I'm very happy with my choice and CDPR has never disappointed me yet, hopefully they will never do :).
Jarek_Ziem said…
No. not at all. There is no point of buying games before getting reviews from the biggest magazines or even friends.
The biggest problem with buying unfinished games is that people buy unfinished games. If we wouldn’t buy pre-order games the companies will stop selling us exaggerated trailers with better graphics. They would stop spending money on getting people hyped and they’d start spending on the development of the game.
Steam it’s life. In modern digital world, there is no more need for physical discs or physical releases.

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