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Week 10 [30.05 - 05.06] Great comeback of board games

On the Polish market it seems to be some kind of renaissance of board games. Shop shelves are full of both the new ones and the older titles. We are no longer condemned to the Monopoly series (of course I am not implying that it was bad) and we can reach for almost every possible board game that was released worldwide. Not to mention some of our own creators like Portal Games.
Today I am going to present to you some board games titles that are worth mentioning. For someone who likes board games and has some titles it might not be anything new, but maybe you are thinking about getting a new one. And maybe some of these titles can appeal to you.
Bear in mind that they are in somehow random order.

The Settlers of Catan

For some it is not very surprising that this game is on my list. In my personal opinion, it's the title that brought popularity to board games in Poland. This game, which originated from Germany, was released back in 1995 but is still one of best-selling games. Players take the role of settlers of a newly found island – Catan. They have to manage their colonies by expanding it and collecting natural resources. Each player has to place new cities and roads in order to collect resources. Of course there is more than one player, trade takes an important part in expanding your colony. The goal of the game is to achieve 10 points (usually) which are earned during the play. The game involves a lot of strategy, but it is easy to begin to play. While mastering it might take a lot of time, it's still one of the games that I would recommend it to someone who is new to board games.

Cthulhu series

This is another top position from the world of board games. Speaking about the whole Cthulhu series is difficult as it involves a lot of different games. What I wanted to present is the series that involves Arkham Horror, Mansion of Madness, Elder Sign and Call of Cthulhu. These games are much more complex than Catan and their average playtime can span from 2 up to 4 hours. They are also much more similar to 'paper' RPGs where one of the player takes the role of game master. I am not going to describe its complex mechanics here, but if you are interested, there are tons of materials about these games. I strongly recommend this series to more hardcore players.

Pandemic series

Pandemic is one of best-selling games of last few years, and it is obvious for anyone who played the game at least once. It's one of my personal favorites. The game, which I play regularly. It takes some other way than other popular games, it's not a game in which you compete against other players but you have to cooperate with them. In Pandemic up to 4 players take a role of one of available specialists and work with other players toward victory. The goal of the game is to discover cure for each of 4 diseases which threaten the world. If that is not enough for you, the game has 3 expansions (so far) which can totally change the way game is played. I highly recommend this title.

Legacy type games

Legacy type games are the ones in which player's actions permanently change the way a game looks and is played. Decisions made in one game can, and will, change the way the next game is played. It's rather an unorthodox approach to the topic as when all choices available are made, the game loses its charm. I actually own two legacy type games, one being Risk Legacy (picture above) and still boxed Pandemic Legacy. After playing Risk Legacy for some time, I would say it's worth trying.

Neuroshima universe games

Last but not least is another position which do not depict one game, but many games based on the same universe. Of course it's Neuroshima, which is also made in Poland by Portal Games. And one of their best releases is Neuroshima: Hex. Another simple game that is very hard to master, especially the way it relies on skills and knowledge of the game. In this game each player takes command over one of available armies and tries to eliminate other players by destroying their headquarters while defending his or her own. Taking into account that this game has a number of distinguished armies, it makes the space for strategic thinking. If you like competitive games that take 30-45 minutes for each play, it's my choice.

I hope you enjoyed this humble choice of just a few great board games that are available today. Maybe you know some other good titles that are worth recommending?


Marcin Konarski said…
I was always hufe fan of Monopoly board game. Monopoly presented its first versions with cash replaced by Visa-branded debit cards. Today’s version goes one step further, again in tandem with society at large taking its next steps toward a full cashless reality where surveillance is openly admitted to. Instead of the slower manual entering of transactions into the central keypad, all properties come with a scanable barcode that, when purchased, will be automatically deducted from a player’s funds. I can't believe that everything is changed to more complicated version istead of the cool first version from our childhood.
I liked the most "Mensch ärgere Dich nicht" I couldn't find other english name for our "chinczyk". But german name can be translated as "Do not get annoyed, man". I was suprised that game was developed in Germany and is soooo old - it was realed around 1907. In this game the figures are moved around the board using four dice instead of one. Thereby it is required that two dice should always be paired with one another. The board is very small - only 24 fields to get your pawn into your house. The player who first put all his checkers to "house". If you play three or four people, the other three (or two), players can roll away game of the 2nd and 3rd place.
Unknown said…
Actually I had an idea to mention "Mensch ärgere Dich nicht" but without posting picture no one would know what I meant. I literally went through the same problem with finding normal name for it.
Pat said…
My grandfather actually used the name "Człowieku, nie irytuj się" for "Chińczyk", so it may not be as uncommon as we think :)
Pat said…
I really like playing board games! My favourites are Arkham Horror, Game of Thrones, The Witcher, Ankh-Morpork, Dixit and many more. I also appreciate simple, mainstream board games, like Scrabble or Taboo, but for me, it's a completely different category.

