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Week 3 [4.04 - 10.04] Privacy for sale

Who wouldn’t like to be a star? Endless parties, luxurious events, award galas, huge mansion with a swimming pool… and countless people with cameras, capturing every moment of your life?

Paparazzo is a term derived from Federico Fellini’s film La Dolce Vita, where one of the main characters is an intrusive photographer named Paparazzo. Despite the lyrics of Lady Gaga’s popular hit, paparazzi is actually the plural form of the word.

Paparazzi are usually freelance photographers, collaborating with various tabloids, TV stations and gossip websites, which pay them huge sums for photos of celebrities; the more intimate and embarrasing the situation, the more money they earn.

Techniques used by paparazzi are similar to those of secret agents: spending hours in hotel lobbys, near club entrances, or celebrities’ houses, using telephoto lenses with polarizing filters to capture scenes from behind the windows, bribing, wiretaping…

Is it legal? In most cases, not quite so. In most European countries, it’s illegal to take photos of celebrities in private situations without their consent. The European Court of Human Rights states that privacy is one of basic human rights. This doesn’t stop paparazzi from doing their work - it’s far more profitable to commit the crime and pay the fine (usually covered by the magazine or the website that publishes the photo), then earn a multiple of the sum spent on damages.

What sums are we talking about? The most expensive paparazzi photo ever was that of a bald Britney Spears, which sold for $500,000.

However, paparazzi are not the only source of profitable celebrity photos - celebrities themselves are often willing to sell photos of their babies or their wedding photos. When Brangelina gave birth to twins, People magazine (in the US) and Hello! magazine (in the UK) paid a combined sum of $15m for exclusive photo rights!

However, some celebrities have found a way to bite off annoying paparazzi. Here’s a photo of Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield, who took a chance of being watched to turn the attention toward charities. The message goes:
We just found out that there were paparazzi outside the restaurant we were eating in. So… why not take this opportunity to bring attention to organizations that need and deserve it?
Have a great day!

Q: Would you like to be a paparazzo if you were offered a few thousand dollard per photo? Do you think the law concerning paparazzi and privacy should be more strict? Do you like looking at celebrities’ private photos?



Unknown said…
Great topic, Pat! Especially since we live in such an image-oriented culture. I admit, I sometimes look at celebrities' private photos & I cringe at myself whenever I do. I like to think that I do that to remind myself that they're human too, but is that really the case?

As you've mentioned, some celebrities sell their photos, or allow the photos to be taken of them in certain situations. Either way, they still may be staged to some extent, so the thousands paid for the 'truth' are basically thrown down the drain.
On the other hand, many films and books have shown us what it means to be always watched and judged. Real privacy is scarce these days, so maybe selling semi-staged photos on more or less your own terms is the closest to a win-win we can get... Somehow, I very much doubt that. Even if laws become stricter, people will find a way. We will always want more and as long as there are celebrities, there will be paparazzi. I'm inclined to believe the price for being constantly watched is too big to and but I always admire famous people who managed to keep their private life private.

But let me get back to what Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield did; it is absolutely awesome and shows that maybe something good can come out of the situation after all. Just look how many celebrities use their status to promote good cases, like JK Rowling among many others. Maybe, just maybe the good can outweigh the bad in the end.
Thank you! :) I agree with all you've said but for one thing: I wouldn't say 'as long as there are celebrities, there will be paparazzi' - I'd say that 'as long as there are people willing to view celebrities' private photos, there will be paparazzi' instead. Demand generates supply, and the paparazzi phenomenon will not disappear until people realize that their excitement toward viewing others' private photos causes violation of celebrities' privacy. :)
Well I don't understand at all people who 'works' this way. This is so pointless, waste of time and brings nothing good to this world. The sad fact is that there is need for celebrities news and that's why such people exists.

Personally I would not like to be a celebrity, however gaining 15 millions for photos of children doesn't seems so bad, because in fact what is wrong in that. Law definitely should be more strict, because it is unethical to show people in bad light and get money for it.

