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Week 3 [4.04 - 10.04] Why movies are so popular?

Why are movies so popular?


I watch movies. I think that everybody watches movies. I'm not talking here about mindless staring at the screen, but watching movies that interest us. There are many types of movies like drama, science-fiction, horror, comedies etc. So last week, after watching a movie, I started to think - why movies are so popular? In my view, there are couple of reasons.

First of all, it really depends on individual interests and moods. Everyone likes different kind of movies. For example, when we like to watch educational movies, we can improve  our knowledge about the world, learn more about our interests. Movies make us more eager to learn.  Now with modern technologies, scientists can show us space in movies. Geologists can show us what earth looked like millions of years ago. It is through movies that people can know cultures from many other foreign countries without traveling.

For a lot of us movies also makes us relax, boost us with positive thinking, fill with enthusiastic energy. It’s a great way, of course if we like it, to spend a quiet evening with our friends or family. We can forget about everything but the plot of the film we are watching.

Secondly, movies can make a huge impact on our lives, they can make us dream about love or something. They can motivate us and make our dreams come true.


In conclusion, movies are part and parcel of our lives. People like to be happy and have fun. So what is your favorite kind of movie and why?


Unknown said…

Many years ago my favorite type of movies was a musical. I still like it, but now rather I prefer drama and comedy. Hah I’m full of contradicious :P It is very difficult to talk what kind is my favorite. From time to time I watch a comedy, some other time fantasy and sometimes science fiction. I think that kind of movie have a sense, but in the movie the most important is a plot and increasing tension. I like when the movie move on important topic, but for example I don’t like typical historic documentary film. I sleep on it. :P But again I like costume movies. I’m not sure it is typical :P You have the same like me?
I can agree with you that if movie move on important topic, the kind of movie is not so relevant. And that's why I'm just like you - I like fantasy and comedy and science fiction etc :P And I think it's a great thing, I can watch a lot more movies than the others people who like one kind of movies.
Unknown said…
That's true. Limiting yourself to just one genre is a bit of a waste. We live in a postmodernist culture, if you will, so many definitions are no longer valid and genres mix endlessly. You can find something interesting and worthwhile in places you'd never expect.
Unknown said…
I think making and experiencing any form of creation is one of the most important human needs. Without expressing ourselves we feel trapped, angry and hopeless, reduced to being only a sum of our most basic needs. As Jagoda mentions, there are contless reasons why we watch films. I am no expert, but I think there are two underlying aspects of film, or any form of art at all, that make it so popular and important to people: escapism and mirroring (and they are not really separate things). Film is very special because it comprises many different levels of meaning: visual, auditory, textual etc., much like real life. Humans' primary source of information would probably be sight, that's why we are so easily tricked by what we see; we are willing to believe it's true and immerse ourselves in the story completely. Other forms of expression are maybe not limited but different, in a way more artificial. Perhaps that's why we are so drawn to films. Either way, this immersion lets us escape our real life and real problems BUT precisely because film is a form of expression, it will inevitably mirror human condition. I think the Greek were right about our need to experience catharsis. Films serve as a proxy via which we are able to reflect on our own problems and perhaps gain some knowledge of how to deal with them.

TL;DR: Films are really great :D
For me movies are interesting way of taking a break and spend my free time. The greatest thing about watching movie is that you don't think at all about your personal life, problems, tasks that are waiting for you to so and so on. They also enable us to watch some unrealistic visions, technology that does not exists and what is the more exiting being a part of situation that we can't experience in real life normally like in James Bond movies.

Sometimes it is great to learn someone's life story and understand biographies of interesting people and sometimes just laugh about some stupid things. I like movies where some facts are shown and I can somehow imagine how it looked like when it happened.
Movies are a great form of entertainment in my opinion. I like how they can be so different from our every day life and let people indirectly experience unbelievable adventures. Even though if we think about it deep inside every script is pretty much the same - the so called "hero's journey" is a standard of script writing - it's the details that make them different, either good or bad.

