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Week 10 (8-14.12.14) Should parents be able to choose their children's gender?

The future is closer than you think. Modifying humans genetically has been debated by scientists all over the world and it's a very hot ethical issue.  Working on genes either to create a superior kind of people or simply to choose one visual trait over the other still raises a lot of questions.

In the 90's about 30 healthy babies were born with a genetic material from three people and they will pass on their "mutation" to the next generations. These children were born to women who had problems conceiving. Extra genes from a female donor had been inserted into their eggs before they were fertilized to help the mothers to conceive. Nowadays in some countries there already is a way to choose the gender of a child (called preimplantation genetic diagnosis) which involves implanting only male or female embryos. But of course some people have a problem with not using all the embryos created. So there is a new technique that is also getting more popular which uses "sperm-sifting" to separate y and double x chromosomes.  Very soon we might even be able to control the genetic code of our children. As usual it comes with both pros and cons. 
Let' s start with an advantage. First of all and most importantly we could be able to remove a possibility of any future or genetic diseases. Some parents are carriers of sex-specific diseases (for example color blindness or haemophilia) and many families have predispositions towards certain conditions that are more likely to appear in one gender. Maybe someday we will be able to get rid of every faulty gene that would cause a serious illness in future life. Instead of fighting diseases we would enhance ourselves. 

In some cultures it's still very important to have a child of a particular gender, which unfortunately leads to selective abortions. On the one hand we could prevent those so people wouldn't abort or leave so many unwanted children (girls in India or China). On the other hand it could cause even greater gender imbalance than now.

People should have freedom of choice. If their decision isn't harmful to others, why shouldn't they be able to decide what their family will look like. When a family have a large number of boys or girls, why should they be deprived of the opportunity to have a child of a different gender if the technology exists? On the flipside some people say that one of the core principals of parenthood is unconditional love for children even when they are not exactly what parents expected. A child shouldn't be a product that you can choose in a store but every parent wants what's best for their kid in life- for it to be healthy, intelligent, or even good looking. I can imagine people rejecting their own children when they don't get exactly what they wanted.

If we go a step further and we would be able to change children's look, level of intelligence, future predispositions, where would you draw a line? If we allow parents to choose gender, some will want to choose the eye or hair color. It would also encourage people to make their kids "perfect" and only create the ones that fit into modern beauty standards. The movie "Gattaca" (if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it) shows a future society that is divided into genetically perfect people and those who are born naturally and are faulty because of their diseases and genetic predispositions. If only rich people could afford genetic tests or gender selection technologies, people could really become divided into classes based on their genetic code. Imagine an employer who would much rather hire someone much less likely to get sick thanks to better genetics.


So what do you think?
What do you think about in vitro? Do you think everybody should be able to use it or should it be restricted only to the people who are reproductively challenged?
Do you think people should be able to choose their child's gender?
Do you think that in the future people will be able to make such decisions?
Would you like to choose your child's gender or what it would look like?


Unknown said…
This is one of those things "what's better for the society vs what's better for me". Obviously genetic modification to make us less likely to get sick would be awesome for humanity, but it wouldn't be "fair", right?

Choosing gender would only make sense if it was regulated, to make it balanced.
Unknown said…
Why do you think it wouldn't be fair? Let's say that everybody would have access to this technique, what then? I think the problem might be that population would grow to big because of lack of diseases and extension of life span but maybe it's only natural that we use our brains to make our life safer/longer/better and make our species survive longer.
Unknown said…
Choosing children's gender sounds a little creepy to me. I cannot stop thinking
about it, as a process similar to going to pet store and choosing a puppy you
like the most. It does't sound like a parenthood at all.
Like you wrote, it could be a beginning to "Gattaca" scenario. Children would
come to the world with a great future planned for themselves, while others (like
main character) could achieve something only by hiding real identity.
Rafał Banach said…
I agree with Filip. Choosing our children's gender is creepy as hell. In longer term this may only hurt those kids because they born like they should be and no one have right to change that in any case - even they crazy parents. I would forbid such rights. Seriously what is wrong with our society? Or, what is wrong with me that I can't accept that?

In Vitro is fine, this technique helped people around the world have kids. This is one of the best modern medicine treatments ever invented.
Unknown said…
I think that most people would find this idea a little creepy, especially because these methods are available today and people are already using them all over the world. However I guess there are instances where I would find it kind of understandable. I personally know a couple with five kids, all of them boys and I know that the last time they really wanted a girl and of course they love all their kids but I understand why they would also like to have a girl.

I really like this movie :) I really "liked" the idea of DNA checking office where girls went to see if a guy would be a genetically good parent and what diseases he could pass on to their future children.
Unknown said…
If parents would change their child's look it could have some weird consequences but choosing gender as far as I know (the methods already in use) only require to get the right embryo/sperm so it doesn't change anything in a child itself (although I agree the idea is kind of creepy).