I don't enjoy watching private photos that were taken without their permission. But I like a lot what Emma Stone did, if you have any problem use is to make something good.
I've once read a story about Harry Potter star, Daniel Radcliffe, who was so done with paparazzi that whenever he went out he put on the same outfit to make all the photos look like they were taken on the same day.
Some celebrities like basking in the spotlights, looking for every opportunity to show up in some magazine, some would like their privacy to be respected. On one hand I don't think that paparazzo's work is... moral? but on the other that's quite some money they can make.
Unknown said…
I wouldn’t like to be a star :P Paparrazo is one of the worst and the most immoral proffesion. But I’m not sure that it is proffesion. I don’t know who are the people who are paparrazi. In my opinion they are cheecky, greedy, meddlesome, etc, etc. Of course it is illegal, but people who work in this way are totally immoral and inconsiderate. It might be another possibility, they might be desperate and they can need money. But I don’t think to be like that.
When I’m reading about “star” who sells photos of their baby I can say only one: People are stupid.
Great that some celebrity want to take this opportunity to bring attention to organizations that need an attention. They are exemplary.
Oh no, I don’t think so I would like to be a paparazzo regardless of the money. Oh yes, I think the law concerning paparazzi and privacy should be more strict.
I have never interested in celebrity life, so I totally don’t like looking at celebrities’ private photos
I haven't heard this story about Daniel Radcliffe, thanks for sharing it! What he did was surely witty, but I doubt many celebrities would like to dress the same way for the rest of their lives to avoid paparazzi! :)
I think that selling your children photos is, in fact, the lesser evil. If celebrities didn't sell those photos, some paparazzi will surely take the photos anyway - only without parent's consent. This way at least they have control over the photos.

Thank you for the comment :)
Like I stated under Cezary's comment, I think that selling your children photos is, in fact, the lesser evil. If celebrities didn't sell those photos, some paparazzi will surely take the photos anyway - only without parent's consent. This way at least they have control over the photos.

However, I agree entirely with the rest of your comment - I wouldn't like to be a paparazzo either and I have no respect towards their profession.
Unknown said…
In my opinion be a Paparrazi it's hard job and I never want to do that. It's terrible you must all the time walk for celebrities and wait for some scandal or that a star will come out to the store without make up :P Unfortunately, the whole celebrities world works on selling your privacy. I think Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield idea is great. because they use their famme in good way.
I think that selling other's privacy would be a far bigger problem for me than the difficulties of following them :)
Unknown said…
I have to admit that as a guilty pleasure I sometimes scroll through a gossip website. However to answer your last question I don't really "like" looking at celebrities' photos. I may enjoy reading some stories about them or know what they said but I really don't care about the photos. To be honest I can't imagine people past the age of 16-ish getting all worked up about an outfit that someone wore or whatever of that significance. I don't think anybody envies stars their lack of privacy and I'm sure they are often annoyed by paparazzi but there are a lot of celebrities who are able to keep their lives private.

Anyway I can kind of "get" the whole following your favorite actor or whoever. What I find to be flabbergasting is the idea of people like Kim Kardashian who live of selling their privacy and as it can be looked at as a smart business plan - she is very rich thanks to it, isn't she? And I don't condone it, it's good for her if that is what she wants to do. But I just can't grasp the whole concern and public interest? Do people really want to know every little detail of someone's private life? Furthermore most people who broadcast all their lives everywhere don't really have any worthwhile accomplishments. It's seems that this kind of lifestyle is really popular so there has to be a demand for it, right? Whyyy?
Unknown said…
I think the law concerning paparazzi and privacy should be more strict. Some famous people don’t want to show their private lifes (or specific moments in their life e.g. diseases). Paparazzi sometimes behave very inappropriately. They aren’t human in their profession. They live through human misery, which unfortunately sells. I don’t like looking at celebrities’ private photos because my life is interesting enough.
Unknown said…
Unfortunately for star and celebrities, the paparazzi are, among other unpleasant things, the opposite side of the coin. You can not be prosperous celebrity without attracting paparazzi. It is like that, because these are the rules of the business. You are getting paid because you make money, and you only make money if you are popular enough. And how to be popular and stay on top? I think celebrities should be thankful to the paparazzi invading their private lives.
Haha! The most I like the paparazzi on the water. Nice hiding place! To become a paparazzi you have to be ruthless man. Hard work for people without heart;)
Yes, the Kim Kardashian phenomenon is also very odd to me. However, the main difference is that she agrees to sell her privacy, while most of the celebrities don't.

I think that the most peculiar aspect of following your faveourite actor's / singer's personal life is that people who do this don't realise that they actually violate their idol's privacy. If I was a big fan of some celebrity, I'd certainly avoid viewing their leaked photos out of respect for them.
I totally don't agree. :) People should be famous because of their talents (acting, singing, playing some instrument, doesn't matter), not because of the drama they cause. There are many celebrities that don't cause any scandals and yet they are famous. No one should thank for violation of their rights :P
Unknown said…
In my humble opinion most of the paparazzi are just weak photographers who coudl not find any other way to earn money in bussiness. For me this kind of job would be humiliating. On the other hand, as our friend has mentioned in article, some of the shiny start dont need help in making their prive life public, so maybe they wouldnt mind being observed and harrased either.
I totally agree, I can't understand paparazzi nor people who view their photos. Thank you for the comment :)
I'm not sure that paparazzi lack photographic skills. To be honest, you have to be quite good at the technical aspect of photography to be able to take a picture in a dark place, from behind the window, from a great distance, etc. :)
Unknown said…
I dont think I would like to be a papparazzo, mainly because of its kind of like being peeping tom thats getting paid.

