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Week 7 (23-29.11) CrossFit

Have you ever heard about crossfit? I think that this is a very popular and extreme kind of
training these days so you can stumble across it.

CrossFit is a specific company that was founded by Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenai in 2000.
This training connects elements from high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, girevoysport, calisthenics, strongman and other sports. The historical gym is located in Santa Cruz, California. Greg Glassman used CrossFit to train policemen. Then it was also implemented to train marines, fire-fighters and American soldiers.

Doing CrossFit exercises is very intense. People work out without time for a break. During
this type of training, we practice at the same time weight lifting, agility athletics. It incredibly raises our aerobic capacity and anaerobic capacity. A daily workout can take from 5 to 30 minutes. It is based on a daily exercise program.  During training we use barbells, dumbbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, jump ropes, kettlebells, medicine balls, ploy boxes, rowers, and various mats.
CrossFiters have a specific slang. They call some things differently.
This is a „CrossFit Dictionary”
basic terms (I use also Polish translation)
Box - gym – siłownia
WOD - Workout of the day - trening dnia
PR -  Personal record  - osobisty rekord
Rx'd - As prescribed - WOD według zaleceń (bez żadnego skalowania)
Rep - Repetition - powtórzenie
Set - seria.
MetCon - Metabolic conditioning - ćwiczenia „cardio”
Run - bieganie
Row - wiosłowanie (ergometr wioślarski)
Jump Rope - skakanka
Double Unders - podwójne skoki na skakance
Gymnastics - ćwiczenia gimnastyczne
Air Squat - przysiad (bez obciążenia)
Back extension - prostowanie tułowia na ławce rzymskiej
Box Jumps - wskoki na podwyższenie
Burpees - 'padnij, powstań, podskocz'
Dips - pompki na poręczach (pompki szwedzkie)
Hand stand push up (HSPU) - pompki w staniu na rękach
Knees to elbows (KTE; K2E) - przenoszenie kolan do łokci w zwisie na drążku
Lunges - wykroki
Muscle ups (MU) - wspieranie ciągiem na kółkach gimnastycznych
Pull-ups (PU) - podciąganie na drążku
Push ups (PU) - pompki klasyczne
Rope Climb - wspinanie się po linie
Sit-ups - skłon tułowia w przód z leżenia do siadu ('brzuszki')
Toes to bar (TTB; T2B) - przenoszenie stóp do drążka w zwisie na drążku
Weightlifting - podnoszenie ciężarów
Bench Press (BP) - wyciskanie sztangi w leżeniu na ławce poziomej
Back squat (BS) - przysiad ze sztangą na barkach (za głową)
Clean (CLN) - zarzut na przysiad
Clean and jerk (C&J) - podrzut (dwubój olimpijski)
Deadlift (DL) - martwy ciąg
Front squat (FS) - przysiad ze sztangą na klatce piersiowej
Hang squat (HSQ) (clean or snatch) - zarzut lub rwanie na przysiad, pozycja startowa -
sztanga na wysokości kolan
Kettlebell (KB) Swings - wymachy 'Kettlem'
Medicine Ball Clean - zarzut piłką lekarską
Overhead squat (OHS) - przysiad ze sztangą nad głową (przysiad rwaniowy)
Power clean (PC) - zarzut na ćwierćprzysiad / półprzysiad
Shoulder press / Push Press / Push Jerk - wyciskanie sztangi sprzed glowy w pozycji stojącej
Power snatch (PSN) - rwanie na ćwierćprzysiad / półprzysiad
Sumo deadlift high pull (SDHP) - martwy ciąg sumo z unoszeniem sztangi do brody
Snatch (SN) - rwanie (dwubój olimpijski)
Thruster - przysiad ze sztangą na klatce piersiowej z wyciśnięciem sztangi nad głowę
Turkish get-up (TGU) - tureckie wstawanie
Also Polish crossfiters use English terms.

Crossfit is a very popular sport. There are a lot of boxes in Warsaw. For example: Barbell
ZONE, CrossFit GCW, CrossFit Genius, CrossFit Ursynów and many others.

CrossFit games is the competition that finds the fittest person in the world. 40 the strongest men and 40 the strongest women compete in Reebok CrossFit Games. It takes place at the StubHub Center in Carson, California. Winners of this competition may be called the fittest people (one man and one woman) on the Earth. This test is really fair because athletes can’t prepare to competition. They don’t know what they should do at this competition. “WOD” (worout of the day) is unknown. They just have to be ready for everything.
Exercises are really difficult and they exact huge efficiency from players.
Crossfit Game becomes more and more popular from year to year. People like watching it online. 
There is e.g. 