On the other hand, there are some games that are totally overrated in my opinion. Have you ever played Talisman? This game is kind of legendary, and I was SOOOO disappointed when I played it! It's just like "Mensch ärgere Dich nicht" mentioned by Cezary, only with fancy graphics. Your abilities and strategy doesn't count - my mother played with me and my brother once and although she's a complete novice in the field, she had so much luck she finished the game in few rounds and won.
I've never played the games you mentioned above except Monopoly. I like board games fine, but when I meet with friends we don't stay sober long enough to play any. Also, the problem with many of those board games is that you need to buy a lot of components to properly play them and they can be quite expensive sometimes.
Unknown said…
Even though I played a lot of board games, I would call myself a casual gamer at most. I have my favorite titles and enjoy playing a lot of party board games but I don't care for games that require a lot of preparation. There are a lot of games that take hours to set up (cards, pawns etc.) and to read and understand the rules.

I can at least share a couple of interesting games I know:

X-com is based on a very popular strategic computer game where you and the enemies (aliens) move on separate rounds. You and other players are a team and the board game is connected to the app on your computer or phone and the AI decides how your opponents move against you and other players.

Star Wars Armada is a cool game for every Star Wars fan and for people who like starship figurines.

Timeline is not a board game per se but it's a very interesting little card game which I find highly enjoyable. You get a set of cards with historical events and have to set them in proper order. The first person to get rid of all their cards wins.
Unknown said…
I don't play often in board games but I really like it! The Monopoly was one of my favorite games in childhood. In my opinion it's the best entertainment when you meet with your friends. For a time I often played with his friends in a Game of Thrones (even before the serial released by HBO). I like board games which has got long gameplay. In GoT we played minimum 8 hours. I think card games is also great because they are more portable and you could take it everywhere. These type of games is good for integration with people :)
Unknown said…
Thank you for the interesting article. I must say I only became more interested in board games recently. As a child I rarely had a chance to play, because those games are usually rather expensive.

I haven't played any other version of Monopoly but the basic one, so I shouldn't judge, but I think they created them just for the money. On the other hand, sometimes it's fun to see how people "customised" the game, for example adapting it to various fandoms, like The Beatles or Harry Potter.
By the way, did you know the original idea of the game was created by Elizabeth Magie in 1903, to show problems of the contemporary economy and criticise capitalism? However, her idea was stolen, patented by Parker Brothers and became probably the best known game in the world, but promoting the very opposite of the intended goal: to win, you have to bankrupt everyone else. You can read more about the history of the game [here].

My favourite board gae is Arkham Horror, which you have mentioned, based on H. P. Lovecraft's stories. It's really long (the first time I played, the game took over 9 hours) and you have really slim chance of winning. You fight against the Old Ones, ancient and terrible monsters... or something. You basically choose how to die :D I heartily recommend it to everyone.

