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Week 10 (8-14.12.14) I dont want to be a backpacker anymore

Those are my free thoughts and reflections about traveling, backpacking, and related topics, that have been stuck in my mind since I started my journey.

Eli, Eli

Edwin is a tourist guide in Manila. He shows his city to people who travel from different parts of the world. To be specific, his job is to show people the slum’s life. He takes western travelers, backpackers, photographers, journalists to slums where he used to live and where he grew up. People walk through poverty, through disabled, through extreme misery of humanity, taking photos, and saying to each other: “look, what a great shot I’ve made”. Of course after a great shot, a little poor kid gets his one dollar, or a cookie, and everybody is happy. A Western, photographer gets his perfect frame, a poor kid earns money for the rest of the week. The photographer will come back home and show his great pictures to his friends, and they will say: “You are so brave, you’ve been in slums” and he will say: ”Yes, that’s true. It wasn’t easy, but I did it.” Wojciech Tochman is a Polish reportage writer. A story of Edwin is a base in his last book. He is connected mainly with Wydawnictwo Czarne which published most of his books. His literature is not easy to read, but definitely worth any time spent doing it. There is no option that after reading this book, you will just put it on a shelf without any reflection. Tochman describes the history of the Philippines that he’s met. His histories are enriched with photographies of Grzegorz Wełnicki. They both reflect upon their job and the impact of journalism and traveling on local communities. Highly recommended

ELI ELI | 2013 from Jan Wąż on Vimeo.


-Have you already been in mountains ?
-No, we are high for 2 weeks without mountains, If you know what I mean.
-Yeah, I know, tomorrow we’re leaving for a trek, You can join us.
-Nope my Polish friend, tomorrow we are going home.

Every Israeli has a duty to go to army. Men and women. Very often this duty leaves marks on young people, especially that tension between Palestine and Israel is always high. It’s rather common practice that after serving in the army, young Israelis buy a ticket to India. They, head directly towards the Himalayas and lower mountains, because Himachal Pradesh is India’s most famous hashish region. Once I’ve asked randomly met Israeli why they are so massively traveling to India. He answered me that: tickets are cheap, hashish cheap, why not ? It's not that I have a bias towards Jews, its more about the Israeli society whose members you can meet all over India. They even call Manali their second Tel-Awiw. And what annoys me, is some kind of stereotypical travelling attitude. You go to India to get more spiritual(which's often being mistaken with drugs), you can't pass Bangkok without a tattoo, there is a cliche about each country. There is this moment when you look at the whole backpackers’ community and realise that you no longer travel to discover the unknown world, you travel to follow the scenario of thousands of travelers with lonely planet guidebooks. The last and the worst in this topic. When Western people with their money travel to, let's say south-east Asia which has been so popular recently, they don't want to meet the culture, they want to stay high and have a tattoo because it's most common picture of Thailand.

Backpacking routine

You come to a town. Obligatory on the roof of a bus or at least hitchhiking. You search for the cheapest hostel, if there are no rooms left (you never book ahead, backpackers don't book ahead, because they don't have plans, everything must be spontaneous) you sleep in a train’s station. Generally the more hardcore place the better, in the end we have to create memories. Next, a roundtrip through the most common highlights and in the evening time for a few beers, and something illegal. If you can get the death penalty for drugs, it's even better, your story after coming back will be more exciting to tell.
Backpacking started long time ago, but lets say that the 70s was a golden era for Asia. Many people inspired by the hippie lifestyle started to travel through the so called “hippie trail” (from Europe to India). And 40 years later we still want to be like our ancestors, just a little bit hippie, and with our iPhones, we decide to be like them. This is the point where true discovering is covered by just a different kind of all inclusive vacation, with a little bit of adventure. I recommend this article, as a good historical reference of where the backpacking originates from.
Hippies, Hashish and Banana Pancakes: The History of Backpacking

I’m aware that it may sound stereotypical, but of course those are generalised opinions. I’m just in the moment that I l have lost the desire to travel and I wanted to share those thoughts with you.

There are also more links for those who want to be more aware tourists.

1. How do you travel ? All Inclusive, self-organized or travel agencies ?
2. Do you agree with the fact that everything has been discovered ?
3. Why do you travel?



