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Week 4 (26.10 - 01.11) Steampunk

Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction, which origins can be traced in the nineteenth century scientific romances, gothic horrors and pulp fiction books. In the 1990s it was called ‘VSF’, or Victorian Science Fiction, and I think it’s what describes this genre really well; steampunk can be defined as ‘Victorian with a twist’.

Steampunk mixes the ideas from the nineteenth century – called ‘the age of steam’ – and adds modern, futuristic elements to it (that’s where punk in the word steampunk comes from). In steampunk books, you can find inventions like a Victorian lift to the moon, steam-powered cyborgs or an engine with artificial intelligence.

Steampunk as a genre started in literature; however, nowadays it can be found everywhere – in comic books, movies, video games, fashion, and even music.

These two screens come from the movies Wild Wild West from 1999 and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen from 2003. In both of them, we can find steam-powered machines, mad engineers, and mind-blowing inventions like a giant spider robot in the first picture or an upgraded limousine in the second one.

Steampunk fashion is also a wide field. It combines traditional, Victorian elements – like corsets and bustle skirts for woman, or monocles, long coats and top hats for men – and modern elements: short dresses, colorful hair, mechanical parts and gears.

If you’re more interested more in technology than in fashion, I have some good news for you – one of the main braches of modern steampunk is altering devices like computers, laptops, or pen-drives to make them look more retro futuristic. In my opinion, it’s a great way to mix art and technology.

Before I ask you what you think about this style, let me show you one more video – it’s a footage recorded at a café in Romania, where giant moving sculptures and mechanisms were built to change its interior into a steampunk heaven:




It seams to be interesting idea for computer games, at least the part of humans with some robotics parts. I understand the steampunk as kind of art that is used in games and art production. But people who treat the steampunk as lifestyle are not normal for me, the same all punks, metals and so on. I see presented clothes as good material for Halloween party but not for everyday use. In a first glance it reminded me a little bit of lady gaga and her music videos where she has crazy clothes and accessories.

There are dozens of artists who modify or create objects to achieve a steampunk aesthetic. Some of these projects have a practical purpose, while others are pieces of artwork or part of a costume. The designs merge the mundane with the exotic, and many steampunk artists have enthusiastic fans who will pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for one of their creations. I guess every trend have some followers.
Unknown said…
I think it's an interesting style. Here are a few links of steampunk computers that I've found. I'm not sure I would personally want to have one at home but it's original for sure.

I think that a game "Bioshock" has some steampunk elements, or am I wrong? Have you played the game (any of its parts)?
Kit said…
I'm quite certain people who treat is as a lifestyle still don't dress in corsets and brass goggles every day. There is plenty of practical clothing sustained in steampunk style (at least for a keen eye). Still this clothing is expensive and available almost only on the Internet, so they make lot of extra effort.
And if you're interested only in human augmentation, maybe cyberpunk genre is more suitable for you.
Yes, I have! :) And indeed, it does have some steampunk elements - especially the last game of the series, Bioshock: Infinite. By the way, the whole series is really good - the atmosphere, unusual aesthetics, and great plots - I'd recommend it to any gamer :)

As to steampunk computers, my dad enhanced my PC case for my birthday. Unfortunately, I don't have any good pictures of a finished piece, only this one from the process of making it:
I don't think it's okay to call any subculture "not normal" just because they like to dress differently than you. :)

Besides, Helena made a good point - even if you treat a specific genre as a lifestyle, doesn't mean you wear the most hardcore clothes every minute of your life. For example, one of the Steampunk designers, Kato, posts some of her everyday looks on her facebook page. Sometimes they consist of some steampunk elements, like leather boots or corsets, but sometimes they look pretty "normal". :)
Unknown said…
What I can say about steampunk is that it's most definitely pleasing to the eye, to mine at least.

I really like it in terms of fashion and games. When it comes to fashion I think it's rather impractical, but all these mechanisms, gears... if well combined they look amazing. Plus corsets! I'd love to have one, but they're too expensive for a piece
of clothing I'd use just a few times... well, that's a pity...

And games... I could go on and on about it. Some of my favourite games are at least partly steampunk-ish. For example Dishonored - the whole enviornment is based on victorian Britain and the main character uses awesome steampunk-inspired equipment. He's mask is very steampunk-y to me

Also Bioshock series, I've seen it mentioned before. I absolutely loved Infinity, so beautiful...