Do you like this kind of training? Have you ever exercised it? Or will you join the crossfiters



Unknown said…
I'll be frank - whenever I hear about crossfit I immediately roll my eyes and think of a sentence going over the internet "The first rule of crossfit is tell everyone on facebook that you do crossfit".
Working out in general is absolutely great but I don't get or LIKE the hype about crossfit at all. Also I've never seen anything special in crossfit.
If you do it then wonderful, congrats, but I don't really care about every detail of other people workouts, I don't like this "oversharing" (same thing with sharing your route on facebook via endomondo). What I mean is that we should work out for ourselves not for anyone else. So I'm perfectly fine with my dumbbells at home where no one needs to see me, thank you.
(No offence intended)
Unknown said…
Exacly! I dont like this hype too. This looks similar to pics names "what I eat today" or "What im doing now". Sometimes its good to show that Im in some special pleace, have fun with friends or show something fun. This is good if this is normal frequency but if someone will show/publish something every 10 minutes then this is bad.
I like to run, have some excersices everyday. This make my body better and I feel better after this. I dont show this to whole world becouse this is not important, I dont like this kind of peoples.
Unknown said…
From my perspective I like to do exercises. If someone need this kind of work then its fine. There are plenty of different exercises and Im not sure what some many hype is with this? If this is very intensive then propably there are pleny of injuries when doing this sport?
Unknown said…
I don’t know about cross fit a lot. However as it’s very popular if not most popular kind of training right now, I tried it once. It’s much harder than it looks (and I know it looks hard) – actually it was so hard that I haven't been on second training yet I believe that it’s a great way to gain shape quickly but also you need to put a lot of effort to it. I would recommend it to people who have trained any sport before and are used to hard training – as even in the basic groups you have to be prepared for the high rate of exercise.
I've heard about crossfit, but I've never done that - as I've already commented on all sports-related articles, I'm not really a sport type of person and I can only tolerate some types of exercises (saying "like" would already be too much). Even reading all those types of activities made me tired! ;)
Unknown said…

Of course I have heard about crossfit many times, but I have never heard about CrossFit slang :P . My cousin has his own gym, when crossfit trainings take place, but I have never took part in it. I think that I like this kind of training. It seems to be very comprehensive and requiring large force, but this tiredness- muscle-bound must be very positive. Some time ago I wanted to try to join the crosfitters group but I resigned. Maybe in the future I will have second try.
Unknown said…
haha of course everyone has a different way of spending free time. some people don’t like being sweaty or extremely tired after physical effort. I understand it perfectly. I know people who are gym freaks and people who prefer to develop mentally than physically. Of course everyone can also connect these two things but sometimes this connection is limited by time
Unknown said…
I agree with you. CrossFit is a very exhausting type of sport. I was training CrossFit 3 months. I can say that CrossFit very improves the efficiency and the look of the body. Fat extremely quickly transforms into a muscle. This is especially good for men
Unknown said…
I think that the level of exercise intensity is matched to the level of advancement of person who does it. In weight training very important is technique. Without it we can hurt ourself. For beginners exercises aren't complicated. The only thing that can shock is the number of repetitions.
Unknown said…
Thank you for a post :) I really like movies that you put here ;) and the whole concept is great ;) I see now that my gym trainings are crossfit-like. I have never been on a "proper" crossfit training but I would love to go one day :) to see how it works. I wonder if it differs from my everyday routine, I don't think that it's something completely different. Maybe I will try in one box you have mentioned in a presentation. Have you been to all of them? Which one do you recommend? I liked the movie, maybe I will visit this gocław box? Very spacious :)
Unknown said…
I think it is so because it creates a community. People meet in the same or similar group to workout together, what's awesome! And to be hones - this whole "fit trend" is one of the best thing that could have ever happened to us. I love trainings and I go regularly to the gym as far as I remember... And I see how the amount of people increases every year! That's fantastic to see old people being active as often as Youngers :)
And I think that you cannot compare training alone in home to the experience that gym/crossfit box gives :P We all have been there, we all have done that but in my opinion it is cool to overbear complexes and train together with other people :))

And all the 'sharing' thing is an extra motivation, I don't see anything bad in it. I am not a one who 'shares' stuff like that, but it gives me a motivational kick when I see that my friend just drove 100km on a bike ;)
Unknown said…
In my opinion CrossFit is the best kind of workout! It gives you the fastest results to build strength and endurance. In my opinion is better than fitness and women shouldn't be afraid of this kind of exercise, this isn't something just for men. I'm in love with kettlebells. I have one (12kg) at home. Soon I wanted to get kettlebells instructor course :) I also love barbell squats and deadlifts. For those who arn't advanced and they want to repair the condition also recommend podypump:
Maybe it can't bring it up as good results as CrossFit, but harder to have an injury and it is great fun.
Unknown said…
I have never tried CrossFit, I don't know if it's for me. Heretofore, my visits at the gym ended with type of exercises like stamina or strength. Who knows, maybe I may soon try.