I do not follow celebrity news at all, I find it boring and irrelevant. Being a celebrity is a job, and it comes with good and bad perks, bad one is being constantly in the spotlight. So if people want to become celebs they have to realize it comes with a price.
I agree that celebrities should be aware that their lives will be watched by paparazzi, but I don't think they should accept that. If something violates people's rights, it should be fought against.
OlaScislewska said…
This days people love to compare to other people and thats the main problem in my opinion. We check pictures of celebrities just by curious and subconsciously we compare ourselves to them. It awakes artificial idea of the world especially among youth. We believe in thier "perfect on pictures" lifes and anxiety and failure grow in us. I know its just approximate issue not exactly on the topic but i found it important to say as another downring dangerous subject like this.
Wow, I didn't know that taking photos of celebrities in private situations is not legal! Speaking of making fun of paparazzis - I remember reading an interview with Daniel Radcliffe who said that he had been leaving a theatre where he was working everyday in the same outfit just to confuse the photographers. I am a private person and I wouldn't want anyone to hang around the places I visit just to get a bad photo of me. Sometimes I really feel compassionate for all the celebrities that suffer from paparazzis' attacks and I don't think they "deserve" it or that they should be prepared for it because this is a price you pay for being rich and famous.
That's very true, although I believe it's not the only reason why people view photos taken by paparazzi. Besides, I think that the phenomenon you mentioned does not concern leaked photos - because often they're... not very flattering, to say the least. People tend to get depressed when they see photoshopped, unrealistic images of 'perfect' stars, not leaked nudes.
Unknown said…
One of the reasons why I never wanted to be famous is the subject of your article. I must admit that if I had under my window paparazzi stalking me and my family I would not resistance to use physical force and certainly I will put in a claim in court. For me privaty life is very important and I also respect it to the other people. I astonish that the paparazzi do not have empathy for their victims and occupate people only for money.
Unknown said…
Answering the question asked in this article - I would never take a photo of someone to sell it. First of all I think it's rude and not fair to the photographed people. I definitely would make a poor paparazzo - you need to be fast, strong and clever...
As for the second question - sadly I do look up photos of famous people, so I feel partially responsible. Still, I just scroll stuff without really caring or thinking about it and wouldn't miss any of it if those photos would suddenly stop coming.
Even while a lot of those pictures are taken illegally, it's still profitable for the news agencies - the price they have to pay if someone sues them is still usually smaller than what they make with those pictures.
I would hate to be a paparazzo. First of all, I don't particularly enjoy taking photos in general. Second of all, I don't like bothering people and especially when my paycheck would depend on it.

I do think it's government's job to allow everyone to protect their privacy, but we all know how modern day governments (including ours) treat privacy of their citizens.

I don't care about celebrities, so I don't really enjoy looking at their photos.
Yes, Aleksandra also mentioned Daniel Radcliffe, I think he made a really witty move - although wearing the same clothes everyday is not what I'd like to do to avoid paparazzi if I were famous! :)
I think it's important to realise that as long as there are people willing to view celebrities private photos, there will be paparazzi. Demand generates supply, and the paparazzi phenomenon will not disappear until people realize that their excitement toward viewing others' private photos causes violation of celebrities' privacy. :) Therefore it's wise not to view leaked pictures - if no one would view them, no one would take them :)
I agree, thank you for the comment :)
I agree, thank you for the comment :)
Marcin Konarski said…
Some people believe that fame is all they need in life. They will be so rich, beautiful and amazing because of that they don’t care about their’s renown. The easier path they see to became famous is to make porn movie or uploading naked photos to the internet. And as we could observe many times it work - Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton and many many others.

I understand that some people who work as actors and singers and well known and attending some events, making photo shoots or having instagram is important for them to have relationship with their ‘clients’ who are willing to buy their’s CD, movies and so on. That’s part of their job, but that are not famous just because of nothing but because of great work they do and this is just part of their’s job.
Unknown said…
I never thought any of gossip magazines/websites and tabloid stuff was interesting to me. I kind of look at this stuff as a food for masses willing to float away from everyday life struggles going inside the world of affairs and "incredible events". Especially when it concerns private lives of saints of our age - the celebrities. I really don't get it personally and really don't need to, but I somehow accept the fact that this phenomenon exists.

Well I have no idea if I wanted to stick around in one place for 8hrs hoping if some famous person shows up and slips on the floor - it actually is kind of sad to me - making money on that kind of stuff. I get it - some people choose to do their living from it, but it is defenitely not my cup of tea

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