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Week 4 (26.10 - 01.11) Weird phobias

Spiders, snakes, darkness, heights… we all have something that makes us shiver. However, there are phobias not as common as claustrophobia or arachnophobia, with names so tongue-twisting it takes a good moment to pronounce them! Here are the ones I found the weirdest:

Triskaidekaphobia: fear of the number 13

We’ve all heard some superstitions about the number 13 (for example, Friday 13 being an unlucky day). However, there are some people who truly fear that number - they take great care to avoid using or doing anything related to it.

Talking about triskaidekaphobia, there is a related phobia widely spread across Eastern countries: tetraphobia, fear of the number 4. In Chinese, the word for four sounds quite similar to the word for death. This superstition is so common that sometimes buildings are missing the fourth floor…

Xanthophobia: fear of the colour yellow

The sun, daffodils, rubber ducks or Van Gogh’s paintings… all yellow things scare sufferers of xanthophobia. Some of them may even fear the word yellow! I wonder how those people manage to live a normal life - or do they lock themselves up in their non-yellow houses forever?

Turophobia: fear of cheese

I don’t know about you, but I just can’t imagine my life without cheese on my pizza or toast… However, there are people who can’t stand the mere thought about it. Some of them may fear one type of cheese, while others may fear cheese altogether.

Arachibutyrophobia: the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

Another food-related phobia that makes a peanut butter jelly sandwich a tool of horror instead of a tasty snack.

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: the fear of long words

Oh, the irony! Whoever invented this phobia’s name must be a monster. I’ve had troubles believing it’s an actual phobia and not just a joke. However - I found the sites with advice how to cure it, so maybe there’s a grain of truth in that?

If you want to learn more about phobias, you can find a list of (probably) all known phobias here: Maybe you’ll find even more interesting phobias than the ones I found :)

Once you memorize them, take a quiz on weird phobias here: 



All mentions phobias are totally weird. Being afraid of cheese? Seriously…

The fear of the number 13 is the most popular. I guess we all know it from our childhoods. I heard that in Japan there is no 13th floor and everywhere that avoid using this number. Even in Poland when happens 13th day of month and it is friday everyone seems to be so excited and waiting for something unusual to happen.

For the first time I hear about fear of the colour yellow and the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. The second one seems to be more rational since someone might have some unpleasant memories about eating peanut butter, but being afraid of the colour seems to be crazy.
From what I've read, most phobias can be related to some traumatic event or memory. For example, when you're a child and something bad happens to you in a yellow room, you automatically associate that color with something horrible. It rarely develops into a real phobia, but it sometimes does.
Unknown said…
It's a pretty interesting article. It's hard to imagine how people with such weird fears live their lives. I can't believe people have such severe irrational fears, isn't it a kind of mental illness? For example I just don't know how to comprehend a fear of a specific number. My mother is a very superstitious person but she can think rationally and isn't truly "afraid" of walking under the ladder or whatever. I never understood why people gave up to this "insanity" and didn't call the 13th floor or a plane seat by its name (just because the floor is called 14th instead of 13th doesn't change the fact that it actually is the 13th floor :P)

I looked at the phobia list. Most of them are normal human fears or things we dread like fear of pain/staying single/diseases etc. When does it stop being a fear and starts being a phobia and how many people actually suffer from those phobias? Here are a few that I found to be "interesting": fear of wind, fear of books, fear of chopsticks, fear of food or eating, fear of learning.

I also found a fear that I "have" - "Ligyrophobia" which is a fear of loud noises. I'm pretty sure that I react more to loud noises than other people but I just think of it as being more uncomfortable than fearful feeling. Supposedly there was a huge renovation in a building where I lived as an infant. And later on when I was a child I really dreaded drills and loud hand driers at restaurants (I even hid when my father had to drill a hole). A couple of years ago I noticed that I still react to noises (fireworks, loud bangs, children) more than others. Anyway I still wouldn't call it a "phobia".
Phobias are indeed mental disorders. Wikipedia defines phobia as "a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational".

There's a huge difference between a "normal" fear and a phobia. If you just feel uncomfortable in a specific situation, that's not a phobia yet. But if you tried to avoid specific thing or situation to a great extent and it would influence you life, it would be a phobia.