I personally think that the in vitro method is great and that people should be able to use it to become parents but what would you say to people who oppose this technique and are enraged that not all the embryos are being used?
PrzemekM said…
Choosing children's gender is sick. Children born with some gender. For me there is nothing to discuss.
In vitro for me is great. many people have problem to have children, why to obstruct them in lives?
I will never choose my children's gender
Unknown said…
I just had a though that it would be kind of interesting is parents would choose the gender and really wanted a girl or a boy and the child would later on would realize that they are transsexual and would like to change sex ;)

Why do you think so many people are opposed to in vitro?
I think what Simon had in mind was the fact this kind of genetic enhancement probably would be only available for the rich people. Therefore, the rest of society would still have all kinds of genetic defects and probably would live shorter. Simply, the situation would be like in the movie "In Time", where the rich and powerful people were practically immortal.
Unlike the most commentators in here , I am not against choosing children's gender or any genetic modifications. I mean, if parents wanted to do it then they should have a possibility. Sometimes people who want to have a child know about their genetic defect and they do not want to pass it on to their offspring. It could a terminal disease or another kind of defect which could be a significant handicap in everyday life.
Unknown said…
As much as it is marvellous, it is scary. I always been naturalist and believe that old ways will withstand time. Would i choose my child gender if i knew that there is some disease with which it could be affected? That's still hard for me to think now. First i need to have such child and i guess it would be left for the last moment.
Also, im not fun of swapping genders, most people are born with things they doesn't like, when i was teenager there was plenty of things i dislike about me, but i found strength to live with this complexes until it was part of me and i was fine with it. I'm not even begin with how crazy are trip-genders or just multi-genders. Future indeed comes with many scary and tough choices for humanity.
On the other hand, i believe that in vitro isn't as bad as people say. It's still better than unwanted pregnancy (the rate of people who chooses to keep family for the sake of a child is still low). But there is still many orphans that people should look and adopted if they can. But there is other problems like current americanisation of our lifestyle, where family are no longer nr 1, instead it is work, work, work, work, work.
Yet again this is really though topic to discuss, personally i want to have a child in a future and prefer it to grow naturally, and that would be my best interest as a parent to keep it healthy and safe, even if my child will have some crazy decision at it youth, i wouldn't hesitate to deny him.
Unknown said…
That's why I asked if he would have something against genetic modification when everybody would have access :) I remember that movie, the concept was quiet cool.
Unknown said…
And if you are planning on having children in the future, is there a gender which you would prefer?
Unknown said…
And I'm happy to see a different point of view here :) I think that the whole idea of genetic modification is kind of creepy and most people are just not mature enough to decide about different features of their kids (based on what some people do to themselves with strange plastic surgeries etc. I don't mind because they are adults but there should be some regulations what can be "done" to unaware child). But I don't mind people choosing child's gender and I think we should really keep looking into getting rid of genes that cause diseases. I agree that people should have a choice and in fact that's why I'm not against in vitro or abortion.
Unknown said…
First of all there are about 7 billion people on the planet so I think that's kind of good that people are focusing more on other things than breeding ;) Having a family is great but if people'll keep reproducing without any thought we could ran out of recourses or living space in the next 100 years. People are living longer and healthier lives so it's only rational to have a one or two children instead of five and making sure that all of them get the right education and upbringing.

I don't think that people who change gender as an consenting adults are harming anyone. It influences them and it's only their decision to make. You can only go through a sex change as an adult and after years of taking hormones and living as your chosen sex (For about 2 years in USA, and only than you get to change your documents and have an operation). Living in the "wrong body" cannot be compared to complexes of teenagers.That's true that most people feel bad about one or another part of their body but only a few percent would go through a painful operation to change that (In the age of plastic surgery it's not that hard or that expensive to get a surgery) because most of us grow to get used to or even like our flaws. I still feel that it's totally different with gender it's not only physical but also psychological. I just can imagine how I would feel in a different body (sex wise) and how terrible it would be, so I pity every person who had the misfortune of being born in the wrong body and I hope that they will be able to get the operation they want, if they want one.