Another example could be Thief series. The newest one got rather medicore marks, but I had fun playing it and it looked really nice.

Oh, and the latest Assassin's Creed game, Syndicate, takes place in XIX century London. I wasn't so sure about it but from what I've seen so far on YouTube I think it might be quite alright. Definitely has that steampunk feel :)
Unknown said…
Wow this cafe is amazing, I would like to go to place like that. I think steampunk is really good combination of old and new style. I saw these two films You mentioned at the beginning of this presentation, they are often broadcast by TV. Steampunk is more popular year after year, we can be seen at fantastic conventions like Pyrkon. This is big meet sci-fi fans. You could read more on their website:

A lot of people coming there is dressing up in steampunk style. In my opinion making such an outfit is not easy, but looks cool.
I've also noticed that steampunk is getting more and more popular. In fact, there is even a TV show called "Steampunk'd" (although it's emmited in USA only).

And you're right, making steampunk outfits sure is time-consuming. This only makes me admire the designers more! :)
Thank you for suggestions! I haven't played Dishonored yet, but I may wanna try it after such a recommendation :)
Unknown said…
Steampunk outfits do not appeal to me but as interior designs or mix with technology already faster. If someone just wants to dress like that's his business but do not let persuades me to like this style. In many movies and video games, you can watch this style and I like very much admire the buildings or other tools made in this style.
Steampunk is actually really nice style. Some people are so fascinated about it that associate everything with this particular kind of subculture what is really great in my opinion! Doing a whole house in steampunk style could be so nice! Just imagine walking through a main doors being welcome by a mech surrounded by lightning bulbs and gears. Walking through the halls filled with mechanical figures and mechanism and styled in 1990s. What about a interior of a house looking all steampunk? That could be a interesting place for theater and music rehearsals!
Thank you for your comment :)
You can take a virtual tour in a steampunk house there: Maybe it's not as cool as the cafe I've posted in the article, but it's still very nice :)
Unknown said…
I am not a big fan of this style. It is quite interesting, but not really my style. I noticed, that there is this steampunk trend, especially in book industry - as you mentioned, but if I am not mistaken these are books for so called "young adults", not really my thing ;P
Unknown said…
Steampunk is very interesting for me and I really love this style. And this cafe!!! OMG it is super cool, really. I'd like to visit it! It is really important that it's interior is not overload by steampunk and everything is just like it should be.
Thank you for this interesting article.
There are many books in the genre, I guess there are some books for young adults as well (as in almost every genre, in fact). To be honest, I've never seen a steampunk book for young adults, but I have never been looking for them :)
You're welcome, I'm glad you liked it :)
Unknown said…
When I watched the movie The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen do not even realized how many items from style described by your we can find there.
I have not met so far any person who represents this style, but thanks to your article certainly will be easier for me to recognize it in the future :)
Unknown said…
I love steampunk, but only in sci-fi books and movies because they can show the “real” working machines. I’ve seen a lot of steampunked modern devices and in spite of looking great at first glance the awesomeness disappears really quickly.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Usually I have watched steampunk in movies. I don't have got a lot of knowledge about history and origins of this mainstream but cafe which is presented in this short movie is amazing. I would like to see this place on real. According to me steampunk is really good fun for people and interesting, extraordinary way to explore old times, alternative history of the 19th century's British Victorian era and acquire knowledge about modern, fanstastic technology. For example I suppose that it's more adoptive to kids. I read book of Jules Verne "Journey into the past" and I watched famous movie Back to the Future of Robert Zameckis which connected to steampunk. Relating to steampunk fashion I think that it's rather good costume for a theme party than daily outfit :)
Unknown said…
I've been into steampunk for some time, but my interest started to decline after the whole thing became a trend. Now I see it everywhere and unfortunately it's pretty much repeating the same tricks all the time. So you say you have a top hat? Slap some goggles on it! It's steampunk now! Your favorite Disney characters? Let them have goggles too! Add some tarnished looks and bronze hues for a good measure. Steampunk ta dah! And so on, and so on.