Unknown said…
I like traveling to places because I always meet different people, discover other cultures, fall in love with the city streets and I get so inspired. Actually, when I do not travel at all I feel a bit depressed, because every trip is a great and illuminating adventure. My beloved cities are Los Angeles and Amsterdam.
I travel in various ways. It depends where I go and what the purpose of my trip is. When I just want to relax in a good hotel near the swimming pool I let a travel agency organize it. But when I go to a big city like Berlin or Amsterdam, I organize everything myself. It is cheaper to buy tickets or book hotels. It is also better to choose restaurants on your own and not eating every day in the same hotel bar. I prefer to stay longer in a place, for example for 3 weeks, because then you can really get to know the city like a local resident.
Unknown said…
I am not a traveling fanatic but I have visited few places. I started as a kid with my parents.
Now I travel by myself. Always its self-organized trips. For sure you can call me backpacker.
Sometimes I also travel by hitchhiking but nowadays I am a little tired of this kind of traveling.
Not short distances but going from Vienna to Porto than to Madrit was a little exhausting.
Now I concentrate on visiting Asia. But I wasnt in India yet ;)
It depends how you look at it. Of course everything has been discovered but not by you or me.
I am trying to avoid places full of tourists. Yes I wish to travel around the world in 70 but there are places without crowds and crazy Japs. Maybe you should try New Zeland?
I travel because I love it. I hate to sit in one place for a long time. Its really nice when I can combine
work and travel.
Unknown said…
That's a very, very stereotypical image of backpacking. To me, I never plan where I'm going to stay, but I always stay at quality places, rent apartments wherever I go, etc. I just don't stay at expensive hotels, usually, because sometimes it also happens.

That said, I don't consider myself a true backpacker, but I know many, and it doesn't look that way. It's a great adventure, but it's also usually not related to illegal activities or risking your life severely.
Unknown said…
Of course. As I said, its my generalised opinion, but I'm sure that there are lots of exceptions
Unknown said…
I love travelling but I have to admit the older I am the more I understand why my mum used to say "when travelling I don't like to worsen the conditions I have at home":P Comfortable bed, working bathroom and nice food are crucial for me now:P
My favourite to way of travelling is by plane. One can get pretty fast somewhere far away;) Currently my favourite place to visit is Italy, what is yours?:)
Unknown said…
Dominika why Los Angeles is one of your favs? My sister visited and she wasn't so keen with this city. can you tell me your point of view? I'm pretty curious...
Unknown said…
1. How do you travel ? All Inclusive, self-organized or travel agencies ?
2. Do you agree with the fact that everything has been discovered ?
3. Why do you travel?

1. I don't travel a lot. Most usually my travel limits to around the city by a bus, tram and train. When travelling abroad, the most comfortable and the fastest form of travelling is by plane. When travelling a bigger distances, I do choose and recommend this form of transportation.

Regarding the form of the trip, I chose it to be rather random. I don't always go full inclusive, nor use travel agencies a lot either. Depending on where I want to go, what I want to do and see, I select appropriate options

2. It's a fact that everything has been discovered whatsoever.
3. To meet other people. To have fun. To do business. To relax.
PrzemekM said…
like others, traveling depend on destination. when I go to holiday, great if this all inclusive option where everything is fully organized
I don't agree that everything has been discovered. World is changing I this is why we can't say that everything is discovered now.
I travel because me and people are interesting in discover other cultures
1. How do you travel ? All Inclusive, self-organized or travel agencies ?
I still travel by train, always self organised. Since I started stydying on PJWSTK I was around 15 times on holidays in different parts of Poland.

2. Do you agree with the fact that everything has been discovered?

Surely not, there must be still some islands, caves, maybe old cities which have not been found yet.

3. Why do you travel?

Because I love to visit new places where I can feel like home.
Rafał Banach said…
Sometimes I travel but when I do... Its always self-organized journey. Simply because I can see what I want, I can stay where I want. I'm really adventures type of guy so this may help i long term gain new friends and experiencing new adventures.

I disagree with the thesis that everything has been discovered. Travelling always increases our horizons and point of viewing the world.
Unknown said…
Travel for me was really rare activity lately so whenever i was in new country i haven't been before, i tried to make it special. And by sepecial, it was self-organized, since i find it much more adventurous. I found it be remarkable and full of memorable moments instead of being pushed around by hand just to show things i already heard of. And that kind of travel doesn't have to be because of low budget, i believe even with lots of saved money it is still better to just buy a ticket, find some people with whom you can walk and discover on your own all marvellous places.

And just like it i can say that i don't believe everything was already discovered, there is some extreme places where ordinary traveler won't go, but some enthusiast would. For ordinary, like me, there is also a way for rediscovering if you just make it right.

Why do i travel? Why, because i love too. I like discovering new places, new people and of course, new food. I am not a person who is chained to one place, that is why i like to know more and see more. Lately i can't do it because of personal reasons, but when I'm done with it I'm looking to travel across continents, since i never done it. (Unless we count syberia)
Unknown said…
Mostly travel by myself, however, when it is impossible travel with the help of agencies. I don't think that all places were opened as there are a lot of things to discover (ocean, underground and etc). I like to travel mostly because I fill necesity to be in other places, to know other cultures, people and feel myself outside of my comfort zone.
I don't like travel agencies. In general, I organizing my trips. Then I'm responsible and independent. I'm not a hardcore toursist. I always sleep in the hotel/guesthouse with breakfast. I'm comfortable person. I relax the best in good conditions. Holidays are holidays, not torture. I admire people who discovering the unknown.
I am a lazy guy who like to be comfortable :P However I very much dislike all-inclusive organized trips, since I need to be free to do whatever I want and however I want on a vacation. Therefore I always travel self – organized, often with my car but also by train/bus/plane. I would never travel anywhere without a sure method of transportation and accommodation. Even if everything has been already discovered that dosen't mean I shouldn't go see it with my own eyes!
Michal Kulesza said…
Usually I travel by myself across the Poland, using travel agencies to travel abroad.