So the question for you is. Seeing that you are planning on to have a family in the future :) Is there a number of kids that you would like to have and is there a gender that you would prefer? :)
Unknown said…
I think it is a bad decision to choose gender of your baby, at least it is removes any kind of riddle. That should be done only in case if you have some dangerous gene that could really harm your baby, but in all other circumstances I think it is unnecessary. Of course if you are crazy about ideal child, then it will be the right way, but as for me such experiments are ending in bad way. If you can programm the child than one day some guy could come up with idea of ideal man or race or something like that, and we all know the guy who was thinking about ideal race like 80 years before and we all know what actions he considered right to put this race in dominative position in the world. It could sound as a crazy thing, but who knows? There are a lot of crazy people around.
Unknown said…
There is simple answer to your question. I have no idea. I don't prefer any gender over other one. I do want to have 2 kids because i don't have any brother and sister, but i always wanted one. So i guess my kid will thinks the same. After all, they are going to be my children and i will love em no matter what.
Unknown said…
I think that most people are just not mature enough to decide about different features of their kids. Based on what some people do to themselves with strange plastic surgeries etc. or even because of those stupid tv shows about children in pageants and what parents do to them to make their kids win. However I still think we should really keep looking into getting rid of genes that cause diseases.
Unknown said…
Having a sister or a brother is nice :)
Honestly „programming” the gender of the child sound scary to me. Although this thing might not seem so harmful I fear that allowing such treatments may lead to more and more genetic modification, ultimately taking away the humanity from childbirth. I wouldn't be against curing diseases this way, but deciding how the child will be, pre – choosing it's characteristic sounds bad.
Unknown said…
As far as I know choosing gender (the methods already in use) only require to get the right embryo/sperm so it doesn't change anything in the child itself.

But I agree with your concerns. That's why I wrote so much about Gattaca scenarios and about modifying looks because I believe it could come to that and people might not be ready to make such decisions.
Michal Kulesza said…
In my opinion in-vitro should be available to all people and it should be the only way of birth-control.

People should not be allowed to choose their child's gender and it should be prohibited in the future.

Would you love your kind more if it would be the dream one? I believe it could lead to similar situations where people are forced to, for example, play piano, because their parents want them to do it.
Unknown said…
I believe that the method in which the doctor only chooses embryos of one gender is already prohibited in the United Kingdom.

If it would come to choosing kids looks or certain traits there would have to be some kind of strict regulation because people just aren't ready to make this kind of decisions. And I'm not sure they should choose for a child that doesn't have a say in the matter, that's one of the reasons I'm strongly against circumcision. Adults can do what they like (to themselves) but kids can't consent to this and their life path/looks shouldn't be chosen by somebody else. But as I said earlier I don't mind people wanting to have a girl or a boy and making that kind of choice.
It's not like I prefer one gender over another but I think that first child should be a boy.
Unknown said…
I see nothing wrong in in-vitro beeing avaliable to all people. Also I have no problem with people being able to decide about child's gender. If it would be possible to remove genetic faults causing diseases, I think it would be good to have such a possibility. But I do have some concerns about the idea of "programming" a kid. I think there should be some regulations deciding which genetic modifications are, let's say "ethical" (I know, its a very culture-related thing).
Unknown said…
I think that people shouldn't intervene in the human birth. This is part of being pregnant that couple has a kind of surprise - boy or girl. Some people want to have only boy or only girl. I think they are not ready to be parents. Child isn't thing that we can choose in shop. or want to have a child or not. The most important thing should be for us health our baby, not gender. Scientists should do research about ensuring the health of the newborn. In my opinion exception in human birth is when woman is barren and can't give birth.then medical should help a woman
Unknown said…
I completely agree with you :)
Unknown said…
I think that there is nothing wrong in wanting to have specifically a daughter or a son but parents should be prepared to love a child of any gender and don't mind if they get the "other"one ;). No method is always 100% effective and even if there was one the child could be transsexual (I know that it's not likely but it's a possibility). :)

