When we take into account how old the Universe is we have lived on earth for an nusually short period of time. Some of us will experience retirement and some of us will not, dying sooner because of a deadly disease or just due to being in the wrong place at a wrong time. One thing is clear. Regardless of who we are, our journey is going to end. Here are the main theistic models what is next:
is widely spread in e.g. Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism. According to this
belief, after death our
soul/consciousness populates another body. Events in our next life depend on good
and bad deeds in a current life. Reincarnation cycle ends when a soul achieves
its excellence. After that there is no need to be born again and our soul is
ready to merge with the creator again. Depending on different sects, there are
additional conditions concerning the migration of souls e.g. humans reincarnate
only to humans with the same sex only. According to a survey conducted in
1999-2002, 22% of respondents in Western
Europe believe in reincarnation.
and hell are common in Abrahamic religions – Christianity, Judaism and Islam. According
to this belief, after death we are placed in
heaven or hell. Depending on a religion the vision of hell and heaven is
different. In Romanian Catholicism you can go to heaven when your deeds are
good and you regret your sins. Heaven is a place where angels and the Trinity
live and you can live among them. Islam and especially Quran says that heaven
consists of wonderful gardens, where you can go when your deeds outweigh sins.
When it
comes to hell, both Christianity and Islam
describe it as a place with fire and
eternal punishment. In Christianity you can go to hell when you die with a
mortal sin. In Islam not believing in God, disobeying his laws or rejecting his
messengers cause a straight way to hell.
Purgatory is present in Catholicism and it’s an intermediate state
between hell and heaven. Souls in purgatory are placed when a person dies with
God’s grace but he or she is not entirely purified from sins. Therefore, souls
in purgatory suffer and stay in purgatory until they finish purification. After
that a soul is ready for heaven.
So, what do you think happens when we die? Is there anything or our
conscience disappears forever?
I believe in an afterlife because it is illogical to assume that we only exist to reproduce. Logic does not necessarily go hand-in-hand with Science, for many scientific theories are proven wrong over time. Science cannot answer any "why" questions unless it has to do with physical matter or physical needs, so it would be silly to turn to Science for the "big" questions like "Why are we here? What is our purpose? What happens after we die? The only human concept that logic can completely relate to would be mathematics. In mathematics, there is no 'end' number or 'beginning' number because there are an infinite amount of negative numbers before zero, and an infinite amount of positive numbers after zero. There is no end or beginning to mathematics because that would be illogical, wouldn't it? If you really think about it, the chemicals and hormones in our body are just mathematical equations. Every action we take will result in a reaction of some sort.
I don't believe in afterlife in any form. I know to some it may sound... sad? but that's what I think. We die, we have no consciousness, we just perish, cease to exist. To be honest it terrifies me, the whole concept of non-existence, and I've spent many sleepless night thinking about how much it sucks and I've had those thoughts even back when I was a good Catholic girl.
To think about it the Catholic idea of afterlife isn't that great at all. Maybe if it was only heaven or hell, where decent people go to heaven and bastards end up in hell, but the idea of purgatory makes it a little tricky.
Of course I said I don't believe in afterlife but I also know I might be wrong and I don't want to degrade anyone's opinion on that issue. We don't know what happens after death and we'll only find out when we pass away, so I guess all the stories about it are just a mechanism of coping with the concept, of accepting death.
And yes, science does in fact answer the question "what happens after we die". The answer is, your body gets decomposed, and, because body and mind are not separate things - the "mind" is a product of your brain's work - your mind ceases to exist as well. It does explain "why are we here" - the whole evolution process is the answer.
The fact that there is an infinite amount of positive numbers doesn't prove anything about afterlife. These two facts are separate. We might as well say that "if there's an infinite amount of numbers, it proves that I'm infinitely smart". These do not imply each other.
I recommend the book 'The God Delusion" by the evolutionist Richard Dawkins, where all these matter are discussed in logical, scientific way.
Quoting Wikipedia: "He also believed, contrary to Aristotle,[19] that death was not to be feared. When a man dies, he does not feel the pain of death because he no longer is and therefore feels nothing. Therefore, as Epicurus famously said, "death is nothing to us." When we exist, death is not; and when death exists, we are not. All sensation and consciousness ends with death and therefore in death there is neither pleasure nor pain. The fear of death arises from the belief that in death, there is awareness."
Regardless of the views – I think that everyone should find the perpous of his life. Because as William Barclay said “There are two great days in a person's life - the day we are born and the day we discover why."
I don't believe to the end in hell because it is an invention of the Middle Ages where the priests wanted to make money on indulgences of rich people by the their fear of hell.
And as some may expect, it's not a good idea to point in somebody's face saying 'your meaning of life is wrong', but it is what we're doing even simply stating sentences like 'I don't believe in god'. it means, that in your opinion there is no god. Otherwise why would you think, that some gods exists yet you were choosing to reject them?
Personally I believe that one day I will become some part of supercomputer and forever I will count bits going through this supercomputer's memory ;]
Here is an interesting video somewhat related to the subject:
There's also this belief that everyone is going wherever they feel like going (provided they do in the first place) or where they believe they deserve - this is something that makes the biggest sense to me, to each their own and be done with it, I can imagine this could work sort of like a dream.
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