Personally I'm a big fan of Marvel Cinematic Universe and I can't wait for Civil War now :) I also like horror movie, but only those that mess with your head, not your stomach.
Unknown said…
My favorite type of movies are documentaries mainly because there is so much variety in them, from war movies, to economic ones. I just love the variety and opportunity to learn as I watch them.
Unknown said…
I don't have favourite type. That's what I watch largely depends on my mood, but I really like fantasy and science-fiction movies for example "Star Wars". I also believe that movies are a great source of knowledge about the world. You could see the different cultures without leaving your home or see where you want to go on holiday :) Great is that there are so many genres of movies that everyone can find something for yourself. Recently I had the opportunity to watch a Icelandic movie. I think it's interested experience, it was something different from movies I know and I recenty watch. In my opinion we shouldn't focus on one type of films.
Unknown said…
I'm a huge movie buff and I watch almost everything that comes out every week at the cinema (I even have got a monthly subscription now ;) ) and I also watch a lot of movies at home. I think it would be pretty hard for most people to choose only one favorite genre same as we stop having one favorite color after a certain age ;) I enjoy watching most kind of movies and I focus more on good writing, editing and the whole movie being well made than on the genre. I also enjoy it when a movie has some unexpected twists because I'm really good at predicting what is going to happen in most movies and it's nice to feel surprised sometimes. But maybe that jus comes with having watched so many films that the writing sometimes seems linear. But if the plot is good it doesn't bother me if I can predict the ending ;) I can safely say that I don't watch a lot of horror movies because I'm kind of a coward sometimes and I try to only watch good horror movies and only when I'm in the mood.
Michał Pycek said…
Personally, I prefer military movies, however I don't think I have a favourite one, since there's been so many interesting and worth watching movies...
Well, I watch movies in order to widen my knowledge regarding a specific topic or simply to entertain and relax during my free time.
However I also have noticed that movies always have played and still play a significant role in our lives. They can have an enormous impact on our perspective, mind set as well as opinions regarding various subjects. They are also meaningful, because they can tell stories, which we can relate to or which are totally new to us and therefore they broaden our point of view. On the other hand, movies have always been creating some sort of heroes or idols, which have been becoming a part of a pop culture worldwide. Movies can also bring up topics regarding social, political, economical and cultural issues, in order to inform about the problem and make people think about it.
In my opinion, this is why movies are very influencial.
Unknown said…
Kind of my favorite movies depends on my mood. I like watching movies and going to the cinema. It's nice to know what movies are nominated for an Oscar. Films are made on high level. Film producers outdo in a cast. Sometimes I watch the movies because of the favorite actresses and actors. Dialogues are also very important. Finally some appear in everyday language.
Unknown said…
I never limit myself to any kind of movies. As majority have already mentioned the choice depends on ones mood. My general opinion on commercial film industry is rather negative. Most of modern productions are money oriented and refers directly to human basic feelings without any complex story behind. Obviously there are great films i love to watch on and on, but for these you either got to wait long time or explore film forums.
Unknown said…
I could say I enjoy all the genres there are. Except musicals because no. The way I browse through movies is based on how good their are in what they do. I'll explain. You can like or dislike action movies but it is doubtful that anyone would like a action movie that does not bring you action. If action movie lacks action it becomes boring because it do not have anything else to offer. And the same goes with every other genre. I enjoy good action movie as much as I enjoy good documentary. Everything else are tastes.
It is true. All these reasons led us to watch movies. Our mood and interests are decide. Our age is also important in the selection. When I was younger I watched only horror. Now, I do not even look at this kind of movie. Everything changes.
OlaScislewska said…
My opinion is really close to Sonias view and way of perceive movies in our culture. Movies are one of possibility how to spend free time but that's definitely second of major aspects. The first is how movie industry can and even should change the world. Show us needs and problems of the contemporary world. Poverty, racism, loneliness, diversity that's only some of issues movies can teach us about and awake some kind of fragility in us. One of my favorite directors Michael Haneke is the one who think this way and creating every single movie cause anxiety and contemplation among spectators. I would like to recommend film "Amour" or "La Pianiste" by Haneke. Anyway movie can be just a fun and it's nothing wrong in it, happiness is important as much as any other feeling in our life :)
I don't really watch a lot of movies, but when I do, genre isn't sth I care about too much, quality is. The whole spectrum of quality. I actually don't like watching good movies with my friends at the cinema. The worse the movie the better.
Unknown said…
I don't think that educational movies about space or earth from millions of years ago are the main reason why "movies are so popular". Obviously, movies are easier to absorb by everyone than other media, like books for example - I heard they are pretty good for education and relax too.
Seriously speaking - it's easier to understand a scientific topic by watching than by reading.
Unknown said…
Last I liked watching movies. I must mention that I always prefer more the theater or the living-art like improvizing theather or something like this. However, on a winter evening under a pled with mug of tea, film is often invaluable. It's nice sometimes to move to another world. Furthermore, I believe that movies develop our imagination, build empathy (these ambitious of course) and extend knowledge (eg. documentary). Usually, I try to choose a movie that brings something to my life :)
Marcin Konarski said…
I can explain why movies are popular on my example. I am working hard for whole week, because I have full-time job after job I am going to the university and I am there till 8:30 pm. My only free time is during weekends and all I want is to relax. Just don’t think about school assessments, my job and problems that I have to solve when monday will come. And here comes movies. Something that I can watch, be for 2 hours in different world than this one around me, don’t think about my problems and just have fun. There in billions people like me in this world and they have the same problems and movies are great way to spend free time.

There are people who reeds gossip portals, who have time to travel or go to the restaurant, but turning on tv or going to cinema it pretty cheap, easy and gives what we expect - thinking about something else than usual.
Unknown said…
Well, movies are popular simply because it is like creating a reality - with characters, it's own climate events and stories, sometimes physics and environment as well. People always loved stories - ages ago they were told during the gatherings, then we got the theatre, the books and the film is the latest form of art allowing us to see and observe an story or phenomenon. It is also the fusion of all-known arts - painting, photography, music, theatre, epic, poetry and literally anything. I think that the beauty of the film is that it basically allows us to do and show almost anything from any perspective or perspectives. It has an incredible amount of uses - entertainment, science, propaganda, advertisement or pure art for art. I wonder what would be next form after film - maybe gaming is becoming it now?
Marta Kowalczyk said…
Personally I am a huge fan of cartoons. I love the ones that are designed for adults, but sometimes the ones that are directed primarly for childreen are even better. There is something special about animations - sometimes it is easier to understand some universal truth that an author is trying to show us when the movie is animated and the the characters are overdrawn or not even humans. In my opinion they are also more fun to watch and they are usually comedies. My recent favourite cartoons are 'Gravity falls' and 'Bojack the Horseman' - I strongly recommend you to watch them!

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