I personally know a couple with five kids, all of them boys and I know that the last time they really wanted a girl and of course they love all their kids but I understand why they would also like to have a girl.
Unknown said…
Everything what can help eliminating disease is good. But unfortunately changing human genes can lead to new problems and disease. I think that parents should have a choice but the question is if they will use it. In my opinion most people would want to do this kind of stuff traditionally. They want that surprise.
Unknown said…
heheh you are a "true man" ;)
Unknown said…
I wonder if it would speed up evolution so in few generations there would be super humans. Or rather people would mess up with some gene so accidentaly all population would be voulnarable to some disease which will lead to human extinction. Or government would use powers like that to engineere humble citizens...
It's a great science fiction topic. Now I want to watch this Gattaca movie :D
Mateusz Frycie said…
In vitro is a method used by people who have problems with conceiving a child naturally. And it should stay like this. Nature is smarter than we think. In the egg run it is always the strongest, quickest and healthiest spermatozoon that wins the race. It is the one with the best genetic material. And so we are the best possible mixture of our parents' genes. Choosing your child's gender is wrong, against the nature and God's will. Nevertheless, the world is changing and I cannot tell someone to live in accordance with my beliefs and my rules. I can only hope that people will come to their senses and won't play with nature, as in the end nature will outplay them anyway.
Unknown said…
I'm sure that most people want a surprise or just don't plan having a child that carefully. Most couples won't go to the doctor and sort out which gender they want but they'll just try to get pregnant naturally. Only people who would use in vitro or would really like to get a child of a specific sex would go to the in vitro/sperm doctor and plan it first. And let's be honest a lot of pregnancies are unexpected (which doesn't have to mean that they are unwanted) ;)
rf. said…
Choosing a gender for your children sounds a bit like 'seksmisja' to me. Imagine women taking control of the world (tee-hee). Anyways, it's not a question of 'are we for or against', 'cause technology is developed and if there will be the possibility, there will be people willing to pay for it. We are already live in a vague moral standards reality, adding new dilemmas to the mix every now and then. If i had some genetic-carried disease and wanted to have children, I would gladly accept the gifts of medicine if experience proved it to be successful and safe. We're skeptic to new things, and some day new things may perish the human race from the Earth (like some deadly, unstoppable virus), but at some point automobile was new, and people were calling it a Devil's invention.
Unknown said…
Oh yea I think the same way. I'm always thinking of some science fiction scenarios for the future and I agree that this topic is a good one for those kinds of contemplations. Gattaca is a really great movie! :)
Julia Osiak said…
This is scary but at the same time quite fascinating. Leaving moral aspect on the side for a minute, I have to admit that the level of science and technology and our knowledge of the human body is astonishing. There are so many possibilities and areas where this knowledge can be used to help people. Going back to the main topic, for me personally, the idea of choosing a child's gender makes me uncomfortable, and it isn't something that I would do. Same goes for most of other modifications, with the exception of diseases.
MartaSB said…
In my opinion in vitro in Poland (and any other country) should be available with no restrictions.

As for the idea of choosing the child's gender - the world does not end on US or Poland where it is just a flight of fancy. The first thing that comes to my mind is India where child gender control would be some good alternative for sex-selective abortions (massive number).
Unknown said…
Techniques already in use (from what I've read) are pretty safe and not that difficult because a doctor just have to put the right sperm into the egg or the right embryo into the uterus. So it's basically "enhanced" in vitro ;) But of course they're not a 100% effective. There will be many concerns about those methods for a long time. But I hope people will keep working on genes to try to get rid of diseases.

I haven't seen seksmisja in ages ;)
Unknown said…
Thanks for your opinion
Unknown said…
Recently I have read a book where this man designed a virus that would make random people infertile (more than half of people, if I remember correctly) and it was his method of postponing the overpopulation of Earth. After analyzing this crazy idea I've decided that it wouldn't be bad after all. And the other plus side of this would be the appreciation of children. We have heard so much about child abuse, murdering babies or some other horrible stuff. But on the other side - have you seen the movie "Children of Men"? It is a vision of a world in which people are unable to reproduce, the youngest person is 18 years old and then there comes a pregnant lady and she has to be kept as a secret. We have to figure a method of balancing everything.
Unknown said…
I love to hear about technology, science and different discoveries that people are making. I hope that we will be able to achieve much more in the future, cure different diseases and develop great technologies :)
Unknown said…
I hope one they it will be widely available.

Gender control in India (or China for that matter) would be a good alternative for sex-selective abortions but from what I've read there already is a massive inequality in gender (914 girls for every 1000 boys).
Unknown said…
First of all, I don't want to have kids.
I'm kidding, I'm just, to young for being dad. It's interesting topic, I have never thought about that people can choose their child gender. At some point it sound radiculus, because, only God, or whatever You believe, should choose gender of creature, but on the other hand.... Generally women, are those with maternal instinct, and women convince their parteners to have kids. So in some compleatly hipotetic situation there will be only ladies on the earth because all girls wants to have daughter !
Unknown said…
I really loved the movie Children of Men!
MartaSB said…
I agree with you Krzysiek. There should be some ethical standards for deciding what should and shouldn't be available.
Unknown said…
I don't think that all women want to have daughters ;) Anyway it's too late to answer, but thank you for your comment.
rf. said…
Oh, the classic :)

Anyways, we'll see what the future brings. I'm rather optimistic :)
Unknown said…
As weird it may sound, i wanted little sister at some point, so I can be big brother to her.
Unknown said…
For sure in vitro is great opportunity for people who are reproductively challenged like you said but in my opinion it should be limited for this people only. Choosing child’s gender is a bit extreme for me and I hope it will never happen.
I think the decision about the gender or any other quality of a child should belong to a parent. Its all about who likes what and feels more love to I guess. Also I think genetic manipulation is a good way of making sure that child will be healthy. Maybe it would lead to more healthy society and less genetic diereses that cause a lot of problems for children and the parents.

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