I know it's not a board game, but it's still "physical": Cards Against Humanity. It's so wonderfully politically incorrect and offensive xD I absolutely love it.
Unknown said…
Oh yeah, I have noticed this phenomenon as well. Board games are everywhere. Monopolly is pretty good, everyone has played it at least once in a lifetime. I played in this kind of game, when I was child. Although I know that it is not a pastime only for children, now I rarely play a board games. I like the most Pandemic Series from your example. It seems to be very interesting and a little other than typical board game.
Unfortunatelly I don’t give you a new position, because I completely don’t know it.
Unknown said…
One of my friends told me not to buy Talisman, he compared it to "Snakes and Ladders" another game similar to "Mensch ärgere Dich nicht" where your skills do not matter.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately I have to agree that board games are rather expensive. With some titles costing more than 200 PLN, you need to know what you buy. But the same goes with video games for some time. Entering global market means accepting global prices.
Unknown said…
As big fan of X-Com franchise, I did not included X-Com only because it's still on my wishlist. But the concept of using dedicated app is, for me, very interesting.
Unknown said…
Nowadays it's rather hard to draw line between board games and card games as both categories often overlap. If almost always bring one card game when I travel.
Unknown said…
Actually the only monopoly I played, other than basic one, was one we made with friends during high-school on a pizza box. It was basically the regular monopoly with different theme. And the history of the game is also very interesting, I even planned to include it into article, but decided to skip it. Although now I regret not including Cards Against Humanity, for me it was a tittle that went beyond expectations.
Unknown said…
Pandemic is very good game to begin with as it is fast to learn and offers reasonable time of gameplay. And the very basic edition allows you to customize difficulty.
Moode said…
I never played those games but they looks fabulous, I think board games are great options while meeting with family or friends on vacation or weekend.
the only game we play together is Rummikub, this game is a lot of fun.
the idea of this game "Tiles are shuffled together and either placed into a bag or spread out face down across the table. Each player draws and reveals one tile. The player whose tile has the highest number value will start the game. Tiles are returned to the pool, and players collect 14 random tiles and arrange them on their racks. Play begins with the starting player and proceeds in a clockwise (for modern variants) direction".
Unknown said…
The game is very cool and I highly recommend it.
Unknown said…
I would like to recommend Kolejka, Loża Szyderców and Dixit, i love games that require communication between players and emotions. I like party games the most when it comes to board games.
Unknown said…
My friends recently opened board games shop. I have to say those things are amazing, especially nowadays, when people tend to isolate themselves more and more. Board games bring people together, and develop many useful skill in fun way. My favourites are Patchowrk, Tajniacy, and Avalon. I also like Magic: The Gathering, the card game.
Unknown said…
It's really nice to see that board games are still in the move. Board games are really entertaining. And you can have fun with a couple of friends using it. Everytime I go for a holiday with my friends. No matter where we go, we always take with us some board game. After party, when everyone is really exhausted, we play games like monopoly. I always enjoy that!
Unknown said…
I’ve never heard about games you mentioned before. I used to play board games when I was a child. Maybe I will try some board games in the future. And hope it’ll be much entertaining than Monopoly. Now I prefer card games such as “Exploding Kittens” – It’s a variance of a Russian roulette. Really worth playing.
Unknown said…
Exploding Kittens really sounds interesting, they even have very good tutorials. Maybe I'll try it next.
Unknown said…
In my opinion, there was some time when board games were rather old-fashioned. Not many titles releasing and few innovations. It's very nice to see they did't vanished entirely.
Unknown said…
'Kolejka' is actually the first board game I bought, except for fabled 'Monopoly'. I surely can agree and recommend that tittle.
Svitlana Bilan said…
It's pretty cool to play board games in company of friends and have a good time. I've played Catan, Manchkin, Warhammer and some other games that were in the boardgames club. Even though some of them were really hard in terms of numerous rules and demanding towards the player's experience I still enjoyed them, probably due to the awesome people and nice atmosphere of friendly playing. Probably I would like to repeat this experience, but I love more fast-pased games with low entry level as I don't have much time to read numerous tutorials and lores.
Unknown said…
There's a mobile game called Pandemic, isn't it pretty much the same? If so, I'd gladly try the board version :)
Recently I've been to Warsaw book fair and in the meantime there was also some kind of "board game fair" and with my friends we've tried a game about re-building Warsaw. Shame it was so expensive because the game itself was quite fun.
I've also tried The Game of Thrones board game. That one was intense, we've spent 5 hours on it and still had one round left but I really enjoyed it.
I just love games of any kind so much but board games and card games are the best when you have at least 4 people - with less I'd rather play a video game ;)
Unknown said…
It's the great part of board games, that you can choose whenever you want to spend 30 minutes on game or 8 hours.
Unknown said…
I think that Pandemic is copyrighted name so it should be the same name. There is also Plague Inc. which is total opposite of Pandemic. When you save the world - it's Pandemic, if you doom it - it's Plague Inc. And I have to agree that some games are more interesting when you play them with more than 2-3 people. For one-on-one plays I prefer simpler card games.
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I really like board games. Recently, I have very little time on it - but until recently I loved to spend time playing Cluedo (, Kolejka ( rozrywnik / line-addictive-trip-in-time-old-lady-games-cz-5). It was a moment that every meeting with friends consisted agreed gameplay;) It's an excellent idea to have fun. The market saturates titles as board games became fashionable - we have a large selection. This is not only entertainment for children.
Unknown said…
I would even say that adults are more targeted audience than kids nowadays. It's nice to grow in such nice times.
Unknown said…
Generally I think that great comeback of board games is really good especially for children. Computer makes the people become antisocial. They have virtual contact but it is worse than real contact. When people want to play board games they need other people so they invite each other to spend together free time. It's nice.
Unknown said…
I always liked to play in board games, even when i was a child.
Unknown said…
I love board games and I'm very happy that trend to play board games comes back. My favourite are "Letters from Whitechapel", "7 wonders of the world", "Dixit" and "Rummikub". The first one is similar to famous "Scotland yard". Letters are played in the era of Jack the Ripper. One player portrays Jack which flees to the hideout, the other players have to find it. "7 wonders of the world" is a strategy in which we must to gather resources and points for different buildings or actions. Players in the game exchanging cards which is the most difficult aspect of this game. "Dixit" develops our creativity and "Rummikub" improves our logical thinking :) I recommend this games for people who like think strategically.
Unknown said…
Let's just hope that more board games are going to be targeted for children. From what I have observed, the focus of developers rather shifted towards adults.
Unknown said…
I heard many good reviews of 'Letters from Whitechapel' so I can agree with that one. In my opinion everyone can find some game for him/herself.
Unknown said…
I have only played one of games that were mentioned by you and it is The Settlers of Catan. I looove this one :D Great game! The only disadvantage is that it sometimes can last forever, and too many things are depends on "luck" - all resources are gathered only if the dice shows the proper number :P