I don't agree with the fact that everything has been discovered. There is still wide area of cosmos to discover :)

I travel because... Well, I don't know. It is some kind of cool thing to do :) I would probably be able to not travel but when I can - I'm just doing it.
Unknown said…
1. How do you travel ? All Inclusive, self-organized or travel agencies ?
I definitely travel more as a tourist than a traveller, usually on trips organised by travel agencies.

2. Do you agree with the fact that everything has been discovered ?
I belive there's still a lot of undiscovered places. And obviously, there's a lot of interesting places not known for tourists.

3. Why do you travel?
Because it's a great opportunity to meet new cultures, see new places.
To be honest, I am far from being a backpacker. Usually, I stay at hotels or friend's house and most of the time I plan the whole trip by myself. I don't know why but I am not a big fan of sleeping in the tent or train station. The reason why I travel is often the need to change my environment. Visiting new places always improves my mood.
Unknown said…
I have not been to other countries for a long time. I used to travel with my parents and then every trip was organized. But now I like to go on my own, usually with very general plan. I am a sailor and I have been to Mazury many times and there is always a new place to discovered. I have my destiny but I do not know where I will sleep along the trip. And that is the beast about travelling with simple plan. You do not know what you are going to meet the next day. In my opinion, travelling equals adventure.
Unknown said…
Haha, my parents always says the same. "I don't understand, you go to holiday, to sleep with cockroaches"
Unknown said…
Maybe its true. We shoudl be discovering changing world...
Unknown said…
I also, love this feeling when, you are the only master of your time, during journey
Unknown said…
I've got a chance of discovering underwater world during diving, and I must admit, there's lot to see :)
Unknown said…
You, would never travel anywhere without a sure method of transportation, and there are people who would never travel witch sure method. Hichkihing can be addictive :)
Mateusz Frycie said…
To me travelling is all about enjoying the view, free time, metting new people, visiting interesting places. Whether you are on an all-inclusive trip or you organize something on your own, the result is more or less the same - you are trying to relax and forget about the stressful experiences and hectic everyday life. The manner of organizing holidays depends on what you really need and what your preferences at that particular moment are. I cannot agree that everyhing was discovered, because each and every day we discover things on our own and it doesn't matter that someone was already somewhere before us. What is important is that we are there for the very first time and the thing is new to us.
Unknown said…
Im pretty sure that next generation will be discovering cosmos ;p and there is going to be new group of cosmos backpackers
Unknown said…
I think that present travelling is much easier than it used to be. My mother told me some stories about her backpacking adventures back when she was studying. She went to France with a couple of girlfriends, they were hitchhiking (she met a lot of interesting people as she was the chattiest one and was always put on the front seat), working on some corn fields to pay for their trip, eating only stolen carrots and sleeping in the wild. This summer I went on a month long roadtrip in USA with having almost nothing planned and my pass to a more "civilized" trip was an american SIM card and an iPhone. I used it to book all the hotels, find best places to eat and basically everything we needed. In my opinion travelling nowadays is much more simple and if you want that oldschool type, you have to force it.
I always organise travels on my own, going on trips with travel agencies is a waste of time. I hate sunbathing and laying flat on a beach, I prefer more active way of spending time during vacations. I love to combine sightseeing and photography.
Well, I don't care if someone before me had seen the view that I saw. What matters is that breathtaking feeling of seing something incredible. And you can discover everything again just by seing it from a different perspective.
There are two things that I would like to share with you:
1. There is a book I have recently stumbled across, it is called "Paragon z podróży" and it contains a lot of information on how to travel cheaply.
2. Have you seen this Greenpeace action which destroyed the historical site in Peru? Here is a link:
Unknown said…
I agree, sometime changing place helps people to free their minds. For me, being in completly new place is so absorbing that I automaticly forgot about any problems
Unknown said…
Yes, I've got the feeling that now, people wants to be more like people used to be back in the days, then using what can we get now.
Unknown said…
I travel all inclusive or self organized. I love traveling and get to know foreign culture. I think about people, art, regional cuisine. Through traveling we broaden horizons. We can learn other languages with people that use usually this language.
When I go on holidays I want to have beautiful and comfortable accommodation because one of my travel goal except for sightsee is relax. I will visit all capitals and real exoticism, especially exotic beach
MartaSB said…
I really like to travel. I started when I was 5yo, with my parents, and now I continue the adventure. There are lots of beautiful places in the world, it's nice to go and see some of them with my own eyes :)
rf. said…
Mostly I travel on my own, sometimes i buy a round-trip or an all-inclusive. I travel, because i crave for new experiences and love expanding my horizons. While traveling I'm not discovering new lands. I'm discovering myself, other people, other cultures. Traveling is exciting and really everyone should give it a try. Though I'd say that the mentioned in the article backpacking sound a bit too hippie-irresponsible to me. :)

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