Don't get me wrong, I still like it, but only a part of it. Like vehicle designs, colors and technology in general. On the other hand, I'm pretty fed up with steampunk cosplayers even though I respect their work. I understand that making such costumes is very time-consuming, but... it's just boring for me. :)
Unknown said…
As far as i know steam punk i in a very close connection with ages of technical boom and usage of steam in engines. I personally like it. But for me it's just another Rokoko which can be followed with fashion and designing from all over the world. Maybe in the future i will create some robot in this style with fake steam engine just to look cool.
What i really wanted to do after reading this article was motivation to watch a movie :"Wild Wild West". I saw it like few times but still it's a great production.
I agree that it's not enough just to slam googles onto something to call it steampunk (have you seen the song 'Just glue some gears on it'?).

On the other hand, it's slowly transforming into some kind of elitarism, have you noticed? Every time someone posts something 'not good enough' there's a rush of comments like "DUUH, not steampunk at all!!!". I think these comments are more annoying than carelessly 'steampunked' thing. In my opinion, art and craft should be about encouragement, not endless patronising critiques.
Thank you for your comment :)
Every man to his taste! :)
I agree with the last sentence :) And I'd love to see that cafe as well!
I like it too, it's really relaxing to watch. As they say, 'old but gold' :)
Unknown said…
I'm into steampunk for more then a decade right now. My first contact with this genre or maybe even lifestyle was 2001 computer came called Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. Or maybe mentioned by you 1999 Wild Wild West. I'm not sure which one of this titles crossed my way earlier.

Anyways. I like the design and estetics of steampunk. This is why I do like to play steampunk games, being it board games (Warmachine) or computer games (aforementioned Arcanum, Dishonored) or watch steampunk movies or anime (Last Exile, Fullmetal Alchemist).

I noticed that you mentioned steampunk music but not provided any examples. You definitevly should checkout Abney Park. Maybe they're not the best but c'mon it's steampunk. ;)
Unknown said…
At first I would like to say that a’m not a big fun of science fiction in any gender. For me it’s seems strange and unfamiliar compared to the world in which we live. For me steampunk as a gender is fine in movies and games but wearing old fashion clothes with modern accents is something that totally do not appeal to me. However the steampunk as a style in machine designs and industry is quite interesting. Some of retro futuristic machines like computers and cars looks awesome.
Steampunk is a very interesting and stunning subculture. I didn't know much about it or its origins so thanks for your interesting presentation. In my opinion it looks really cool and impressive. If you want to buy some steampunk accessories I recommend - it is the best online store with handmade products, you can buy practically everything there and it is all very pretty.
Unknown said…
As a fan of science fiction, steampunk is very interesting for me. I saw the films mentioned in the article, however, I didn't know that it is separate genre and it is so popular. Personally for me the best in steampunk is combination of technology and art.
The video of Enigma cafe made the biggest impression on me. I love places that have their own unique atmosphere.
Julia Osiak said…
Steampunk is an interesting and inspiring genre. I appreciate its aesthetics and style, but it is not something that I would want to incorporate into my lifestyle. The amount of details combining the Victorian and modern worlds is incredible and makes every outfit or artwork truly unique. It especially enjoy it in movies. I haven't heard any steampunk music before, so I'm glad that Oskar posted the link in his comment. However, after watching it my views on this style stayed unchanged :)
This remains me of the film "back to the future" part 3 with Michael J.Fox. This trend of steampunk is not a recent development, but has been used by hollywood as earlier as 1990s. The age of steam engines was established in Britain as earlier as 19th century. When Britain was the workshop of the world due to steam inventions. Steam punk is a fusion of retro cult an a passing phase replaced by iphone and wi-fi technology and devices. I will remain and interesting topic for future generations and is associated with cinema trends.
Unknown said…
I don't really get the phenomenon of this style, it doesn't really appeal to me, but still I think it would be nice to visit this cafe, only because of my natural curiosity. I don't really like mixing style from different ages.
Michal Kulesza said…
I’m not really a fan of science-fiction but steampunk looks cool.
Do you know if there are any good steampunk computer games?
I really liked “Dishonored”, it’s not fully steampunk but really close to. Another example is Thief series - and this one really fullfils definiition of steampunk from your article - mix of Victorian era and futuristic, steam machines.. If you haven’t tried it yet, you definitely should!

I didn’t really know, that games I like are steampunk :) Thanks for your article!
Unknown said…
Many my friend are steampunk fans. Personally dont like it, looks ridiculous. it might look cool, but only as an addition to the deccor, not as a main design.

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