By the way, I'm also very sensitive to loud noises and I feel great discomfort when some sudden loud noise occurs unexpectedly. In my case, it's not a phobia either. When I was a child though, I remember I was afraid to change TV channels because of one event when some channel emmited a particularly loud advertisement that scared me so much I ran out of the room instead of turning the TV off. :)
Unknown said…
To be honest I've heard about most of the mentioned phobias, that what happens when you browse Wikipedia for hours...
Most of them are pretty ridiculous, right? I mean fear of cheese? How? Cheese is love, cheese is life. On the other hand the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth makes sense... somewhat... I love peanut butter and it's quite and unpleasant feeling when it sticks to the roof of my mouth. But calling it a phobia is a bit of an overstatement.
Also I'd like to confirm that tittle-tattle about tetraphobia and missing floors. A friend of mine who's been to Japan told me that there really were no 4th floors sometimes since similarily to Chinese words for 4 and death can sound pretty much the same.
That's good to know - I've never been to any eastern country, so I based this paragraph on the stories and photos from the internet :)
Unknown said…
Some of the strange phobia for me is Selenophobia. Selenophobia is the fear of the moon. Such a person instead of going for a romantic evening walk by moonlight he must hide in a house with curtains lowered so that no ray of the moon did not reached him.
I've heard about a bug phobia. Such a person is terribly scared of ANY kind of bugs in the world so whenever he / she sees a bug runs away in panic... Well, seems weird but I wouldn't like to be in one's skin :) Thank you for that article it's quite interesting. I would love to see a person with Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia saying his / her phobia :D I didn't know that there is something like phobia of cheese which must be really weird I can imagine somebody receiving a sandwich from somebody else and after checking what's inside throwing it into the other one with terrible panic on one's face. Oh man, that would be priceless!
Such a person would have a hard time convincing others he/she's not a werewolf :D
I think it's the worst if you're scared of something very common, like the bugs you've mentioned or a color like in the article. If you're scared of peanut butter, you just don't have to eat it - but bugs and colors are everywhere! It's hard for me to imagine everyday life of such people.
Unknown said…
According to Triskaidekaphobia - one day I dived into the history of friday 13th, and what I found out is quite interesting. The fear of number 13 is connected with Bible and history of Jesus and 12 Disciples. I don't remember well but it was said that there were 13 of them (with Jesus) and the 13th person was one that withdrawn and brought bad luck :P

You said that with the fear of 4 there are some things disappearing - I have heard it is quite simmilar with number 13 :D Especially in USA, they tend to skip this number very often.

According to fear of cheese - Turophobia - I wonder how this fear "works". Is it a fear of calories, a way they produce it, or is cheese just awful, disgusting for them? Really I just have no idea how it works haha :D

Actually all of those sounds to me like a joke, I wonder if they are true ^^
Unknown said…
I've heard about all mentioned phobias and yes they are weird!
The most popular is a fear of number 13...I love this number and Friday 13th is always lucky(black cats too :).
Fear of cheese and yellow color seem to be crazy.
And yeah this cool name of the fear of long words :D Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, after reading this word I think you will just hate long words :)
From what I've read, most phobias can be related to some traumatic event or memory. For example, when you're a child and something bad happens to you in a yellow room, you automatically associate that color with something horrible. Or, if your close relative died because of some allergy or choked on cheese, maybe it's when you develop such a phobia. :)
I guess it's a matter of approach :) For me, all the numbers are just as lucky (or unlucky), I'm not a superstitious person. However, I love black cats - because cats are generally awesome ^_^
Unknown said…
I think that every person has his strange behavior. That first website is interesting, I never thought that it's something like "cherophobia- fear of gaiety"! This pepople must be really sad... Now something about me, my biggest phobias are insectophobia and arachnophobia. Since I remember, I was always afraid of spiders and insects. In my opinion the worst phobia is Arachibutyrophobia, I love peanut butter so for me it's nightmare!
I agree that everyone's got some fear or strange behaviors, but fortunately, it rarely develops into a real phobia! :)
Unknown said…
Oh, that's a very nice explanation!
Unknown said…
After reading your article, I agree 100 percent with his title.
I feel sorry for people who are afraid of such things. How difficult it must be for them to explain to someone why, for instance: they can not eat pizza or why they panic when they have to read a longer word.
I wonder what percentage of humanity suffers from similar phobias?
Unknown said…
I have a little arachnophobia. It’s rather common and nothing special. It’s hard for me to understand how you can be scared of e.g. yellow colour, cheese or loosing mobile phone coverage. It can be terribly difficult to live with those kind of fears.
Unknown said…
Thank you for very interesting and for me - funny article. I heard only about fear of the number 13 and I think that it origins from superstition. I have never met person who feel fear of the colour yellow or fear of cheese. I imagine how much is creepy the combination two of this fears because cheese has usually the colour yellow :) To be honest, I don't believe a lot in real extist this absurd kind of phobias in human brains. Maybe someone doesen't like cheese becasue of unpleasant memorial e.g. from childhood but according to me phobia in this case is too big word. But in the other side I know how much can be susceptible the human mind and it is weird for me. I know the person who doesen't like clowns and she has got fear of the clowns which is called koulrophobia. To sum up, the most amused me from this list fear of phobias :) It's the best medicine for all phobias.
Unknown said…
The fear of cheese? What?! Are you serious? :D This is so unbelievable. I can't imagine my life without cheese and you're telling me there are people who are afraid of it. If that's true, then I pity them.