Unknown said…
I have been only in Barbell Zone. There are small groups and coach has individual approach for everyone. I think that it is really important for beginners :) I know that in GCW box are big groups but maybe it makes great atmosphere. There are certainly a lot of exercise equipment that is good for quality of WOD
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Hah, I have the same feelings about this! It's great that people exercise, but do they really need to boast about every kilometer they finish? It's boring. ;)
Kit said…
But do it really works for woman? And not in this ridiculous "just do it" form, bur really. Because all the workouts are planned and measured mostly on men, so they may or may not be a total waste of time and energy for a woman. Or it could be even harmful. There is no woman in Navy Seals, because even in the best shape, female body is to fragile to sustain BUD/S training (and no matter how much willpower you have, you can't un-break your legs).

I personally don't do any sports. There is no hope in achieving any considerable success on this field for me.
Unknown said…
It's great way to stay motivated, when you work out in a group of people you know. It's important to stay focused and motivated during training.
Michal Kulesza said…
I've heard that CrossFit is most favourite activity of lawyers :)
I would like to try it someday but I'm not convinced - most of the exercises can be performed at home but when you do it at home it's not real crossfit - it's missing that 'box' part.
Unknown said…
Everybody heard about crossfit. Do you know what it is the easiest way to tell if somebody trains crossfit? He/she will tell you about that. From your article I learned a few interesting words. This dictionary part was really great.
Unknown said…
I heard about Crossfit before, but certainly it is not a kind of sport for me. I prefer something less extreme. Maybe something like yoga or jogging would fit me better. I'm afraid of heavy physical strains and I'm not a big fan of rivalry. I don't like to lift weights and do push-ups. And I don't want to have big muscles. But I know, that Crossfit is not only a sport - it is a philosophy of life for many people in the world. I heard that it is a great way to improve your shape in a short period of time. People often say that Crossfit gives them inner strength and increases their self-confidence. They always want to be better and better and I think this is a positive struggle.
Unknown said…
I haven't heard about crossfit in the past even tough i was taking part in some exercises in a gym. But right now after i twisted my ankle few times i can't workout as hard as i would like to. Crossfit look really interesting but right now i feel sad because i am not able to try this training. So i will get back to my coach and watch Harry Potter.
Julia Osiak said…
I wanted to try crossfit for a while now but never got around to actually doing it. I think it's a great way to exercise and it really works all of your muscles. It also builds up your mental strength because each person is challenged only by their own weaknesses and abilities. I never heard about those championships though. It's good to know that they exist, but just watching this one video was enough. They're not as entertaining to follow as some other sports.
If you want to do exercise like this. You need to be well-prepared before this kind of exercise. CrossFit could be very effective to keep fit and building muscles. But i will not recommend this one for people who never get trained before. If I had to make decision to go crossfit, i would choose gym personal trainer who can observe my training and coordinate during exercise. Every single person can benefit from working with a trainer. It’s safer for our body and health.
I personally wouldn't like to practice so intensively because I like calm and balanced type of training, anyway, I believe that there are a lot of people who would like to start such a kind of training in order to save some time and get some serious results. No matter what I'd rather stay with a saying that "nothing is for free" and being "too fast" might seek some balance and send us to graves "too fast" so keep calm and imply master mindsets ;)
Aleksander M said…
I haven't tried crossfit and I'm not a fan of usual gym training sessions.
I prefer doing sports and staying naturally active, I can't stay focused and committed enough without either this feeling of competition from various sport games or adrenaline rush that comes from extreme sports.

I find gym too boring I guess?
This kind of training from some time became very popular. I consider it as not suitable for everyone, because it is a heavy type of workout. It is suitable for more advanced people, but promoted as good for beginners. If anyone ever seen how it looks like, he knows that a person with a large overweight, without experience will not be able to perform these exercises and they will be dangerous for person’s life. There are many other types of activity, which are significantly better.

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