I really want to try Pandemic - I like the fact, that it's cooperation :) I must check it out. Can you say something more about it? How long is a gameplay? How many people can play?

My personal favourites are Dixit, Tabu (not quite a board game but also 'analog' game with a board :D Sooo much fun!) and Kolejka :)
I am not a great fan of board games, because they require a lot of planning and strategical thinking and I am not very good at it, I also don't enjoy making decisions. This is why I usually don't play board games. Some time ago, when Magic was popular (and I was a bit too young to fully understand the rules) I collected the cards and sorted them by prettiness;) It takes a lot of effort to convince me to play something from time to time, so the only games I play are for board-games-haters. My favourite of them are:
Pandemic - you presented it here, I am glad, because I didn't know it was so popular!
Dixit - each player has six cards on hand (some cards are designed very well!) and one of the players chooses a card and tells a sentence or an expression related to one of the cards. Then this player puts his card on the table (face down) and the rest of the players choose one card from theirs to match the sentence/expression. Then the players have to decide which card was the one chosen originally.
Graffiti - each turn one player leaves the room while others choose a card with a phrase. They have one minute to draw some clues on separate boards to help the other player to identify the secret word. They shuffle their drawings and the returning person has to guess what was the phrase, tell which drawing was the most helpful and match the drawings with the rest of the players.
Taboo - people are divided into two teams and players take turns describing a word or a phrase to the remaining members of their team and they cannot use certain words to describe it (for example when you are describing word "Earth", you cannot use the word "planet").
I hope there are more board games for me out there because it is a very good way to spend time with friends and family and it is a good conversation starter:)
Unknown said…
I loved to play "Chinczyk" with my grandpa and brother, i battled chess duels with my brother and playe Game of Thrones with my classmates in my mid school. Of cours sometimes i still play Monopoly :D usually with kids. I think board games are quite fun, but i don't do it regularly. But when I do i enjoy it and have a lot of fun :)
Unknown said…
That's interesting! Thanks for sharing ^^
Unknown said…
I played Cards Against Humanity and it's really a hardcore! I guess it's too much for me haha :D

Thanks for sharing the article about Monopoly, amazing! I have never heart about it before! ;o
Unknown said…
Board games are great. From those you mentioned I heard about Settlers of Catan and Neuroshima. My best experience with the more complex games was with Might & Magic Talisman, I think it's a great way of spending a couple of hours with friends (however I heard stories that a full game of Talisman with all its expansions can take more than 12 hours!) Other game that I heard of and would love to try out was Game of Thrones board game, I heard it recreates all the backstabbing present in George R.R. Martins books and the HBO series pretty well.
This comment has been removed by the author.

I enjoyed reading the article very much. It has been a long time since I played a board game. When I was younger, I like propably everyone else played chińczyk, and other classic games. Last Year I played a game simillar game to Settlers of Catan and enjoyed it very much. Maybe its time to get back to the board games and see what is new. I will definatelly try the pandemic since it looks interesting.
I agree that people now return to old kind of games. My personal favourite board game is Talisman( in Polish Talizman: Magia i Miecz). I got this game for my birthday a few years ago and when I have time I play it with my friends. I think some people are tired of PS, Xbox and computer games and want just "simple" entertainment where no technology is required. I like playing computer games and on Play Station but it is nice to play this kind of normal game. I find it really relaxing and enjoy doing this. I can really recommend it to you. And I think it is great that more and more board games are available in Poland and that there are some news in them. I don't think that board games will be endangered. You can take them with you and just enjoy them, for example, outside with no power needed.

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