But jokes aside, it's a pretty interesting article. I've never heard of the fear of yellow (sounds ridiculous) or peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. The latter one is probably unpleasant, but I didn't expect people to make a separate phobia just for that. And the name for fear of long words is ironic indeed. To be honest, it would be really interesting to meet a person suffering from one of these phobias.
Unknown said…
Like 3000 years ago a spider killed my whole family in a cave. Since that time very generation was so afraid of spiders, that they are loosing consciousness. I guess 10 years ago i killed one of this monster creatures and i was cured. That's how i fixed my blood line from this fear. But telling directly i laugh a lot because of this sick people. Why should we be afraid of things that can't kill us. i don't understand this. maybe because i am health on mind...
Unknown said…
I haven’t known a person who has werid phobias. It is really crazy to be afraid of for example a kind of colour. I wonder what could cause such a unique, sometimes funny phobias. I understand that the life of this fear can be very difficult. I fortunately don’t have a phobia and I can sleep calmly. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I had no "adventure" for example spiders, etc.
I don't think it's propriate to laugh at people with any phobia, really. :) They may seem ridiculous to you, but these are real mental disorders - to those people their fears feel as real as your headaches seem to you. It's okay to laugh at ideas, but not at people with problems. :)
I don't know the percentage, but I suspect it must be very low - triskaidekaphobia and tetraphobia are most common of them. Feel free to google the numbers if you wish :)
I agree. Thank you for your comment. :)
Human brain can be really surprising - it makes some people hallucinate, sleepwalk, see ghosts and other wonders, so I believe it's not that weird that it can 'produce' a phobia of some kind. :)
I agree! :) Thank you for your comment. :)
Unknown said…
Ugh... I'm so glad that I don't have any phobia. Ok, I really don't like spiders but it's just because they ugly, I can touch them, I can kill 'em, I'm not panicked nor even afraid. When you tell me about turophobia... how can people live without cheese? No pizza, no parmigiano on pasta, no lasagne, caprese or mac'n'cheese. I just got scared of getting such phobia. Is there of phobia of phobias?
Oh, I've heard a lot about all these weird phobias. In my opinion most of them are just some stupid inventions or overstatements. One thing is not to like something (like cheese, yellow colour or peanut butter sticking to your palate) and the other is to be afraid of it. Both fear and aversion are frequently caused by some traumatic events but come on, let's not freak out over a dandellion. I feel sorry for these people and I can only imagine how hard it is for them. Think about having a similar sensation to the one you have when you lean over the edge of a cliff or a building, only much, much worse and related to something as common as for example bugs.
Unknown said…
People are afraid of strange things. Sometimes we don't realize that things which are normal for us, to others seem to be a big challenge. Most of the phobia described did not know but how to be afraid of the cheese or peanut butter ?! It sounds funny but for people who have those kind of problems it is not. I do not know why it is like this, but psychologists certainly know how to deal with it. People who have phobias should try to fight with them. It is surely difficult, but you cannot give up.
Julia Osiak said…
I feel so sorry for anyone with a strong phobia. I hate hate hate spiders and just thinking of them gives me the shivers, so some people say that this is a slight case of arachnophobia. It's not fun, especially in camping conditions. I'm glad that I do not have any other fears, especially the uncommon ones that you wrote about. They seem silly but everyday life must be so much harder for people suffering from those... You can't always avoid numbers...
Julia Osiak said…
I feel so sorry for anyone with a strong phobia. I hate hate hate spiders and just thinking of them gives me the shivers, so some people say that this is a slight case of arachnophobia. It's not fun, especially in camping conditions. I'm glad that I do not have any other fears, especially the uncommon ones that you wrote about. They seem silly but everyday life must be so much harder for people suffering from those... You can't always avoid numbers...
Today, we live in a society that is influence by phobias relating to health horror movies, cults and general miss conception of psychological illnesses. In my opinion is that 13 is my lucky number and I inversely relate to the popular superstitions presented in above article. Many people in the life overcome phobias which were developed in childhood times. I had no phobias because i don’t believes in a fantasy world of superstitions and magic.
Unknown said…
Having a phobia is terrible. Your own imagination is limiting you. I can understand the fear of reasonable reasons but seriously, how anyone can be affraid of cheese!? Personally, I have only fear of heights. I was trying to fight with that by visiting high places but it was too strong, I gave up on this struggle. What is ridiculous, my own girlfriend is terrified when she sees pigeon. The worst nightmare of her is the public place full of pigeons and people feeding them (she always looks like she wants to kill them all).
Unknown said…
I don't know any person who has a wired phobia presented in the article. Fear of cheese or the color sounds pretty funny. On the website is a whole bunch of weird phobias. The most interesting I've found are: fear of money, gold, hair, book, knowledge, school, work and many others. Fortunately, I don't have any of these phobias.
Michal Kulesza said…
I can't really believe that all these fobias are real. I think that they were 'invented' to get some funding to do research on this topic.

Because how can you explain it? For French people European Union classified slime as a fish - just to allow them to get money. I believe that so called 'doctors' could do the same thing - pay people to say that they're scared of number 13, to present their 'fobias' to investors and get funding to conduct researches. Well, every way to get your american dream is fine, well... almost every way :)
Unknown said…
I heard, that everyone has some kind of phobia.. Phobias as a disease for some might look very funny (how someone could be afraid of a honey??), but in fact its very serious and it might lead to serious mental problems (if left untreated migh lead to paranoia).
FYI there are also many weird phobias like Pogonophobia (fear the beard) or the most disturbing: phobophobia (fear against.. fear). If anyones interested:

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