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Week 3 [4.04 - 10.04] Polymagnets

Common magnets which we are familiar with have to poles – north and south. This type of magnets attract each other when they are set together with the opposite poles, and repel in the other way. Magnets with only two poles have been known for 180 years. But nowadays this thing has changed. Correlated Magnetics Research company has developed a technology which allows us to make magnets with multiple poles.

Ordinary magnet with two poles (on the left), Polymagnet with multiple poles (on the right)

They use a special machine to “print” maxels (magnetic pixels) inside the structure of a popular rare-earth magnets such as neodymium magnets.

Visualization of maxels

So what does it change? What can we use it for

Actually the sky is the limit and we are only limited by our creativity. For example, we can make magnets up to 5 times stronger than a regular one, because more magnetic energy can stay in an attracted metal. We can also create a magnet which is both strong and safe for credit cards. But the most awesome thing we can do is e.g. a spring when two magnets attract each other when they are far away, but in a close distance they repel themselves.

Yes, we can print images in a magnetic field!

In the store you can get pre-engineered designs of magnets to play around. They cost only a couple of dollars each and you can choose from springs, latches and other types.

Do you have any awesome ideas what we could use it for?

You can find an interesting video about Polymagnets below:



Thanks to you I had chance to hear about this discovery, so I would like to thank you.
I understand that we can make stronger magnets but I don't understand how we can use it to make safer cards? I think that there is a lot of ideas how to use is, I guess that we can improve machines that uses standard magnets for stronger ones.
Unknown said…

It is totally not mine topic. So I don’t know what I can say. Certainly it is very interesting and it has a huge potencial. Unfortunately I haven’t got any great ideas to using it.
Do you have any real application of it?
Unknown said…
Cool discovery, maybe it might have a use in transportation systems in future, or in aerospace industry
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I wish I knew more about the subject but it definitely sounds interesting, especially the safe credit cards part. I'll have to check it out. Science is <3
Unknown said…
I wish I knew more about the subject but it definitely sounds interesting, especially the safe credit cards part. I'll have to check it out. Science is <3
Unknown said…
It's very cool information, but I have no idea how we could use it. I think they are perfect to create some toys for children. As for the normal magnets I always liked these trailed fridge especially when they come from different countries ;D
Unknown said…
I actually watched this video the day it came out ;) It's a cool discovery.
Unknown said…
It's an interesting discovery but to be honest I have no idea how we could use it except for fun - like those neocubes that were quite popular some time ago (the sets of little spherical neodymium magnets). They could probably be of some use but it's not my division, I only put magnets on my fridge to hold some postcards ;)
Michał Pycek said…
This is a very interesting topic and I am glad that you shared it with us. The effect you get from polymagnets like “spring” is commonly used in a railway industry in Japan or Germany to produce high-speed trains. Also, I have heard about hover boards (levitating boards) which you can use to fly over the magnetic skatepark. Maybe that kind of technology would be also useful in this area.
Unknown said…
If the scientist behind this are correct on this topic then we might have another big scientific breakthrough. As breakthrough in magnets do not sound very catchy, it is as magnets sit in a lot of devices we use today. Probably in like 10 or so years we might have polymagnets all around us. But that only depends on how we decide to use such technology.
Cool thing. For now I have no idea how to use it, but I know that someone may be used in engineering ideas.
Unknown said…
I think you misunderstood me. I wrote that we can make magnets which are safe for credit cards. A magnet which is near to credit card should have a field strength of less than 2000 Gauss. Anything more can damage the credit card permanently. Using polimagnets we can have both strong (greater than 2000 Gauss) and safe magnet by creating many weaker magnetic fields on a whole surface of the magnet.
Unknown said…
It has a huge potential indeed. When it comes to me, I came up with a puzzle using polimagnets. When I graduate I will build it for sure.
Unknown said…
Sure, the “spring” is used in a railway industry, but they work quite different by using electromagnets which needs power to work. The same effect we can achieve with polimagnets but without external source of energy.
Unknown said…
I also think polymagnets are perfect for toys creators.
Unknown said…
I totally agree with you. I’m looking forward to see products with this awesome technology.
I don't know much about physics and magnets, but I'd like to share a very interesting (and super cool) device that is magnet-based. It is called Rhei and it's a clock with ferrofluid display. I wish that it was in sale already, but they have only manufactured a prototype. Here you can watch a short presentation of Rhei and read more about it: Rhei - time flows.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I’ve already seen that clock. It looks great.
Attraction and repulsion in the same axis can be easily used in many machines. I'm even a bit surprised that there haven't been filed many patents using this technology already.
Marcin Konarski said…
Standard magnet has a north face on one side, and a south face on the other — creating a magnetic loop between the two. But what if you could put north and south on the same side of the magnet, and vary their position and size? It means you can control the magnetic field down to the magnetic pixel.

The applications for this technology are endless. Controllable, permanent magnetic fields of your own design? From locking magnetic latches, to shock absorbers, component coupling, positional control… this is going to be revolutionary in product design.
Unknown said…
WOW! That is incredible. I think this is really a game changer. I think it will find a use in many many many fields of engineering. LOVE IT

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